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WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement




. A.

RELATED DOC*ME&TS Dra+,n-. and -eneral prov,.,on. o/ the Contract0 ,ncl1d,n- )eneral and S1pplementar2 Cond,t,on. and D,v,.,on Spec,/,cat,on Sect,on.0 appl2 to th,. Sect,on.

.2 A.

S*MMAR3 Th,. Sect,on ,ncl1de. race+a2.0 cond1ctor.0 ca4le.0 and o1tlet0 51nct,on0 and p1ll 4o6e.0 +,r,n- dev,ce.0 and .1pport,n- dev,ce.. . Wor7 1nder th,. Contract l,m,ted to appl,ca4le re81,rement. /or lo+%volta-e +,r,n- connect,on. /or electr,call2 operated .ect,onal door a..em4l,e.0 operator. and e81,pment. Related Sect,on.9 . Sect,on 0:!$ ! ;Sect,onal Door.;.


.! A.

S*BMITTALS (rod1ct Data9 For race+a2. and /,tt,n-.0 cond1ctor.0 ca4le. and +,re+a2..

.< A.

=*ALIT3 ASS*RA&CE Electr,cal Component.0 Dev,ce.0 and Acce..or,e.9 L,.ted and la4eled a. de/,ned ,n &F(A >00 Art,cle 000 42 a te.t,n- a-enc2 accepta4le to a1thor,t,e. hav,n- 51r,.d,ct,on0 and mar7ed /or ,ntended 1.e. Compl2 +,th &F(A >0.


.# A. B. C.

DELI?ER30 STORA)E0 A&D 'A&DLI&) Factor2 pac7a-ed prod1ct. .hall 4e del,vered ,n the man1/act1rer@. or,-,nal conta,ner.. Tran.port and handle mater,al. and e81,pment ,n .1ch a manner a. to prevent the,r dama-e. Arran-e /or del,ver2 o/ mater,al. and e81,pment d1r,n- the ho1r. o/ the da2 e.ta4l,.hed 42 the Re.,dent (ro5ect Repre.entat,ve or 42 the O+ner. 'ave +or7men ava,la4le to rece,ve and 1nload mater,al. and e81,pment del,vered to the .,te. Do not del,ver0 or have del,vered0 an2 mater,al. and e81,pment to the .,te 1nle.. .1ch /orce. are ava,la4le. &eatl2 p,le0 .tore0 and protect prod1ct. ,n a..,-ned or de.,-nated locat,on. or +here d,rected 42 O+ner@. Repre.entat,ve. (rotect prod1ct. .145ect to dama-e 42 temperat1re or other +eather cond,t,on..




DECEMBER 20 ! 2$0#0 %




WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

2. A.

RACEWA3S0 FITTI&)S0 A&D ACCESSORIES R,-,d Metal Cond1,t ARMCB0 F,tt,n-. and Bod,e.9 'ot d,pped -alvan,Ced on the o1t.,de and ,n.,de ,ncl1d,n- thread.0 clear coat ,nh,4,tor0 A&SI C:0. 0 *L $0 &EC !<<. R,-,d &on%Metall,c Cond1,t AR&MCB0 F,tt,n-. and 4od,e.9 (?C .ched1le <0 or :00 .1nl,-ht re.,.tant0 d,rect 41r,al0 and *L l,.ted /or ,t. ,ntended 1.e. Electr,cal Metall,c T14,n-9 Electr,cal Metall,c T14,n- AEMTB and 4od,e.9 Steel0 Electro%-alvan,Ced on the o1t.,de and enameled on the ,n.,de. L,81,dt,-ht Fle6,4le Metal Cond1,t ALFMCB9 'ot d,pped C,nc -alvan,Ced core0 /lame retardant -ra2 (?C 5ac7et0 .1nl,-ht re.,.tant0 .1,ta4le /or -ro1nd,n- per &EC0 *L l,.ted0 $0 de- C +et0 :0 de- C dr2. In.1lated B1.h,n-.0 (la.t,c B1.h,n-.0 In.1lated )ro1nd,n- B1.h,n-.9 A. man1/act1red 429 . Appleton Electr,c Co.0 2. ODE)edne2 Co.0 !. Thoma. F Bett. Corp. Connector. and Co1pl,n-.9 . Co1pl,n-. ARMCB9 'ot d,pped -alvan,Ced threaded co1pl,n-. a. prov,ded 42 cond1,t man1/act1rer. 2. Compre..,on T2pe9 )o1ldEE/cor@. >$00 >#0 B Ser,e.0 M,d+e.t Electr,c M/-. Corp.@. $$00 $#0 Ser,e.0 Tom,c Electr,c@. TW 200 TW <0 Ser,e.0 Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. # 200 # 2! Ser,e.. !. LFMC Connector.9 Appleton Electr,c Co.@. STB Ser,e.0 ODE)edne2 Co.@. <=%#0%IT Ser,e.0 Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. #!!2 Ser,e.. Cond1,t Bod,e. F Cover.9 Bod,e. % 'ot D,pped )alvan,Ced Steel0 Cover. % )a.7eted0 D,nc (re% -alvan,CedG . Appleton Electr,c Co.@. *n,let.0 2. Cro1.e%',nd. Co.@. Cond1let.0 !. ODE)edne2 Co.@. Cond1,t Bod,e.0 E6pan.,on F,tt,n-.9 . Appleton Electr,c Co.@. HI0 2. Cro1.e%',nd. Co.@. HI0 !. ODE)edne2 Co.@. AH. E6pan.,onE De/lect,on F,tt,n-.9 . ODE)edne2 Co.@. T2pe DH0 2. Cro1.e%',nd. Co.@. HD. O6,de Inh,4,t,n- Compo1nd9 . B1rnd2 Corp.@. (enetro60 2. Electro Compo1nd Co.@. Al1m%&%Ea.0 Ideal,e. Inc.@. &oalo60 !. ITT Blac741rn@. CT%CO&TAH0 <. Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. 2 0#". F,re (rotect,ve Seal.9 . T2pe AS,l,cone FoamB9 a. Cha.e Technolo-2 Corp.@. CTC (R%:##0 or Do+ Corn,n-@. S,l,cone RT? Foam. 2. T2pe 2 AEpo62 M,6B9 0. 2$0#0 % 2 "#












