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Application Lifecycle Management Defect Customizations

SSBS Prepared for Defect Module customization Materials

June 2012 Document Version 1.0

Document Controls Change Record

Date 06/17/2012 Author Joseph Inbaraj Version 1.0 Change Reference

Name Joseph Inbaraj Title Automation Tester

Application Lifecycle

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Table of Contents
Overview......................................................................................................... 4 Quality Center Defect Moudle Customizations .................................................4 1. Project Users.. 2. Groups and Permissions

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Module Access Project Entities Defect User Fields Auto Mail and Mail configurations in Site Administrator Alert Rules For Auto Email Workflow Enable PPM field values in Defect Module Script Generator Add Defect field customization Script Generator Defect details field customization

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This document provides Defect Module with a comprehensive description of ALM Defect Center Workflow customizations and Site Administrator. This plan will describe the customizations necessary to support the ALM quality processes.

Application Lifecycle Management Customizations

The following list contains ALM Defect Workflow customizations and Site Administration requirements:

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I. ITC Project Code A. Assigned To and Assigned Team field Customizations

The Assigned To list box should only display Users who belong to the Team that was selected in the Assigned Team list box. To do this, a number of things must be considered: 1. Each Team must be its own separate list. This is because it is impossible to hide list items from users. We have removed the original ASSIGNED TO lookup list and created a lookup list for each individual Team, containing its users. When you need to add or delete users to the project, make sure you add/delete the users from the Team in the Customize Project List section. 2. When a user changes the Assigned Team field, the Assigned To field will be blanked out so the user will be forced to enter a valid user that belongs to the new Team. 3. Since the Assigned To needs to be a lookup list, the original Assigned To field (BG_RESPONSIBLE), which is a USER LIST, has been hidden from users. However, we need to synch the value between the two Assigned To fields because the User List is needed for the Defect Automatic Mail feature. Fields Involved: Assigned To BG_USER_18 Assigned Team BG_USER_01 AssignedTo (original field, hidden) BG_RESPONSIBLE Code: Defects Module: Sub Bug_MoveTo On Error Resume Next 'Change the Assigned To list to the respective Team based on the Assigned Team field Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").List = Lists(Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").Value) On Error Goto 0 End Sub Sub Bug_FieldChange(FieldName) 'Synch the Assigned To Lookup List with the AssignedTo User List if FieldName = "BG_USER_18" then Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value elseif FieldName = "BG_USER_01" then 'If Assigned Team has changed, change the Assigned To list accordingly Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").List = Lists(Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").Value) 'Blank out Assigned To if Assigned Team changes to a group user doesn't belong to if VerifyUserExistsInGroup("BG_USER_01", "BG_USER_18") = 0 then Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value = "" Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = ""

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end if end if End Sub Function Bug_FieldCanChange(FieldName, NewValue) On Error Resume Next 'Prevent modification of Assigned To if Assigned Team is blank If FieldName = "BG_USER_18" and Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").IsNull then Msgbox "Please fill out the Assigned Team field first." Bug_FieldCanChange = false else Bug_FieldCanChange = DefaultRes end if On Error GoTo 0 End Function Function VerifyUserExistsInGroup(Field1, Field2) On Error Resume Next This Function verifies whether the User exists in a Team. Field1 is the Team Field (Assigned Team, Detected by Team) Field 2 is the User Field (Assigned To, Detected By) Return values: 0 if user is not found in Team, non-zero if found dim com 'As Command dim rec 'As RecordSet set com = TDConnection.Command SQL = "select * from all_lists where al_father_id in (select al_item_id from all_lists where al_description='" & _ Bug_Fields(Field1).Value & "') and al_description='" & Bug_Fields(Field2).Value & "'" com.CommandText = SQL set rec = com.Execute VerifyUserExistsInGroup = rec.RecordCount set rec = nothing set com = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function

B. Detected By and Detected By Team Customizations

When adding a new Defect, the Detected by field is automatically filled in by Quality Center. We need to automatically fill in the Detected By Team with the team the user belongs to. Below are some considerations: 1. Make sure all Users in the Project belongs to a Team in the Customize Project List section, else, the user cannot select a Detected By Team.

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2. When the user changes the Detected By Team field to a Team he/she does not belongs to, the Detected By field should be blanked out. 3. When the user changes the Detected By, the Detected By Team should be automatically switched to the Team the user belongs to.

Fields Involved: Detected By BG_DETECTED_BY Detected By Team BG_USER_02 Code: Defects Module: Sub Bug_New On Error Resume Next WizardFieldCust_Add ' Added by wizard 'Auto populate Detected By Team Bug_Fields("BG_USER_02").Value = FindUserGroup(Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value) On Error Goto 0 End Sub Sub Bug_FieldChange(FieldName) 'Blank out Detected By if Detected By Team changes to a group user doesn't belong to if FieldName = "BG_USER_02" then if VerifyUserExistsInGroup("BG_USER_02", "BG_DETECTED_BY") = 0 then Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value = "" end if 'Auto populated Detected By Team elseif FieldName = "BG_DETECTED_BY" then Bug_Fields("BG_USER_02").Value FindUserGroup(Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value) end if End Sub Function VerifyUserExistsInGroup(Field1, Field2) On Error Resume Next This Function verifies whether the User exists in a Team. Field1 is the Team Field (Assigned Team, Detected by Team) Field 2 is the User Field (Assigned To, Detected By) Return values: 0 if user is not found in Team, non-zero if found dim com 'As Command dim rec 'As RecordSet set com = TDConnection.Command

