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4 theSun | TUESDAY AUGUST 18 2009

news without borders

MACC advisory
panel member Teoh may have been
condemns survey
by Hemananthani


watchdogs over human rights
and corruption matters in the
“I categorically state that
as commissioner members of
injured before fall
by Tan Yi Liang you (Khairul) did not question the
sian Anti-Corruption Com- the different committees, we Red Shirts MACC officers, you thus did not ob-
mission (MACC) advisory are people of integrity. seek royal tain the material facts that resulted
panel member Tan Sri Robert “We have accepted the ap- pardon for SHAH ALAM: A pathologist testi- in your rejecting the possibility that
Phang slammed the MACC pointment as commissioners, fied that Teoh Beng Hock may a homicide had occurred,” said
policy division, research and because we believe we can Thaksin have already been injured before Gobind.
development secretariat for an help to improve the effective- pg 8 he hit the ground, the inquest into In reply, Khairul said he had
email survey it conducted in ness and efficiency of MACC the political aide’s death heard left the questioning of the MACC
the wake of political aide Teoh and also helping to promote yesterday. officers to the investigating officer
Beng Hock’s death, calling it equally important the good Hospital Tengku Ampuan Ra- (IO) of the case, ASP Ahmad Nazri
an “insult to our intelligence image of MACC,” said Phang. himah (HTAR) Forensics Depart- Zainal, and added that questioning
and integrity.” He reiterated that MACC ment senior medical consultant Dr the MACC was “not my duty”.
“This is very biadap (rude), needs to change its mindset Khairul Azman Ibrahim admitted Gobind then seized on this,
kurang ajar (ill-mannered). and weed out recalcitrance he could not determine whether all pressing Khairul to tell the court
It’s unbelievable, unethical in MACC and other similar the injuries sustained by Teoh were whether he had the power to
and highly irregular of the bodies in Malaysia “if we wish the direct result of his fall from the ask for the MACC officers to be
MACC secretariat to do this to have a truly transparent 14th floor of Plaza Masalam. questioned, or question the officers
illegal survey. society.” Teoh had sustained massive himself.
“This is a true illustration Phang said MACC should injuries in the nine-storey fall, “You don’t have evidence to
of bad taste with criminal do a survey about its own which included a fractured skull, Dr Khairul at the High Court support (the theory) a homicide
intention. Don’t use the tail to shortcomings in the face of 22 broken ribs, scratches, and yesterday. had occurred because you did not
wag the dog,” said Phang, who growing expectations from lacerations to his anus. question and did not conduct any
sits on the MACC corruption the public. Khairul is the 10th witness at the to reach for something. He also investigation on the MACC offic-
consultation and prevention Phang, who is a Malaysia inquest into Teoh’s death. Coroner said it was “a possibility” that the ers,” asked Gobind.
panel. Crime Prevention Foundation Azmil Muntapha Abas is heading injuries found on Teoh’s face could Khairul then said that although
The secretariat on Aug exco member, also com- the inquest, which is into its ninth have been the result of a beating he didn’t speak to the MACC offic-
3 sent out an email to 42 mented on MACC investiga- day. sustained before the fall. ers directly, he had spoken to Nazri
members of its advisory panel tion director Datuk Mohd DAY 9 Under cross Earlier, during cross examina- about the details of the case.
following Teoh’s death and Shukri Abdull’s statement on
g H oc k inqu est: examination by tion by Gobind Singh Deo, Khairul “In my opinion, it was sufficient
sought their views in the wake Saturday that the body will Teoh B en Selangor state was asked about the origins of the to find out the story and get a
of media statements made by
panel members Phang and
stop investigating politicians
indefinitely as his men felt
Who’s who government
counsel Malik
lacerations found around Teoh’s
anus during the post-mortem,
picture of the situation from the
investigating officer. I did ask the
they could not carry out their Coroner Imtiaz Sarwar,
Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, pha which the pathologist said was the investigating officer, (and) I was
Azmil Munta
which it felt were not support- duties effectively. Abas Khairul also said result of Teoh landing feet-first. told that the interrogation on the
ive of the commission. Phang said MACC should Government
it was “possible” He said the injuries were most deceased was completed at about
Phang said he was alerted have better media manage- ck Ch ua n Teoh had been likely caused due to the bones in 3.30am, and he could be released,
Tan Ho ted
about the survey by the online ment to develop a better (counsel appoin starved and in a the pelvic area breaking as a result but he later slept on the sofa.
by government) i
news portal Malaysiakini. relationship with the public.
P Id ha m Abdul Ghan weakened state, as of the impact. “I was also told that at about
DP no food was found
“What does the MACC “Many people think MACC oh’s family Under questioning from Gobind, 5am to 5.30am, the deceased was
is only investigating against Lawyers for Te in his stomach Khairul, however, admitted that it seen wandering in the (MACC) of-
think it is? The advisory panel h De o
does not answer to anyone. selected Pakatan Rakyat as- Gobind Sing during the post- was also possible the lacerations fice,” said Khairul, who said that he
S.N. Nair Singh
We only give advice to them semblymen but this is not Ram Karpal mortem. could have occurred if Teoh was would have questioned the MACC
and if it’s adopted, then a the case. MACC has been in- Lim Lip Eng h He also said hit on his anus by a “flat object”. officers if they had turned up at the
memorandum is sent to par- vestigating Barisan Nasional Karpal Sing the political aide “A flat object would cause inju- mortuary.
liament,” Phang told theSun. assemblymen too but this is Lawyers for Seent to Sri Kembangan ries that look something like this, The pathologist did admit to
sta te go ve rnm
He said the commissioners, not known to the public and z Sarwar
assemblyman but it is unlikely (that this is the questioning Teoh’s elder brother
through the recommenda- it has led to confusion among Malik Imtia iah Ean Yong Hian cause),” said Khairul, who added Beng Kee, his younger sister Lee
Asho k Ka nd
tion of the prime minister, them,” said Phang. ee ka nt Pi llai Wah may have that no proctoscopy was done to Lan, and his fiancee Soh Cher Wei
Sr brief
were endorsed by the Yang He said there was a break- ng a watching been remained see whether Teoh’s anus had been to determine his mental state and
Lawyers holdi uncil
di-Pertuan Agong and were down in MACC’s system and for the Bar Co alive for a while internally ruptured from the fall. the possibility that the 30-year-old
led by Hisy am
not appointed to please it should revamp its investiga- 12 lawyers who will take after hitting the Earlier, Gobind, who is repre- had committed suicide.
MACC officers. Instead, they tion procedures to improve its Teh Poh Teik ily basis ground on the senting Teoh’s family, said that Khairul testified that Beng Kee
are appointed to be effective reputation. turns on a da fifth floor of the theory that Teoh’s death was had told him that Teoh was an
Plaza Masalam, a homicide cannot be dismissed “open and talkative person”, and
as his body was because Khairul failed to question one who was not likely to commit
found with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- suicide. He also said that Beng Kee
fists clenched, mission (MACC) officers involved told him that Teoh did not smoke,
a sign he might in the case. drink or use drugs.
have been trying “I put it to you that because Hearing continues today.