C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES CTMSpec a. '2.ol D,v. De6ter Corp.@. '2.on F,re%Stop Compo1nd. T2pe ! ARetardantEM,neral Wool St1//,n-B9 a. Lenclean Inc.@. F,re (l1- (,llo+. T2pe < AMod1lar FrameB9 a. &el.on Electr,c@. M1lt,%Ca4le Tran.,t. T2pe # AMod1lar (l1-B9 a. &el.on Electr,c@. M1lt,%(l1-. T2pe $ AE6pand,n- (l1-B9 a. ODE)edne2 Co.@. T2pe CFS0 CFSI0 4. Th1nderl,ne Corp.@. ',-h Temperat1re L,n7%Seal.

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

!. <. #. $.


&on%Shr,n7 (atch,n- Mortar9 . Ant,%'2dro Waterproo/,n- Co.@. A%' '2dra1l,c Cement0 2. Sonne4orn%Contech@. Sonopatch0 !. Standard Dr2 Wall (rod1ct.@ Thor,te. D1ct Seal9 . Appleton Electr,c Co.@. D*C Weatherproo/ Compo1nd0 2. Manv,lle Corp.@. D16.eal0 !. ODE)edne2 Co.@. D*H.


2.2 A.

CO&D*CTORS A$00 ?OLTS A&D *&DERB A&D ACCESSORIES Accepta4le Man1/act1rer@. /or In.1lated Cond1ctor.9 . Amer,can In.1lated W,re Corp.0 2. Anaconda W,re F Ca4le Co.0 !. )eneral Ca4le Corp.0 <. Rome Ca4le Corp.0 #. So1th+,re Co.0 Date o/ Man1/act1re9 &o ,n.1lated cond1ctor over one 2ear old +hen del,vered to the .,te +,ll 4e accepta4le. Cond1ctor.9 *nle.. match,n- an al1m,n1m .pl,ced connect,on0 cond1ctor. .hall 4e annealed 1ncoated copper or annealed coated copper ,n con/ormance +,th the appl,ca4le .tandard. /or the t2pe o/ ,n.1lat,on to 4e appl,ed on the cond1ctor. Cond1ctor .,Ce. &o. < and lar-er .hall 4e .tranded. In.1lat,on9 . T2pe H''W9 Mo,.t1re and heat re.,.tant cro..%l,n7ed pol2eth2lene ,n.1lat,on rated $00? con/orm,n- to *.L. re81,rement. /or t2pe H''W ,n.1lat,on A>#K C Wet and "0K C dr2B. 2. T2pe T'W&9 (ol2v,n2lchlor,de ,n.1lat,on rated $00? +,th n2lon 5ac7et con/orm,n- to *.L. re81,rement. /or T2pe T'W& ,n.1lat,on A>#K CB. !. T2pe T''&9 (ol2v,n2lchlor,de ,n.1lat,on rated $00? +,th n2lon 5ac7et con/orm,n- to *.L. re81,rement. /or T2pe T''& ,n.1lat,on A"0K CB. F,re Alarm Ca4le9 !00 ?olt rated0 FR(E red 5ac7et0 Belden or e81al. T2pe MC Ca4le9 AFC Ca4le S2.tem. or e81al0 MC T1// )alvan,Ced .teel Interloc7,n- armor0 +,th -ro1nd and *L l,.ted /or ,t. ,ntended 1.e. . F,re alarm ca4le. .hall have a color coated red armor. Spl,ce Connector.9 . Spr,n- T2pe9 a. Ideal,e. Inc.@. W,n- &1t. or W,re &1t.0




E. F.


DECEMBER 20 ! 2$0#0 % !