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SQL = "select * from all_lists where al_father_id in (select al_item_id from all_lists where al_description='" & _ Bug_Fields(Field1).Value & "') and al_description='" & Bug_Fields(Field2).Value & "'" com.CommandText = SQL set rec = com.Execute VerifyUserExistsInGroup = rec.RecordCount set rec = nothing set com = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function Function FindUserGroup(UserName) On Error Resume next 'This Function finds the user's Team 'userName is the name of the User in Detected By field 'Return value: the Team name the User belongs to dim com 'As Command dim rec 'As RecordSet set com = TDConnection.Command SQL = "select al_description from all_lists where al_item_id in (select al_father_id from all_lists where al_description='" & _ UserName & "')" com.CommandText = SQL set rec = com.Execute FindUserGroup = rec.FieldValue("al_description") set rec = nothing set com = nothing On Error Goto 0 End Function

C. Retest_QA Customizations
Whenever the Defect Status changes to Retest_QA, both the Detected By and Detected By Team fields should be copied to the Assigned To and Assigned Team fields, respectively. Fields Involved: Assigned To BG_USER_18 Assigned Team BG_USER_01 AssignedTo (original field, hidden) BG_RESPONSIBLE Detected By BG_DETECTED_BY Detected By Team BG_USER_02 Status BG_STATUS

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Code: Defects Module: Sub Bug_FieldChange(FieldName) 'If Status changes to ReTest_QA, copy the Detected By (Team) to Assigned To (Team) If FieldName = "BG_STATUS" and Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").Value = "ReTest_QA" then Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_USER_02").Value Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value end if End Sub

D. Disable Add Defect Button

To prevent users from adding Defects directly from the Defects module, we need to disable the Add Defect button there. We need to force users to only use the Add Defect button when running a Manual Test. This way, traceability is enforced. NOTE: Users still will be able to Add Defects from the following locations: Add Defect button when running a Manual Test Linked Defects dialog box From the main Tools menu

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Code: Common Module: Sub EnterModule 'Use ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName to get 'the current context. On Error Resume Next 'Disable the Add Defect button in the Defects module if not an Admin If ActiveModule = "Defects" and Not(User.IsInGroup("ADMIN")) then Actions.Action("BugAddAction1").Visible = false end if On Error GoTo 0 End Sub

E. Copy KPC and Test Name from Test Lab to Defects

The Key Process Chain field and Test Name in Test Lab should be copied to the Defect that user adds. The Workflow code requires that we pass data from one module to another (Test Lab to Defects). However, Quality Centers Workflow module does not have this capability. To get around this problem, we have to have the Test Lab module write temporary data to a file, which the Defects module will read and delete after use. The file will be written on one of the following locations, depending on the Client machines Operating System: C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt

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This would mean that the code will fail if the user does not have adequate permissions in the directories specified. Fields Involved: Test Plan KEY PROCESS CHAIN TS_USER_07 Test Plan Test Name TS_NAME Defects KEY PROCESS CHAIN BG_USER_16 Defects Test Name BG_USER_17 Code: Common Module: Function ActionCanExecute(ActionName) 'Use ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName to get 'the current context. On Error Resume Next dim flib 'Delete KPC cache file if user adds Defect from Linked Defects tab if ActionName = "actAssNewDefect" then set flib = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if flib.FileExists("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then set myf = flib.DeleteFile("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", True) elseif flib.FileExists("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then set myf = flib.DeleteFile("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", True) end if set flib = nothing end if ActionCanExecute = DefaultRes On Error GoTo 0 End Function ManualRun Module: Sub Run_MoveTo On Error Resume Next dim flib, myf 'Record Test ID in a file on the Client so we can pass the KPC to Defects. 'We use a file because Workflow cannot pass data between modules. set flib = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if flib.FolderExists("C:\WinNT\Temp") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 2, True) elseif flib.FolderExists("C:\Windows\Temp") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 2, True) end if myf.Write Run_Fields("RN_TEST_ID").Value set myf = nothing set flib = nothing On Error GoTo 0

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End Sub

Defects Module: Sub Bug_New On Error Resume Next WizardFieldCust_Add ' Added by wizard dim tsf, ts, flib, myf dim tsID, KPC, tsName tsID = 0 KPC = "" tsName = "" 'Read the Test ID from the temporary file created from the ManualRun module set flib = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if flib.FileExists("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 1, False) elseif flib.FileExists("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 1, False) end if tsID = CLng(Trim(myf.ReadAll)) 'Use TestFactory and Test objects to grab the KPC set tsf = TDConnection.TestFactory set ts = tsf.Item(tsID) KPC = ts.Field("TS_USER_07") tsName = ts.Name set ts = nothing set tsf = nothing set myf = nothing set flib = nothing 'Pass TestLab KPC and Test Name to Defects Bug_Fields("BG_USER_16").Value = KPC Bug_Fields("BG_USER_17").Value = tsName On Error Goto 0 End Sub

F. Run Manually and Continue Manual Run Customizations

The Run Manually and Continue Manual Run buttons should be enabled or disabled depending on the current Status of the Test highlighted in the Test Lab Execution Grid. The following are the rules:

