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theSun | THURSDAY AUGUST 20 2009 15


letters Recently I read about an exposé – the ink

Of secret recipes and

blot test – created by Hermann Rorschach
(pronounced “raw-shock’’), a Swiss Freudian

Have a litter-
psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. The shrink cre-
ated the test in 1921 and kept it a secret as part
of his methodology to read the inner thoughts

free Merdeka of his patients.

For almost 80 years the ink blot test has been

shared knowledge
used by psychiatrists and psychoanalysts world-
MERDEKA Day is coming soon. Suddenly wide. Now, all those ten ink blot test images
Malaysians all over are putting up flags on were posted on the Net by a Canadian doctor. It
their gates and motorbikes, pasting flag stick- created a bitter row between those who wanted
ers on their car windows, stringing plastic to maintain the “myth” and those who consider
pieces of it along fences, and hanging up it was a dated methodology.
huge ones on poles. When I saw those images I had a great laugh.
On Merdeka Day there will be parades, I could imagine myself lying on the couch and
one of which will be held in the capital near ONCE at a kenduri I tasted an strand of thought in the Malay trying to read 10 ink blot images that could sum
Merdeka Square. There will be the ornately exquisite gulai daging lembu. mind that knowledge is acquired up my personality. After staring at those images
decorated floats, MPs and VIPs in cute cars, I thought it was really special not through a learning process I must forgo a hefty sum of cash for the session
and uniformed marchers. Organising staff will – spicy beef mixed with red but revealed through dreams after – this is just like pouring salt into my coffee.
be handing out little flags and plastic fans beans. Very rarely I find Malay meditating for days on an empty Now I fully understood why Woody Allen has
with images of Merdeka. cooking that could be considered stomach. I am sure that a red bean been visiting his psychiatrist for donkey years
There will be food stalls all around. Small avant garde and experimental. beef curry recipe too could have – not to cure his insecurities – but because of his
and large, the traders will be happy to make This was one of it. been revealed to me after hunger addiction to view those phallic-driven images.
a day’s extra business from the crowd cel- Then I heard the same chef and hallucination, without the need Yes, that ink blot image does semiotically com-
ebrating the event. would be cooking at another to fast or meditate under a banyan municate some acrobatic asana not depicted in
Customers will buy canned or boxed kenduri. I wanted to learn how he tree. the Kama Sutra.
drinks and foods wrapped with styrofoam or did it. To my amazement, I was Rais Whine Rationally, knowledge came by I just wonder whether the Swiss psychologist
plastic. These customers, amid all the hype told no one was allowed to see or accumulating experiences, trial and received those images through his dreams or
by Hishamuddin Rais
and heat, will very likely just chuck the wrap- observe while he was “doing his error or research and experimenta- if his daughter dropped an ink pot on his table
pers because they can’t find rubbish bins. thing” in the kitchen. If anyone tion. Then collected to be published – we will never know. But what is important is
Loud cheers and the jostling of the crowd entered by mistake he would emotionally and tested by peers or the general public. Such the process of demystifying knowledge – making
will ensue, and the customers will not think leave the kitchen. is the history of knowledge minus the hocus- it more democratic. Knowledge should not be
twice about littering. Well – according to the vibes – he wanted pocus. kept secret or turned into a myth. Human civi-
As the day draws to an end, the noise will to keep his recipe secret. I could not believe Be aware – with the arrival of the Internet lisation is all about compilation of accumulated
gradually die down and the crowd will slowly what I heard. Poor bloke – I’m sure he has culture one could easily mistake information for knowledge passed down from one generation
disperse, only to reveal the hideous clutter of never been in a respectable book shop. He knowledge. The Net is saturated with informa- to another.
sauce-smeared boxes, crushed cans, ciga- could have a heart attack by just looking at tion from the trivial to the esoteric. Knowledge is I just wonder what happened to that secre-
rette butts, and gravel-marked flags strewn the amount of cook books up for grabs. Far also one’s ability to arrange and construct these tive chef. His repertoire could be limited by his
on the ground. The cleaners will then begin Flung Floyd and Anthony Bourdain mean information into a structured thought that would attitude unless he is meditating again and going
to sweep and pick up the trash, toiling down nothing to him. further advance that knowledge for the better- without food and water for a week – waiting for
the street as dusk enfolds. Knowledge about food and cooking is ment of human civilisation. a new recipe to be revealed. For the disciples of
And thus the day ends for the paraders abundant. One could find the recipe of hum- The Internet is still a democratic tool. The Hermann Rorschach – after the exposé – they
and the onlookers and the cleaners. I hope mus that was once served for Tutankha- Internet is opening up one’s accessibility to any must have come to realise secret knowledge
the spirit doesn’t. munm and even the most adored gâteau of information desired. The Net is a combination of is for triads and secret societies and not for the
Other than some political issues and Marie Antoinette is no longer a secret. I think Baitul Hikmah and Library of Congress plus all medical profession.
baloney, Malaysia is a blessed land free from only the favourite dish of Dr Hannibal Lecter the books and newspapers of the world sitting
natural catastrophes and terrorist attacks. is yet to be included in any cook book – even on one’s lap. Nothing is secret any longer. Comments:
It is a diverse country and an international this I am not very sure.
melting pot. There is this notion within the Malay
Let us make Malaysia a better place to live culture – that was what I learned within
in by not littering. You would have probably my cultural milieu while growing up in
heard this a gazillion times before; but again, my kampung – that knowledge should be
it isn’t so difficult to properly dispose of your kept secret. Knowledge, particularly that
garbage, is it? which has something to do with the “unseen
It’s been 52 years. Happy early Merdeka. forces”, should not be democratised. Only the
selected few have been chosen to “own” that
Justine T knowledge.
Kuala Lumpur Strange enough – there is still this bizarre

