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Works Cited

Vocabulary Source-n. Cite-v. Intellectual property-n.


works-n./pl. works cited-n. format-n./v

Objectives -Learn how to give credit to others intellectual property in an organized way. -Use examples to help you. -Practice

The goal is to be able to cite various sources of media that may be used in a paper or presentation by someone who is not the original creator. The task is to practice organizing the information included in a cited source properly. Practice examples will include citing quotes or information from written works (books, magazines, newspapers), images of artwork (paintings, drawings, photos), music (songs/albums) and what to do if the information comes from the internet.

Web Sites for Works Cited. There are so many resources to help you cite sources! (Modern Language Association (Explanation of MLA style format (online Works Cited maker)

Inform yourself 1. Go to 2. What does MLA stand for? Modern language Assotiation 3. Now go to 4. What does OWL stand for and which University hosts the website? Online writing lab (purdue)

In the ribbon at the top, click on Research and Citation, then on left side tabs, click on MLA Style, then click on MLA Overview and Work shop, then scroll down to Works Cited Page: Basic Format and click on that. Read through the document and answer the questions below. 5. Where should the works cited page be in a research or presentation? On a separate page on the end of your paper 6. How should you list authors names in a works cited? Last name then middle then first.

7. How do you know which sources to include in a works cited? Who put up the information 8. What information should be included in a cited entry? Author website or book or whatever they were working on 9. How do you know when to use italics for a title or quotations when citing a source? When you directly copy it from a source 10. How should you list sources with an unknown author?

You put three dots

11. Should you include page numbers in your Works Cited? List them efficiently and on the page or pages they were on 12. What should you title your Works Cited? Works cited

Find an example of each of the following types of media sources and write the example you find in the box provided under each. Book Example: Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987. Poem or Short Story Example: The road not taken (March 26, 1874 January 29, 1963 / San Francisco) CD-song or album Example:
Yellow Submarine Release Date: 01/13/1969

Magazine/Journal Article Example: New York times 213 10/20 predawn chowdown

Newspaper Article Example:

Video Example:

"Meat Glue Mania | Lecture 10 (2010)." YouTube. YouTube, 14 Dec. 2010. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. < ePdcf5J7_k-ZA>.

An Entire Website Example:

Subject line in email should read: Your last name then WC

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