Test Status No Run Yes

Run Manually

Continue Manual Run No

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Not Completed Passed Failed

No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

NOTE: There is a bug in the QC Workflow wherein disabling either the Run or Continue Run button doesnt work, when you either first enter the Test Lab module, or when you press the Refresh All button in the Test Set Tree area. So we have to add a Message to the User to prevent them from pressing the wrong button in these cases. Fields Involved: Status TC_STATUS Code: Common Module: Function ActionCanExecute(ActionName) 'Use ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName to get 'the current context. On Error Resume Next 'Prevent people from executing New Run when status is Not Completed or Failed If ActionName = "act_run" or ActionName = "act_run_manually" then if TestSetTest_Fields("TC_STATUS").Value = "Not Completed" or _ TestSetTest_Fields("TC_STATUS").Value = "Failed" then Msgbox "This test is in progress. Please select the Continue Manual Run from the dropdown." ActionCanExecute = false else ActionCanExecute = DefaultRes end if else ActionCanExecute = DefaultRes end if On Error GoTo 0 End Function TestLab Module: Sub TestSetTests_MoveTo On Error Resume Next 'Disable New Run/Continue Manual Run buttons based on Test Status Select Case TestSetTest_Fields("TC_STATUS").Value 'Allow only New Run for No Run Case "No Run" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = false 'Allow only Continue Run for Not Completed Case "Not Completed" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = false Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = false

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Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = true 'Allow both Continue and New Run for Passed Case "Passed" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = true 'Allow only Continue Run for Failed Case "Failed" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = false Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = false Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = true End Select On Error GoTo 0 End Sub

G. Consolidated ITC Code

Common Modules: Sub EnterModule 'Use ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName to get 'the current context. On Error Resume Next 'Disable the Add Defect button in the Defects module if not an Admin If ActiveModule = "Defects" and Not(User.IsInGroup("ADMIN")) then Actions.Action("BugAddAction1").Visible = false end if On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Function ActionCanExecute(ActionName) 'Use ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName to get 'the current context. On Error Resume Next dim flib 'Prevent people from executing New Run when status is Not Completed or Failed If ActionName = "act_run" or ActionName = "act_run_manually" then if TestSetTest_Fields("TC_STATUS").Value = "Not Completed" or _ TestSetTest_Fields("TC_STATUS").Value = "Failed" then Msgbox "This test is in progress. Please select the Continue Manual Run from the dropdown." ActionCanExecute = false else ActionCanExecute = DefaultRes end if 'Delete KPC cache file if user adds Defect from Linked Defects tab elseif ActionName = "actAssNewDefect" then set flib = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if flib.FileExists("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then

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set myf = flib.DeleteFile("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", True) elseif flib.FileExists("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then set myf = flib.DeleteFile("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", True) end if set flib = nothing ActionCanExecute = DefaultRes else ActionCanExecute = DefaultRes end if On Error GoTo 0 End Function

TestLab Module: Sub TestSetTests_MoveTo On Error Resume Next 'Disable New Run/Continue Manual Run buttons based on Test Status Select Case TestSetTest_Fields("TC_STATUS").Value 'Allow only New Run for No Run Case "No Run" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = false 'Allow only Continue Run for Not Completed Case "Not Completed" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = false Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = false Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = true 'Allow both Continue and New Run for Passed Case "Passed" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = true Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = true 'Allow only Continue Run for Failed Case "Failed" Actions.Action("act_run").Enabled = false Actions.Action("act_run_manually").Enabled = false Actions.Action("act_continue_man_run").Enabled = true End Select On Error GoTo 0 End Sub ManualRun Module:

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Sub Run_MoveTo On Error Resume Next dim flib, myf 'Record Test ID in a file on the Client so we can pass the KPC to Defects. 'We use a file because Workflow cannot pass data between modules. set flib = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if flib.FolderExists("C:\WinNT\Temp") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 2, True) elseif flib.FolderExists("C:\Windows\Temp") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 2, True) end if myf.Write Run_Fields("RN_TEST_ID").Value set myf = nothing set flib = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Sub

Defects Module: Sub Bug_New On Error Resume Next WizardFieldCust_Add ' Added by wizard dim tsf, ts, flib, myf dim tsID, KPC, tsName tsID = 0 KPC = "" tsName = "" 'Read the Test ID from the temporary file created from the ManualRun module set flib = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if flib.FileExists("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\WinNT\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 1, False) elseif flib.FileExists("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt") then set myf = flib.OpenTextFile("C:\Windows\Temp\QC_KCS.txt", 1, False) end if tsID = CLng(Trim(myf.ReadAll)) 'Use TestFactory and Test objects to grab the KPC set tsf = TDConnection.TestFactory set ts = tsf.Item(tsID) KPC = ts.Field("TS_USER_07") tsName = ts.Name set ts = nothing set tsf = nothing set myf = nothing

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set flib = nothing 'Pass TestLab KPC and Test Name to Defects Bug_Fields("BG_USER_16").Value = KPC Bug_Fields("BG_USER_17").Value = tsName 'Auto populate Detected By Team Bug_Fields("BG_USER_02").Value = FindUserGroup(Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value) On Error Goto 0 End Sub Sub Bug_MoveTo On Error Resume Next WizardFieldCust_Details ' Added by wizard WizardListCust ' Added by wizard 'Change the Assigned To list to the respective Team based on the Assigned Team field Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").List = Lists(Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").Value) On Error Goto 0 End Sub

