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Tel (Editorial): 03-7784 6688

speak up! Managing Editor: Chong Cheng Hai
Consultant Editor: Zainon Ahmad
Executive Editor: Lee Boon Siew
General Manager, Advertising and Marketing: Charles Peters
Senior Manager, Production: Thomas Kang
Senior Manager, Distribution Channels: Joehari Abdul Jabbar
Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
Deputy Editor: Patrick Choo (Production), Tel (Advertising): 03-7784 8888
Editor: R. Nadeswaran (Special Reporting and Investiga- Fax: 03-7784 4424
tions) Email:

Scene: Riverside Café, PWTC. doing it. But I have heard else-

Muslims are better

MOHAN: Muslims in Malaysia are where that it is entirely up to the
so lucky. I wonder whether they individual to do good like being
realise it. charitable and to refrain from do-
Azman: Why do you say that? ing immoral things.
Aren’t non-Muslims in this country Azman: Yes, I heard a foreign
lucky too? I think we all are. We expert on Islam once say that there
have peace and security and we is a reminder in the Quran that in
don’t go hungry.
Mohan: But Muslims have
something extra.
Azman: What’s that?
Mohan: Security for their soul.
Chong: Yes, Azman. Every-
thing that can possibly be done to
looked after WhatTheySay
by Zainon Ahmad
discouraging people from doing
immoral things an ulamak should
remember that he can only remind
and that he is not a dictator.
Zain: Yes, I heard something
like that too. But with all these
laws our ulamak or religious of-
keep your soul out of harm’s way, Mohan: Easy indeed to be a that can get you “demerit points”. and according to the guidance my ficials actually have very little to
Satan’s way, is being done. Even Muslim here. You can’t even get to Azman: They are? parents and my religious teachers do in terms of keeping their flock
temptation is put out of your way. be tempted because all those things Mohan: Yes. For instance there have given me. out of harm’s way. The laws are
Mohan: We non-Muslims have that can affect your soul have been was an attempt to make beer una- Mohan: But you can’t. The doing it for them already. And so
to take care of our souls ourselves. taken out of your way. vailable in convenience stores in constitutions are no longer the relax. Why bother visiting families
It’s tough for us. Chong: You are discouraged Muslim majority areas. truly secular constitutions of the in his area occasionally to see how
Chong: Unlike Muslims here from frequenting pubs and night- Chong: In doing all these early days. The authorities have the they are doing, whether they need
those in Indonesia, the world’s clubs. You can go but if there is a things and attempting to do many power and can act against you. anything explained or clarified and
most populous Muslim nation, raid by the “morality police” you more to “protect” Muslims it is sad Azman: But they cannot leg- reminding them of their religious
have to take care of their souls are in for some embarrassing mo- that they have forgotten us, as if we islate on matters of morality and duties and to refrain from immoral
themselves. So it is in Egypt, Iraq. ments. You cannot gamble. don’t matter or we don’t exist. things like that. And they cannot activities. They don’t have to do
Mohan: With so many laws Mohan: There is always the Mohan: And they are protect- enforce those rules. Can they that. And even if some members
in place to prevent you from sin- threat of being caned. ing you from deciding to become Cikgu? of his congregation do not like his
ning, halal food and with so many Chong: The Muslim month of denizens of hell by making sure Zain: But they can. Under patronising ways and the way the
lectures in mosques, in university Ramadan begins at the end of this you cannot opt out of your reli- the amal makruf nahi mungkar religion is being administered there
lecture halls, on radio and TV to week. You must fast. You can be gion. (enjoining the good and forbid- is little they can do about it. They
remind you of the fire of hell your arrested and punished for not fast- Chong: How fortunate and ding wrongdoing) injunction of can’t leave their religion anyway.
soul must be in a pristine state. ing. So how can you not perform lucky you all are. Still I’d rather the Quran they assume they can So why bother about establishing
Chong: So how can you be your religious duties. Maybe one stay where I am. do anything to protect you against rapport with them. They cannot
destined for anywhere else but day they will even mark your at- Mohan: Amen. temptations. In other words using stray. They will have to remain in
heaven, Azman. Lucky you. As for tendance at Friday prayers. Azman: But I don’t want to be force to protect you against your- the flock forever. That’s why there
Mohan and me, alas, we probably Mohan: The authorities are at- protected. I don’t want the enforced self. are those who stray away quietly.
will be elsewhere. Pity though you tempting to do many more things protection. I want the freedom to Azman: Can they do that? Azman: Careful, Cikgu. You
won’t be with us. to protect you from doing things act according to my conscience Zain: Well, they are already can be accused of insulting Islam.


