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6 theSun | WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 2009

news without borders

Court allows
for 2nd
Anal injuries not caused by
post mortem
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court yesterday al-
lowed an application for a second post mortem
by the elder sister of a man who died in police
custody on July 16.
torture, says pathologist
by Tan Yi Liang person to be able to walk to that Tan Hock Chuan, who is assist-
Justice Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah window and fall from a height. ing coroner Azmil Muntapha
allowed the request by R. Ganga Gowri, 32, for “Apart from this, this kind of in- Abas, Samberkhar maintained
the post mortem to be conducted on Gunasega- SHAH ALAM: The anal injuries found on politi- jury will lead to a lot of bleeding,” that Teoh most likely landed on
ran, 31, at the University Malaya Medical Centre cal secretary Teoh Beng Hock were caused by he said, adding that there was no his feet based on his injuries.
(UMMC). his fall and not by any form of torture, the inquest sign of such bleeding when he vis- With a fall from that height,
Mohamad Zabidin also ordered a copy of the into his death heard yesterday. ited the Selangor Malaysian Anti- he said, if Teoh had landed
report on the first post mortem conducted at “In my opinion, the inju- Corruption Commission head-first, the impact to the head
the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) to be handed ries to the anus (were the DAY 10 offices on the 14th floor would have burst the skull open,
over to the applicant’s counsel within two weeks result of) the gluteal region g H oc k in qu est: of Plaza Masalam with and brain matter would have
from today. or buttocks of the deceased Teoh B en Khairul on July 16 been splattered at the scene.
However, he ruled that the coroner who
viewed Gunasegaran’s body before the post
impacting the ground dur-
ing the landing,” Universiti
Who’s who and 22.
Teoh’s body was
Injuries to other parts and organs
of the body, which would have
Coroner found in a fifth floor passage of been cushioned by the head, would also be
mortem had followed the correct procedure Malaya forensic pathology pha
Azmil Munta the building on July 16, after significantly less than that found, he added.
stipulated under the Criminal Procedure Code lecturer Dr Prashant Sam- Abas
(CPC) and, therefore, the court disallowed Ganga berkhar (pix), the 15th wit- having fallen nine storeys from During questioning by counsel Gobind
Gowri’s application for a judicial review of the ness in the inquest, said. ck Ch ua n the MACC office. Singh Deo, who is holding a watching brief
Tan Ho Samberkhar said another for Teoh’s family, Samberkhar admitted that
coroner’s action. Samberkhar, who last (counsel appoin
by government) i theory that Teoh had been hit he had made a conclusion of suicide based on
He also disallowed the application for all the month performed a post m Abdul Ghan
DP P Id ha
mortem on Teoh along with on the head prior to his fall was pathological evidence and had not questioned
cautioned statements recorded by the police oh’s family
yesterday’s witness, Tengku Lawyers for Te also unlikely as his head injuries Teoh’s family.
under Section 112 of the CPC, but allowed all h De o
other relevant documents to be made available Ampuan Rahimah Hospital Gobind Sing could also have come from the “In most suicides, until a suicide note
Forensics Department senior S.N. Nair Si ng h shock of the fall. is found, it is for psychiatrists to look into
to the applicant. Ram Ka rp al
The court also ordered an inquest to be held medical consultant Dr Khairul Lim Lip Eng h
“The injury to the top of the the psychological history of the deceased. I
as soon as possible to determine the cause of Azman Ibrahim, said it was Karpal Sing head occurred because of the would be in no position to say that there was
langor impact on the buttocks and the a suicide,” he said when asked why he had
death. Earlier, deputy public prosecutor Anselm “unlikely” Teoh could have Lawyers for Seent
sustained the lacerations to his state governm vertical force of that impact not questioned Teoh’s family.
Charles Fernandis said the prosecution did not z Sarwar
object to the main application for a second post
anus through torture prior to Malik Imtia iah going along the spine, which The day’s third witness, MACC deputy
death. Ashok Kandllai also caused a fracture of the enforcement officer Abdul Razak Hussein,
mortem since it was allowed under the law. Sr ee ka nt Pi
“It is unlikely in this present a wa tching brief C4 cervical vertebra (at the said the political aide to Selangor executive
Gunasegaran died in police custody two Lawyers ho ldi ng
neck). This force went through councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah seemed
case because such trauma to the Ba r Co un cil
hours after being detained at the Sentul police for th e
the spine to the head, which “frightened” at his intention to seize his desk-
anal orifice, with multiple tears le d by Hisy am
district headquarters lock-up for alleged drug around the skin hole of the anus, 12 lawyers who will take separated the midline and left top CPU and laptop for investigation.
Teh Po h Te ik
abuse. His body remains unclaimed at the HKL will be very painful. With such ily basis coronal suture of the skull. “I told him that MACC Selangor will be
mortuary. – Bernama turns on a da
pain, it would be unlikely for a “This appeared as a hairline seizing his laptop and desktop and Teoh
fracture to the right of the midline, so it seemed scared at the request,” said Abdul
is not clearly visible at the wall of the skull.” Razak, who spoke to Ean Yong on July 15
He concluded that Teoh was alive when in the presence of Teoh’s lawyer Kota Alam
he hit the ground, for the following reasons: Shah assemblyman M. Manoharan.
» the amount of soft tissue injury, bruising Abdul Razak said Teoh entered the MACC
and bleeding; office at 6pm and he left Teoh with four offic-
» 700ml of blood was found in the left chest ers who asked him questions on his family
cavity, and 100ml in the right. This amount of background and career. Abdul Razak said
bleeding, he said, can only occur if the person he left the office at 8pm before returning at
is alive at the time of impact; 12.45am on July 16.
» injury to the skull, especially the collection He testified that Teoh’s statement was rec-
of blood clots or a haematoma around the top orded from 1am to about 3.30am by an officer
of the head; and named Nazri. He said Teoh had been unre-
» subarachnoid bleeding on the right side of sponsive when he went into the room to check
the brain surface. on how the investigation was progressing.
When questioned by government counsel The hearing continues at 2pm today.