Sub Bug_FieldChange(FieldName) WizardListCust ' Added by wizard 'If Status changes to ReTest_QA, copy the Detected By (Team) to Assigned To (Team) If FieldName = "BG_STATUS" and Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").Value = "ReTest_QA" then Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_USER_02").Value Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value 'Synch the Assigned To Lookup List with the AssignedTo User List elseif FieldName = "BG_USER_18" then Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value elseif FieldName = "BG_USER_01" then 'If Assigned Team has changed, change the Assigned To list accordingly Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").List = Lists(Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").Value) 'Blank out Assigned To if Assigned Team changes to a group user doesn't belong to if VerifyUserExistsInGroup("BG_USER_01", "BG_USER_18") = 0 then Bug_Fields("BG_USER_18").Value = "" Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = "" end if 'Blank out Detected By if Detected By Team changes to a group user doesn't belong to elseif FieldName = "BG_USER_02" then if VerifyUserExistsInGroup("BG_USER_02", "BG_DETECTED_BY") = 0 then Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value = "" end if

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'Auto populated Detected By Team elseif FieldName = "BG_DETECTED_BY" then Bug_Fields("BG_USER_02").Value = FindUserGroup(Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value) end if End Sub Function Bug_FieldCanChange(FieldName, NewValue) On Error Resume Next 'Prevent modification of Assigned To if Assigned Team is blank If FieldName = "BG_USER_18" and Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").IsNull then Msgbox "Please fill out the Assigned Team field first." Bug_FieldCanChange = false else Bug_FieldCanChange = DefaultRes end if On Error GoTo 0 End Function Function FindUserGroup(UserName) On Error Resume next 'This Function finds the user's Team 'userName is the name of the User in Detected By field 'Return value: the Team name the User ble dim com dim rec set com = TDConnection.Command SQL = "select al_description from all_lists where al_item_id in (select al_father_id from all_lists where al_description='" & _ UserName & "')" com.CommandText = SQL set rec = com.Execute FindUserGroup = rec.FieldValue("al_description") set rec = nothing set com = nothing On Error Goto 0 End Function Function VerifyUserExistsInGroup(Field1, Field2) On Error Resume Next This Function verifies whether the User exists in a Team. Field1 is the Team Field (Assigned Team, Detected by Team) Field 2 is the User Field (Assigned To, Detected By) Return values: 0 if user is not found in Team, non-zero if found dim com 'As Command dim rec 'As RecordSet

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set com = TDConnection.Command SQL = "select * from all_lists where al_father_id in (select al_item_id from all_lists where al_description='" & _ Bug_Fields(Field1).Value & "') and al_description='" & Bug_Fields(Field2).Value & "'" com.CommandText = SQL set rec = com.Execute VerifyUserExistsInGroup = rec.RecordCount set rec = nothing set com = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function

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II. FUT Project Code A. Assigned To and Assigned Team field Customizations
The Assigned To list box should only display Users who belong to the Team that was selected in the Assigned Team list box. To do this, a number of things must be considered: 1. Each Team must be its own separate list. This is because it is impossible to hide list items from users. We have removed the original ASSIGNED TO lookup list and created a lookup list for each individual Team, containing its users. When you need to add or delete users to the project, make sure you add/delete the users from the Team in the Customize Project List section. 2. When a user changes the Assigned Team field, the Assigned To field will be blanked out so the user will be forced to enter a valid user that belongs to the new Team. 3. Since the Assigned To needs to be a lookup list, the original Assigned To field (BG_RESPONSIBLE), which is a USER LIST, has been hidden from users. However, we need to synch the value between the two Assigned To fields because the User List is needed for the Defect Automatic Mail feature. Fields Involved: Assigned To BG_USER_14 Assigned Team BG_USER_01 AssignedTo (original field, hidden) BG_RESPONSIBLE Code: Defects Module: Sub WizardListCust ' This subroutine had been automatically generated by "Script Generator - List Customization". ' Any modification you make will be overwritten next time you use the generator. ' BEGIN: When primary Assigned Team value is changed, Assigned To's selection list will change. Select Case Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").Value Case "AGSP" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-AGSP") Case "AGSP-Logistics" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("AGSP-Logistics") Case "AGSP-Order Management" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("AGSP-Order Management") Case "AGSP-Planning" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("AGSP-Planning") Case "AGSP-Pricing" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("AGSP-Pricing") Case "AGSS" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-AGSS") Case "AGSS-Contract and Warranty" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("AGSS-Contract & Warrenty") Case "AGSS-Installed Base" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("AGSS-Installed Base") Case "AGSS-Service Delivery"

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Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AGSS-Workforce Planning" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI-Data Conversion" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI-Project Focals" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI-Tech Testing" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI-Technical" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI-Functional" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI-Technical" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "CT" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "CT-Basis" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "CT-Infrastructure" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "CT-Tools" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "EDM" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "EDM-Cross Domain" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "EDM-Customer" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "EDM-Material" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "EDM-Product" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "EDM-Technical" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "EDM-Vendor" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "Finance" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-AP,Assets" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-BI" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-BTC" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-Costing" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-EDM" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-GL"

= Lists("AGSS-Service Delivery") = Lists("AGSS-Workforce Planning") = Lists("AI-Development") = Lists("AI-Data Conversion") = Lists("AI-Development") = Lists("AI-Tech Testing") = Lists("AI-Development") = Lists("TEAM-BI") = Lists("BI-AGS Parts") = Lists("BI-Technical") = Lists("TEAM-CT") = Lists("CT-Basis") = Lists("CT-Infrastructure") = Lists("CT-Tools") = Lists("TEAM-EDM") = Lists("EDM-Cross Domain") = Lists("EDM-Customer") = Lists("EDM-Material") = Lists("EDM-Product") = Lists("EDM-Technical") = Lists("EDM-Vendor") = Lists("TEAM-Finance") = Lists("FINANCE-Accounts Payable") = Lists("FINANCE-BI") = Lists("FINANCE-BTC") = Lists("FINANCE-Costing") = Lists("FINANCE-EDM")