She was proud Opt for respectful, honest discourse

to be Malaysian KEE Thuan Chye’s comment, “The Malaysian cessity of bringing back the English medium psychological and cultural advantage and
A 1990 group photo of Ogilvy staff that ap- way to better English” (Aug 14), finally lets the school, this group of presumably some of our superiority of the civil service conveners
peared in the August issue of The Edge which cat out of the bag on what happens in many finest professional minds in the country on organising and running these meetings and
featured Yasmin Ahmad and me brought back of the closed-door, high-level brainstorming language issues appears to have engaged in the position of inferiority and subordination
a flood of sweet memories. It was a point in meetings and consultations conducted by waffling or beating around the bush. of the marginalised minority groups and
time when our ships docked at this port before the government on controversial or sensitive As Kee notes, “we dutifully confined our- individuals invited to them.
setting sail again in different directions. issues such as language policy, culture policy, selves” to issues such as “training, marketing Perhaps this is the case but what is
Considerable tributes and accolades have history curriculum, religious concerns, etc. and pedagogy” and even “what to avoid if probably just as important are the material
in the past weeks been showered on Yasmin in The truth appears to be that in many of grammar were to be taught explicitly”! and personal advantages that come with
the print and electronic media but maybe I can these dialogues (and even more so in the Further Kee writes that the “meeting was either ingratiating or playing along with the
highlight a facet of Yasmin many of her fans official seminars and workshops) the private a sad reflection of what we are – a people prevailing system or at least not offending it,
would like to know in memory of her. sector and NGO participants invited to the who are rich but are afraid to cultivate our and the disadvantages that are perceived to
I was part of the interviewing panel for a meetings (in this particular case some of the wealth and let it blossom, and all because come along with dissent or disobedience.
fresh intake of account management staff for Asian top educationists in the country) have gener- of our insecurities. We fear opening our Kee ends by pointing out “It’s as we say,
the agency in the late 80s. Yasmin applied and markets ally failed to voice their honest concerns and minds so we deny our children access to the Malaysian way”. I hope he is wrong. It
this was the turning point in her life. She was opinions. our vaults.” may have been the way of those who have
definitely not suitable for the job in question dive on In one part of his letter, Kee explains that That indictment is of course appropriate been invited to these meetings and who for
but how could we turn away a simple Malay grim US “most of us at the meeting were too polite to for the political opportunists and language various reasons have failed to speak their
girl, who admired Mother Theresa and made consumer bring this out”. By “this”, he refers to a whole supremacists who have jumped on the “me- minds or chosen to look the other way.
a huge impact on the interviewers with her set of concerns related to the politicisation martabatkan” Bahasa Malaysia bandwagon. For the sake of our future, this Malaysian
divergent and out of the box thinking? She was data of the language issue, the way in which the But it is equally an indictment of all at the way needs to be replaced by another one
a breath of fresh air to the agency and an asset pg 13 vision on English has “always been short meeting who had the privileged opportunity based on respectful but free, frank and hon-
to the creative department. It was here that term”, the fear of stoking “the ire of certain to put their honest concerns and opinions est discourse, however sensitive the subject
she had the freedom to blossom and bloom interest groups”, and so on. across, and who failed to do so. is.
to her full potential. Instead of discussing how narrow sectar- There may be important psychological After all if we cannot speak our minds in
She had such a positive impact on all ian political interests have opportunistically underpinnings that explain why many gov- private, how can we ever have a larger public
agency staff with her sweet smile and caring taken the country backwards and ruined ernment-conducted dialogues with selected discussion on the matters that we deem
ways. We loved her enough to let her go when the future of our young children by this flip- individuals or organisations from the larger important to our lives?
opportunities presented itself and rejoiced flopping language policy and speaking their society end up in blind alleys or dead ends.
in her successes as she diversified into film minds on how the official language policy in One Malay colleague explaining this phe- Dr Lim Teck Ghee
direction. education needs to be reformed or the ne- nomenon to me recently has stressed the Via email
It was a pity when not everyone could see
the value of her contribution to nation building.
She was Lat’s equivalent in the audio-visual
media. Both shared the same vision of mould-
ing a Malaysian identity explicit through their
We have to improve teacher training
work. I REFER to “Teaching children to fail” (Aug 17) advances in science by teaching and learning preschools throughout the country and if the
She was promoting 1Malaysia 20 years ago! and agree with Citizen Nades that “You can’t it in Malay in an “Internet world”. main focus is to “reinforce Bahasa Malaysia
Her award winning commercials and feature please all the people all the time.” Most people, including those in govern- and strengthen the use of English” then we
films single mindedly promoted a united Ma- A wise man once said “Formula for failure ment, agree that we have major problems will take an excellent first step to solve two
laysian race, proud to be Malaysian. ... Try to please everybody.” Let us look at due to the lack of fluency in English. Accord- major problems.
It is easy for creative people to excel within one of the main problems in education. Every ing to the deputy prime minister, we spent First, children from poorer socio-economic
the luxury of working on big budget accounts. employer survey you read states categori- RM4 billion to teach maths and science in backgrounds will get the opportunity to learn
However, Yasmin’s creativity was explicit in cally that the “lack of fluency” in English is English over the last six years and now we both languages. With this they can cope with
award winning work she did for me and my one of the biggest concerns they have. Even have decided to scrap it. Yes, we did not do their studies in school. As we know most of
clients on extremely limited budgets as well. the EPF’s top officers say that they have well with the implementation of the maths these children do not attend any preschool
That was the test in true creative brilliance. All problems with their investment officers lack and science policy. So do we scrap the or attend preschools that strengthen their
my clients loved her, even the more difficult of fluency because reports of any kind are in policy because implementation was poor? mother tongue.
ones. English. Wisma Putra, Mampu, etc, all have Imagine, if we are told that from next year Second, the children of the different races
Yasmin is not only a loss to those who knew the same issue. Academics from Malaysia there will be no maintenance of MAS aircraft will have the opportunity to mix with children
her and had the pleasure of working with her, now shun presentations at international because the engineering division is not doing of the other races for the year or two they
but to all Malaysians. Her mission on earth was conferences and meetings because aca- a good job. Do we throw the baby out with are in preschool.
done and she had to sail on to new horizons. demic staff lack fluency in English. Malaysian the bath water? We just have to train our With the above, we need to continue
God bless her and the loved ones she left students in tertiary education have difficulty teachers better so that they can teach maths teaching maths and science in English, while
behind. because they lack fluency in English. and science in English. improving the training of our teachers.
I think there will be very little argument Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s plan to start
Angeline Lesslar that the “lack of fluency in English” is a major language training in preschool is excellent. Concerned Malaysian
Subang Jaya problem. And we cannot keep up with the If we can establish good government funded Via email

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