Manual Avplay

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NAME avplay - AVplay media player SYNOPSIS avplay [options] input_file DESCRIPTION AVplay is a very simple and portable media player using the Libav librari es and the SDL library. It is mostly used as a testbed for the various Libav APIs. OPTIONS All the numerical options, if not specified otherwise, accept in input a string representing a number, which may contain one of the International System number postfixes, for e xample 'K', 'M', 'G'. If 'i' is appended after the postfix, powers of 2 are used instead of powers of 10. The 'B' postfix multiplies the value for 8, and can be appended after another postfix or used alone. This allows using for example 'KB', 'MiB', 'G' and 'B' as postfix. Options which do not take arguments are boolean options, and set the corr esponding value to true. They can be set to false by prefixing with "no" the option name, for example u sing "-nofoo" in the command line will set to false the boolean option with name "foo". Stream specifiers Some options are applied per-stream, e.g. bitrate or codec. Stream specif iers are used to precisely specify which stream(s) does a given option belong to. A stream specifier is a string generally appended to the option name and separated from it by a colon. E.g. "-codec:a:1 ac3" option contains "a:1" stream specifer, which matche s the second audio stream. Therefore it would select the ac3 codec for the second audio stream. A stream specifier can match several stream, the option is then applied t o all of them. E.g. the stream specifier in "-b:a 128k" matches all audio streams. An empty stream specifier matches all streams, for example "-codec copy" or "-codec: copy" would copy all the streams without reencoding. Possible forms of stream specifiers are: stream_index Matches the stream with this index. E.g. "-threads:1 4" would set the thread count for the second stream to 4. stream_type[:stream_index]

stream_type is one of: 'v' for video, 'a' for audio, 's' for subtitle , 'd' for data and 't' for attachments. If stream_index is given, then matches stream number str eam_index of this type. Otherwise matches all streams of this type. p:program_id[:stream_index] If stream_index is given, then matches stream number stream_index in program with id program_id. Otherwise matches all streams in this program. Generic options These options are shared amongst the av* tools. -L Show license. -h, -?, -help, --help Show help. -version Show version. -formats Show available formats. The fields preceding the format names have the following meanings: D E Decoding available Encoding available

-codecs Show available codecs. The fields preceding the codec names have the following meanings: D E Decoding available Encoding available

V/A/S Video/audio/subtitle codec S D Codec supports slices Codec supports direct rendering

T Codec can handle input truncated at random locations instead of o nly at frame boundaries -bsfs Show available bitstream filters. -protocols Show available protocols. -filters Show available libavfilter filters. -pix_fmts

Show available pixel formats. -sample_fmts Show available sample formats. -loglevel loglevel | -v loglevel Set the logging level used by the library. loglevel is a number or a string containing one of the following values: quiet panic fatal error warning info verbose debug By default the program logs to stderr, if coloring is supported by th e terminal, colors are used to mark errors and warnings. Log coloring can be disabled setting the environment variable AV_LOG_FORCE_NOCOLOR or NO_COLOR, or can be forced setting the enviro nment variable AV_LOG_FORCE_COLOR. The use of the environment variable NO_COLOR is deprecated and will be dropped in a following Libav version. AVOptions These options are provided directly by the libavformat, libavdevice and l ibavcodec libraries. To see the list of available AVOptions, use the -help option. They are separated into two categories: generic These options can be set for any container, codec or device. Generic options are listed under AVFormatContext options for containers/devices and under AVCodecConte xt options for codecs. private These options are specific to the given container, device or codec. P rivate options are listed under their corresponding containers/devices/codecs. For example to write an ID3v2.3 header instead of a default ID3v2.4 to an MP3 file, use the id3v2_version private option of the MP3 muxer: avconv -i input.flac -id3v2_version 3 out.mp3 All codec AVOptions are obviously per-stream, so the chapter on stream sp ecifiers applies to them Note -nooption syntax cannot be used for boolean AVOptions, use -option 0 /-option 1. Note2 old undocumented way of specifying per-stream AVOptions by prependi ng v/a/s to the options name

is now obsolete and will be removed soon. Main options -x width Force displayed width. -y height Force displayed height. -s size This option has been removed. Use private format options for specifyi ng the input video size. For example with the rawvideo demuxer you need to specify the option vide o_size. -an Disable audio. -vn Disable video. -ss pos Seek to a given position in seconds. -t duration play <duration> seconds of audio/video -bytes Seek by bytes. -nodisp Disable graphical display. -f fmt Force format. -window_title title Set window title (default is the input filename). -loop number Loops movie playback <number> times. 0 means forever. -vf filter_graph filter_graph is a description of the filter graph to apply to the inp ut video. Use the option "-filters" to show all the available filters (including also sources and sinks). Advanced options -pix_fmt format This option has been removed. Use private options for specifying the input pixel format. For example with the rawvideo demuxer you need to specify the option pixe l_format. -stats Show the stream duration, the codec parameters, the current position in the stream and the audio/video synchronisation drift. -debug Print specific debug info.

-bug Work around bugs. -vismv Visualize motion vectors. -fast Non-spec-compliant optimizations. -genpts Generate pts. -rtp_tcp Force RTP/TCP protocol usage instead of RTP/UDP. It is only meaningfu l if you are streaming with the RTSP protocol. -sync type Set the master clock to audio ("type=audio"), video ("type=video") or external ("type=ext"). Default is audio. The master clock is used to control audio-video syn chronization. Most media players use audio as master clock, but in some cases (streaming or hi gh quality broadcast) it is necessary to change that. This option is mainly used for debugging pu rposes. -threads count Set the thread count. -ast audio_stream_number Select the desired audio stream number, counting from 0. The number r efers to the list of all the input audio streams. If it is greater than the number of audio stream s minus one, then the last one is selected, if it is negative the audio playback is disabled. -vst video_stream_number Select the desired video stream number, counting from 0. The number r efers to the list of all the input video streams. If it is greater than the number of video stream s minus one, then the last one is selected, if it is negative the video playback is disabled. -sst subtitle_stream_number Select the desired subtitle stream number, counting from 0. The numbe r refers to the list of all the input subtitle streams. If it is greater than the number of subti tle streams minus one, then the last one is selected, if it is negative the subtitle rendering is disabled. -autoexit Exit when video is done playing. -exitonkeydown Exit if any key is pressed. -exitonmousedown

Exit if any mouse button is pressed. While playing q, ESC Quit. f Toggle full screen.

p, SPC Pause. a v t w Cycle audio channel. Cycle video channel. Cycle subtitle channel. Show audio waves.

left/right Seek backward/forward 10 seconds. down/up Seek backward/forward 1 minute. mouse click Seek to percentage in file corresponding to fraction of width. EXPRESSION EVALUATION When evaluating an arithmetic expression, Libav uses an internal formula evaluator, implemented through the libavutil/eval.h interface. An expression may contain unary, binary operators, constants, and functio ns. Two expressions expr1 and expr2 can be combined to form another expressio n "expr1;expr2". expr1 and expr2 are evaluated in turn, and the new expression evaluates to the valu e of expr2. The following binary operators are available: "+", "-", "*", "/", "^". The following unary operators are available: "+", "-". The following functions are available: sinh(x) cosh(x) tanh(x) sin(x) cos(x) tan(x) atan(x) asin(x) acos(x) exp(x) log(x) abs(x) squish(x)

gauss(x) isnan(x) Return 1.0 if x is NAN, 0.0 otherwise. mod(x, y) max(x, y) min(x, y) eq(x, y) gte(x, y) gt(x, y) lte(x, y) lt(x, y) st(var, expr) Allow to store the value of the expression expr in an internal variab le. var specifies the number of the variable where to store the value, and it is a value ranging f rom 0 to 9. The function returns the value stored in the internal variable. ld(var) Allow to load the value of the internal variable with number var, whi ch was previously stored with st(var, expr). The function returns the loaded value. while(cond, expr) Evaluate expression expr while the expression cond is non-zero, and r eturns the value of the last expr evaluation, or NAN if cond was always false. ceil(expr) Round the value of expression expr upwards to the nearest integer. Fo r example, "ceil(1.5)" is "2.0". floor(expr) Round the value of expression expr downwards to the nearest integer. For example, "floor(-1.5)" is "-2.0". trunc(expr) Round the value of expression expr towards zero to the nearest intege r. For example, "trunc(-1.5)" is "-1.0". sqrt(expr) Compute the square root of expr. This is equivalent to "(expr)^.5". not(expr) Return 1.0 if expr is zero, 0.0 otherwise. Note that: "*" works like AND "+" works like OR thus if A then B else C

is equivalent to A*B + not(A)*C In your C code, you can extend the list of unary and binary functions, an d define recognized constants, so that they are available for your expressions. The evaluator also recognizes the International System number postfixes. If 'i' is appended after the postfix, powers of 2 are used instead of powers of 10. The 'B' postfix mu ltiplies the value for 8, and can be appended after another postfix or used alone. This allows using fo r example 'KB', 'MiB', 'G' and 'B' as postfix. Follows the list of available International System postfixes, with indica tion of the corresponding powers of 10 and of 2. y z a f p n u m c d h k K M G T P E Z Y -24 / -80 -21 / -70 -18 / -60 -15 / -50 -12 / -40 -9 / -30 -6 / -20 -3 / -10 -2 -1 2 3 / 10 3 / 10 6 / 20 9 / 30 12 / 40 15 / 40 18 / 50 21 / 60 24 / 70