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Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("FINANCE-GL") Case "FINANCE-Projects" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("FINANCE-Projects") Case "FINANCE-Services" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("FINANCE-Services") Case "FINANCE-Spares" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("FINANCE-Spares") Case "FINANCE-Tax" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("FINANCE-Tax") Case "FINANCE-Time,Workflow" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("FINANCE-Workflow") Case "GBLOPS" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-GBLOPS") Case "GBLOPS-AMJ CES" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("GBLOPS-AMJ CES") Case "GBLOPS-E2Open Procure to Invoice" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("GBLOPS-E2Open Procure to Invoice") Case "GBLOPS-ECC AGS Procurement" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("GBLOPS-ECC AGS Procurement") Case "GBLOPS-ECC SRM" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("GBLOPS-ECC SRM") Case "GBLOPS-SRM REL1" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-GBLOPS") Case "GBLOPS-SRM REL2" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-GBLOPS") Case "HRM" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("HRM") Case "HR Management" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("HRM") Case "OR" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-OR") Case "OR-Change Management" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("OR-Change Management") Case "OR-Communication" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("OR-Change Management") Case "OR-Training" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("OR-Change Management") Case "QA" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-QA") Case "QA-Audit" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("QA-Audit") Case "QA-Issue Management" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("QA-Risk Management") Case "QA-Risk Management" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("QA-Risk Management") Case "QA-Test" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("QA-Test") Case "S&C" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("TEAM-S&C") Case "S&C-IBC" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("S&C-IBC") Case "S&C-Privacy" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("S&C-Security") Case "S&C-Security"

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Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC FEP" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC Lead" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC Operations" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC Sales" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC TFG" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC-ABC" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC-ABC FEP" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC-ABC TFG" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "VC-UN" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-Fixed Assets" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-Global Trade" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AGSS-Portal" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AGSS-Projects Systems" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-Accounts Payable" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-Workflow" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI-AGS Parts" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI-AGS Service" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI-Finance" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI-Global Operations" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "BI-Technical" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI - Data Conversion" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI-Interface" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI-Development" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "FINANCE-COPA" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case "AI-Portal" Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List Case Else

= Lists("S&C-Security") = Lists("TEAM-VC") = Lists("VC Operations") = Lists("VC Operations") = Lists("VC Operations") = Lists("VC Operations") = Lists("VC Operations") = Lists("TEAM-VC") = Lists("TEAM-VC") = Lists("TEAM-VC") = Lists("TEAM-VC") = Lists("FINANCE-Fixed Assets") = Lists("FINANCE-Global Trade") = Lists("AGSS-Portal") = Lists("AGSS-Projects Systems") = Lists("FINANCE-Accounts Payable") = Lists("FINANCE-Workflow") = Lists("BI-AGS Parts") = Lists("BI-AGS Service") = Lists("BI-Finance") = Lists("BI-Global Operations") = Lists("BI-Technical") = Lists("AI-Data Conversion") = Lists("AI-Interface") = Lists("AI-Development") = Lists("FINANCE-COPA") = Lists("AI-Portal")

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Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").List = Lists("AGSP-Logistics") End Select ' END: When primary Assigned Team value is changed, Assigned To's selection list will change. End Sub Sub Bug_FieldChange(FieldName) WizardListCust ' Added by wizard if FieldName = "BG_USER_01" then 'Blank out Assigned To if Assigned Team changes to a group user doesn't belong to if VerifyUserExistsInGroup("BG_USER_01", "BG_USER_14") = 0 then Bug_Fields("BG_USER_14").Value = "" Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = "" end if Sync BG_USER_14 and BG_RESPONSIBLE elseif FieldName = BG_USER_14 then Bug_Fields(BG_RESPONSIBLE).Value = Bug_Fields(BG_USER_14).Value end if End Sub Function Bug_FieldCanChange(FieldName, NewValue) On Error Resume Next 'Prevent modification of Assigned To if Assigned Team is blank If FieldName = "BG_USER_14" and Bug_Fields("BG_USER_01").IsNull then Msgbox "Please fill out the Assigned Team field first." Bug_FieldCanChange = false else Bug_FieldCanChange = DefaultRes end if Bug_FieldCanChange = DefaultRes On Error GoTo 0 End Function Function VerifyUserExistsInGroup(Field1, Field2) On Error Resume Next 'This Function verifies whether the User exists in a Team. 'Field1 is the Team Field (Assigned Team, Detected by Team) 'Field 2 is the User Field (Assigned To, Detected By) 'Return values: 0 if user is not found in Team, non-zero if found dim com 'As Command dim rec 'As RecordSet set com = TDConnection.Command SQL = "select * from all_lists where al_father_id in (select al_item_id from all_lists where al_description='" & _ Bug_Fields(Field1).Value & "') and al_description='" & Bug_Fields(Field2).Value & "'" com.CommandText = SQL set rec = com.Execute VerifyUserExistsInGroup = rec.RecordCount set rec = nothing set com = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function

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III. Administrator Lockout Code

