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theSun | WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 2009 11

Ahmad Chik tells his

Obstacles in increasing number side of the story
by Opalyn Mok “I have to defend myself

of places of worship: Liu vigorously even if it means
disclosing information that I
FRIENDS of Penang Hill spokes- was reluctant to make public
man Ahmad Chik has come previously,” he said.
out to defend himself against “Would Azhar think less ill
allegations that he had “sold of me if I tell him that last year
out his principles” because he I declined a prestigious state
by Liew Shan Verne meeting on Aug 10 in Kuala was given a directorship in PBA award and that I have not and Lumpur which was attended Holdings Bhd. will not accept any fees or
by 46 members and guests. The accusation was levelled remunerations as a PBA direc-
THE Selangor government is The DAP state assembly- against Ahmad recently by tor?” he asked.
committed to increasing the man for Pandamaran also Penang state opposition leader Ahmad said he was dis-
number of places of worship agreed with a suggestion by Datuk Azhar Ibrahim of the mayed that Azhar had made this
in the state, but faces some one of the guests that indi- Barisan Nasional. sort of accusations just because
obstacles, said state executive viduals be allowed to convert “This criticism is unwar- he (Ahmad) had not spoken out
councillor Ronnie Liu. their leasehold property to ranted and particularly painful against the formation of the
The state had already freehold. because it was made by a Penang Hill Corporation.
dedicated 70 plots of land “It will be a win-win for senior and respected politician He said the idea of the
for places of worship, but al- the house buyers and the like Azhar, who smeared almost corporation was first mooted
locating space for additional state government,” said Liu, all of my non-governmental in the mid-1980s when Tun Dr
places would only be possible adding that he would look organisation (NGO) associates Lim Chong Eu was still the chief
if the government continues into the suggestion. with the same brush,” he said in minister but it was never seri-
to own the areas after they He said the premium paid a statement released recently. ously pursued.
were developed, he said. by leasehold property own- “We spend a great deal He said the NGOs had
Liu, who is the chairman ers for the conversion would of time and energy doing the launched a successful “Save
of the Local Government, boost funds available to the things that we do for a variety Penang Hill” campaign in the
Study and Research Commit- state government, thus allow- of motives, but personal gain is mid-1990s and received a big
tee, reiterated that the state ing for more public spending not one of them,” said Ahmad, boost when the idea of the
“wants to give proper land to speed up development. who is also a Penang Heritage corporation was included as
for places of worship”. Liu later witnessed the Trust council member. one of the major recommenda-
But he cited the lack of presentation of a cheque Although Azhar has since tions of the 1996 Bukit Bendera
funds available to the state amounting to RM3,299 from withdrawn his remarks, Ahmad Local Plan.
governments as one of the Rotarian Kertz Lau of Pets- said the remarks had been “Regrettably, nothing more
obstacles. Mart Group Sdn Bhd to Furry Liu (third from left) witnesses the presentation of the cheque by published last Wednesday and was done even though many
Liu was the guest speaker Friends Farm, a shelter for Lau (left) to Furry Friends Farm representative Sabrina Yeap. With the damage to his reputation groups lobbied for it, including
at the Rotary Club of Pudu abandoned animals. them is Pudu Rotary president Robin Tay. was done. Friends of Penang Hill,” he said.

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