DEMUXERS Demuxers are configured elements in Libav which allow to read the multime dia streams from a particular type of file. When you configure your Libav build, all the supported demuxers are enabl ed by default. You can list all available ones using the configure option "--list-demuxers". You can disable all the demuxers using the configure option "--disable-de muxers", and selectively enable a single demuxer with the option "--enable-demuxer=DEMUXER", or di sable it with the option "--disable-demuxer=DEMUXER". The option "-formats" of the av* tools will display the list of enabled d emuxers. The description of some of the currently available demuxers follows. image2 Image file demuxer. This demuxer reads from a list of image files specified by a pattern. The pattern may contain the string "%d" or "%0Nd", which specifies the po sition of the characters representing a sequential number in each filename matched by the pattern. If the form "%d0Nd" is used, the string representing the number in each filename is 0-padded and N is the total number of 0-padded digits representing the number. The literal character '%' can be specifie d in the pattern with the string "%%". If the pattern contains "%d" or "%0Nd", the first filename of the file li st specified by the pattern must contain a number inclusively contained between 0 and 4, all the foll owing numbers must be sequential. This limitation may be hopefully fixed. The pattern may contain a suffix which is used to automatically determine the format of the images contained in the files. For example the pattern "img-%03d.bmp" will match a sequence of filenames of the form img-001.bmp, img-002.bmp, ..., img-010.bmp, etc.; the pattern "i%%m%%g-%d.jpg" will ma tch a sequence of filenames of the form i%m%g-1.jpg, i%m%g-2.jpg, ..., i%m%g-10.jpg, etc. The size, the pixel format, and the format of each image must be the same for all the files in the sequence. The following example shows how to use avconv for creating a video from t he images in the file sequence img-001.jpeg, img-002.jpeg, ..., assuming an input framerate of 10 frames per second:

avconv -i 'img-%03d.jpeg' -r 10 out.mkv Note that the pattern must not necessarily contain "%d" or "%0Nd", for ex ample to convert a single image file img.jpeg you can employ the command: avconv -i img.jpeg img.png applehttp Apple HTTP Live Streaming demuxer. This demuxer presents all AVStreams from all variant streams. The id fie ld is set to the bitrate variant index number. By setting the discard flags on AVStreams (by press ing 'a' or 'v' in avplay), the caller can decide which variant streams to actually receive. The tot al bitrate of the variant that the stream belongs to is available in a metadata key named "variant_ bitrate". MUXERS Muxers are configured elements in Libav which allow writing multimedia st reams to a particular type of file. When you configure your Libav build, all the supported muxers are enabled by default. You can list all available muxers using the configure option "--list-muxers". You can disable all the muxers with the configure option "--disable-muxer s" and selectively enable / disable single muxers with the options "--enable-muxer=MUXER" / "--disabl e-muxer=MUXER". The option "-formats" of the av* tools will display the list of enabled m uxers. A description of some of the currently available muxers follows. crc CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) testing format. This muxer computes and prints the Adler-32 CRC of all the input audio an d video frames. By default audio frames are converted to signed 16-bit raw audio and video frames to raw video before computing the CRC. The output of the muxer consists of a single line of the form: CRC=0xCRC, where CRC is a hexadecimal number 0-padded to 8 digits containing the CRC for all the decoded input frames. For example to compute the CRC of the input, and store it in the file out .crc: avconv -i INPUT -f crc out.crc You can print the CRC to stdout with the command:

avconv -i INPUT -f crc You can select the output format of each frame with avconv by specifying the audio and video codec and format. For example to compute the CRC of the input audio converted to PC M unsigned 8-bit and the input video converted to MPEG-2 video, use the command: avconv -i INPUT -c:a pcm_u8 -c:v mpeg2video -f crc See also the framecrc muxer. framecrc Per-frame CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) testing format. This muxer computes and prints the Adler-32 CRC for each decoded audio an d video frame. By default audio frames are converted to signed 16-bit raw audio and video frames to raw video before computing the CRC. The output of the muxer consists of a line for each audio and video frame of the form: stream_index, frame_dts, frame_size, 0xCRC, where CRC is a hexadecimal number 0-padded to 8 digits containing the CRC of the decoded frame. For example to compute the CRC of each decoded frame in the input, and st ore it in the file out.crc: avconv -i INPUT -f framecrc out.crc You can print the CRC of each decoded frame to stdout with the command: avconv -i INPUT -f framecrc You can select the output format of each frame with avconv by specifying the audio and video codec and format. For example, to compute the CRC of each decoded input audio frame converted to PCM unsigned 8-bit and of each decoded input video frame converted to MPEG-2 video, us e the command: avconv -i INPUT -c:a pcm_u8 -c:v mpeg2video -f framecrc See also the crc muxer. image2 Image file muxer. The image file muxer writes video frames to image files. The output filenames are specified by a pattern, which can be used to pro duce sequentially numbered series of files. The pattern may contain the string "%d" or "%0Nd", this string specifies the position of the characters representing a numbering in the filenames. If the form "%0Nd" is used, the string representing the number in each filename is 0-padded to N digits. The literal character '%' can

be specified in the pattern with the string "%%". If the pattern contains "%d" or "%0Nd", the first filename of the file li st specified will contain the number 1, all the following numbers will be sequential. The pattern may contain a suffix which is used to automatically determine the format of the image files to write. For example the pattern "img-%03d.bmp" will specify a sequence of filenam es of the form img-001.bmp, img-002.bmp, ..., img-010.bmp, etc. The pattern "img%%-%d.jpg" will spec ify a sequence of filenames of the form img%-1.jpg, img%-2.jpg, ..., img%-10.jpg, etc. The following example shows how to use avconv for creating a sequence of files img-001.jpeg, img-002.jpeg, ..., taking one image every second from the input video: avconv -i in.avi -vsync 1 -r 1 -f image2 'img-%03d.jpeg' Note that with avconv, if the format is not specified with the "-f" optio n and the output filename specifies an image file format, the image2 muxer is automatically selecte d, so the previous command can be written as: avconv -i in.avi -vsync 1 -r 1 'img-%03d.jpeg' Note also that the pattern must not necessarily contain "%d" or "%0Nd", f or example to create a single image file img.jpeg from the input video you can employ the command: avconv -i in.avi -f image2 -frames:v 1 img.jpeg mpegts MPEG transport stream muxer. This muxer implements ISO 13818-1 and part of ETSI EN 300 468. The muxer options are: -mpegts_original_network_id number Set the original_network_id (default 0x0001). This is unique identifi er of a network in DVB. Its main use is in the unique identification of a service through the pat h Original_Network_ID, Transport_Stream_ID. -mpegts_transport_stream_id number Set the transport_stream_id (default 0x0001). This identifies a trans ponder in DVB. -mpegts_service_id number Set the service_id (default 0x0001) also known as program in DVB. -mpegts_pmt_start_pid number Set the first PID for PMT (default 0x1000, max 0x1f00).

-mpegts_start_pid number Set the first PID for data packets (default 0x0100, max 0x0f00). The recognized metadata settings in mpegts muxer are "service_provider" a nd "service_name". If they are not set the default for "service_provider" is "Libav" and the default for "service_name" is "Service01". avconv -i file.mpg -c copy \ -mpegts_original_network_id 0x1122 \ -mpegts_transport_stream_id 0x3344 \ -mpegts_service_id 0x5566 \ -mpegts_pmt_start_pid 0x1500 \ -mpegts_start_pid 0x150 \ -metadata service_provider="Some provider" \ -metadata service_name="Some Channel" \ -y out.ts null Null muxer. This muxer does not generate any output file, it is mainly useful for tes ting or benchmarking purposes. For example to benchmark decoding with avconv you can use the command: avconv -benchmark -i INPUT -f null out.null Note that the above command does not read or write the out.null file, but specifying the output file is required by the avconv syntax. Alternatively you can write the command as: avconv -benchmark -i INPUT -f null matroska Matroska container muxer. This muxer implements the matroska and webm container specs. The recognized metadata settings in this muxer are: title=title name Name provided to a single track language=language name Specifies the language of the track in the Matroska languages form STEREO_MODE=mode Stereo 3D video layout of two views in a single video track mono video is not stereo left_right Both views are arranged side by side, Left-eye view is on the lef t

bottom_top Both views are arranged in top-bottom orientation, Left-eye view is at bottom top_bottom Both views are arranged in top-bottom orientation, Left-eye view is on top checkerboard_rl Each view is arranged in a checkerboard interleaved pattern, Left -eye view being first checkerboard_lr Each view is arranged in a checkerboard interleaved pattern, Righ t-eye view being first row_interleaved_rl Each view is constituted by a row based interleaving, Right-eye v iew is first row row_interleaved_lr Each view is constituted by a row based interleaving, Left-eye vi ew is first row col_interleaved_rl Both views are arranged in a column based interleaving manner, Ri ght-eye view is first column col_interleaved_lr Both views are arranged in a column based interleaving manner, Le ft-eye view is first column anaglyph_cyan_red All frames are in anaglyph format viewable through red-cyan filte rs right_left Both views are arranged side by side, Right-eye view is on the le ft anaglyph_green_magenta All frames are in anaglyph format viewable through green-magenta filters block_lr Both eyes laced in one Block, Left-eye view is first block_rl Both eyes laced in one Block, Right-eye view is first For example a 3D WebM clip can be created using the following command lin e: avconv -i sample_left_right_clip.mpg -an -c:v libvpx -metadata ST EREO_MODE=left_right -y stereo_clip.webm segment Basic stream segmenter.

The segmenter muxer outputs streams to a number of separate files of near ly fixed duration. Output filename pattern can be set in a fashion similar to image2. Every segment starts with a video keyframe, if a video stream is present. The segment muxer works best with a single constant frame rate video. Optionally it can generate a flat list of the created segments, one segme nt per line. segment_format format Override the inner container format, by default it is guessed by the filename extension. segment_time t Set segment duration to t seconds. segment_list name Generate also a listfile named name. segment_list_size size Overwrite the listfile once it reaches size entries. avconv -i in.mkv -c copy -map 0 -f segment -list out.list out%03d .nut INPUT DEVICES Input devices are configured elements in Libav which allow to access the data coming from a multimedia device attached to your system. When you configure your Libav build, all the supported input devices are enabled by default. You can list all available ones using the configure option "--list-indevs". You can disable all the input devices using the configure option "--disab le-indevs", and selectively enable an input device using the option "--enable-indev=INDEV", or you ca n disable a particular input device using the option "--disable-indev=INDEV". The option "-formats" of the av* tools will display the list of supported input devices (amongst the demuxers). A description of the currently available input devices follows. alsa ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) input device. To enable this input device during configuration you need libasound insta lled on your system. This device allows capturing from an ALSA device. The name of the device to capture has to be an ALSA card identifier. An ALSA identifier has the syntax:

hw:<CARD>[,<DEV>[,<SUBDEV>]] where the DEV and SUBDEV components are optional. The three arguments (in order: CARD,DEV,SUBDEV) specify card number or id entifier, device number and subdevice number (-1 means any). To see the list of cards currently recognized by your system check the fi les /proc/asound/cards and /proc/asound/devices. For example to capture with avconv from an ALSA device with card id 0, yo u may run the command: avconv -f alsa -i hw:0 alsaout.wav For more information see: < pcm.html> bktr BSD video input device. dv1394 Linux DV 1394 input device. fbdev Linux framebuffer input device. The Linux framebuffer is a graphic hardware-independent abstraction layer to show graphics on a computer monitor, typically on the console. It is accessed through a file device node, usually /dev/fb0. For more detailed information read the file Documentation/fb/framebuffer. txt included in the Linux source tree. To record from the framebuffer device /dev/fb0 with avconv: avconv -f fbdev -r 10 -i /dev/fb0 out.avi You can take a single screenshot image with the command: avconv -f fbdev -frames:v 1 -r 1 -i /dev/fb0 screenshot.jpeg See also <>, and fbset(1). jack JACK input device. To enable this input device during configuration you need libjack install ed on your system. A JACK input device creates one or more JACK writable clients, one for ea ch audio channel, with name client_name:input_N, where client_name is the name provided by the applic ation, and N is a number which identifies the channel. Each writable client will send the acquire

