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Faith Boyte French 112-002 Le 6 dcembre Ma entre de blog

What are some of the benefits provided by the French health care system (la Scu or la Scurit Sociale)?

The French health care system provides universal health care for France's citizens. Also, almost seventy-five percent of "the total health expenditures" are covered by public health insurance.

What are some of the differences between French doctors and American doctors?

One of the biggest differences between French and American doctors is that French doctors are paid three to four times less than American doctors. They also makes house calls, something not seen frequently in America.

Who is covered under the French health care system?

Everyone is covered by the French health care system. A French citizen is entitled to "minimum health coverage," including those who are poor or even homeless.

How is the system financed?

The system is financed through personal income taxes, employers, and employee contributions.

What role does the Scu play in the French national identity?

According to the readings, it seems like the Scu is well-liked by the majority of French peoples. They are proud of their health care covering most of their citizens and it works into a national identity - their pride for the Scu, that is.

How is this role different from the role health care plays in U.S. culture?

In U.S. culture, health care is a topic that starts a lot of heated debates. It's different in that U.S. citizens do not praise the health care system so openly, like the French. Some American citizens enjoy the idea of having universal health care. However, some Americans are dead set against it.

What do the differences reveal about the values of the 2 cultures?

In France, everyone is entitled to minimum health coverage, including those who are homeless and even illegal immigrants. However, in America, health care is an option, not guaranteed to

those in a lower class. It makes it seem as though the French are more concerned with the wellbeing of their people while Americans are more concerened with making money.

What is the system of "Allocations familiales"?

It is a system designed to help "all families." A family expecting a child receives 2000 euros and then a monthly allowance until the child is 20.

These sites are very positive about the French health care system. What are some potential pitfalls?

I suppose that some French peoples may not be too pleased with the high personal income tax and that could potentially increase over time.

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