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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned

! "a#ie $#art

10 of the Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Le rne!"

#$ % &ie '& rt
Li&its of Li (ilit$ ) *iscl i&er of + rr nt$, The author and %u&lisher of this &oo' and the acco#%an!in( #aterials have used their &est efforts in %re%arin( this %ro(ra#) The author and %u&lisher #a'e no re%resentation or warranties with res%ect to the accurac!, a%%lica&ilit!, fitness, or co#%leteness of the contents of this %ro(ra#) The! disclai# an! warranties *e+%ressed or i#%lied,, #erchanta&ilit!, or fitness for an! %ur%ose) The author and %u&lisher shall not &e held lia&le for an! loss or other da#a(es, includin( &ut not li#ited to incidental, consequential, or other da#a(es) The author and %u&lisher #a'e no clai#s for an! #edical &enefits of this %ro(ra#) The advice of a co#%etent #edical %rofessional should alwa!s &e sou(ht in the case of health #atters) Co%!ri(ht in this docu#ent &elon( to the author) The author also asserts the ri(ht to &e identified as such and to o&-ect to an! #isuse) ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

T (le of Contents
3ead This 4irst 6ho Is This E7&oo' 4or8 6hat Is NLP8 6h! Learn NLP8 ;< ;/ ;5 ;9 ;: ;1 ;> ;? ;C ;<0 $tart efore =ou $tart & 4inish Ta'e Peo%le Literall! @o There 4irst "ust $tart Tal'in( Ao It efore =ou Ao It Use =our Peri%heral Bision orrow @estures Use The Meta7Model Use The Milton Model Eli#inate Desitation efore =ou 4inish 5 9 : 1 > ? <0 </ <9 <1 <? /0 // /1 /? 51 5> 5C 5C

NLP Coachin( CardsTM 4ree $tuff More Infor#ation 2&out The 2uthor 2c'nowled(e#ents

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

-e ! This .irst
6elco#e to 10 of the Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learne ) M! na#es "a#ie $#art) I# an NLP trainer, author, and creator of NLP Coachin( CardsTM, Eric'sonian D!%nosis CardsTM, and Irresisti&le Influence CardsTM, the worlds leadin( resources for learnin( the lan(ua(e of NLP, D!%nosis and Influence) Id li'e to sa! Ethan'7!ouF to !ou for readin( this e7&oo') Id also li'e to as' !ou to please send this e-book to your friends and colleagues, &ecause it will hel% the#, it will hel% #e to reach #ore %eo%le, and &ecause it will make you feel good tooG If !ouve &een sent this e7&oo' &! so#eone else, then #a'e sure that !ou sign up for the FREE NLP newsletter that acco#%anies it, hereH htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'Iti%Jsi(nu%)ht# Once !ou do, !ou will &e sent new issues on a re(ular &asis to learn fro#) It will onl! ta'e a #inute or two to read, &ut !oull &e a#aKed at the s'ills !ou start develo%in( quic'l!) This &oo' co#%le#ents our NLP Coachin( CardsTM, Eric'sonian D!%nosis CardsTM, and Irresisti&le Influence CardsTM . Ill &e referrin( to the cards later, &ut when !ou buy the cards and get the patterns now, !ou can unloc' the #assive %otential this &oo' reveals immediately. If !ou want to reall! accelerate your learning, (o to the !ala we&site and order all three decks of !L!" NLP #!R" at a special discounted rate $These cards are quite si#%l! the fastest wa! there is to develo% !our s'ills in usin( the lan(ua(e of NLP, D!%nosis and Influence) The insi(hts !oull &e (ettin( fro# the newsletter co#%le#ent the %atterns on the cards, so when !ou have &oth, it will reall! turbocharge your learning) 4or #ore infor#ation a&out how !ou can learn fast %ust by playing cards, clic' here

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

+ho Is This E/(oo0 .or1

This e7&oo' is for %eo%le who are interested in hel%in( the#selves to resolve issues and reach their (oals #ore quic'l! and easil!, and for hel%in( others to do the sa#e) It will also &e of (reat value to %eo%le who want to #assivel! increase their a&ilit! to co##unicate effectivel!) It will &e of %articular interest to e+ecutive coaches, life coaches, thera%ists, h!%notists, trainers, #ana(ers, sales%eo%le, consultants, networ'ers, students of NLP, health7wor'ers, doctors and other healers)

