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JUNE 25, 2013 CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE IN PSYCHOLOGY 1) Psychodynamic Perspective a. Aka PSYCHOANALYSIS b. Sigmund Freud c.

Emphasis on the UNCONSCIOUS role in an individuals behavior i. Inside the unconscious: INSTINCTS 1. Sexual urges (eros) 2. Aggression (thanatos) d. Id, ego, and superego in the unconscious level i. Id a beast that wants something; does everything to get what it wants; no consideration with the external world; operates on the pleasure principal ii. Superego morality principle; the inner judge; tells what is right or wrong; also doesnt have access with the external world; black-and-white (just good or bad); can also be very harsh, can be too hard on the self iii. Ego source of balance; reality principle e. Methods: dream analysis; free association 2) Behaviorism a. Focuses on external actions that can be observed and measured b. Emphasizes environmental stimuli and the behavior it elicits c. Rewards and punishments (stimuli) determine how we behave (response) d. Stimulus influences how a person would react i. Ex. When you want to increase the frequency of a behavior, give a reward 1. A child who got a high grade in school 2. A boy w/ ADHD who was able to behave in class ii. Ex. When you want to decrease the frequency of a behavior, give a punishment. 1. A child who thumbsucks 2. A Gen Psych student who got a failing mark 3) Humanistic Perspective a. Emphasizes positive qualities, capacity for growth, freedom to choose ones destiny b. Views humans as having control of their own lives, rather than being manipulated by ones past and environment c. Human behavior is governed by ones sense of self and drive toward personal growth d. People are MASTERS OF THEIR OWN DESTINIES 4) Biopsychological Perspective a. Brain and the nervous system is necessary in understanding human behavior b. Look into the brains i. Different parts and functions ii. Electoral activity iii. Chemical activity (neurotransmitter)

5) Sociocultural perspective a. In order to fully understand a person, it is necessary to understand ones culture, ethnic identity and other social factors b. CULTURE: patterns of belief, norms, behavior and values that are shared by a group of people 6) Cognitive Perspective a. The brain contains a mind (computer) whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals etc b. Emphasizes mental processes c. Assumes that human are basically intelligent and goal-directed d. If an individual failed to behave intelligently, it only means that something went wrong with the way he processed the information 7) Evolutionary Approach a. Based on Darwins PRINCIPLE OF NATURAL SELECTION b. Evolutionary process that favors traits or characteristics that best adapt organisms to survive and reproduce c. Evolution shapes physical characteristics, as well as psychological characteristics WHAT MAKES PSYCHOLOGY A SCIENCE? Psychology + scientific method 5 steps: o Perceive o Hypothesize o Test o Draw conclusions o Report, revise, replicate

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