d data to the Libav input device. Once you have created one or more JACK readable clients, you need to conn ect them to one or more JACK writable clients. To connect or disconnect JACK clients you can use the jack_connect and ja ck_disconnect programs, or do it through a graphical interface, for example with qjackctl. To list the JACK clients and their properties you can invoke the command jack_lsp. Follows an example which shows how to capture a JACK readable client with avconv. # Create a JACK writable client with name "libav". $ avconv -f jack -i libav -y out.wav # Start the sample jack_metro readable client. $ jack_metro -b 120 -d 0.2 -f 4000 # List the current JACK clients. $ jack_lsp -c system:capture_1 system:capture_2 system:playback_1 system:playback_2 libav:input_1 metro:120_bpm # Connect metro to the avconv writable client. $ jack_connect metro:120_bpm libav:input_1 For more information read: <> libdc1394 IIDC1394 input device, based on libdc1394 and libraw1394. oss Open Sound System input device. The filename to provide to the input device is the device node representi ng the OSS input device, and is usually set to /dev/dsp. For example to grab from /dev/dsp using avconv use the command: avconv -f oss -i /dev/dsp /tmp/oss.wav For more information about OSS see: < ide/dsp.html> pulse pulseaudio input device. To enable this input device during configuration you need libpulse-simple installed in your system.

The filename to provide to the input device is a source device or the str ing "default" To list the pulse source devices and their properties you can invoke the command pactl list sources. avconv -f pulse -i default /tmp/pulse.wav server AVOption The syntax is: -server <server name> Connects to a specific server. name AVOption The syntax is: -name <application name> Specify the application name pulse will use when showing active clients, by default it is "libav" stream_name AVOption The syntax is: -stream_name <stream name> Specify the stream name pulse will use when showing active streams, by de fault it is "record" sample_rate AVOption The syntax is: -sample_rate <samplerate> Specify the samplerate in Hz, by default 48kHz is used. channels AVOption The syntax is: -channels <N> Specify the channels in use, by default 2 (stereo) is set. frame_size AVOption The syntax is: -frame_size <bytes> Specify the number of byte per frame, by default it is set to 1024. fragment_size AVOption

The syntax is: -fragment_size <bytes> Specify the minimal buffering fragment in pulseaudio, it will affect the audio latency. By default it is unset. sndio sndio input device. To enable this input device during configuration you need libsndio instal led on your system. The filename to provide to the input device is the device node representi ng the sndio input device, and is usually set to /dev/audio0. For example to grab from /dev/audio0 using avconv use the command: avconv -f sndio -i /dev/audio0 /tmp/oss.wav video4linux and video4linux2 Video4Linux and Video4Linux2 input video devices. The name of the device to grab is a file device node, usually Linux syste ms tend to automatically create such nodes when the device (e.g. an USB webcam) is plugged into th e system, and has a name of the kind /dev/videoN, where N is a number associated to the device. Video4Linux and Video4Linux2 devices only support a limited set of widthx height sizes and framerates. You can check which are supported for example with the command dov4l for Video4Linux devices and using -list_formats all for Video4Linux2 devices. If the size for the device is set to 0x0, the input device will try to au todetect the size to use. Only for the video4linux2 device, if the frame rate is set to 0/0 the inp ut device will use the frame rate value already set in the driver. Video4Linux support is deprecated since Linux 2.6.30, and will be dropped in later versions. Follow some usage examples of the video4linux devices with the av* tools. # Grab and show the input of a video4linux device, frame rate is set # to the default of 25/1. avplay -s 320x240 -f video4linux /dev/video0 # Grab and show the input of a video4linux2 device, autoadjust si ze. avplay -f video4linux2 /dev/video0 # Grab and record the input of a video4linux2 device, autoadjust size, # frame rate value defaults to 0/0 so it is read from the video4l

inux2 # driver. avconv -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 out.mpeg vfwcap VfW (Video for Windows) capture input device. The filename passed as input is the capture driver number, ranging from 0 to 9. You may use "list" as filename to print a list of drivers. Any other filename will be interpret ed as device number 0. x11grab X11 video input device. This device allows to capture a region of an X11 display. The filename passed as input has the syntax: [<hostname>]:<display_number>.<screen_number>[+<x_offset>,<y_offs et>] hostname:display_number.screen_number specifies the X11 display name of t he screen to grab from. hostname can be ommitted, and defaults to "localhost". The environment va riable DISPLAY contains the default display name. x_offset and y_offset specify the offsets of the grabbed area with respec t to the top-left border of the X11 screen. They default to 0. Check the X11 documentation (e.g. man X) for more detailed information. Use the dpyinfo program for getting basic information about the propertie s of your X11 display (e.g. grep for "name" or "dimensions"). For example to grab from :0.0 using avconv: avconv -f x11grab -r 25 -s cif -i :0.0 out.mpg # Grab at position 10,20. avconv -f x11grab -r 25 -s cif -i :0.0+10,20 out.mpg follow_mouse AVOption The syntax is: -follow_mouse centered|<PIXELS> When it is specified with "centered", the grabbing region follows the mou se pointer and keeps the pointer at the center of region; otherwise, the region follows only when the mouse pointer reaches within PIXELS (greater than zero) to the edge of region. For example: avconv -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -r 25 -s cif -i :0.0 out

.mpg # Follows only when the mouse pointer reaches within 100 pixels t o edge avconv -f x11grab -follow_mouse 100 -r 25 -s cif -i :0.0 out.mpg show_region AVOption The syntax is: -show_region 1 If show_region AVOption is specified with 1, then the grabbing region wil l be indicated on screen. With this option, it's easy to know what is being grabbed if only a porti on of the screen is grabbed. For example: avconv -f x11grab -show_region 1 -r 25 -s cif -i :0.0+10,20 out.m pg # With follow_mouse avconv -f x11grab -follow_mouse centered -show_region 1 -r 25 -s cif -i :0.0 out.mpg OUTPUT DEVICES Output devices are configured elements in Libav which allow to write mult imedia data to an output device attached to your system. When you configure your Libav build, all the supported output devices are enabled by default. You can list all available ones using the configure option "--list-outdevs". You can disable all the output devices using the configure option "--disa ble-outdevs", and selectively enable an output device using the option "--enable-outdev=OUTDEV", or you can disable a particular input device using the option "--disable-outdev=OUTDEV". The option "-formats" of the av* tools will display the list of enabled o utput devices (amongst the muxers). A description of the currently available output devices follows. alsa ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) output device. oss OSS (Open Sound System) output device. sndio sndio audio output device. PROTOCOLS Protocols are configured elements in Libav which allow to access resource s which require the use of a particular protocol.

When you configure your Libav build, all the supported protocols are enab led by default. You can list all available ones using the configure option "--list-protocols". You can disable all the protocols using the configure option "--disable-p rotocols", and selectively enable a protocol using the option "--enable-protocol=PROTOCOL", or you c an disable a particular protocol using the option "--disable-protocol=PROTOCOL". The option "-protocols" of the av* tools will display the list of support ed protocols. A description of the currently available protocols follows. applehttp Read Apple HTTP Live Streaming compliant segmented stream as a uniform on e. The M3U8 playlists describing the segments can be remote HTTP resources or local files, acce ssed using the standard file protocol. HTTP is default, specific protocol can be declared by specifyi ng "+proto" after the applehttp URI scheme name, where proto is either "file" or "http". applehttp://host/path/to/remote/resource.m3u8 applehttp+http://host/path/to/remote/resource.m3u8 applehttp+file://path/to/local/resource.m3u8 concat Physical concatenation protocol. Allow to read and seek from many resource in sequence as if they were a u nique resource. A URL accepted by this protocol has the syntax: concat:<URL1>|<URL2>|...|<URLN> where URL1, URL2, ..., URLN are the urls of the resource to be concatenat ed, each one possibly specifying a distinct protocol. For example to read a sequence of files split1.mpeg, split2.mpeg, split3. mpeg with avplay use the command: avplay concat:split1.mpeg\|split2.mpeg\|split3.mpeg Note that you may need to escape the character "|" which is special for m any shells. file File access protocol. Allow to read from or read to a file. For example to read from a file input.mpeg with avconv use the command: avconv -i file:input.mpeg output.mpeg

The av* tools default to the file protocol, that is a resource specified with the name "FILE.mpeg" is interpreted as the URL "file:FILE.mpeg". gopher Gopher protocol. http HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). mmst MMS (Microsoft Media Server) protocol over TCP. mmsh MMS (Microsoft Media Server) protocol over HTTP. The required syntax is: mmsh://<server>[:<port>][/<app>][/<playpath>] md5 MD5 output protocol. Computes the MD5 hash of the data to be written, and on close writes this to the designated output or stdout if none is specified. It can be used to test muxers without writin g an actual file. Some examples follow. # Write the MD5 hash of the encoded AVI file to the file output.a vi.md5. avconv -i input.flv -f avi -y md5:output.avi.md5 # Write the MD5 hash of the encoded AVI file to stdout. avconv -i input.flv -f avi -y md5: Note that some formats (typically MOV) require the output protocol to be seekable, so they will fail with the MD5 output protocol. pipe UNIX pipe access protocol. Allow to read and write from UNIX pipes. The accepted syntax is: pipe:[<number>] number is the number corresponding to the file descriptor of the pipe (e. g. 0 for stdin, 1 for stdout, 2 for stderr). If number is not specified, by default the stdout file de scriptor will be used for writing, stdin for reading. For example to read from stdin with avconv: cat test.wav | avconv -i pipe:0