Cameraman explains jump

shots in video recordings
by S Tamarai Chelvi Karpal was charged with uttering seditious words between noon and 12.30pm at Messrs
Karpal Singh & Co at No. 67, Jalan Pudu Lama,
KUALA LUMPUR: A cameraman told the high Dang Wangi on Feb 6, 2009.
court here yesterday that several jump shots in During cross examination, Adial disagreed
the video recordings of lawyer Karpal Singh’s with Jagdeep’s suggestion that the camera was
press conference where he allegedly uttered not working properly.
seditious words appeared because he was taking Jagdeep also questioned Adial on the “recy-
“cutaway” visuals. cling” of the tape. Adial agreed that the tape had
Third witness Adial Singh, 36, who is a part- been recycled six to seven times, but denied
time cameraman with RTM explained that the that it would result in the clarity being reduced.
jump shots happened as he stopped the camera Instead, he said the tape would be spoilt if it was
to take “cutaway” visuals during the question- recycled too many times.
and-answer session. In his submission, Jagdeep said a lot of fac-
“I tried to take other angles but there were tors had to be taken into consideration before
many cameramen (around). He (Karpal) started the video recordings could be admitted as
to answer questions and I continued to record evidence.
(him),” said Adial, during examination in chief by He said accuracy and continuity are two es-
DPP Noorin Badaruddin. sentials ingredients which prosecution had failed
(In film, a cutaway is the interruption of a to prove in this case.
continuously filmed action by inserting a view of He also pointed out that there were gaps in
something else. It is usually, although not always, the chain of custody for the tape, from the time
followed by a cutback to the first shot.) it was in the possession of reporter Eliani until it
Adial said not all visuals of the press con- was tendered in court.
ference will be used during the news. He said “It is a complete failure on the part of the
“cutaway’ visuals with a voice-over will also be prosecution to show it should be rendered ad-
played at that time. missible and tendered as exhibit,” said Jagdeep,
Noorin was referring to several jump shots in adding they could not know if the tape had been
the video recordings, which was taken by Adial altered or tampered with.
on Feb 6, 2009. The video recording was played Noorin, in her reply, said the witness Adial was
back in the court last week during RTM reporter the “maker” of the tape. “This is the best possible
Eliani Mazlan’s testimony in the sedition case. evidence available,” she said.
The jump shots were pointed out by lawyer Judicial Commissioner Azman Abdullah will
Jagdeep Singh Deo, who is representing Karpal, deliver his decision on the admissibility of the
to the court. video recordings today.

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