Thesun 2009-08-19 Page02 Ulama Should Look Into Niz Azizs Statement

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2œ theSun | WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 2009

news without borders

‘Ulama should look into

by Husna Yusop IN
PUTRAJAYA: The National Fatwa
Council and Muslim scholars in the
country should look at PAS spiritual TOMORROW!
leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s

Nik Aziz’s statements’

statements and give their views.
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri
Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday
he felt many of the Kelantan men-
tri besar’s statements, especially
in labelling Umno supporters as
kafir (infidel) or going to hell and
the like, were against true Islamic Muhyiddin said in the current every Malaysian in the country. It unlawful should be taken as the
teachings. political situation it is dangerous doesn’t scare me at all.” government’s official stand.
“I think it is only proper for to resort to such name-calling, It was reported that Pantai Jer- Asked whether all ministers
the ulama (Muslim scholars) to “therefore it is good if the ulama jak assemblyman Sim Tze Tzin who had used the Kuala Dimensi
look at Nik Aziz’s statements and and fatwa council can come up lodged the report on Monday, Sdn Bhd jets should declare them-
give their views, whether they are with a statement”. claiming Muhyiddin abused gov- selves, Muhyiddin said: “I’m not
true or against Islam. What is the Earlier, Muhyiddin launched ernment property for a non-gov- sure whether they need to do it.
“Although I understand religion,
a book penned by the prime
minister’s special officer Prof
ernmental purpose when he flew
on a military helicopter to attend
“However, there are provi-
sions that allow them to use the
if I were to say it, people will think Khairil Annas Jusoh titled Siri the Penampang Umno meeting in jets when there was a necessity I want to see the day when doctors
it has political agenda. I do not
want to use politics in this matter.
Evolusi Kepimpinan 1: Tinjauan Sabah on Sunday. and usually they will pay for the
will stop treating a piece of disease
Teori-Teori Terpilih (Leadership It is an example of the Opposi- service.”
tissue, a bon e frag men t, a cancerous
This is the question of faith and Evolution Series 1: A Survey of tion being short of ideas, Muhyid- On the status of Deputy Minis-
religion,” he said. Selected Theories). din said, adding he would rather ter in the Prime Minister’s Depart- organ or a disoriented mind. I want
He was asked to comment on Asked about a report lodged by they look at the problems they ment Datuk T. Murugiah whose to see doctors first treating a human
recent statements by Nik Aziz PKR against him with the Malay- have created in the country. dismissal from his PPP party has being because that is the most bas
calling those supporting Umno as sian Anti- Corruption Commission On Selangor government’s cir- been endorsed by the Registrar of a doc tor.
infidels, saying those who want to (MACC) for alleged abuse of gov- cular restricting the investigations Society recently, Muhyiddin said vocation of
– Medical ethicist and critical care
enter heaven must support PAS ernment property for his personal of MACC, he said Attorney-Gen- it will be determined by Prime expert Prof Emeritus Alex Delilkan
and the Islam of Umno did not as- use, Muhyiddin said: “It’s okay. eral Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul
sure Muslims a place in heaven. They can lodge a report about statement saying the directive is Razak.

