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Martinez 1 Amaris Martinez Mrs. Tyree English III, Per.

4 2 December 2013

John Proctor the Tragic Hero I. Introduction A. The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play based on the witch trials that happened in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. At these trials evidence was shown to see peoples spirits performing witchcraft. B. John Proctor plays as the tragic hero who is a good man but has a dark secret. He has an affair with Abigail Williams which starts the entire witchcraft. C. Proctor learns his lesson that he can stop Abigail Williams but only if he confesses to adultery. Then he realized that not even the truth can stop the powerful outrage of witchcraft. II. Body Paragraph 1 A. For example John Proctor is a good man who is proud of his name and reputation. B. It may be I have been too quick to bring the man to book, but you cannot think we ever desired the destruction of religion (Act 2, line 530). C. This shows that Proctor is a Christian and shows no worship for Satan. D. This is important because everybody is being convicted of witchcraft. E. I may falter somewhat, Mister; I am no fool (Act 2, line 630). F. John Proctor is not going to let lies be told at court.

Martinez 2 G. He is not going to lie just to save himself. H. Therefore he is going to confess what he has done. III. Body Paragraph 2 A. Therefore Proctor is a good man but has one dark secret his lust for Abigail Williams which led to an affair. B. Abby, I never give you hope to wait for me (Act 1, line 418). C. This shows that Proctor was taking advantage of Abigail. D. This is important because this creates jealously for Elizabeth and creates the entire witch hysteria. E. She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me! She is a cold, sniveling woman, and you bend to her! Let her turn you like a--- (Act 1, line 460). F. This is important because Abigail is going to fight to get her way. G. Therefore Proctor realizes that he can stop her by only confessing to adultery. H. As a result he realized it was too late, it had to stop, it had gone too far not even the truth can stop the hysteria Abigail has caused. IV. Body Paragraph 3 A. In addition Proctors confession leads him to being arrested and convicted of witchcraft. B. A man may think God sleeps, but God sees everything I know it now (Act 3, line 855). C. This shows that Proctor redeems himself and made a confession of his guilt in front of everybody.

Martinez 3 D. Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul, leave me my name! (Act 4, line 730). E. This is important to Proctor because he now understands what good reputation means. F. He knows to tell the truth and not lie just to save his soul. V. Conclusion A. John Proctor is a good proud man who is confident of his name and reputation. B. Proctor learns his lesson through the play that he is concerned of his own honesty. C. John Proctor realized that those who are brave enough to die will confess to the truth.

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