C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES CTMSpec 4. !M Co.@. Scotchlo7 T2pe 30 R0 )0 B0 c. Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. (,--,e.. Indent T2pe +,th In.1lat,n- Iac7et9 a. B1chanan Elec. (rod1ct. Corp.@. (re..1re Connector.0 4. Ideal,e. Inc.@. Cr,mp Connector.0 c. Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. STA%JO&. Indent T2pe A*n,n.1latedB9 a. B1rnd2 Corp.@. '2dent0 4. Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. Compre..,on Connector..

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement




)1tter Tap.9 . B1rnd2 Corp.@. (ol2tap J(*%C0 R,.er Tap *C*%C0 '%Cr,mp,t T2pe 3F0 2. Do..ert M/-. Co.@. Ser,e. )TC0 !. ODE)edne2 Co.@. (MH or (T +,th cover. (MHC0 (TC. Term,nal.9 . B1rnd2 Corp.@. &2lon In.1lated Term,nal.0 2. Ideal,e. Inc.@. R& or S& Ser,e.0 !. Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. STA%JO& &2lon Sel/%In.1lated Term,nal.. L1-.9 . B1rnd2 Corp.@. '2l1- 3A0 3A%L0 3A%2L'0 2. Ideal,e. Inc.@. SL Ca4le Connector.0 !. Thoma. F Bett. Corp.@. #<"!0 Ser,e.0 #<:#0 Ser,e.. In.1lat,on Tape.9 . (la.t,c Tape9 a. !M Co.@. Scotch &o. ::0 4. B,.hopETom,c@. &o. :#0 c. (l2mo1th R144er Co.@. (rem,1m CW. 2. R144er Tape9 a. !M Co.@. Scotch &o. 2!0 4. B,.hopETom,c@. &o. W%"$!0 c. (l2mo1th R144er Co.@. Spl,c,n- Compo1nd ASTM. Mo,.t1re Seal,n- Tape9 . !M Co.@. Scotch &o. 22000 22 00 2. B,.hopETom,c@. &o. <000T0 !. (l2mo1th R144er Co.@. (l2.eal. Electr,cal F,ller Tape9 . !M Co.@. Scotch/,l0 2. B,.hopETom,c@. &o. 2#T0 !. (l2mo1th R144er Co.@. Sl,p7not F,ller Tape. Color Cod,n- Tape9 . !M Co.@. Scotch &o. !#0 2. B,.hopETom,c@. &o. 2T !. (l2mo1th R144er Co.@. Sl,p7not !>. Ta-.9 . (remar7ed Sel/%Adhe.,ve9 W. '. Brad2 Co.@. B%"<00 Ideal,e. Inc.@. M2larECloth +,re mar7er.0 Mar7+,7 Corp.@. (ermanent W,re Mar7er.0 Thoma. F Bett. Co. E%D Code WSL .el/%lam,nat,n-. 0. 2$0#0 % < "#










WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

Em4o..ed Al1m,n1m9 Standard .tamped or em4o..ed al1m,n1m ta-.0 m,n,m1m !E<; +,de0 len-th a. re81,red 42 ,,pt,on0 a. man1/act1red 42 Tech (rod1ct.0 Inc.0 Seton &ame (late Corp.

2.! A.

O*TLET0 I*&CTIO& A&D (*LL BOHES )alvan,Ced Steel Bo6e. For Concealed Wor79 Standard t2pe -alvan,Ced .teel 4o6e. and dev,ce cover. a. man1/act1red 42 . Appleton Electr,c Co.0 2. Raco Inc.0 !. Steel C,t2 Electr,cal (rod1ct.. )alvan,Ced Steel I1nct,on and (1ll Bo6e. For Concealed Wor79 Code -a-e0 -alvan,Ced .teel .cre+ cover 4o6e. a. man1/act1red 42 . )ra2 Metal (rod1ct. Inc.@.0 2. 'o//man En-,neer,n- Co.0 !. 'ammond Co. Spec,al (1rpo.e O1tlet Bo6e.9 A. /a4r,cated 42 e81,pment man1/act1rer.0 /or mo1nt,n- the,r e81,pment thereon. F,re (hone Enclo.1re9 &EMA <H /,4er-la.. enclo.1re0 +,th h,n-ed cover a. man1/act1red 42 . 'o//man Enclo.1re. Inc. 2. Approved E81al. WIRI&) DE?ICES A. Receptacle.9 . D1ple6 Receptacle0 &EMA #%20R A20A0 2#?0 2(0 !WB .pec,/,cat,on -rade a. man1/act1red 42 one o/ the /ollo+,n-9 Br2ant0 Cro1.e%',nd.0 )eneral Electr,c0 '144ell0 Lev,ton. 2. )ro1nd Fa1lt Interr1pter D1ple6 Receptacle Rated 20A A&EMA #%20RB0 C,rc1,t%Ampac,t2 20A9 Br2ant@. )FR#2FT0 Cro1.e%',nd.0 )eneral Electr,c0 Lev,ton. !. Other &EMA con/,-1rat,on. a. ,nd,cated. <. ColorEF,n,.h9 B2 Arch,tect. S14m,t /,n,.hEcolor chart. Snap S+,tche.9 20 A0 20E2>>%? ac0 'eav2%d1t20 81,et t2pe. . ColorEF,n,.h9 B2 Arch,tect. S14m,t /,n,.hEcolor chart. Dev,ce Faceplate. and Cover.9 . O1tdoor. F Indoor. Wet Locat,on.9 a. LW(MG d,e ca.t al1m,n1m0 -a.7eted0 Red Dot LDr2 T,teM or e81al. 4. LWI*MG 1n, rece..ed 4o6 and cover0 Red Dot Lcode 7eeperM or e81al. c. Color9 Color 42 Arch,tect. S14m,t color ran-e. 2. Indoor.E dr2 locat,on.9 Br1.hed Sta,nle.. Steel. a. Color9 Color 42 Arch,tect. S14m,t color ran-e. !. S,Ce9 Standard. Floor Bo6e.9 '144ell CFB )0 +,th cover0 carpet /lan-e0 d1ple6 receptacle and telephoneEdata o1tlet.. a. F,n,.h9 Sta,nle.. Steel0 Br1.hed. 4. Color9 Color 42 Arch,tect. S14m,t color ran-e. Dev,ce Bo6e.9 . S1r/ace mo1nt9 +eatherproo/0 d,e ca.t al1m,n1m0 -a.7eted0 Red Dot or e81al. 0. 2$0#0 % # "#