The purpose of this code is to enable Administrator to prevent users from logging in during a maintenance period. The following are the requirements: 1. Create a file called AllowedUsers.txt in the Project Repository. To find the Project Repository: a. Login to Site Administrator and go to the Site Projects tab. b. Highlight the project you want to lock down. On the right, you will see an edit box called Project Directory. This is where you need to create the file. 2. Copy and Paste the Workflow code below in the Customization area of the project that you wish to lock down. 3. The following are the rules that the code will follow: a. If the file is empty, all users can log in. b. If the file contains Quality Center usernames, each of which are separated by New Lines, only those users are allowed to log in. For example, the following entries will allow only alex_qc and alice_qc to log in:

alex_qc alice_qc

Code: Common_Module:

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Function CanLogin(DomainName, ProjectName, UserName) On Error Resume Next dim ext 'As ExtendedStorage dim flib, myf dim clntPath dim allowedUsers() dim userAllowed Redim allowedUsers(0) userAllowed = False set flib = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if flib.FolderExists("C:\WinNT\Temp") then clntPath = "C:\WinNT\Temp" elseif flib.FolderExists("C:\Windows\Temp") then clntPath = "C:\Windows\Temp" else clntPath = "C:\" end if set ext = TDConnection.ExtendedStorage ext.ServerPath = TDConnection.DirectoryPath(0) ext.ClientPath = clntPath ext.Load "AllowedUsers.txt", True set myf = flib.OpenTextFile(clntPath & "\AllowedUsers.txt", 1) do while myf.AtEndOfStream <> true allowedUsers(UBound(allowedUsers)) = myf.ReadLine Redim Preserve allowedUsers(UBound(allowedUsers) + 1) loop if UBound(allowedUsers) > 0 then Redim Preserve allowedUsers(UBound(allowedUsers) - 1) end if if UBound(allowedUsers) = 0 and allowedUsers(0) = "" then CanLogin = true else for i = 0 to UBound(allowedUsers) if Trim(UCase(User.UserName)) = Trim(UCase(allowedUsers(i))) then userAllowed = True end if next if userAllowed then CanLogin = true else CanLogin = false end if end if set myf = nothing set flib = nothing set ext = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function

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IV. Site Administrator Usage queries

The following SQL queries can be ran in TOAD against the QCSiteAdmin_DB Schema to get usage statistics

A. List of users who have not logged in within a certain date range:
select user_name from users where user_name not in (select distinct(user_name) from sessions_history where start_time>=to_date('08/06/2007', 'mm/dd/yyyy') and start_time<=to_date('08/09/2007', 'mm/dd/yyyy'));

The first date is the From date, while the second is the To date.

B. List of idle sessions at a specified amount of time (hours):

select p.ps_domain_name, p.ps_project_name, l.ls_login_time,

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l.ls_last_action_time, l.ls_client_type from login_sessions l, project_sessions p where (((select sysdate from dual)-ls_last_action_time) * 24 > 1) and l.ls_id = p.ps_ls_id

The 1 after the > symbol is 1 hour.

V. Next Responsible Workflow Code: A. Next Responsible Rules and Challenges:

1. NextResponsible code should work when a Step is Passed or Deferred. 2. NextResponsible code should not work if any of the Steps are Failed. 3. It should no work if the next TESTER is already the same as the Next Responsible. This is because making an unneeded change will trigger a mail to the Next Responsible person. 5. When all Steps are Passed, or when the Pass All button is pressed, the Next Responsible field will have the value of "Test Passed". 6. To find the next Step, we use a SQL Statement that orders the Steps for that Run according to ST_STEP_ORDER. However, we do not assume that the next Step is ST_STEP_ORDER + 1. This is because users have the capability of deleting Steps. Thus, you may have an order of 1, 2, 3, 5, where Step of Order 4 was deleted. To make sure we have the correct Step, we use a SQL Statement ordered on the said field, and get the next Record in line. 7. We need to make sure that we post the NextResponsible field only if the user presses End Run button. If the User presses the x button to close the Manual Runner window, then a dialog appears that asks the User whether he wants to post the Run. We need to run the code, only if a Yes was pressed. To do this, the Actual posting of data occurs in the ManualRun_Run_AferPost event. 8. If the Step's Status was changed to No Run, and the previous Step shows Passed or Deferred, the Next Responsible should change to this current Step's Tester. 9. If the Step's TESTER field was changed, this Step's Status is No Run, and the previous Step is Passed or Deferred, the Next Responsible field should also change. 10. Step deletion - When a user Deletes a Step during the Run, and if the Step before that deleted Step has a Status of either Passed or Deferred, the Next Responsible should change to the Tester of the Step that comes After it. Challenge: Workflow doesn't catch whether the User pressed Yes or No on the Delete Step Confirmation dialog box. In order to detect this, we use the following methodology: a. Use a Public variable to switch on when the Delete Step action is executed. Also record the Step ID of the step highlighted when the button was pressed. b. In the Event immediately after this action (occurs after confirmation message), which is the Step_MoveTo, if the flag is True, find out if the Step still exists. then the user pressed "No", we do nothing. Otherwise, we assign the Next Responsible.

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B. Recommendations:
1. The code is not completely tested for freedom from bugs. Therefore, do not use without extensive testing. 2. This code is complex, and has coded around limitations due to the behavior and design of the Quality Center User Interface. This may pose a problem when upgrading to next versions of Quality Center, as the User Interface changes. Therefore, I recommend either of the following before such a time arises: a. I recommend the Services of HP Professional Services Organization before upgrading to a new version, to properly test and make modifications to the code as necessary. b. Consider not using the code at all, and try restructuring the Test Cases in a way where each Tester is responsible for their own Tests instead of Testers sharing Tests and owning separate Steps within the same Test Cases. I recommend this because with the latter structure, the capabilities Applied Materials is looking for is already built-in to Quality Center. I also recommend a discussion between Applied Materials and an HP Consultant around customer Test Design and Execution processes to see if the recommended structure can be applied to AMAT at all.

