Old Multichoice Questions STATISTICS

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Select the answer nearest to your own and write the corresponding letter clearly. The annual salaries, 000, of the part-time employees of a wholesale cash-and-carry firm are illustrated in the histogram below. The frequencies are per 2 000 inter al. !se the diagram to answer questions " to #.


Frequency per 2 000 interval


0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 24


$nswer " This distribution is% a& 'ositi ely s(ewed c& Symmetrical 2 b& )egati ely s(ewed d& )one of these -----

The alue of the modal income **000& could be% a& "# b& + c& between , and d& 2. -----

The number of employees earning between ", and 2. thousand pounds is% a& 2 b& c& ", d& 2. -----

The total number of employees is% a& "# b& 2. c& #+ d& ,/ -----

The range of the incomes, in 000, is e0actly% a& 2. b& 20 c& "# d& 1mpossible to tell -----

The mean of the incomes, in 000, is% a& +.0 b& -.2 c& 2.0+ " d& "0." -----

2#0 students ha e ta(en a Statistics e0am. The cumulati e distribution of mar(s is shown below. !se the diagram to answer questions + to "".

3 of students getting less than% "00 -0 ,0 .0 20 0 0 "0 20 /0 .0 #0 ,0 Statistics 4ar(s *3& +0 -0 20 "00

5hat is the median mar( in the Statistics e0am6 a& .2 b& #0 c& ,0 d& +2 -----

5hat is the /0th percentile mar( in the Statistics e0am6 a& 0 b& /0 c& // d& .2 -----

5hat percentage of students ha e Statistics mar(s o er #06 a& /#3 b& .#3 c& ##3 d& ,#3 -----


5hat percentage of students ha e Statistics mar(s between .0 and #06 a& 23 b& "03 c& 223 d& ,#3 -----


1f the pass mar( was .03 how many students passed6 a& .0 b& ,0 c& "00 2 d& ".# -----

The following 4initab output represents the distribution of the e0am mar(s for a group of trainees. !se the diagrams to answer questions "2 to "-. Stem-and-leaf of Exam Leaf Unit = 1.0 1 5 14 (9) 18 9 5 2 ox!lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 0059 244578899 000024789 034455679 3578 699 01

--------------------------------" # "----------------------------------#---------#---------#---------#---------#---------#------Exam 24 36 48 60 72 84


The range of the mar(s is% a& ,/ b& ,2 c& d& + -----


The modal mar( is% a& 2 b& #0 c& #. d& 2" -----


The number of students who too( the e0am is% a& b& ." c& .2 d& #2 -----


The median mar( is% a& #+ b& #2 c& #0 d& 2 -----


1f .#3 was needed to pass, the number of failures was% a& b& 2 c& /2 d& // -----


The interquartile range is% a& 20 b& 2+ c& #+ d& ,/ -----


5hich of the following groups of statements is correct6 a& b& c& d& range 7 ,/, median 7 #2, interquartile range 7 208 median 7 #+, interquartile range 7 20, range 7 ,/, interquartile range 7 2+, range 7 ,2, median 7 #08 median 7 #+, range 7 ,2, interquartile range 7 2+. -----

The sets of data below are samples from large populations for use with questions "2 - 2-% Sample $% Sample 9% Sample :% "2 2/ 2.. "..2 #.+ -.." "+ .., 0 // .., /., 2# ".2 -2.. ".0 0 2/

The range of $ is% a& 2/ to 2/ b& 0 c& 2# d& "+ to .2 -----


The range of 9 is% a& /.b& 0.# c& ".2 to #.+ d& ".2 to 2.. -----


The mode of $ is% a& 2/ b& 2# c& "+ d& // -----


The mode of : is% a& ".b& -.." c& 0.02 d& 0 -----


The median of $ is% a& 2/ b& 2. c& 2# d& none of these -----


The median of : is% a& 0 b& 0., c& ".d& /., -----


The mean of $ is% a& 2#., b& 2..0 The mean of 9 is% a& /.-. b& ..,0

c& 2/.0

d& 2+.2



c& /.22

d& .."0



The estimated standard de iation of the population from which 9 was ta(en is% a& ".+/ b& ".,2 c& "..# d& "..0 -----


The estimated standard de iation of the population from which : was ta(en is% a& ".,/ b& 2..# c& 2.22 d& /.2. -----

The following set of numbers represents a sample of student heights. !se it to answer questions 22 and /0. Heights ,0; and less than ,.; ,.; and less than ,,; ,,; and less than ,-; ,-; and less than ,2; ,2; and less than +0; +0; and less than +2; +2; and less than +.; +.; and less than +,; 22 Frequen ! / # + "0 ""/ . 2

The mean alue of all student heights is estimated to be% a& ,2."0; b& ,-.20; c& ,2..0; d& ,2.0#; -----