C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES CTMSpec a. 4. F. Indoor Color9 Color 42 Arch,tect. S14m,t color ran-e. O1tdoor Color9 Color 42 Arch,tect. S14m,t color ran-e.

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

S1r/ace Mo1nt Steel Race+a2.9 . W,remold 2<00 Ser,e. or e81al. 2. S,n-le and d1al Compartment. !. S,n-le and d1al -an- dev,ce. and 4o6e..

2.# A.

S*((ORTI&) DE?ICES ;C; Beam Clamp.9 . For ; Cond1,t Ma6,m1m9 a. Cadd2 Fa.tener D,v.EEr,co (rod1ct. Inc.@. BC%:( and BC%:(SM Ser,e.0 4. 'IT Spr,n- Steel Fa.tener. Inc.@. C' Ser,e.. 2. For !; Cond1,t Ma6,m1m9 a. Appleton Electr,c Co.@. B'%#00 Ser,e. 4eam clamp +,th '#0WEB Ser,e. han-er.0 4. J,ndor/ Elec. (rod. D,v.EM,dland Ro.. Corp. #00 Ser,e. 4eam clamp +,th $'O%B Ser,e. han-er0 c. ODE)edne2 Co.@. IS%#00 Ser,e. 4eam clamp +,th '%OWB Ser,e. han-er. !. For <; Cond1,t Ma6,m1m9 a. J,ndor/ Elec. (rod. D,v.EM,dland Ro.. Corp. E%2! 4eam clamp and E%2!< anchor cl,p and C% <" .er,e. la2%,n han-er. 4. *n,.tr1t Corp.@. (2$>$ 4eam clamp and (% $#"A Ser,e. anchor cl,p +,th I 20# Ser,e. la2 ,n han-er. <. For Threaded Rod. A 00 l4.. load ma6.B9 a. Cadd2 Fa.tener D,v.EEr,co (rod1ct. Inc.@. BC%<A0 4. 'IT Spr,n- Steel Fa.tener. Inc.@. ma.ter clamp MC. #. For Threaded Rod. A200 l4.. load ma6.B9 a. Appleton Electr,c Co.@. B'%#00 Ser,e.0 J,ndor/ Elec. (rod. D,v.EM,dland Ro.. Corp. #00 Ser,e.0 4. ODE)edne2 Co.@. IS%#00 Ser,e.. $. For Threaded Rod. A!00 l4.. load ma6.B9 a. J,ndor/ Elec. (rod. D,v.EM,dland Ro.. Corp. E%2! 4eam clamp and E%2!< anchor cl,p0 4. *n,.tr1t Corp.@. (2$>$ 4eam clamp and (% $#"A Ser,e. anchor cl,p. (,pe Strap.9 T+o hole .teel cond1,t .trap. +,th )alv%Jrom /,n,.hG . J,ndor/ Elec. (rod. D,v.EM,dland Ro.. Corp. C% << or C%2:0 Ser,e.. (,pe Clamp.9 One hole mallea4le ,ron t2pe clamp.G . J,ndor/ Elec. (rod. D,v.EM,dland Ro.. Corp. 'S%<000 2. ODE)edne2 Co.@. <%#0 Ser,e.. Channel S1pport S2.tem and Acce..or,e.9 2 -a-e -alvan,Ced .teel channel and acce..or,e. a. man1/act1red 42 . B%L,ne D,v,.,on%The B,n7le2 Co.@.0 B%22 A %#E:; 6 %#E:;B0 B% 2 A %#E:; 6 2%>E $;B0 B% A %#E:; 6 !% E<;B0 2. J,ndor/ Elec. (rod. D,v.EM,dland Ro.. Corp.0 B%"00 A % E2; 6 % E2;B0 B%"0 A % E2; 6 %>E:;B0 B%"02 A % E2; 6 !;B0 !. *n,.tr1t Corp.@. (%!000 A %!E:; 6 %#E:;B0 (%##00 A %#E:; 6 2%>E $;B0 (%##00 A %#E:; 6 !% E<;B0 &ote9 *.e channel .1pport. o/ .,Ce. ade81ate /or the appl,ed load.0 or a. ,nd,cated on dra+,n-..