PAS leader clarifies

‘false Islam’ comment
Violent maid jailed
KOTA BARU: PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz
Nik Mat yesterday denied having said Umno
four years, eight months
members would not go to heaven as they prac- by Opalyn Mok from Phang anymore and that she had
tised a form of “false Islam” brought from Palestine worked for 20 months without being paid.
and not the Islam as preached by PAS. “This incident is a result of hatred and
The Kelantan mentri besar claimed the mis- GEORGE TOWN: An Indonesian maid was misunderstanding. What happened was not
quoted statements were an attempt by certain jailed four years and eight months by a ses- premeditated and the tools used were not
quarters to cause friction between him and the sions court here yesterday after she admit- prepared in advance,” Ravindran said.
Palestine Authority and create an issue in the run- ted to attempting to murder her employer. He said Hanni did not run away after that
up to the upcoming Permatang Pasir by-election. Hanni Seo (pix), 23, who had initially and the incident happened due to a sudden
“I read two mainstream newspapers where pleaded not guilty to an attempted murder uncontrollable impulse. He also pointed out
I saw the word, Palestine. I strongly deny this charge, changed her plea and admitted at- that Phang was only hospitalised for a week
(mentioning Palestine). I also don’t always use the tacking her employer, Phang Kian Huang, 42, and her injuries were not serious as it were
words, Umno members and Umno supporters.” with a wooden stool, pestle and knife at a not likely to cause death.
Nik Aziz was reported to have made the house in Rifle Range, Air Itam. On Feb 26, Phang had taken her two chil-
statement in Bukit Mertajam on Monday in In sentencing, sessions judge Roslan dren to the nursery and returned at about
which he was also quoted saying that “the Hamid said he took into account the fact 10am. She had went straight to her room for
Islam preached by PAS was different from that that Hanni was remorseful and had taken a nap but did not lock the door.
practised by Umno members”. responsibility for her actions. She was rudely awakened when she felt
He explained that what he meant was that “Furthermore, she was not paid for 20 something hard hit her head and then she
Muslims who separated iman (faith) from Islam months,” he said, adding if the case had gone saw Hanni holding a wooden stool.
would not go to heaven. on full trial and Hanni was found guilty, she may Phang tried to apologise to Hanni for
“It (separation of faith from Islam) had caused be given a seven-year jail sentence instead. scolding her but the maid went to the
the ulama to leave Umno and form PAS in 1951. Hanni was charged under section 307 kitchen and returned with a knife. Hanni
Umno’s efforts for Islam alone without iman will (1) of the Penal Code for attempted murder tried to stab Phang but the latter got up to
not be accepted by Allah,” he said. – Bernama which carries a maximum jail sentence of run and was slashed on her knee instead.
20 years if found guilty. Phang fell and was slashed on several
Earlier, during mitigation, Hanni, through parts of her body. She shouted for help be-
her counsel V.M.Ravindran, told the court fore feigning unconsciousness.
she came from a poor family. She heard Hanni leaving the room, return-
She claimed she had acted in that way ing with a pestle which she threw towards
because she could not take the scoldings Phang, hitting her on the head and chest.

Liu tells cops, MACC to MB says circular lawful

stop the harassment SHAH ALAM: Selangor Mentri Besar
Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim says the
studying similar anti-graft bodies in
Hongkong, New Zealand and Finland,
by Tim Leonard despite him telling them to take circular limiting the time and place for and make known thier findings on only the photocopy. Please stop this state officials from being interviewed better methods and procedures to the
high-handed tactics.” by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption commission as well as the public.
SHAH ALAM: Selangor executive Liu also provided the press a Commission (MACC) is lawful. “Probes must never disrupt the
councillor Ronnie Liu yesterday photocopy of his log book as proof “Our circular is not unlawful. It is operations of the state or be detri-
slammed the police and the Malay- that he had nothing to hide. to merely state that proper methods mental to the efficient administration
sian Anti-Corruption Commission “There were allegations I am must be used when taking state- of the state,” he added.
(MACC) for being unfair, rough and linked to the underworld. But I am ments,” he said yesterday. The mentri besar issued the cir-
arrogant to him and his staff. a polite person. I don’t ask any visi- “And neither are we questioning cular following the death of political
He took a swipe at the Bukit tors if they are a gangster or former the powers of the commission to aide Teoh Beng Hock following an
Aman Commercial Crime Depart- gangster. undertake investigations. We welcome intense questioning session.
ment for turning up unannounced in “These policemen and MACC of- any investigation ... as I said before, we The circular directed all state rep-
his office located in the state secre- ficers are the ones who sometimes will fully cooperate with them (MACC. resentatives to meet MACC officers
tariat building while he was away in act like gangsters. They threaten “We want the process (of investiga- in the state secretariat building and
Bukit Mertajam for the Permatang and intimidate people.” tions and questioning) to be reason- not give statements after 6pm.
Pasir by-election nominations on Liu also accused the MACC of able and civilised so that in a way, both This prompted Attorney-General
Monday. lying by saying they never used parties can achieve the objectives.” Tan Sri Ghani Patail on Monday to
“The least they could have done Gestapo tactics in detaining his per- Khalid cautioned the MACC offic- direct his chambers to file an applica-
is to inform me that they are com- sonal assistant Wong Chuan How. ers to carry out their duties within the tion in court this week to declare the
ing,” he said. “My assistant was pushed, law and not exceed their powers by directive null and void. He said the
“Why are they so arrogant? Why roughed and intimidated by MACC. using threats, intimidation or force. circular was and unlawful.
do they want to use high-handed Don’t harass us. “We want the MACC to adopt bet- MACC commissioner Datuk Seri
approach against us? “We are willing to cooperate on ter procedures for questioning and Ahmad Said Hamdan said his men
“Is it because we are from the any issue or allegations because we learn from successful nations that would not bow to the Selangor
Opposition? have nothing to hide. have respect for the people’s rights.” government’s directive as they have
“They also took away my official “But please show us some He said the state government the right to investigate anyone, at any
log book for visitors from my staff respect,” he said. would also do the MACC a favour by place and at any time.

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