# ...this is the same as... cat test.wav | avconv -i pipe: For writing to stdout with avconv: avconv -i test.wav -f avi pipe:1 | cat > test.avi # ...this is the same as... avconv -i test.wav -f avi pipe: | cat > test.avi Note that some formats (typically MOV), require the output protocol to be seekable, so they will fail with the pipe output protocol. rtmp Real-Time Messaging Protocol. The Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is used for streaming multimedia content across a TCP/IP network. The required syntax is: rtmp://<server>[:<port>][/<app>][/<playpath>] The accepted parameters are: server The address of the RTMP server. port The number of the TCP port to use (by default is 1935). app It is the name of the application to access. It usually corresponds t o the path where the application is installed on the RTMP server (e.g. /ondemand/, /flash/ live/, etc.). playpath It is the path or name of the resource to play with reference to the application specified in app, may be prefixed by "mp4:". For example to read with avplay a multimedia resource named "sample" from the application "vod" from an RTMP server "myserver": avplay rtmp://myserver/vod/sample rtmp, rtmpe, rtmps, rtmpt, rtmpte Real-Time Messaging Protocol and its variants supported through librtmp. Requires the presence of the librtmp headers and library during configura tion. You need to explicitly configure the build with "--enable-librtmp". If enabled this will replace the native RTMP protocol. This protocol provides most client functions and a few server functions n eeded to support RTMP, RTMP tunneled in HTTP (RTMPT), encrypted RTMP (RTMPE), RTMP over SSL/TLS (RTMP S) and tunneled variants of

these encrypted types (RTMPTE, RTMPTS). The required syntax is: <rtmp_proto>://<server>[:<port>][/<app>][/<playpath>] <options> where rtmp_proto is one of the strings "rtmp", "rtmpt", "rtmpe", "rtmps", "rtmpte", "rtmpts" corresponding to each RTMP variant, and server, port, app and playpath ha ve the same meaning as specified for the RTMP native protocol. options contains a list of space -separated options of the form key=val. See the librtmp manual page (man 3 librtmp) for more information. For example, to stream a file in real-time to an RTMP server using avconv : avconv -re -i myfile -f flv rtmp://myserver/live/mystream To play the same stream using avplay: avplay "rtmp://myserver/live/mystream live=1" rtp Real-Time Protocol. rtsp RTSP is not technically a protocol handler in libavformat, it is a demuxe r and muxer. The demuxer supports both normal RTSP (with data transferred over RTP; this is used b y e.g. Apple and Microsoft) and Real-RTSP (with data transferred over RDT). The muxer can be used to send a stream using RTSP ANNOUNCE to a server su pporting it (currently Darwin Streaming Server and Mischa Spiegelmock's RTSP server ("")). The required syntax for a RTSP url is: rtsp://<hostname>[:<port>]/<path> The following options (set on the avconv/avplay command line, or set in c ode via "AVOption"s or in "avformat_open_input"), are supported: Flags for "rtsp_transport": udp Use UDP as lower transport protocol. tcp Use TCP (interleaving within the RTSP control channel) as lower trans port protocol. udp_multicast Use UDP multicast as lower transport protocol. http Use HTTP tunneling as lower transport protocol, which is useful for p

assing proxies. Multiple lower transport protocols may be specified, in that case they ar e tried one at a time (if the setup of one fails, the next one is tried). For the muxer, only the "tcp " and "udp" options are supported. Flags for "rtsp_flags": filter_src Accept packets only from negotiated peer address and port. When receiving data over UDP, the demuxer tries to reorder received packe ts (since they may arrive out of order, or packets may get lost totally). In order for this to be enabl ed, a maximum delay must be specified in the "max_delay" field of AVFormatContext. When watching multi-bitrate Real-RTSP streams with avplay, the streams to display can be chosen with "-vst" n and "-ast" n for video and audio respectively, and can be switch ed on the fly by pressing "v" and "a". Example command lines: To watch a stream over UDP, with a max reordering delay of 0.5 seconds: avplay -max_delay 500000 -rtsp_transport udp rtsp://server/video. mp4 To watch a stream tunneled over HTTP: avplay -rtsp_transport http rtsp://server/video.mp4 To send a stream in realtime to a RTSP server, for others to watch: avconv -re -i <input> -f rtsp -muxdelay 0.1 rtsp://server/ p sap Session col handler in it is a announcing the streams Muxer The syntax for a SAP url given to the muxer is: sap://<destination>[:<port>][?<options>] The RTP packets are sent to destination on port port, or to port 5004 if no port is specified. options is a "&"-separated list. The following options are supported: announce_addr=address Specify the destination IP address for sending the announcements to. Announcement Protocol (RFC 2974). This is not technically a proto libavformat, muxer and demuxer. It is used for signalling of RTP streams, by SDP for the regularly on a separate port.

If omitted, the announcements are sent to the commonly used SAP announcement multicas t address (, or ff0e::2:7ffe if destination is an IPv6 address. announce_port=port Specify the port to send the announcements on, defaults to 9875 if no t specified. ttl=ttl Specify the time to live value for the announcements and RTP packets, defaults to 255. same_port=0|1 If set to 1, send all RTP streams on the same port pair. If zero (the default), all streams are sent on unique ports, with each stream on a port 2 numbers higher tha n the previous. VLC/Live555 requires this to be set to 1, to be able to receive the stream. The RTP stack in libavformat for receiving requires all streams to be sent on unique ports. Example command lines follow. To broadcast a stream on the local subnet, for watching in VLC: avconv -re -i <input> -f sap sap:// Similarly, for watching in avplay: avconv -re -i <input> -f sap sap:// And for watching in avplay, over IPv6: avconv -re -i <input> -f sap sap://[ff0e::1:2:3:4] Demuxer The syntax for a SAP url given to the demuxer is: sap://[<address>][:<port>] address is the multicast address to listen for announcements on, if omitt ed, the default ( is used. port is the port that is listened on, 9875 if om itted. The demuxers listens for announcements on the given address and port. On ce an announcement is received, it tries to receive that particular stream. Example command lines follow. To play back the first stream announced on the normal SAP multicast addre ss: avplay sap:// To play back the first stream announced on one the default IPv6 SAP multi cast address:

avplay sap://[ff0e::2:7ffe] tcp Trasmission Control Protocol. The required syntax for a TCP url is: tcp://<hostname>:<port>[?<options>] listen Listen for an incoming connection avconv -i <input> -f <format> tcp://<hostname>:<port>?listen avplay tcp://<hostname>:<port> udp User Datagram Protocol. The required syntax for a UDP url is: udp://<hostname>:<port>[?<options>] options contains a list of &-seperated options of the form key=val. Foll ow the list of supported options. buffer_size=size set the UDP buffer size in bytes localport=port override the local UDP port to bind with localaddr=addr Choose the local IP address. This is useful e.g. if sending multicast and the host has multiple interfaces, where the user can choose which interface to send on by s pecifying the IP address of that interface. pkt_size=size set the size in bytes of UDP packets reuse=1|0 explicitly allow or disallow reusing UDP sockets ttl=ttl set the time to live value (for multicast only) connect=1|0 Initialize the UDP socket with "connect()". In this case, the destina tion address can't be changed with ff_udp_set_remote_url later. If the destination address isn't k nown at the start, this option can be specified in ff_udp_set_remote_url, too. This allows f inding out the source address for the packets with getsockname, and makes writes return with AVERRO R(ECONNREFUSED) if "destination unreachable" is received. For receiving, this gives the benefit of only receiving

packets from the specified peer address/port. Some usage examples of the udp protocol with avconv follow. To stream over UDP to a remote endpoint: avconv -i <input> -f <format> udp://<hostname>:<port> To stream in mpegts format over UDP using 188 sized UDP packets, using a large input buffer: avconv -i <input> -f mpegts udp://<hostname>:<port>?pkt_size=188& buffer_size=65535 To receive over UDP from a remote endpoint: avconv -i udp://[<multicast-address>]:<port> FILTERGRAPH DESCRIPTION A filtergraph is a directed graph of connected filters. It can contain cy cles, and there can be multiple links between a pair of filters. Each link has one input pad on one side connecting it to one filter from which it takes its input, and one output pad on the other sid e connecting it to the one filter accepting its output. Each filter in a filtergraph is an instance of a filter class registered in the application, which defines the features and the number of input and output pads of the filte r. A filter with no input pads is called a "source", a filter with no output pads is called a "sink". Filtergraph syntax A filtergraph can be represented using a textual representation, which is recognized by the "-vf" and "-af" options in avconv and avplay, and by the "av_parse_graph()" functio n defined in libavfilter/avfiltergraph. A filterchain consists of a sequence of connected filters, each one conne cted to the previous one in the sequence. A filterchain is represented by a list of ","-separated fil ter descriptions. A filtergraph consists of a sequence of filterchains. A sequence of filte rchains is represented by a list of ";"-separated filterchain descriptions. A filter is represented by a string of the form: [in_link_1]...[in_link_N]filter_name=arguments[out_link_1]...[out_link_M] filter_name is the name of the filter class of which the described filter is an instance of, and has to be the name of one of the filter classes registered in the program. T he name of the filter class is optionally followed by a string "=arguments".

arguments is a string which contains the parameters used to initialize th e filter instance, and are described in the filter descriptions below. The list of arguments can be quoted using the character "'" as initial an d ending mark, and the character '\' for escaping the characters within the quoted text; otherwi se the argument string is considered terminated when the next special character (belonging to the s et "[]=;,") is encountered. The name and arguments of the filter are optionally preceded and followed by a list of link labels. A link label allows to name a link and associate it to a filter output or i nput pad. The preceding labels in_link_1 ... in_link_N, are associated to the filter input pads, the following labels out_link_1 ... out_link_M, are associated to the output pads. When two link labels with the same name are found in the filtergraph, a l ink between the corresponding input and output pad is created. If an output pad is not labelled, it is linked by default to the first un labelled input pad of the next filter in the filterchain. For example in the filterchain: nullsrc, split[L1], [L2]overlay, nullsink the split filter instance has two output pads, and the overlay filter ins tance two input pads. The first output pad of split is labelled "L1", the first input pad of overla y is labelled "L2", and the second output pad of split is linked to the second input pad of overlay, which are both unlabelled. In a complete filterchain all the unlabelled filter input and output pads must be connected. A filtergraph is considered valid if all the filter input and output pads o f all the filterchains are connected. Follows a BNF description for the filtergraph syntax: <NAME> ' <LINKLABEL> <LINKLABELS> <FILTER_ARGUMENTS> <FILTER> TS>] [<LINKLABELS>] <FILTERCHAIN> <FILTERGRAPH> ::= ::= ::= ::= "[" <NAME> "]" <LINKLABEL> [<LINKLABELS>] sequence of chars (eventually quoted) [<LINKLABELS>] <NAME> ["=" <FILTER_ARGUMEN ::= sequence of alphanumeric characters and '_


AUDIO FILTERS When you configure your Libav build, you can disable any of the existing filters using --disable-filters. The configure output will show the audio filters incl uded in your build.