DECEMBER 20 ! 2$0#0 % $




WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

S81are D Co.@. 'eav2 D1t2 Ser,e.0 +,th the /ollo+,n- or a. ,nd,cated other+,.e9 . F1.ed and *n/1.ed a. ,nd,cated on dra+,n-.. 2. Indoor.9 &EMA enclo.1re. !. O1tdoor. F +et locat,on.9 &EMA < enclo.1re. <. C1rrent rat,n- and n1m4er o/ pole. a. ,nd,cated on dra+,n-. or a. re81,red.

2.> A.

TELE('O&EECOMM*&ICATIO&S DE?ICES A&IDB Telephone &et+or7 Inter/ace Dev,ce . O1tdoor9 &EMA < enclo.1re. 2. Shall 4e e81,pped +,th .,6 l,ne mod1le.. a. Jeptel Model9 S&I%>$0 or e81al.

2.: A.

A*TO%FL*S' TRA&SFORMERS A(BOB I1nct,on 4o6 cover mo1nted

2." A. B.

REMOTE ALARM A&&*&CIATOR ARAAB Ann1n,cator9 &F(A 0 compl,ant and compat,4le +,th ATS and -eneratorG

Man1/act1rer9 Same a. -enerator.

2. 0 A.

COMBI&ATIO& STARTERS F1.,4le d,.connect .+,tch t2pe0 volta-e and pole. a. re81,red0 &EMA .,Ce a. ,nd,cated0 /1.e. a. ,nd,cated0 C(T0 overload.0 r1n p,lot l,-ht0 &EMA enclo.1re A1nle.. other+,.e ,nd,cated and re81,redB0 S81are D cla.. :#!: or e81al.


!. A. B. C.

RACEWA3 I&STALLATIO& Each race+a2 .hall enclo.e one c,rc1,t 1nle.. other+,.e ,nd,cated on the dra+,n-.. Do not chan-e n1m4er o/ race+a2. to le.. than the n1m4er ,nd,cated on the dra+,n-.. Race+a2 T2pe. and Locat,on.9 . EMT9 *.e ,n ,ndoor locat,on.0 1nle.. noted other+,.e. 2. R,-,d Metal Cond1,t ARMCB9 a. In area. +here race+a2. are .145ect to ph2.,cal dama-e. 4. In locat,on. +here re81,red 42 the 1t,l,t2. !. R,-,d &on%Metall,c Cond1,t AR&MCB9 a. Shall 4e 1.ed to enclo.e the )EC. 4. *.e /or 1nder-ro1nd telephone and /or 1nder-ro1nd electr,c0 .,-nal and comm1n,cat,on .erv,ce. to the O1t41,ld,n-. c. Shall 4e 1.ed /or the -ro1nd,n- electrode cond1ctor0 +hen e6po.ed. 0. 2$0#0 % > "#



WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

L,81,d T,-ht Fle6,4le Metal Cond1,t ALFMCB. *.e to 2 /eet o/ LFMC /or /,nal cond1,t connect,on to9 a. )enerator. and Motor. +,th +eather%protected or totall2 enclo.ed ho1.,n-.. 4. Tran./ormer.. c. E81,pment .145ect to v,4rat,on Adamp0 +et and corro.,ve locat,on.B.