6hen I first started learnin( NLP, I drea#ed of &ein( a&le to do the #a(ic that I had heard a&out) @ettin( into ra%%ort at a #o#ents notice, wonders of sensor! acuit!, e+traordinar! lea%s of intuition, wildl! %ersuasive lan(ua(e %atterns) I wanted all of it, an I wante it fast" I scra&&led a&out, &u!in( &oo's, (oin( on trainin( courses and %racticin() I was li'e a #an %ossessedG ut when I loo' &ac' on that ti#e, I realise now that #an! of the thin(s which #ade the &i((est difference were actuall! quite si#%le, and so#eti#es counter7intuitive) Ive #et lots of %eo%le who have &een trained in NLP, &ut still arent (ettin( the sorts of results that the! want) 2nd Ive #et others who are -ust startin( out, and are overwhel#ed &! the a#ount of infor#ation) Ive #et !et others who are doin( well, and are alwa!s on the loo'out for a new tool, technique, or wa! of thin'in( which will (et the# even &etter results) This is for all of !ou) 2s !ou read this !ouLll start to see wa!s that !ou can fine7tune and i#%rove !our a&ilities ri(ht awa!) 3ead on and ILll show !ou wa!s !ou can accelerate your learning later)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

+h t Is NLP1
NLP *Neuro7lin(uistic Pro(ra##in(, is the #ost %owerful a%%roach Ive found for co##unications, chan(e, and e+cellent %erfor#ance) It has &een widel! a%%lied, with often astonishin( results, in fields as diverse asH usiness Coachin( $ales & Influence Ps!cholo(! $%orts Dealthcare Ne(otiation Education The list (oes onM

These da!s, #ost &oo's on %ersonal develo%#ent will include at least so#e NLP techniques, and it has &een incor%orated into #ost %ersuasion & influence trainin(s on at least so#e level) $o#e of the #ost dra#atic acco#%lish#ents of the field includeH 2 2 2 2 fast *one session, %ho&ia cure learna&le #odel of the s'ills of e+quisite co##unicators s%ellin( strate(! to transfor# the a&ilities of %oor s%ellers functional #odel of the s'ills of (reat visionaries

One of the #ost %rofound ideas of NLP is that, if one %erson can do so#ethin(, it should &e %ossi&le to find out what the!re doin( and re%licate it) NLP #odellin( is a unique a%%roach for identif!in( and re%licatin( the unconscious s'ills of e+cellent %erfor#ers *E() the Nnaturall! talented, then teachin( the# to others) &he name The na#e of the field refers to *Neuro, the hu#an nervous s!ste#, includin( the &rain and the five senses, *Lin(uistic, the ver&al & non7ver&al lan(ua(es with which we co##unicate and *Pro(ra##in(, the a&ilit! to structure our neurolo(ical and lin(uistic s!ste#s to achieve desired results) 'istory Neuro7Lin(uistic Pro(ra##in( *NLP, was develo%ed startin( in the earl! <C>0s &! 3ichard andler and "ohn @rinder, when the! set out to #odel the wor' of (eniuses in the field of hu#an co##unication and chan(e) The ter# NLP is used to descri&e &oth the a%%roach to #odellin( that the! used, and the %owerful #odels of co##unication and chan(e the! created *and have continued to develo%), &he fundamentals The funda#entals of NLP are strai(htforwardH

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art 12 3now wh t $ou w nt 45utco&e ) *irection6

One of the 'e! NLP questions is N6hat do !ou want8) The hu#an nervous s!ste# can &e thou(ht of as (oal7see'in(, and !ou tend to (et what !ou focus on) 6ell7 for#ed outco#es are an i#%ortant tool for ensurin( that !ou (et #ore of what !ou want in !our life) 72 8et the ttention of the unconscious &in! 4- 99ort6

OThe #a% is not the territor!)O =ou #ust start where the %erson !ou wish to influence is *the NPresent $tate), 3a%%ort is the %rocess of (ettin( the attention and trust of the unconscious #ind) :2 3now whether $oure ;ettin; wh t $ou w nt 4'ensor$ <cuit$6

Once !ou 'now where !ou want to (o, !ou need to &e a&le to notice *usin( one or #ore senses, whether or not !ou are (oin( there) $ensor! acuit! refers to the a&ilit! to notice the si(ns that !ou are #ovin( in the ri(ht direction *or otherwise), =2 <!>ust wh t $oure !oin; ccor!in;l$ 4#eh viour l .le?i(ilit$6

OInsanit! is doin( the sa#e thin( over and over a(ain, e+%ectin( a different result)O 6hen !ou notice that !ou are not (ettin( what !ou want, !ou need the fle+i&ilit! to chan(e what !ou are doin( in order to (et a different result) OIntelli(ence is the a&ilit! to have a fi+ed (oal and &e fle+i&le a&out how !ou achieve it)O

+h$ Le rn NLP1
! learnin( NLP !ou canH

Learn to control !our own state of #ind Aevelo% %owerfull! %ersuasive co##unication s'ills Overco#e o&stacles in &usiness & in !our %ersonal life Del% others to (et the results the! want Dave #ore of the e+%eriences !ou want Dave #ore success, ha%%iness, -o! and fulfill#ent in !our life Learn the tools of freedo#