Below is a description of the currently available audio filters. anull Pass the audio source unchanged to the output. AUDIO SOURCES Below is a description of the currently available audio sources. anullsrc Null audio source, never return audio frames. It is mainly useful as a te mplate and to be employed in analysis / debugging tools. It accepts as optional parameter a string of the form sample_rate:channel _layout. sample_rate specify the sample rate, and defaults to 44100. channel_layout specify the channel layout, and can be either an integer o r a string representing a channel layout. The default value of channel_layout is 3, which correspon ds to CH_LAYOUT_STEREO. Check the channel_layout_map definition in libavcodec/audioconvert.c for the mapping between strings and channel layout values. Follow some examples: # set the sample rate to 48000 Hz and the channel layout to CH_L AYOUT_MONO. anullsrc=48000:4 # same as anullsrc=48000:mono AUDIO SINKS Below is a description of the currently available audio sinks. anullsink Null audio sink, do absolutely nothing with the input audio. It is mainly useful as a template and to be employed in analysis / debugging tools. VIDEO FILTERS When you configure your Libav build, you can disable any of the existing filters using --disable-filters. The configure output will show the video filters incl uded in your build. Below is a description of the currently available video filters. blackframe Detect frames that are (almost) completely black. Can be useful to detect chapter transitions or commercials. Output lines consist of the frame number of the detected fra me, the percentage of blackness, the position in the file if known or -1 and the timestamp in s econds.

In order to display the output lines, you need to set the loglevel at lea st to the AV_LOG_INFO value. The filter accepts the syntax: blackframe[=<amount>:[<threshold>]] amount is the percentage of the pixels that have to be below the threshol d, and defaults to 98. threshold is the threshold below which a pixel value is considered black, and defaults to 32. boxblur Apply boxblur algorithm to the input video. This filter accepts the parameters: luma_power:luma_radius:chroma_radius:chroma_power:alpha_radius:alpha_powe r Chroma and alpha parameters are optional, if not specified they default t o the corresponding values set for luma_radius and luma_power. luma_radius, chroma_radius, and alpha_radius represent the radius in pixe ls of the box used for blurring the corresponding input plane. They are expressions, and can con tain the following constants: w, h the input width and height in pixels cw, ch the input chroma image width and height in pixels hsub, vsub horizontal and vertical chroma subsample values. For example for the pixel format "yuv422p" hsub is 2 and vsub is 1. The radius must be a non-negative number, and must not be greater than th e value of the expression "min(w,h)/2" for the luma and alpha planes, and of "min(cw,ch)/2" for the chroma planes. luma_power, chroma_power, and alpha_power represent how many times the bo xblur filter is applied to the corresponding plane. Some examples follow: Apply a boxblur filter with luma, chroma, and alpha radius set to 2: boxblur=2:1 Set luma radius to 2, alpha and chroma radius to 0 boxblur=2:1:0:0:0:0 Set luma and chroma radius to a fraction of the video dimension

boxblur=min(h,w)/10:1:min(cw,ch)/10:1 copy Copy the input source unchanged to the output. Mainly useful for testing purposes. crop Crop the input video to out_w:out_h:x:y. The parameters are expressions containing the following constants: E, PI, PHI the corresponding mathematical approximated values for e (euler numbe r), pi (greek PI), PHI (golden ratio) x, y the computed values for x and y. They are evaluated for each new fram e. in_w, in_h the input width and height iw, ih same as in_w and in_h out_w, out_h the output (cropped) width and height ow, oh same as out_w and out_h n the number of input frame, starting from 0

pos the position in the file of the input frame, NAN if unknown t timestamp expressed in seconds, NAN if the input timestamp is unknown

The out_w and out_h parameters specify the expressions for the width and height of the output (cropped) video. They are evaluated just at the configuration of the filt er. The default value of out_w is "in_w", and the default value of out_h is " in_h". The expression for out_w may depend on the value of out_h, and the expres sion for out_h may depend on out_w, but they cannot depend on x and y, as x and y are evaluated after out_w and out_h. The x and y parameters specify the expressions for the position of the to p-left corner of the output (non-cropped) area. They are evaluated for each frame. If the evaluated v alue is not valid, it is approximated to the nearest valid value. The default value of x is "(in_w-out_w)/2", and the default value for y i s "(in_h-out_h)/2", which set

the cropped area at the center of the input image. The expression for x may depend on y, and the expression for y may depend on x. Follow some examples: # crop the central input area with size 100x100 crop=100:100 # crop the central input area with size 2/3 of the input video "crop=2/3*in_w:2/3*in_h" # crop the input video central square crop=in_h # delimit the rectangle with the top-left corner placed at positi on # 100:100 and the right-bottom corner corresponding to the rightbottom # corner of the input image. crop=in_w-100:in_h-100:100:100 # crop 10 pixels from the left and right borders, and 20 pixels f rom # the top and bottom borders "crop=in_w-2*10:in_h-2*20" # keep only the bottom right quarter of the input image "crop=in_w/2:in_h/2:in_w/2:in_h/2" # crop height for getting Greek harmony "crop=in_w:1/PHI*in_w" # trembling effect "crop=in_w/2:in_h/2:(in_w-out_w)/2+((in_w-out_w)/2)*sin(n/10):(in _h-out_h)/2 +((in_h-out_h)/2)*sin(n/7)" # erratic camera effect depending on timestamp "crop=in_w/2:in_h/2:(in_w-out_w)/2+((in_w-out_w)/2)*sin(t*10):(in _h-out_h)/2 +((in_h-out_h)/2)*sin(t*13)" # set x depending on the value of y "crop=in_w/2:in_h/2:y:10+10*sin(n/10)" cropdetect Auto-detect crop size. Calculate necessary cropping parameters and prints the recommended parame ters through the logging system. The detected dimensions correspond to the non-black area of the i nput video. It accepts the syntax: cropdetect[=<limit>[:<round>[:<reset>]]] limit Threshold, which can be optionally specified from nothing (0) to ever ything (255), defaults to 24.

round Value which the width/height should be divisible by, defaults to 16. The offset is automatically adjusted to center the video. Use 2 to get only even dimensions (need ed for 4:2:2 video). 16 is best when encoding to most video codecs. reset Counter that determines after how many frames cropdetect will reset t he previously detected largest video area and start over to detect the current optimal crop area. Defaults to 0. This can be useful when channel logos distort the video area. 0 indic ates never reset and return the largest area encountered during playback. delogo Suppress a TV station logo by a simple interpolation of the surrounding p ixels. Just set a rectangle covering the logo and watch it disappear (and sometimes something even ug lier appear - your mileage may vary). The filter accepts parameters as a string of the form "x:y:w:h:band", or as a list of key=value pairs, separated by ":". The description of the accepted parameters follows. x, y Specify the top left corner coordinates of the logo. They must be spe cified. w, h Specify the width and height of the logo to clear. They must be speci fied. band, t Specify the thickness of the fuzzy edge of the rectangle (added to w and h). The default value is 4. show When set to 1, a green rectangle is drawn on the screen to simplify f inding the right x, y, w, h parameters, and band is set to 4. The default value is 0. Some examples follow. Set a rectangle covering the area with top left corner coordinates 0,0 a nd size 100x77, setting a band of size 10: delogo=0:0:100:77:10 As the previous example, but use named options: delogo=x=0:y=0:w=100:h=77:band=10

drawbox Draw a colored box on the input image. It accepts the syntax: drawbox=<x>:<y>:<width>:<height>:<color> x, y Specify the top left corner coordinates of the box. Default to 0. width, height Specify the width and height of the box, if 0 they are interpreted as the input width and height. Default to 0. color Specify the color of the box to write, it can be the name of a color (case insensitive match) or a 0xRRGGBB[AA] sequence. Follow some examples: # draw a black box around the edge of the input image drawbox # draw a box with color red and an opacity of 50% drawbox=10:20:200:60:red@0.5" drawtext Draw text string or text from specified file on top of video using the li bfreetype library. To enable compilation of this filter you need to configure Libav with "-enable-libfreetype". The filter also recognizes strftime() sequences in the provided text and expands them accordingly. Check the documentation of strftime(). The filter accepts parameters as a list of key=value pairs, separated by ":". The description of the accepted parameters follows. fontfile The font file to be used for drawing text. Path must be included. Th is parameter is mandatory. text The text string to be drawn. The text must be a sequence of UTF-8 enc oded characters. This parameter is mandatory if no file is specified with the parameter tex tfile. textfile A text file containing text to be drawn. The text must be a sequence of UTF-8 encoded characters. This parameter is mandatory if no text string is specified with the p

arameter text. If both text and textfile are specified, an error is thrown. x, y The offsets where text will be drawn within the video frame. Relativ e to the top/left border of the output image. They accept expressions similar to the overlay fil ter: x, y the computed values for x and y. They are evaluated for each new frame. main_w, main_h main input width and height W, H same as main_w and main_h text_w, text_h rendered text width and height w, h same as text_w and text_h n t nown The default value of x and y is 0. fontsize The font size to be used for drawing text. The default value of font size is 16. fontcolor The color to be used for drawing fonts. Either a string (e.g. "red") or in 0xRRGGBB[AA] format (e.g. "0xff000033"), possibly followed by an alpha specifier. The de fault value of fontcolor is "black". boxcolor The color to be used for drawing box around text. Either a string (e .g. "yellow") or in 0xRRGGBB[AA] format (e.g. "0xff00ff"), possibly followed by an alpha specifier. The default value of boxcolor is "white". box Used to draw a box around text using background color. Value should be either 1 (enable) or 0 (disable). The default value of box is 0. shadowx, shadowy The x and y offsets for the text shadow position with respect to the position of the text. They can be either positive or negative values. Default value for both is "0". the number of frames processed, starting from 0 timestamp expressed in seconds, NAN if the input timestamp is unk