The standard de iation of all student heights is estimated to be% a& ..20; b& 2.+0; c& 2.,2; d& 2.+2;



1f 20 in oices from the South a erage ,0 and "0 in oices from the )orth a erage /0 the o erall mean is% a& #0 b& .# c& /0 d& ,0 -----


1f the mean of fi e numbers is ..2 and four of them are /, ., ., and # the fifth must be% a& / b& . c& # d& , -----


The ariable <weight, e.g. #, (g, is% a& nominal b& ordinal c& inter al d& ratio -----


The ariable <satisfaction, e.g. low, medium, high is% a& nominal b& ordinal c& inter al d& ratio -----


The ariable <colour, e.g. red, is% a& nominal b& ordinal c& inter al d& ratio -----


The ariable <cost, e.g. 2., is% a& nominal b& ordinal c& inter al d& ratio -----


1f three coins are tossed the probability of getting e0actly two heads is% a& 2=/ b& /=c& 2=d& "=/ -----


1f a pair of dice are rolled the probability of getting at least one si0 is% a& ""=/, b& "0=/, c& ,=/, d& "=/, -----


$dam, 9arry, :harles and >a id are the semi-finalists in a snoo(er contest. 9arry and >a id each ha e a probability of 0.20 of winning the trophy. 1f the probability of :harles winning is 0.2# then that for $dam is% a& 0.## b& 0..# c& 0./# d& insufficient information -----

?uestions .0 to .2 refer to a large batch of in oices from a particular company. @ou are as(ed to assume that the alues of the in oices *& ha e a normal distribution with mean of 200 and standard .de iation of /0 .0 5hat percentage of the in oices ha e alues of less than "+06 a& ",3 ." b& 2,3 c& /,3 d& -#3 ----5hat percentage of in oices ha e alues o er "#06 a& 2"3 .2 b& .#3 c& 2#3 d& 2#3 ----5hat percentage of the in oices ha e alues between "+0 and 2"06 a& 223 ./ b& .+3 c& +,3 d& 2#3 ----5hat percentage of the in oices ha e alues between "+0 and "206 a& 2"3 .. b& .+3 c& #/3 d& +23 ----5hat is the alue which is e0ceeded by .03 of the in oices6 a& #b& "0c& "#d& 20-----


5hat is the alue below which 2#3 of the in oices fall6 a& #b& "#c& "-0 d& 220 -----

?uestions ., to .- refer to the annual commission, in A000, earned by the whole of the salesforce of your company. @ou are as(ed to assume that they follow a normal distribution with a mean of "2 and a standard de iation of /.# ., 5hat percentage of the sales force earned less than ,,000 commission6 a& 2#.+3 .+ b& .#.+3 *c& ../3 *d& ".+3 ----5hat percentage of the salesmen earned between "0,000 and "#,000 commission6 a& "..3 .b& -.-3 c& .-.03 *d& #2.03 -----

5hat is the commission which needs to be earned, in A000, in order for a salesman to be in the top 203 of commission earners6 a& 2 b& "# c& "2 d& 20 -----

The time ta(en by a random selection of "0 wor(ers to complete a tas( were% /.# 2.+ 2.2 /.. 2.+ /.0 /./ 2.2 /." and /., minutes !se this information for questions .2 to #2 .2 The mean and standard de iations needed in order to calculate a 2#3 confidence inter al for the mean time are% a& 0 7 /.""8 s 7 0./0c& 0 7 /..,8 s 7 0./0#0 b& 0 7 /.""8 s 7 0./2# d& 0 7 /..,8 s 7 0./2# -----

The table alue to ma(e use of in the calculation of the 2#3 confidence inter al is% a& ".-/ b& ".2, c& 2.2/ d& 2.2, -----


The confidence inter al produced is% a& from 2./, to /.-, min c& from 2.20 to /./2 min b& from 2.-- to /./. min d& from 2.2" to /./" min -----


5hich of the following statements is true about the confidence inter al produced6 a& 1t contains 2#3 of the times ta(en by the sample of wor(ers. b& There is a 2#3 chance that it contains all the times ta(en by the wor(ers. c& There is a 2#3 chance that it contains the mean time ta(en by all the wor(ers. d& There is a 2#3 chance that it contains the mean time ta(en by the sample of wor(ers. -----

Ans"ers " 2 / . # , + 2 "0 "" "2 "/ a c b d d d a c a c d a b ". "# ", "+ ""2 20 2" 22 2/ 2. 2# 2, b a a a b c a a d b c d a 2+ 222 /0 /" /2 // /. /# /, /+ //2 b b d d a c d b a d b a c .0 ." .2 ./ .. .# ., .+ ..2 #0 #" #2 a d b a d c c d b b d b c

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