D. E.

Cond1,t S,Ce9 &ot .maller than !E<; electr,cal trade .,Ce0 .,Ced per the &at,onal Electr,cal Code. Cond1,t End.9 . *.e 2 loc7n1t. and ,n.1lated 41.h,n- on end o/ each cond1,t enter,n- ca4,net or -alvan,Ced 4o6 Apla.t,c 41.h,n- ma2 4e 1.ed on E2; and !E<; cond1,tB. 2. *.e ,n.1lated -ro1nd,n- 41.h,n-. on the end. o/ cond1,t. +h,ch are not d,rectl2 connected to the enclo.1re A.1ch a. .t14%1p. 1nder e81,pment0 etc.B and on /eeder. +,th trade .,Ce -reater than MG 4ond 4et+een 41.h,n-. and enclo.1re +,th e81,pment -ro1nd,n- cond1ctor. Seal,n- End. o/ Cond1,t.9 . Occ1p,ed Cond1,t.9 Seal end. o/ cond1,t. to 4e 1.ed /or Wor7 o/ th,. contract 1nt,l ca4le. are to 4e ,n.talled. A/ter ca4le ,n.tallat,on0 .eal cond1,t. at 41,ld,n- entrance.. Seal +,th d1ct .eal. *n1.ed Cond1,t. /or F1t1re and O+nerN. *.e9 (rov,de a. ,nd,cated on plan.. In.tall p1ll cord0 pl1- or cap end. and ,dent,/2. E6pan.,on and De/lect,on F,tt,n-.G (rov,de ,n all 1nder-ro1nd r1n. +here recommended 42 the cond1,t man1/act1rer. Metall,c Cond1,t.9 &e+ or e6,.t,n- to 4e re1.edG prov,de ,n.1lated -ro1nd,n- 41.h,n-. a. ,nd,cated el.e+here ,n the .pec,/,cat,on.. Cond1,t In.talled Concealed9 In +all. or a4ove ce,l,n-. ,n all /,n,.hed .pace.. Cond1,t In.talled E6po.ed9 In 1n/,n,.hed .pace. Aelectr,cal room. and apparat1. 4a2.BG . In.tall vert,cal r1n. perpend,c1lar to the /loor. 2. In.tall r1n. on the ce,l,n- perpend,c1lar or parallel to the +all.. !. In.tall hor,Contal r1n. parallel to the /loor0 no le.. than 0N%0M. <. In.tall a. t,-ht to ce,l,n- a. po..,4le. W,re+a2.9 *.e +henG . Tran.,t,on,n- /rom 4elo+ panel4oard. to o1t.,de. 2. A. other+,.e re81,red /or .mooth tran.,t,on.. !. A. re81,red /or tap. or .pl,ce.. TelephoneEdata F telev,.,on comm1n,cat,on race+a2.9 . Indoor9 (rov,de dev,ce 4o6 and race+a2 1p 0N AFF or to +,th,n the ce,l,n- concealed .pace. End cond1,t and prov,de ,n.1lated 41.h,n-.. In.tall p1ll cord. 2. E6ter,or9 *nle.. noted other+,.e0 .t14%1p to +,th,n 41,ld,n-0 prov,de 41.h,n-0 pl1- and p1ll cord.





I. J.



!.2 A.

CO&D*CTOR I&STALLATIO& T2pe. and *.e9 . T2pe. H''W0 or T'W&ET''&%29 *.e +here l,.ted /or ,t. ,ntended 1.e. 2. F,re alarm .2.tem9 S,-nal,n- and po+er c,rc1,t.G cond1ctor. ,n.tall ,n race+a2. T2pe MC ca4le ma2 4e 1.ed and ,n.talled ,n accordance +,th ,t. l,.t,n- re81,rement.. T2pe MC Ca4le9 (o+erEcontrol +,r,n-9 0. 2$0#0 % : "#



C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES CTMSpec . 2. !. C. D. E. Ma2 4e 1.ed +hen concealed. Ma6,m1m hor,Contal len-th9 $N%0M. Ma2 not 4e 1.ed /or homer1n c,rc1,t..

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

C,rc1,t,n-9 Do not chan-e0 -ro1p or com4,ne c,rc1,t. other than a. ,nd,cated. Common &e1tral Cond1ctor9 *nle.. ,nd,cated other+,.e0 a common ne1tral ma2 not 4e 1.ed. Cond1ctor S,Ce9 In.tall cond1ctor. o/ .,Ce .ho+n on dra+,n-.. Where .,Ce ,. not ,nd,cated /or 4ranch c,rc1,t +,r,n-0 the m,n,m1m .,Ce allo+ed ,. &o. 2 AW). Where .,Ce ,. not ,nd,cated /or control +,r,n-0 the m,n,m1m .,Ce allo+ed ,. &o. < AW). Spl,ce.9 . Dr2 Locat,on.9 a. For cond1ctor. &o. : or .maller0 1.e .pr,n- t2pe pre..1re connector. or ,ndent t2pe pre..1re connector. +,th ,n.1lat,n- 5ac7et.. 4. For cond1ctor. &o. $ AW) or lar-er0 1.e 1n,n.1lated ,ndent t2pe pre..1re connector.. F,ll ,ndent,on. +,th electr,cal /,ller tape and appl2 ,n.1lat,on tape to prov,de ,n.1lat,on e81,valent to that o/ the cond1ctor. 2. Damp Locat,on.9 A. .pec,/,ed /or dr2 locat,on.0 e6cept appl2 mo,.t1re .eal,n- tape over the ent,re ,n.1lated connect,on. !. Wet Locat,on.9 *.e 1n,n.1lated ,ndent t2pe pre..1re connector. and ,n.1late +,th re.,n .pl,ce 7,t. or heat .hr,n7a4le .pl,ce.. Term,nat,on.9 . For cond1ctor. &o. 0 AW) or .maller0 1.e term,nal. /or9 a. Connect,n- control and .,-nal +,r,n- to term,nal .tr,p.. 4. Connect,n- +,r,n- to e81,pment de.,-ned /or 1.e +,th term,nal.. 2. For cond1ctor. &o. : AW) or lar-er0 1.e l1-. /or9 a. Connect,n- ca4le. to /lat 41. 4ar.. 4. Connect,n- ca4le. to e81,pment de.,-ned /or 1.e +,th l1-.. !. For cond1ctor .,Ce. lar-er than term,nal capac,t2 on e81,pment0 red1ce the lar-er cond1ctor to the ma6,m1m cond1ctor .,Ce that term,nal can accommodate. Red1ced .ect,on .hall not 4e lon-er than /oot. *.e 4olted clamp t2pe or pre..1re connector. .1,ta4le /or red1c,n- connect,on. Color Code For Branch C,rc1,t.9 In.tall color coded ,n.1lated cond1ctor. /or 4ranch c,rc1,t. a. /ollo+.9 20E20: ?olt C,rc1,t. 2 +,re c,rc1,t % +h,teO0 4lac7 ! +,re c,rc1,t % +h,teO0 4lac70 red. < +,re c,rc1,t % +h,teO0 4lac70 red0 4l1e. Wh,te to 4e 1.ed onl2 a. ne1tral0 ,/ ne1tral not re81,red0 1.e 4lac70 red0 or 4lac70 red0 4l1e /or pha.e to pha.e c,rc1,t.. 2>>E<:0 ?olt C,rc1,t. 2 +,re c,rc1,t % nat1ral -ra2OO0 4ro+n ! +,re c,rc1,t % nat1ral -ra2OO0 4ro+n0 2ello+. < +,re c,rc1,t % nat1ral -ra2OO0 4ro+n0 2ello+0 oran-e. OO &at1ral -ra2 to 4e 1.ed onl2 a. ne1tral0 ,/ ne1tral not re81,red0 1.e 4ro+n0 2ello+ or 4ro+n0 2ello+0 oran-e /or pha.e to pha.e c,rc1,t..





