Thesun 2009-08-19 Page09 Us Helicopters Join Taiwan Typhoon Rescue Efforts

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theSun | WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 2009 9

news without borders


Residents look
Hurricane Bill at damage left
by Typhoon briefs
Morakot in the
strengthens town of Chiashien

to Category 2 More than 1,500 held

in gang crackdown
MIAMI: Hurricane Bill, the first BEIJING: Police in southwest Chi-
of the Atlantic storm season, na’s Chongqing city have detained
reached Category 2 strength more that 1,500 suspects in a
late on Monday, with top winds widening crackdown on organised
whizzing at about 160kph, US crime that has implicated several
forecasters said. senior officials, state media said
At 0300 GMT (11am yesterday yesterday.
in Malaysia), the hurricane was A total of 1,544 suspected
located in the middle of the At- members of 14 different gangs are
lantic some 865 miles 1,395km now in detention, while 469 on the
east of the Lesser Antilles and wanted list are still at large, the
was churning west-northwest- China Daily said, citing officials in
ward toward the US mainland Chongqing, one of the country’s
largest cities.

US helicopters join Taiwan

at nearly 28km/h, the National
Hurricane Centre said. The gangs that are being bro-
“Additional strengthening ken up are believed to have been
is forecast during the next 48 involved in illegal loan businesses
hours,” the Miami-based Centre worth 30 billion yuan (RM16 billion),
said, “and Bill could become a equivalent to one third of the city’s
major hurricane within the next annual revenue, the paper said.