shadowcolor The color to be used for drawing a shadow behind the drawn text. It can be a color name (e.g. "yellow") or a string in the 0xRRGGBB[AA] form (e.g. "0xff00ff"), pos sibly followed by an alpha specifier. The default value of shadowcolor is "black". ft_load_flags Flags to be used for loading the fonts. The flags map the corresponding flags supported by libfreetype, and a re a combination of the following values: default no_scale no_hinting render no_bitmap vertical_layout force_autohint crop_bitmap pedantic ignore_global_advance_width no_recurse ignore_transform monochrome linear_design no_autohint end table Default value is "render". For more information consult the documentation for the FT_LOAD_* libf reetype flags. tabsize The size in number of spaces to use for rendering the tab. Default v alue is 4. For example the command: drawtext="fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.t tf: text='Test Text'" will draw "Test Text" with font FreeSerif, using the default values for t he optional parameters. The command: drawtext="fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.t tf: text='Test Text':\ x=100: y=50: fontsize=24: fontcolor=yellow@0.2: box=1: boxcolor=red@0.2" will draw 'Test Text' with font FreeSerif of size 24 at position x=100 an d y=50 (counting from the top-left corner of the screen), text is yellow with a red box around it. Both the text and the box

have an opacity of 20%. Note that the double quotes are not necessary if spaces are not used with in the parameter list. For more information about libfreetype, check: <> . fade Apply fade-in/out effect to input video. It accepts the parameters: type:start_frame:nb_frames type specifies if the effect type, can be either "in" for fade-in, or "ou t" for a fade-out effect. start_frame specifies the number of the start frame for starting to apply the fade effect. nb_frames specifies the number of frames for which the fade effect has to last. At the end of the fade-in effect the output video will have the same intensity as the input video, at the end of the fade-out transition the output video will be completely black. A few usage examples follow, usable too as test scenarios. # fade in first 30 frames of video fade=in:0:30 # fade out last 45 frames of a 200-frame video fade=out:155:45 # fade in first 25 frames and fade out last 25 frames of a 1000-f rame video fade=in:0:25, fade=out:975:25 # make first 5 frames black, then fade in from frame 5-24 fade=in:5:20 fieldorder Transform the field order of the input video. It accepts one parameter which specifies the required field order that th e input interlaced video will be transformed to. The parameter can assume one of the following values: 0 or bff output bottom field first 1 or tff output top field first Default value is "tff". Transformation is achieved by shifting the picture content up or down by one line, and filling the remaining line with appropriate picture content. This method is consiste nt with most broadcast field order converters.

If the input video is not flagged as being interlaced, or it is already f lagged as being of the required output field order then this filter does not alter the incoming video. This filter is very useful when converting to or from PAL DV material, wh ich is bottom field first. For example: ./avconv -i in.vob -vf "fieldorder=bff" out.dv fifo Buffer input images and send them when they are requested. This filter is mainly useful when auto-inserted by the libavfilter framew ork. The filter does not take parameters. format Convert the input video to one of the specified pixel formats. Libavfilt er will try to pick one that is supported for the input to the next filter. The filter accepts a list of pixel format names, separated by ":", for ex ample "yuv420p:monow:rgb24". Some examples follow: # convert the input video to the format "yuv420p" format=yuv420p # convert the input video to any of the formats in the list format=yuv420p:yuv444p:yuv410p frei0r Apply a frei0r effect to the input video. To enable compilation of this filter you need to install the frei0r heade r and configure Libav with --enable-frei0r. The filter supports the syntax: <filter_name>[{:|=}<param1>:<param2>:...:<paramN>] filter_name is the name to the frei0r effect to load. If the environment variable FREI0R_PATH is defined, the frei0r effect is searched in each one of the directories spe cified by the colon separated list in FREIOR_PATH, otherwise in the standard frei0r paths, which are in this order: HOME/.frei0r-1/lib/, /usr/local/lib/frei0r-1/, /usr/lib/frei0r-1/. param1, param2, ... , paramN specify the parameters for the frei0r effect . A frei0r effect parameter can be a boolean (whose values are specified wi

th "y" and "n"), a double, a color (specified by the syntax R/G/B, R, G, and B being float numbers fro m 0.0 to 1.0) or by an "av_parse_color()" color description), a position (specified by the synta x X/Y, X and Y being float numbers) and a string. The number and kind of parameters depend on the loaded effect. If an effe ct parameter is not specified the default value is set. Some examples follow: # apply the distort0r effect, set the first two double parameters frei0r=distort0r:0.5:0.01 # apply the colordistance effect, takes a color as first paramete r frei0r=colordistance:0.2/0.3/0.4 frei0r=colordistance:violet frei0r=colordistance:0x112233 # apply the perspective effect, specify the top left and top righ t # image positions frei0r=perspective:0.2/0.2:0.8/0.2 For more information see: <> gradfun Fix the banding artifacts that are sometimes introduced into nearly flat regions by truncation to 8bit colordepth. Interpolate the gradients that should go where the bands are , and dither them. This filter is designed for playback only. Do not use it prior to lossy compression, because compression tends to lose the dither and bring back the bands. The filter takes two optional parameters, separated by ':': strength:radi us strength is the maximum amount by which the filter will change any one pi xel. Also the threshold for detecting nearly flat regions. Acceptable values range from .51 to 255, d efault value is 1.2, out-ofrange values will be clipped to the valid range. radius is the neighborhood to fit the gradient to. A larger radius makes for smoother gradients, but also prevents the filter from modifying the pixels near detailed regions. Acceptable values are 8-32, default value is 16, out-of-range values will be clipped to the valid ran ge. # default parameters gradfun=1.2:16 # omitting radius gradfun=1.2

hflip Flip the input video horizontally. For example to horizontally flip the input video with avconv: avconv -i in.avi -vf "hflip" out.avi hqdn3d High precision/quality 3d denoise filter. This filter aims to reduce imag e noise producing smooth images and making still images really still. It should enhance compressib ility. It accepts the following optional parameters: luma_spatial:chroma_spatial :luma_tmp:chroma_tmp luma_spatial a non-negative float number which specifies spatial luma strength, de faults to 4.0 chroma_spatial a non-negative float number which specifies spatial chroma strength, defaults to 3.0*luma_spatial/4.0 luma_tmp a float number which specifies luma temporal strength, defaults to 6. 0*luma_spatial/4.0 chroma_tmp a float number which specifies chroma temporal strength, defaults to luma_tmp*chroma_spatial/luma_spatial lut, lutrgb, lutyuv Compute a look-up table for binding each pixel component input value to a n output value, and apply it to input video. lutyuv applies a lookup table to a YUV input video, lutrgb to an RGB inpu t video. These filters accept in input a ":"-separated list of options, which spec ify the expressions used for computing the lookup table for the corresponding pixel component values. The lut filter requires either YUV or RGB pixel formats in input, and acc epts the options: c0 (first pixel component) c1 (second pixel component) c2 (third pi xel component) c3 (fourth pixel component, corresponds to the alpha component) The exact component associated to each option depends on the format in in put. The lutrgb filter requires RGB pixel formats in input, and accepts the op tions: r (red component) g (green component) b (blue component) a (alpha com

ponent) The lutyuv filter requires YUV pixel formats in input, and accepts the op tions: y (Y/luminance component) u (U/Cb component) v (V/Cr component) a (al pha component) The expressions can contain the following constants and functions: E, PI, PHI the corresponding mathematical approximated values for e (euler numbe r), pi (greek PI), PHI (golden ratio) w, h the input width and height val input value for the pixel component clipval the input value clipped in the minval-maxval range maxval maximum value for the pixel component minval minimum value for the pixel component negval the negated value for the pixel component value clipped in the minval -maxval range , it corresponds to the expression "maxval-clipval+minval" clip(val) the computed value in val clipped in the minval-maxval range gammaval(gamma) the computed gamma correction value of the pixel component value clip ped in the minval-maxval range, corresponds to the expression "pow((clipval-minval)/(maxval-minval),gamma)*(maxval-minval)+minval" All expressions default to "val". Some examples follow: # negate input video lutrgb="r=maxval+minval-val:g=maxval+minval-val:b=maxval+minval-v al" lutyuv="y=maxval+minval-val:u=maxval+minval-val:v=maxval+minval-v al" # the above is the same as lutrgb="r=negval:g=negval:b=negval" lutyuv="y=negval:u=negval:v=negval" # negate luminance lutyuv=negval

# remove chroma components, turns the video into a graytone image lutyuv="u=128:v=128" # apply a luma burning effect lutyuv="y=2*val" # remove green and blue components lutrgb="g=0:b=0" # set a constant alpha channel value on input format=rgba,lutrgb=a="maxval-minval/2" # correct luminance gamma by a 0.5 factor lutyuv=y=gammaval(0.5) negate Negate input video. This filter accepts an integer in input, if non-zero it negates the alpha component (if available). The default value in input is 0. Force libavfilter not to use any of the specified pixel formats for the i nput to the next filter. The filter accepts a list of pixel format names, separated by ":", for ex ample "yuv420p:monow:rgb24". Some examples follow: # force libavfilter to use a format different from "yuv420p" for the # input to the vflip filter noformat=yuv420p,vflip # convert the input video to any of the formats not contained in the list noformat=yuv420p:yuv444p:yuv410p null Pass the video source unchanged to the output. ocv Apply video transform using libopencv. To enable this filter install libopencv library and headers and configure Libav with --enable-libopencv. The filter takes the parameters: filter_name{:=}filter_params. filter_name is the name of the libopencv filter to apply. filter_params specifies the parameters to pass to the libopencv filter. I f not specified the default values are assumed. Refer to the official libopencv documentation for more precise informatio n: <>

Follows the list of supported libopencv filters. dilate Dilate an image by using a specific structuring element. This filter cor responds to the libopencv function "cvDilate". It accepts the parameters: struct_el:nb_iterations. struct_el represents a structuring element, and has the syntax: colsxrows +anchor_xxanchor_y/shape cols and rows represent the number of columns and rows of the structuring element, anchor_x and anchor_y the anchor point, and shape the shape for the structuring elemen t, and can be one of the values "rect", "cross", "ellipse", "custom". If the value for shape is "custom", it must be followed by a string of th e form "=filename". The file with name filename is assumed to represent a binary image, with each prin table character corresponding to a bright pixel. When a custom shape is used, cols and rows are ignored , the number or columns and rows of the read file are assumed instead. The default value for struct_el is "3x3+0x0/rect". nb_iterations specifies the number of times the transform is applied to t he image, and defaults to 1. Follow some example: # use the default values ocv=dilate # dilate using a structuring element with a 5x5 cross, iterate tw o times ocv=dilate=5x5+2x2/cross:2 # read the shape from the file diamond.shape, iterate two times # the file diamond.shape may contain a pattern of characters like this: # # # # # # nt coordinates) ocv=0x0+2x2/custom=diamond.shape:2 erode Erode an image by using a specific structuring element. This filter corr esponds to the libopencv function "cvErode". * *** ***** *** * the specified cols and rows are ignored (but not the anchor poi