Color Code and Ident,/,cat,on o/ Feeder.9 . In.tall color cod,n- tape. on /eeder. at term,nat,on. and at @%0; ,nterval. ,n -1tter.0 p1ll4o6e.. Color code a. /ollo+.9 20E20: ?olt Feeder 2 +,re c,rc1,t % +h,teO0 4lac7 ! +,re c,rc1,t % +h,teO0 4lac70 red. 0. 2$0#0 % " "#



WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

< +,re c,rc1,t % +h,teO0 4lac70 red0 4l1e. Wh,te to 4e 1.ed onl2 a. ne1tral0 ,/ ne1tral not re81,red0 1.e 4lac70 red0 or 4lac70 red0 4l1e /or pha.e to pha.e c,rc1,t.. 2>>E<:0 ?olt C,rc1,t. 2 +,re c,rc1,t % nat1ral -ra2OO0 4ro+n ! +,re c,rc1,t % nat1ral -ra2OO0 4ro+n0 2ello+. < +,re c,rc1,t % nat1ral -ra2OO0 4ro+n0 2ello+0 oran-e. OO &at1ral -ra2 to 4e 1.ed onl2 a. ne1tral0 ,/ ne1tral not re81,red0 1.e 4ro+n0 2ello+ or 4ro+n0 2ello+0 oran-e /or pha.e to pha.e c,rc1,t.. 2. !. <. Ident,/2 ,nter,or /eeder. 42 /eeder n1m4er and .,Ce ,n p1ll4o6e. and -1tter. +,th premar7ed .el/% adhe.,ve ta-.. Ident,/2 e6ter,or /eeder. 42 /eeder n1m4er and .,Ce ,n manhole. and handhole. +,th em4o..ed al1m,n1m ta-. and attach ta-. to ca4le. +,th non%/erro1. metal +,re. In.tall ta-. .o that the2 are ea.,l2 read +,tho1t mov,n- ad5acent cond1ctor or re81,r,n- removal o/ tape..


Color Code For Control C,rc1,t.9 .t cond1ctor % 4lac7 2nd cond1ctor % +h,te Ane1tral onl20 ,/ re81,redB !rd cond1ctor % -reen A-ro1nd,n- onl20 ,/ re81,redB <th cond1ctor % red #th cond1ctor % 4l1e $th cond1ctor % oran-e >th0 etc. % In accordance +,th ICEAE&EMA WC%!0 ;Color Cod,n- o/ W,re. and Ca4le.;. Other ,dent,/,cat,on method. ma2 4e 1.ed0 a. approved. Color Code For Comm1n,cat,on And S,-nal,n- C,rc1,t.9 In accordance +,th ICEAE&EMA WC%!0 ;Color Cod,n- o/ W,re. and Ca4le.;. Other ,dent,/,cat,on method. ma2 4e 1.ed0 a. approved or a. ,nd,cated. E81,pment )ro1nd,n- Cond1ctor9 The e81,pment -ro1nd,n- cond1ctor .hall 4e ,dent,/,ed +,th a cont,n1o1. -reen color ,n.1lat,on. Th,. cond1ctor ,. not ,ntended a. a c1rrent carr2,n- cond1ctor 1nder normal operat,n- c,rc1m.tance.. (rov,de a e81,pment -ro1nd,n- cond1ctor ,n all ca4le.0 cond1,t.0 and race+a2..



!.! A.

O*TLET0 I*&CTIO& A&D (*LLBOH I&STALLATIO& In.tallat,on9 . In.tall dev,ce 4o6e. /or receptacle. .o that lon- a6,. o/ the /ace plate +,ll 4e vert,cal. 2. In.tall p1ll and 51nct,on 4o6e. +here acce..,4le.

!.< A.