Labuan campus more

worrying than thought
NOT long ago, one of your Among all the problems to have a degree, it should
readers wrote in highlight- faced by the students, the lack also make sure that stand-
ing the critical situation of water is certainly the most ards are not compromised
faced by the students of UMS distressful. There is no water and lowered for the sake of
(University Malaysia Sabah) to drink, no water to wash getting what one thinks he or
at the Labuan campus and yourself with, no water to she ought to have in order to
referring particularly to the clean your room with, and no succeed.
fact that students have to live water to wash your clothes Granted, many students
every day without water. with. Personally, I find that and their parents will be
Although I was not par- a university campus with no willing to put up with con-
ticularly struck by the topic at water has no justifications. If siderable hardship if this is
the time as it did not concern one of the reasons given by what the government and
me directly, I recently had the government to build uni- society demand. However,
the opportunity to talk to a versities in remote areas is the government should not
student from that campus to aid in the development of be surprised if no gratitude is
and now feel that the prob- the local population, then it is forthcoming when this grati-
lems the students there have not possible that the govern- tude is most needed, such as
to put up with are consider- ment forgets to provide water during a crisis or at election
able and should be rectified which is the most basic need time for example.
without delay. for human life. To undertake to do a job
Lack of water, filthy hostel There is no doubt that a means to do it up to standard
rooms, poor quality of food, major motivator for students and completely. Thus, to
and inefficient administra- to go to university is the per- avoid any more unpleasant
tion are the order of the day. ception that in order to fit in, surprises at the next general
The cost of living is also to be accepted, and to succeed election, I would advise the
very high and it causes the one must have a degree. You government to complete
students to finish their pocket will not be viewed as highly any job which it undertakes
money very fast. All of this is by your peers, and society at because completing the
naturally a headache for the large, if you do not have a job means keeping the
students and the parents who degree, even if the quality of promise made to the people
have to support them. your work is equally good or concerned. And to complete
Several students and their better than that of the gradu- the potentially magnificent
parents have complained ates. Labuan campus by providing
to the administration about A degree is nowadays a it with piped water without
the pitiful conditions of the status symbol, and since the delay.
Labuan campus but the government has worked so
administration has done hard to create in our young- MD
nothing about it. sters an unstoppable desire Ipoh

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