typhoon rescue efforts

day or so.” – AFP
Meanwhile, what began as
Tropical Storm Claudette, which Pakistani TV
lashed tourist resorts with strong journalist shot dead
winds and heavy rain, weak-
ened to a tropical depression as VIENNA: A Pakistani television
it moved across the southern CHISHAN (Taiwan): US military confirm the report. The government to rebuild roads. journalist was shot dead as he
United States. helicopters joined Taiwan’s massive was expected to cancel National Day The US heavy-lift military made his way to work in the
What had been the first named typhoon rescue operation yesterday, celebrations on Oct 10, deeming the helicopters were to carry 12 crane latest killing of a reporter to
storm of the season, Tropical lifting excavation equipment into planned festivities no longer appro- shovels into the disaster area to help rock the insurgency-hit country,
Storm Ana, also lost its punch areas that have been cut off for 10 priate, the China Times reported. speed up repairs to blocked roads, a press freedom group said on
as it moved quickly at maxi- days by floods and mudslides. Meanwhile, rescue operations said Christopher Kavanagh, spokes- Monday.
mum winds of 55km/h across President Ma Ying-jeou, who has continued at a slow pace as many man for the American Institute in Aaj TV correspondent Sadiq
the Caribbean, with all tropical apologised for the government’s typhoon victims, mostly aboriginal Taiwan, the de facto embassy. Bacha Khan, described as a “bold
storm watches discontinued in slow response to the emergency, people, refused to leave cut-off vil- China sent 100 prefabricated reporter” by the broadcaster,
the region. was scheduled to face domestic and lages, fearing they would not be al- houses late Monday to help recon- was shot at least 15 times in an
Claudette appeared suddenly international media in separate news lowed to return, rescue officials and struction efforts, the first in a batch ambush Friday outside his work-
on Sunday in the Gulf of Mexico, conferences to provide an update on tribal elders said. of 1,000 homes worth US$2.9 mil- place in the town of Mardan,
while most Atlantic hurricanes relief efforts. A total of 1,638 people still needed lion (RM10.44 million) being sent to North West Frontier Province.
usually begin far from the US Ma has already warned the to be airlifted as of Sunday night, ac- Taiwan’s Kaohsiung port, China’s “We call upon the authorities
coast. The Centre said the tropi- death toll from Typhoon Morakot cording to the government, but only official Xinhua news agency said. in Pakistan to transparently
cal depression would weaken as could climb to more than 500, with a small number were brought to At a makeshift morgue in the investigate the murder of Bacha
it continued to track northwest- hundreds feared buried, while 127 safety during Monday’s operations, southern Chishan township, a senior Khan,” said David Dadge, direc-
ward through Mississippi. people are so far confirmed to have military spokesman Colonel Tai police officer said work was going tor of the Vienna-based Interna-
A man sailing on a small perished in the disaster. Chan-Teh said. slowly. tional Press Institute (IPI).
boat went missing in the storm The crisis may have claimed its “Most of the people still stranded “We have been working here
first political victim as TVBS cable on the mountain refuse to leave,” Tai round-the-clock for days. But while
and was presumed dead, an
news channel reported deputy for- told AFP. we hope to help families recover
MJ’s 51st birthday
emergency official told the News to be his burial day
Herald daily of Panama City, eign minister Andrew Hsia resigned Transport Minister Mao Chih-kuo the bodies of their loved ones on the
Florida. over the ministry’s decision to reject said the military may have to start mountain, it is not easy to find them. LAS VEGAS: Michael Jackson’s
But “much of the shower and foreign aid immediately after the removing people by force, because The mud they were buried in is often body will be laid to rest on Aug 29,
thunderstorm activity has sub- typhoon hit. it would be too expensive to airlift a few storeys high,” the officer, who the day the King of Pop would have
sided,” the National Centres for A foreign ministry spokesman food and supplies to the villages in gave only his surname, Chang said. turned 51, his father said.
Environmental Prediction said, told a news conference he could not the six months it is expected to take – AFP. Joe Jackson, 80, said the birthday
noting that “only isolated to scat- burial at Los Angeles’ Forest Lawn
Cemetery would be a private event,
tered thunderstorms remain in
All flood-related watches and
Celebrity doctor accused of raping patients although he could not say which
family members would be present.
warnings were no longer in ef- SAO PAOLO: Police have arrested one America, said he touched her intimately Abdelmassih’s clinic website says he The singing star’s interment is to
fect for the system. In the Pacific, of Brazil’s most prominent fertility spe- and kissed her. She had been too weak and his team had conducted more than be held more than two months
Guillermo weakened rapidly from cialists on suspicion of sexually abusing from the anaesthetic to defend herself. 6,000 successful fertilisations by 2006. “I after his June 25 death from heart
a hurricane to a tropical storm. more than 50 of his patients. Other patients also reported being have always believed that a good society failure.
Located 1,062km east-northeast Roger Abdelmassih, 66, was ap- touched or fondled. consists of good families,” the father of Authorities are investigat-
of Honolulu, Hawaii and moving prehended on Monday in his upmarket Abdelmassih’s lawyer, Jose Luis Oliv- five and grandfather of 12 said. ing whether prescription drugs
west-northwest at about 32kmh, Sao Paulo clinic, the internet eria Lima, rejected the accusations and His clinic has treated many high- played a role in death the death
it was expected to weaken in the service reported. He is accused of hav- said his client’s detention was illegal. profile clients, including the family of of Jackson, 50, and have focused
next 48 hours, the Central Pacific ing raped or sexually abused women “He has met all requirements to await Brazilian football icon Pele. on the role played by his personal
Hurricane Centre said. patients while they were under anaes- the trial in freedom.” Prosecutors were informed of the physician Conrad Murray. Murray
The Atlantic hurricane season thetic or just recovering from surgery. Sao Paulo’s medical ethics commis- accusations as early as last year. But lo- was present at the time Jackson
began on June 1 and ends on Nov One former patient of the celebrity sion also initiated an investigation, but cal media reports said the accusations died and reportedly has admitted
30. – AFP doctor, whose in-vitro fertilisation clinic stressed the accused would receive were not followed up as there had been prescribing powerful anesthetics to
was regarded one of the best in South every opportunity to defend himself. no police investigation. – dpa his world-famous client. – AFP

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