The filter accepts the parameters: struct_el:nb_iterations, with the same syntax and semantics as the dilate filter. smooth Smooth the input video. The filter takes the following parameters: type:param1:param2:param3:para m4. type is the type of smooth filter to apply, and can be one of the followi ng values: "blur", "blur_no_scale", "median", "gaussian", "bilateral". The default value is "gaussian". param1, param2, param3, and param4 are parameters whose meanings depend o n smooth type. param1 and param2 accept integer positive values or 0, param3 and param4 accept floa t values. The default value for param1 is 3, the default value for the other parame ters is 0. These parameters correspond to the parameters assigned to the libopencv f unction "cvSmooth". overlay Overlay one video on top of another. It takes two inputs and one output, the first input is the "main" video o n which the second input is overlayed. It accepts the parameters: x:y. x is the x coordinate of the overlayed video on the main video, y is the y coordinate. The parameters are expressions containing the following parameters: main_w, main_h main input width and height W, H same as main_w and main_h overlay_w, overlay_h overlay input width and height w, h same as overlay_w and overlay_h Be aware that frames are taken from each input video in timestamp order, hence, if their initial timestamps differ, it is a a good idea to pass the two inputs through a s etpts=PTS-STARTPTS filter to have them begin in the same zero timestamp, as it does the example for th e movie filter. Follow some examples:

# draw the overlay at 10 pixels from the bottom right # corner of the main video. overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-overlay_h-10 # insert a transparent PNG logo in the bottom left corner of the input movie=logo.png [logo]; [in][logo] overlay=10:main_h-overlay_h-10 [out] # insert 2 different transparent PNG logos (second logo on bottom # right corner): movie=logo1.png [logo1]; movie=logo2.png [logo2]; [in][logo1] overlay=10:H-h-10 [in+logo1]; [in+logo1][logo2] overlay=W-w-10:H-h-10 [out] # add a transparent color layer on top of the main video, # WxH specifies the size of the main input to the overlay filter color=red.3:WxH [over]; [in][over] overlay [out] You can chain together more overlays but the efficiency of such approach is yet to be tested. pad Add paddings to the input image, and places the original input at the giv en coordinates x, y. It accepts the following parameters: width:height:x:y:color. The parameters width, height, x, and y are expressions containing the fol lowing constants: E, PI, PHI the corresponding mathematical approximated values for e (euler numbe r), pi (greek PI), phi (golden ratio) in_w, in_h the input video width and height iw, ih same as in_w and in_h out_w, out_h the output width and height, that is the size of the padded area as s pecified by the width and height expressions ow, oh same as out_w and out_h x, y x and y offsets as specified by the x and y expressions, or NAN if no t yet specified a input display aspect ratio, same as iw / ih

hsub, vsub horizontal and vertical chroma subsample values. For example for the

pixel format "yuv422p" hsub is 2 and vsub is 1. Follows the description of the accepted parameters. width, height Specify the size of the output image with the paddings added. If the value for width or height is 0, the corresponding input size is used for the output. The width expression can reference the value set by the height expres sion, and vice versa. The default value of width and height is 0. x, y Specify the offsets where to place the input image in the padded area with respect to the top/left border of the output image. The x expression can reference the value set by the y expression, and vice versa. The default value of x and y is 0. color Specify the color of the padded area, it can be the name of a color ( case insensitive match) or a 0xRRGGBB[AA] sequence. The default value of color is "black". Some examples follow: # Add paddings with color "violet" to the input video. Output vid eo # size is 640x480, the top-left corner of the input video is plac ed at # column 0, row 40. pad=640:480:0:40:violet # pad the input to get an output with dimensions increased bt 3/2 , # and put the input video at the center of the padded area pad="3/2*iw:3/2*ih:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" # pad the input to get a squared output with size equal to the ma ximum # value between the input width and height, and put the input vid eo at # the center of the padded area pad="max(iw,ih):ow:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" # pad the input to get a final w/h ratio of 16:9 pad="ih*16/9:ih:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" # double output size and put the input video in the bottom-right # corner of the output padded area pad="2*iw:2*ih:ow-iw:oh-ih"

pixdesctest Pixel format descriptor test filter, mainly useful for internal testing. The output video should be equal to the input video. For example: format=monow, pixdesctest can be used to test the monowhite pixel format descriptor definition. scale Scale the input video to width:height and/or convert the image format. The parameters width and height are expressions containing the following constants: E, PI, PHI the corresponding mathematical approximated values for e (euler numbe r), pi (greek PI), phi (golden ratio) in_w, in_h the input width and height iw, ih same as in_w and in_h out_w, out_h the output (cropped) width and height ow, oh same as out_w and out_h dar, a input display aspect ratio, same as iw / ih sar input sample aspect ratio hsub, vsub horizontal and vertical chroma subsample values. For example for the pixel format "yuv422p" hsub is 2 and vsub is 1. If the input image format is different from the format requested by the n ext filter, the scale filter will convert the input to the requested format. If the value for width or height is 0, the respective input size is used for the output. If the value for width or height is -1, the scale filter will use, for th e respective output size, a value that maintains the aspect ratio of the input image. The default value of width and height is 0. Some examples follow: # scale the input video to a size of 200x100.

scale=200:100 # scale the input to 2x scale=2*iw:2*ih # the above is the same as scale=2*in_w:2*in_h # scale the input to half size scale=iw/2:ih/2 # increase the width, and set the height to the same size scale=3/2*iw:ow # seek for Greek harmony scale=iw:1/PHI*iw scale=ih*PHI:ih # increase the height, and set the width to 3/2 of the height scale=3/2*oh:3/5*ih # increase the size, but make the size a multiple of the chroma scale="trunc(3/2*iw/hsub)*hsub:trunc(3/2*ih/vsub)*vsub" # increase the width to a maximum of 500 pixels, keep the same in put aspect ratio scale='min(500, iw*3/2):-1' select Select frames to pass in output. It accepts in input an expression, which is evaluated for each input fram e. If the expression is evaluated to a non-zero value, the frame is selected and passed to the ou tput, otherwise it is discarded. The expression can contain the following constants: PI Greek PI PHI golden ratio E n Euler number the sequential number of the filtered frame, starting from 0

selected_n the sequential number of the selected frame, starting from 0 prev_selected_n the sequential number of the last selected frame, NAN if undefined TB timebase of the input timestamps pts the PTS (Presentation TimeStamp) of the filtered video frame, express ed in TB units, NAN if undefined t the PTS (Presentation TimeStamp) of the filtered video frame, express ed in seconds, NAN if

undefined prev_pts the PTS of the previously filtered video frame, NAN if undefined prev_selected_pts the PTS of the last previously filtered video frame, NAN if undefined prev_selected_t the PTS of the last previously selected video frame, NAN if undefined start_pts the PTS of the first video frame in the video, NAN if undefined start_t the time of the first video frame in the video, NAN if undefined pict_type the type of the filtered frame, can assume one of the following value s: I P B S SI SP BI interlace_type the frame interlace type, can assume one of the following values: PROGRESSIVE the frame is progressive (not interlaced) TOPFIRST the frame is top-field-first BOTTOMFIRST the frame is bottom-field-first key 1 if the filtered frame is a key-frame, 0 otherwise pos the position in the file of the filtered frame, -1 if the information is not available (e.g. for synthetic video) The default value of the select expression is "1". Some examples follow: # select all frames in input select # the above is the same as: select=1 # skip all frames: select=0 # select only I-frames

select='eq(pict_type,I)' # select one frame every 100 select='not(mod(n,100))' # select only frames contained in the 10-20 time interval select='gte(t,10)*lte(t,20)' # select only I frames contained in the 10-20 time interval select='gte(t,10)*lte(t,20)*eq(pict_type,I)' # select frames with a minimum distance of 10 seconds select='isnan(prev_selected_t)+gte(t-prev_selected_t,10)' setdar Set the Display Aspect Ratio for the filter output video. This is done by changing the specified Sample (aka Pixel) Aspect Ratio, a ccording to the following equation: DAR = HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION / VERTICAL_RESOLUTION * SAR Keep in mind that this filter does not modify the pixel dimensions of the video frame. Also the display aspect ratio set by this filter may be changed by later filters i n the filterchain, e.g. in case of scaling or if another "setdar" or a "setsar" filter is applied. The filter accepts a parameter string which represents the wanted display aspect ratio. The parameter can be a floating point number string, or an expression of the form num:d en, where num and den are the numerator and denominator of the aspect ratio. If the parameter is not s pecified, it is assumed the value "0:1". For example to change the display aspect ratio to 16:9, specify: setdar=16:9 # the above is equivalent to setdar=1.77777 See also the setsar filter documentation. setpts Change the PTS (presentation timestamp) of the input video frames. Accept in input an expression evaluated through the eval API, which can c ontain the following constants: PTS the presentation timestamp in input PI Greek PI PHI golden ratio E N Euler number the count of the input frame, starting from 0.

STARTPTS the PTS of the first video frame INTERLACED tell if the current frame is interlaced POS original position in the file of the frame, or undefined if undefined for the current frame PREV_INPTS previous input PTS PREV_OUTPTS previous output PTS Some examples follow: # start counting PTS from zero setpts=PTS-STARTPTS # fast motion setpts=0.5*PTS # slow motion setpts=2.0*PTS # fixed rate 25 fps setpts=N/(25*TB) # fixed rate 25 fps with some jitter setpts='1/(25*TB) * (N + 0.05 * sin(N*2*PI/25))' setsar Set the Sample (aka Pixel) Aspect Ratio for the filter output video. Note that as a consequence of the application of this filter, the output display aspect ratio will change according to the following equation: DAR = HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION / VERTICAL_RESOLUTION * SAR Keep in mind that the sample aspect ratio set by this filter may be chang ed by later filters in the filterchain, e.g. if another "setsar" or a "setdar" filter is applied. The filter accepts a parameter string which represents the wanted sample aspect ratio. The parameter can be a floating point number string, or an expression of the form num:d en, where num and den are the numerator and denominator of the aspect ratio. If the parameter is not s pecified, it is assumed the value "0:1". For example to change the sample aspect ratio to 10:11, specify: setsar=10:11 settb Set the timebase to use for the output frames timestamps. It is mainly u seful for testing timebase configuration.