NGOs call for Gunasegaran inquest

by Alyaa Alhadjri post-mortem report to the fam- Sentul police station. The police ily pertaining to Gunasegaran’s claim he died that evening of
cause of death. drug-related causes, a fact that
KUALA LUMPUR: Civil soci- “We now demand that the is disputed by the family.
ety groups are demanding an court authorities immediately The family said there are
inquest into the death of R. Gu- hold an inquest to look into the eye-witnesses who claim the
nasegaran, who died in police cause of death of Gunasegaran 31-year-old was assaulted
custody on July 16. and hospital authorities stop while in custody, leading to his
The 11 non-governmental the practise of deferring deliv- death.
organisations, which released ery of post-mortem report to The statement also said
a joint statement yesterday, the family in cases of death in Gunasegaran’s family had
also want a standard operating police custody until after the been told that the post-mortem
procedure on what to do in body has been buried and/or report will only be made avail-
cases of death in custody. cremated,” said lawyer Haris able two months after applying
The 11 NGOs, which in- Ibrahim, who represents The to hospital authorities for the
cluded The People’s Parliament, People’s Parliament. document; and only after his
Suaram, Jemaah Islah Malaysia “A standard operating body is removed from the
(JIM), Centre for Policy Initiatives procedure regarding what mortuary.
(CPI) and Writers Alliance for to do in cases of death in Solicitors acting on behalf
Media Independence (WAMI), custody should be clarified to of the deceased’s family have
said Gunasegaran’s body has help families of deceased since filed an application at the Kuala
been in the Kuala Lumpur Hos- currently it differs according Lumpur High Court seeking the
pital (KLH) mortuary for the past to cases based on the police’s release of the results of the
month with no word on when it discretion,” said JIM president post-mortem, and an order
will be released for burial. Zaid Kamaruddin. asking KLH to perform a second
The statement also Gunasegaran was arrested post-mortem to find out if Gu-
condemned the authorities during a drug bust on July 16 nasegaran had been assaulted.
for not releasing the official and was held in custody at the The case will be heard today.

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