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Montessori Geography Co-op Schedule

Teacher: Julie

Lesson #1: learning location, major cities/rivers/moutains and animals.

Lesson #2: learning the culture, traditions, clothes, housing,

and food (please bring a food to share from that continent,
you can).

2nd North America #1
9th Cancelled—have company in town
16th North America #2
23rd South America #1
30th South America #2

7th Europe #1
14th Europe #2
21st Asia #1
28th Asia #2

4th Africa #1
11th Africa #2
18th Austrailia #1
25th Cancelled for Thanksgiving

2nd Austrailia #2
9th Antarctica #1 & 2

Montessori Geography Class—Parent Letter

Welcome Parents! My name is Julie and I’ve fallen in love with the
Montessori way of teaching. I would use it for all subjects, however, I
don’t have the money or materials to do so. There are many benefits
to a montessori education. The most important, in my opinion, is that
the montessori education focuses so much on personal development
that children from a montessori background have been found to be
more mature, creative and socially adept children. It uses all the 5
senses, as much as it can in each lesson so that most or all parts of
your brain are being stimulated. This helps children remember so
much better than standard books and worksheets. The more involved
they are the more they remember!

This group is perfect for 2.5 year olds up until about 3rd graders, I
would say. For the older kids it would be really easy to come to the
class and then go home and “supplement” that day’s lesson with a
worksheet or an additional assignment you come up with to go along
with the lesson. You can have them label a part of an animal that we
talked about, make a replica of what a home would like in one of the
countries in that continent, etc.

The geography lessons will run anywhere from 30 minutes to 45-50

minutes. These are not strict lessons, I will be going with the flow of
the kids. If they want more information we’ll spend more time, if not
we’ll end sooner. Each lesson will begin, similar to the last for the
introduction and then we’ll go from there.

Each continent is split of into two lessons. These lessons are explained
at the top of the schedule. The second lesson we will talk about the
food (as well as other things) of that continent. If you can, please bring
small a dish to share of a food that is popular somewhere on that
continent. So the kids can get a small taste of that continent. On one
or more continents we may make something as a class instead. I’ll let
you know ahead of time if this is the case.

I hope each one of you can each take a turn to bring a craft or a snack.
After the lesson, we’d love to a quick craft and a small snack to share.

Thanks and we’ll see you all in class!

Montessori Geography Co-op:
What you can expect your child to learn…

This is a basic list of things we cover in class. I was amazed at how

much my son learned at a young age doing geography the montessori

 We live on Earth.
 What a globe is.
 What a map is.
 There are 7 continents
 Name of each continent
 Learn the Continent song
 North, South, East and West and their symbols on the map and
what a compass is.
 Where each continent is located

This is the most important information that they’ll walk away with. It’ll
be the most repititive and my goal is for them to at least know this, the
best that they are able too. The list below is what we’ll be focusing on
each week with each continent. Each child will absorb what most
interested them in the lesson. The purpose of these lessons is to
introduce and familiarize the kids to the differences in the world and
pique their interests to learn more. Some kids will be able to
remember a lot of details, while others not so much, but they all have
fun learning it.

 Location of each continent

 Names of the 1 or 2 most popular cities, moutains, rivers &
landmarks for that continent
 What animals have their orgin from that continent
 I have some currencies from some different countries for a
couple of the continents for them to see.
 We’ll also see pictures of the people in that culture, the houses,
transportation and food.
 Hopefully, we can make or bring a dish to share of a food that is
popular on that particular continent.

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