It accepts in input an arithmetic expression representing a rational. Th e expression can contain the constants "PI", "E", "PHI", "AVTB" (the default timebase), and "intb" (th e input timebase). The default value for the input is "intb". Follow some examples. # set the timebase to 1/25 settb=1/25 # set the timebase to 1/10 settb=0.1 #set the timebase to 1001/1000 settb=1+0.001 #set the timebase to 2*intb settb=2*intb #set the default timebase value settb=AVTB showinfo Show a line containing various information for each input video frame. T he input video is not modified. The shown line contains a sequence of key/value pairs of the form key:val ue. A description of each shown parameter follows: n sequential number of the input frame, starting from 0

pts Presentation TimeStamp of the input frame, expressed as a number of t ime base units. The time base unit depends on the filter input pad. pts_time Presentation TimeStamp of the input frame, expressed as a number of s econds pos position of the frame in the input stream, -1 if this information in unavailable and/or meaningless (for example in case of synthetic video) fmt pixel format name sar sample aspect ratio of the input frame, expressed in the form num/den s size of the input frame, expressed in the form widthxheight

i interlaced mode ("P" for "progressive", "T" for top field first, "B" for bottom field first) iskey 1 if the frame is a key frame, 0 otherwise

type picture type of the input frame ("I" for an I-frame, "P" for a P-fram e, "B" for a B-frame, "?" for unknown type). Check also the documentation of the "AVPictureType" e num and of the "av_get_picture_type_char" function defined in libavutil/avutil.h. checksum Adler-32 checksum of all the planes of the input frame plane_checksum Adler-32 checksum of each plane of the input frame, expressed in the form "[c0 c1 c2 c3]" slicify Pass the images of input video on to next video filter as multiple slices . ./avconv -i in.avi -vf "slicify=32" out.avi The filter accepts the slice height as parameter. If the parameter is not specified it will use the default value of 16. Adding this in the beginning of filter chains should make filtering faste r due to better use of the memory cache. transpose Transpose rows with columns in the input video and optionally flip it. It accepts a parameter representing an integer, which can assume the valu es: 0 that is: Rotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise and vertically flip (default), L.R L.l . . -> . . l.r R.r 1 Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise, that is: L.R l.L . . -> . . l.r r.R 2 Rotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise, that is: L.R R.r . . -> . . l.r L.l 3 Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise and vertically flip, that is: L.R r.R . . -> . . l.r l.L

unsharp Sharpen or blur the input video. It accepts the following parameters: luma_msize_x:luma_msize_y:luma_amount:chroma_msize_x:chroma_msize_y:chrom a_amount Negative values for the amount will blur the input video, while positive values will sharpen. All parameters are optional and default to the equivalent of the string '5:5: 1.0:5:5:0.0'. luma_msize_x Set the luma matrix horizontal size. It can be an integer between 3 a nd 13, default value is 5. luma_msize_y Set the luma matrix vertical size. It can be an integer between 3 and 13, default value is 5. luma_amount Set the luma effect strength. It can be a float number between -2.0 a nd 5.0, default value is 1.0. chroma_msize_x Set the chroma matrix horizontal size. It can be an integer between 3 and 13, default value is 5. chroma_msize_y Set the chroma matrix vertical size. It can be an integer between 3 a nd 13, default value is 5. luma_amount Set the chroma effect strength. It can be a float number between -2.0 and 5.0, default value is 0.0. # Strong luma sharpen effect parameters unsharp=7:7:2.5 # Strong blur of both luma and chroma parameters unsharp=7:7:-2:7:7:-2 # Use the default values with B<avconv> ./avconv -i in.avi -vf "unsharp" out.mp4 vflip Flip the input video vertically. ./avconv -i in.avi -vf "vflip" out.avi yadif Deinterlace the input video ("yadif" means "yet another deinterlacing fil ter"). It accepts the optional parameters: mode:parity:auto. mode specifies the interlacing mode to adopt, accepts one of the followin g values:

0 1 2 3

output 1 frame for each frame output 1 frame for each field like 0 but skips spatial interlacing check like 1 but skips spatial interlacing check

Default value is 0. parity specifies the picture field parity assumed for the input interlace d video, accepts one of the following values: 0 1 assume top field first assume bottom field first

-1 enable automatic detection Default value is -1. If interlacing is unknown or decoder does not expor t this information, top field first will be assumed. auto specifies if deinterlacer should trust the interlaced flag and only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced 0 1 deinterlace all frames only deinterlace frames marked as interlaced

Default value is 0. VIDEO SOURCES Below is a description of the currently available video sources. buffer Buffer video frames, and make them available to the filter chain. This source is mainly intended for a programmatic use, in particular thro ugh the interface defined in libavfilter/vsrc_buffer.h. It accepts the following parameters: width:height:pix_fmt_string:timebase_num:timebase_den:sample_aspect_ratio _num:sample_aspect_ratio.den All the parameters need to be explicitly defined. Follows the list of the accepted parameters. width, height Specify the width and height of the buffered video frames. pix_fmt_string A string representing the pixel format of the buffered video frames. It may be a number corresponding to a pixel format, or a pixel format name.

timebase_num, timebase_den Specify numerator and denomitor of the timebase assumed by the timest amps of the buffered frames. sample_aspect_ratio.num, sample_aspect_ratio.den Specify numerator and denominator of the sample aspect ratio assumed by the video frames. For example: buffer=320:240:yuv410p:1:24:1:1 will instruct the source to accept video frames with size 320x240 and wit h format "yuv410p", assuming 1/24 as the timestamps timebase and square pixels (1:1 sample aspect rati o). Since the pixel format with name "yuv410p" corresponds to the number 6 (check the enum PixelForm at definition in libavutil/pixfmt.h), this example corresponds to: buffer=320:240:6:1:24 color Provide an uniformly colored input. It accepts the following parameters: color:frame_size:frame_rate Follows the description of the accepted parameters. color Specify the color of the source. It can be the name of a color (case insensitive match) or a 0xRRGGBB[AA] sequence, possibly followed by an alpha specifier. The d efault value is "black". frame_size Specify the size of the sourced video, it may be a string of the form widthxheight, or the name of a size abbreviation. The default value is "320x240". frame_rate Specify the frame rate of the sourced video, as the number of frames generated per second. It has to be a string in the format frame_rate_num/frame_rate_den, an intege r number, a float number or a valid video frame rate abbreviation. The default value is "25". For example the following graph description will generate a red source wi th an opacity of 0.2, with size "qcif" and a frame rate of 10 frames per second, which will be overl ayed over the source connected to the pad with identifier "in". "color=red@0.2:qcif:10 [color]; [in][color] overlay [out]" movie Read a video stream from a movie container. It accepts the syntax: movie_name[:options] where movie_name is the name of the resource to read (not

necessarily a file but also a device or a stream accessed through some pr otocol), and options is an optional sequence of key=value pairs, separated by ":". The description of the accepted options follows. format_name, f Specifies the format assumed for the movie to read, and can be either the name of a container or an input device. If not specified the format is guessed from movie_na me or by probing. seek_point, sp Specifies the seek point in seconds, the frames will be output starti ng from this seek point, the parameter is evaluated with "av_strtod" so the numerical value may be suffixed by an IS postfix. Default value is "0". stream_index, si Specifies the index of the video stream to read. If the value is -1, the best suited video stream will be automatically selected. Default value is "-1". This filter allows to overlay a second video on top of main input of a fi ltergraph as shown in this graph: input -----------> deltapts0 --> overlay --> output ^ | movie --> scale--> deltapts1 -------+ Some examples follow: # skip 3.2 seconds from the start of the avi file in.avi, and ove rlay it # on top of the input labelled as "in". movie=in.avi:seek_point=3.2, scale=180:-1, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [m ovie]; [in] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, [movie] overlay=16:16 [out] # read from a video4linux2 device, and overlay it on top of the i nput # labelled as "in" movie=/dev/video0:f=video4linux2, scale=180:-1, setpts=PTS-STARTP TS [movie]; [in] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, [movie] overlay=16:16 [out] nullsrc Null video source, never return images. It is mainly useful as a template and to be employed in analysis / debugging tools. It accepts as optional parameter a string of the form width:height:timeba se. width and height specify the size of the configured source. The default v alues of width and height are respectively 352 and 288 (corresponding to the CIF size format).

timebase specifies an arithmetic expression representing a timebase. The expression can contain the constants "PI", "E", "PHI", "AVTB" (the default timebase), and defaults t o the value "AVTB". frei0r_src Provide a frei0r source. To enable compilation of this filter you need to install the frei0r heade r and configure Libav with --enable-frei0r. The source supports the syntax: <size>:<rate>:<src_name>[{=|:}<param1>:<param2>:...:<paramN>] size is the size of the video to generate, may be a string of the form wi dthxheight or a frame size abbreviation. rate is the rate of the video to generate, may be a string of the form num/den or a frame rate abbreviation. src_name is the name to the frei0r source to lo ad. For more information regarding frei0r and how to set the parameters read the section frei0r in the description of the video filters. Some examples follow: # generate a frei0r partik0l source with size 200x200 and framera te 10 # which is overlayed on the overlay filter main input frei0r_src=200x200:10:partik0l=1234 [overlay]; [in][overlay] over lay rgbtestsrc, testsrc The "rgbtestsrc" source generates an RGB test pattern useful for detectin g RGB vs BGR issues. You should see a red, green and blue stripe from top to bottom. The "testsrc" source generates a test video pattern, showing a color patt ern, a scrolling gradient and a timestamp. This is mainly intended for testing purposes. Both sources accept an optional sequence of key=value pairs, separated by ":". The description of the accepted options follows. size, s Specify the size of the sourced video, it may be a string of the form widthxheight, or the name of a size abbreviation. The default value is "320x240". rate, r Specify the frame rate of the sourced video, as the number of frames generated per second. It has to be a string in the format frame_rate_num/frame_rate_den, an intege r number, a float number or a valid video frame rate abbreviation. The default value is "25".

sar Set the sample aspect ratio of the sourced video. duration Set the video duration of the sourced video. The accepted syntax is: [-]HH[:MM[:SS[.m...]]] [-]S+[.m...] See also the function "av_parse_time()". If not specified, or the expressed duration is negative, the video is supposed to be generated forever. For example the following: testsrc=duration=5.3:size=qcif:rate=10 will generate a video with a duration of 5.3 seconds, with size 176x144 a nd a framerate of 10 frames per second. VIDEO SINKS Below is a description of the currently available video sinks. nullsink Null video sink, do absolutely nothing with the input video. It is mainly useful as a template and to be employed in analysis / debugging tools. SEE ALSO avconv(1), avprobe(1) and the Libav HTML documentation AUTHORS The Libav developers

2013-03-30 AVPLAY(1)

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