WIRI&) DE?ICE I&STALLATIO& )eneral9 . Re.troom.9 )FI receptacle.. 2. Apparat1. 4a2 area.0 o1tdoor.0 dampE+et area.9 a. )FI receptacle.. 4. W( dev,ce cover.. c. WI* dev,ce cover. +here ,nd,cated. !. Indoor.9 a. F,n,.hed .pace.9 /l1.h mo1nt.

DECEMBER 20 ! 2$0#0 % 0



C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES CTMSpec 4. Apparat1. 4a2 area.9 .1r/ace mo1nt. O1tdoor.9 a. In ma.onr29 /l1.h mo1nt. 4. On Steel9 .1r/ace mo1nt. c. In .o//,t.9 /l1.h mo1nt. Receptacle. a. In.tall receptacle. +,th -ro1nd pole ,n the do+n po.,t,on. 4. Te.t )FI dev,ce.. Replace mal/1nct,on,n- component..

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement




Mo1nt,n- 'e,-ht.9 *nle.. noted other+,.e on dra+,n-.0 a. mea.1red /rom the /,n,.hed /loor or -rade to the centerl,ne o/ dev,ce. . Receptacle.EtelephoneEdata o1tlet.9 a. :M ,n o//,ce or /,n,.hed .pace.. 4. <2M ,n apparat1. 4a2. and electr,cal room.. c. 2<M ,n o1tdoor locat,on.. 2. S+,tche.9 <2M

!.# A.

A*TO%FL*S' TRA&SFORMERS A(BOB (rov,de 51nct,on 4o6 and cover. In.tall tran./ormer and prov,de 20? connect,on..

!.$ A.

COMBI&ATIO& STARTERS Ma7e po+er and control ,nterconnect,on.. (rov,de ,nterpo.,n- rela2. a. re81,red to ,nter/ace +,th O+nerN. e81,pment.

!.> A.

S*((ORTI&) DE?ICE I&STALLATIO& Attachment o/ Cond1,t S2.tem9 . Ma.onr2 Con.tr1ct,on9 Attach cond1,t to ma.onr2 con.tr1ct,on 42 mean. o/ p,pe .trap. or p,pe clamp. and ma.onr2 anchora-e dev,ce.. 2. Steel Beam.9 Attach cond1,t to .teel 4eam. 42 mean. o/ ;C; 4eam clamp. and han-er.. !. M1lt,ple (arallel Cond1,t R1n.9 *.e channel .1pport .2.tem. <. Cond1,t A4ove S1.pended Ce,l,n-9 Do not re.t cond1,t d,rectl2 on r1nner 4ar.0 T%4ar.0 etc. S1pport cond1,t /rom con.tr1ct,on a4ove .1.pended ce,l,n-. Cond1,t .1pport /rom the .1.pended ce,l,n- .2.tem ,. not accepta4le.

!.: A.

MAI&TAI&I&) FIRE RESISTA&CE9 AREFER ALSO TO SECTIO& 2$0#00B &e+ Con.tr1ct,on9 Cond1,t and e81,pment .hall 4e /,re.topped to prevent the pa..a-e o/ /lame0 .mo7e0 /1me. and hot -a.e.. *.e the /ollo+,n- method. o/ /,re.topp,n- to .1,t 5o4 cond,t,on.9 . Inte-rate cond1,t or e81,pment d,rectl2 ,n ca.t%,n%place concrete or 1n,t ma.onr2. 2. Inte-rate .leeve. ,n ca.t%,n%place concrete or 1n,t ma.onr2. In.tall cond1,t. thro1-h .leeve. and /,ll ann1lar .pace +,th T2pe 0 20 # or $ /,re protect,ve .eal.. !. Inte-rate T2pe < /,re protect,ve .eal ,n ca.t%,n%place concrete or 1n,t ma.onr2. <. Where cond1,t or e81,pment pa..e. thro1-h lar-er pre%con.tr1cted open,n-. ,n /loor. and +all.0 .eal aro1nd the cond1,t or e81,pment +,th T2pe ! /,re protect,ve .eal or,n7 patch,nmortar.

DECEMBER 20 ! 2$0#0 %




WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

(a,nt e6po.ed race+a2.0 /,tt,n-.0 p1ll 4o6e.0 51nct,on 4o6e. etc.0 ,n.talled ,n /,n,.hed .pace.9 . (a,nted or (r,med S1r/ace9 (a,nt +,th 2 coat. o/ pa,nt to match color o/ ad5acent .1r/ace.. 2. )alvan,Ced or al1m,n1m S1r/ace9 (a,nt +,th one coat o/ pr,mer con/orm,n- to Federal Spec,/,cat,on TT%(%$< AC,nc d1.t0 C,nc o6,de /or -alvan,Ced .1r/ace.B0 TT%(%$<# AC,nc chromate /or al1m,n1m or .teel .1r/ace.B /ollo+ed 42 2 coat. o/ pa,nt to match color o/ ad5acent .1r/ace.

E&D OF SECTIO& 2$0#0

DECEMBER 20 ! 2$0#0 % 2



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