C. Code:
Common Script:

Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public

KPC 'Variable for passing KPC from Test Lab to Defect isPassed 'Boolean, switches when Pass Selected button is pressed isPassAll 'Boolean, switches when Pass All button is pressed isDelStep 'Boolean, switches when Delete Step button is pressed deletedStep 'Long, records Step ID being deleted by Delete Step action prevStep 'Long, records the Step ID of the Step before the Deleted one deletedStatus 'String, records the Status of the deleted Step prevStatus 'String, records the Status of the Step before the deleted one postNextResponsible 'Boolean, switch to signal posting of Next Responsible NextResponsible 'String, Next Responsible User

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Public TestID 'Long, records Test ID for Next Responsbile Public NextStep 'String, the name of the Step to be executed by Next Responsible Public TestSetName 'String, records Test Set for Next Responsible Function ActionCanExecute(ActionName) 'Use ActiveModule and ActiveDialogName to get 'the current context. On Error Resume Next dim dim dim dim dim dim rnf 'As RunFactory rn 'As Run stf 'As StepFactory stl 'As List st 'As Step prevst 'As Step

'(Re)-Initialize variables isPassed = false isPassAll = false isDelStep = false deletedStep = 0 prevStep = 0 deletedStatus = "" prevStatus = "" 'Record Pass Selected, Pass All, Delete Step action for Next Responsible code If ActionName = "act_pass_selected" then isPassed = True elseif ActionName = "act_pass_all" then isPassAll = True elseif ActionName = "act_del" then 'Record also ST_ID and ST_STATUS when Delete Step button is pressed, ' in able to deal with users pressing No in Confirmation message. deletedStep = Step_Fields("ST_ID").Value deletedStatus = Step_Fields("ST_STATUS").Value isDelStep = True 'Also for the same purpose, find the ST_ID and ST_STATUS of the Step previous to it. set rnf = TDConnection.RunFactory set rn = rnf.Item(Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value) set stf = rn.StepFactory set stl = stf.NewList("select * from step where st_run_id=" & Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value & " order by st_step_order") for i = 1 to stl.Count set st = stl.Item(i) if st.ID = deletedStep then set prevst = stl.Item(i - 1) prevStep = prevst.ID

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prevStatus = prevst.Status end if next end if ActionCanExecute = DefaultRes 'Cleanup set prevst = nothing set st = nothing set stl = nothing set stf = nothing set rn = nothing set rnf = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function Sub AssignNextResponsible(Step_ID, Run_ID) On Error Resume Next 'This subroutine copies the TESTER field of the Step passed to it to the NEXT RESPONSIBLE field. ' Parameters: Step_ID: The Step ID of the previous Step where the TESTER field will be copied From. ' Run_ID: The Run ID of the current Run. dim com 'As Command dim rec 'As RecordSet dim tsf 'As TestFactory dim ts 'As Test dim rnf 'As RunFactory dim rn 'As Run dim stf 'As StepFactory dim st 'As Step dim nextst 'As Step dim lastst 'As Step dim stl 'As List dim allPassed 'As Boolean dim isFailed 'As Boolean dim tsetf 'As TestSetFactory dim tset 'As TestSet allPassed = True isFailed = False 'Create necessary objects: Test Object, Run Object, TestSet Object set com = TDConnection.Command com.CommandText = "select * from step where st_id = " & Step_ID set rec = com.Execute set tsf = TDConnection.TestFactory

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set ts = tsf.Item(rec.FieldValue("ST_TEST_ID")) set rnf = TDConnection.RunFactory set rn = rnf.Item(Run_ID) set tsetf = TDConnection.TestSetFactory set tset = tsetf.Item(rn.Field("RN_CYCLE_ID")) 'Get the last Step ID for the Test set stf = rn.StepFactory set stl = stf.NewList("select * from step where st_run_id=" & Run_ID & " order by st_step_order desc") set lastst = stl.Item(1) 'If the Step is not the Last Step, and the Pass All button was not pressed If (lastst.ID > Step_ID) and not isPassAll then com.CommandText = "select * from step where st_run_id=" & Run_ID & " order by st_step_order" set rec = com.Execute 'Determine if any of the Steps if Failed. If any steps are Failed, switch the isFailed flag to True. for i = 1 to rec.RecordCount if rec.FieldValue("ST_STATUS") = "Failed" then isFailed = True exit For end if rec.Next next 'Get the Step Object for the next Step. set stl = stf.NewList("select * from step where st_run_id=" & Run_ID & " order by st_step_order") for i = 1 to stl.Count set st = stl.Item(i) if st.ID = Step_ID then set nextst = stl.Item(i + 1) exit for end if next 'If the next Steps TESTER field is not the same as the NEXT RESPONSIBLE FIELD, and ' none of the steps are Failed If ts.Field("TS_USER_16") <> nextst.Field("ST_USER_09") and not isFailed then 'Switch the posting flag to True, and record relevant data for posting and emailing. postNextResponsible = true NextResponsible = nextst.Field("ST_USER_09") TestID = ts.ID NextStep = nextst.Name TestSetName = tset.Name 'If NextResponsible variable already has data, do not extract again.
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' See Step_FieldChange function for explanation. elseif Len(NextResponsible) > 0 then postNextResponsible = true TestID = ts.ID NextStep = nextst.Name TestSetName = tset.Name end if 'If all Steps are Passed, or the Pass All button was pressed, change NEXT RESPONSIBLE to ' Test Passed. else com.CommandText = "select * from step where st_run_id=" & Run_ID & " order by st_step_order desc" set rec = com.Execute while not rec.EOR if rec.FieldValue("ST_STATUS") <> "Passed" then if not(rec.Position = 0 and isPassed) then allPassed = false end if end if rec.Next wend if allPassed or isPassAll then postNextResponsible = true NextResponsible = "Test Passed" TestID = ts.ID NextStep = "" TestSetName = "" end if End If 'Cleanup set tset = nothing set tsetf = nothing set stl = nothing set lastst = nothing set nextst = nothing set st = nothing set stf = nothing set rn = nothing set rnf = nothing set ts = nothing set tsf = nothing set rec = nothing set com = nothing PrintError "Step_FieldChange" On Error GoTo 0
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End Sub

