Proves Accés CFGS. 2008. Anglès. S2

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S2_14_1 ANGLÈS GS 08
A) Read the text below and choose the correct answer:

Debate about global warming goes on

1 Although only a significant fraction of scientists deny the global warming crisis, the
time for debate is not over yet. Indeed, NASA scientists claimed that, 1998 was
the warmest year on record, but now they know it was a mistake. The hottest year
on record is now 1934. The third hottest year is 1921, not 2006. The truth is that
5 scientists are still discussing if global warming is caused by modern greenhouse
gas emissions or high temperatures began long before that.

There is, however, someone who war ns about the dangers of global warming
wherever he goes: this is Al Gore, who recently said that Spain is the European
country most vulnerable to climate changes, but he added that it can fight global
10 w a r m i n g t h a n k s t o i t s s u n a n d w i n d p o w e r c a p a c i t i e s . A f t e r h i s s p e e c h , t h e
Spanish government decided to buy 30,000 copies of Gore’s documentary on
c l i m a t e c h a n g e , a n I n c o n v e n i e n t Tr u t h , f o r u s e a s a n e d u c a t i o n a l t o o l i n
secondary schools and the Education Ministry has agreed to distribute the movie
to schools around Spain, at a cost of 580,000 €.

15 However, Gore’s reputation is not without stains. In the UK, a judge said that the
documentary contained “nine scientific errors” that had caused “alarmism and
exaggeration” and finally decided that the film could be shown in schools, but only
if accompanied by guidance notes for teachers to balance Gore’s one-sided

20 It seems that doubts about the dangers of global warming have spread and there
is significant evidence to suggest that debate among scientists is still raging.

Adapted from “Catalonia Today” of 25h October 2007

1. Nowadays scientists know that the warmest year ever is…
a) 1934
b) 1998
c) 2006

2. Al Gore thinks…
a) Spain hasn’t got sun or wind power capacities.
b) climate will not change in Spain.
c) Spain is very much in danger.

3. An Inconvenient Truth…
a) is a school programme by the Spanish government.
b) is a film by Al Gore.
c) cost 580,000 E.

4. Students in the UK…

a) can watch Al Gore’s documentary in the end.
b) think Al Gore’s documentary is exaggerated.
c) are accompanied by teachers to meet Al Gore.

5. Most scientists…
a) say global warming is not happening.
b) do not agree on the causes of global warming.
c) did not find evidence of global warming.

B) Choose the correct words or definitions a), b), c) or d) for the words
below as they are used in the text: 1,25 MARKS (0,25 FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER)

1. scientists deny the global warming crisis (line 1)

a) admit b) refuse c) complain d) accept

2. someone who warns about the dangers, (line 7)

a) advises b) worries c) asks d) agrees

3. he added that it can fight global warming (line 9)

a) have a war b) combat c) win d) lose

4. Gore’s one-sided views. (lines 18-19)

a) true b) partial c) objective d) false

5. doubts… have spread (line 20)

a) changed b) evidence c) disappeared d) extended

C) Read the text below and choose the correct answer:

Everyone knows that there has been a revolution in the world _ _ 1 _ _

newspapers. Not __2__ years ago, newspapers __3__ produced using
unchanged techniques for hundred years. First of all, the journalists wrote
the stories on their notebooks, then they __4__ the stories to a typist,
__5__ prepared the text for the editor. The editor read it carefully and then
passed it on to the printer. The printer was __6__ very skilled man, he
prepared everything and made the pages. __7__ the pages were complete,
the printing machines could be started.

__8__things are really different. It is not as long a process as it used to

be. The journalists look for stories and type __9__ directly into a computer.
Computers control every step until the newspaper is finished.

There can be no doubt about it, producing a newspaper is now entirely

different from some years __10__ .

1. a) at b) of c) in d) ––

2. a) many b) much c) more d) little

3. a) be b) was c) were d) are

4. a) give b) gave c) have given d) will give

5. a) which b) whose c) who d) they

6. a) a b) an c) –– d) the

7. a) why b) how c) when d) where

8. a) Actually b) In the moment c) Nowadays d) Last year

9. a) they b) them c) their d) theirs

10. a) after b) ago c) early d) later

D) Write 80-100 words about one of the following topics: 5 MARKS

1. Al Gore visits your school and presents his documentary an Inconvenient

Truth. What would you ask him, if you had the chance? Write a dialogue
with Al Gore.

2. You are a scientist who has invented a machine that can create rain.
Write a letter to your country’s president and present your invention. Refer
to the advantages and how it can help people who need water.

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