ManualRun Module:

Sub Step_MoveTo On Error Resume Next dim dim dim dim dim dim rnf 'As RunFactory rn 'As Run stf 'As StepFactory stl 'As List st 'As Step deletedFound 'As Boolean

deletedFound = false 'If the Delete Step button was pressed, find the Deleted Step. This will tell us whether the User ' confirmed the deletion or not. if isDelStep then set rnf = TDConnection.RunFactory set rn = rnf.Item(Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value) set stf = rn.StepFactory set stl = stf.NewList("") for each st in stl if st.ID = deletedStep then deletedFound = true exit for end if next 'If the Deleted Step was not Found, then run the Next Responsible code. if not deletedFound then set prevst = stf.Item(prevStep) if deletedStatus = "No Run" and (prevStatus = "Passed" or prevStatus = "Deferred") then AssignNextResponsible prevStep, Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value end if end if isDelStep = false end if

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'Cleanup set st = nothing set stl = nothing set stf = nothing set rn = nothing set rnf = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Sub

Sub Step_FieldChange(FieldName) On Error Resume Next dim dim dim dim dim dim rnf 'As RunFactory rn 'As Run stf 'As StepFactory stl 'As List st 'As Step prevst 'As Step

'If the Status has been changed to Passed or Deferred through one of multiple ways If FieldName = "ST_STATUS" and ((Step_Fields("ST_STATUS").Value = "Passed" or _ Step_Fields("ST_STATUS").Value = "Deferred") or isPassed or isPassAll) then 'Run Next Responsible code. AssignNextResponsible Step_Fields("ST_ID").Value, Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value 'If the Status was changed to No Run, or the TESTER field was modified while the current ' Steps Status is No Run elseif (FieldName = "ST_STATUS" and Step_Fields("ST_STATUS").Value = "No Run") or _ (FieldName = "ST_USER_09" and Step_Fields("ST_STATUS").Value = "No Run") then 'Get the Step object for the previous Step set rnf = TDConnection.RunFactory set rn = rnf.Item(Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value) set stf = rn.StepFactory set stl = stf.NewList("select * from step where st_run_id=" & Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value & " order by st_step_order") for i = 1 to stl.Count set st = stl.Item(i) if st.ID = Step_Fields("ST_ID").Value then set prevst = stl.Item(i - 1)

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exit for end if next 'If not ' if the TESTER field was changed, record the value prematurely, because the data is posted in the Database yet. FieldName = "ST_USER_09" then NextResponsible = Step_Fields("ST_USER_09").Value end if

'If the Status of the previous Step is either Passed or Deferred, run Next Responsible code. if prevst.Status = "Passed" or prevst.Status = "Deferred" then AssignNextResponsible prevst.ID, Step_Fields("ST_RUN_ID").Value end if End If 'Cleanup set prevst = nothing set st = nothing set stl = nothing set stf = nothing set rn = nothing set rnf = nothing PrintError "Step_FieldChange" On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub ManualRun_Run_AfterPost On Error Resume Next dim tsf 'As TestFactory dim ts 'As Test 'If the user either pressed the End Run button or said Yes in the confirmation dialog after pressing the x ' button of the Manual Runner window, change the NEXT RESPONSIBLE field. if postNextResponsible then set tsf = TDConnection.TestFactory set ts = tsf.Item(TestID) ts.Field("TS_USER_16") = NextResponsible ts.Post 'If there is a Next Step to be executed, send an email to the Next Responsible person. if Len(NextStep) > 0 then EmailNextResponsible NextResponsible, TestSetName, ts.Name, NextStep end if

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end if 'Cleanup set ts = nothing set tsf = nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub EmailNextResponsible(nextresp, tsetname, tstname, stpname) On Error Resume Next 'This function sends an email to the Next Responsible tester. 'Parameters: nextresp Next Responsible Testers Username ' tsetname TestSet where the Test to be executed is located. ' tstname The name of the Test that needs to be executed.
' stpname The name of the Step that needs to be executed. dim MessageSubject dim MessageBody MessageSubject = "Please execute the following step" MessageBody = "You are the Next Responsible for the following Step. Please execute it: " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf MessageBody = MessageBody & "Test Set: " & tsetname & vbcrlf MessageBody = MessageBody & "Test Name: " & tstname & vbcrlf MessageBody = MessageBody & "Step Name: " & stpname 'TDConnection.SendMail nextresp, User.UserName, MessageSubject, MessageBody, nothing, "Text" On Error GoTo 0 End Sub

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