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@1 A 't rt #efore Bou 't rt & .inish #efore Bou .inish

I used to love the TB show NIns%ector Morse) Each wee', our o%era7lovin( hero would use his intuition, reason, %owers of o&servation and 'nowled(e of the hu#an condition to solve see#in(l! insolu&le #!steries and &rin( the villains to -ustice) Morse was a #aster of (ettin( &eneath the surface stor! so#eone was tellin( hi#, and (ettin( the real stor! of what was (oin( on) One of the strate(ies he used to do this was to ter#inate the interview) Ded sa! E6ell, I thin' that covers ever!thin(F, and would (et u% to leave) The %erson he was questionin( would rela+H EPhewG @ot awa! with it)F Then, -ust as the! were a&out to show Morse to the door, hed turn round and sa! E"ust one #ore thin(MF then (o for the -u(ular) 6hile I# not su((estin( !ou (o for clients -u(ulars, !ou can use the Ins%ector Morse strate(! to reach %eo%le when their ar#our is off, when their defenses are down) There are two wa!s I love doin( this, and the!re incredi&l! si#%leH I start &efore I start, and I finish &efore I finish) 't rt (efore $ou st rt 2t the &e(innin( of a trainin( course, a coachin( session or a sales call, after weve #ade our introductions, I sa! so#ethin( alon( the lines of ETheres so#e stuff Id li'e to cover &efore we &e(inMF Then I &e(inG Peo%le have their ar#our off &efore the for#al N&e(innin( of a session, and its a (reat ti#e to wor' with the#) Personall!, I never actuall! (et to the %oint where we for#all! &e(in) I do all the wor' in either the N%re7&e(innin( section, or after the end of the session) 6hich re#inds #eM .inish (efore $ou finish Li'e Ins%ector Morse, !ou can finish &efore !ou finish) If !oure havin( difficult! (ettin( to the %oint !ou want to, !ou can sa! E6ell, I thin' thats enou(h for toda!F, and (et u% to leave) Then sa! EOh, -ust one #ore thin(MF and start a(ain) =ou will &e a#aKed at what can %o% out when !ou finish &efore !ou finish)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@7 / T 0e Peo9le Liter ll$

I &elon( to a #aster#ind (rou%, a tea# of ? %eo%le who #eet ever! #onth to su%%ort each other in achievin( their (oals and realisin( their drea#s) 2t one of our #eetin(s, a #e#&er of the (rou% said that he wanted to lose so#e wei(ht) 6hen as'ed a&out it, he ad#itted that he didnt feel ver! %ositive a&out it, as hed &een stic'in( to a $%artan diet for #onths, had e+ercised re(ularl!, &ut -ust didnt see# to &e a&le to shift it) De said EAee% down, I dont reall! &elieve Ill &e a&le to do itF) 2s I listened to hi#, I noticed various thin(s a&out the wa! he was usin( lan(ua(e to descri&e his situation) Mind and &od! are one s!ste#, and the wa! %eo%le tal' a&out %ro&le#s, (oals and desires can reveal the structure of how the! thin' a&out the#) The! wa! the! thin' a&out the# will deter#ine the results the! (et, so I as'ed hi# so#e questions) 4irst, I as'ed hi# E6h! is it li'e that8F The question E6h!8F used to &e &anned in NLP circles, &ut its (reat for (ettin( the %ersons stor! a&out a &elief) De said EI -ust cant see #!self &ein( sli#)F Instantl!, I 'new what the %ro&le# was *as an!one with so#e e+%erience of NLP willG, One of the #ost useful thin(s I ever learned was ETa'e %eo%le literall!)F M! collea(ue was (ivin( #e a literal descri%tion of what was ta'in( %lace inside his neuro7%h!siolo(!) De was quite literall! una&le to create a #ental i#a(e of hi#self &ein( the siKe and sha%e he wanted) The hu#an nervous s!ste# is (oal7see'in(, and it will #ove towards whatever (oals !ou %ut into it) The (oal hed &een usin( was EI want to lose wei(htF) This %resents several %ro&le#sH a, De was sa!in( what he i nt want *wei(ht, instead of what he i want)

Ne(atives are %rocessed differentl! &! neurolo(! than the! are in lan(ua(e *if I sa! EAont i#a(ine a &acon sandwichF, !ou have to i#a(ine it to understand what Ive said), ! settin( his (oal as losin( wei(ht, he was havin( to re%resent the wei(ht to hi#self in so#e wa!) &, Peo%le dont li'e to lose thin(sG 6e have &een conditioned since we were children not to lose thin(s, and if we do, to find the# a(ain)

$tatin( his (oal in this wa!, cou%led with the fact that he didnt have a #ental i#a(e of hi#self &ein( sli#, fit & health!, #eant that he 'e%t (ettin( what he didnt want *his #ental i#a(e was of hi# &ein( the sha%e he alread! was,) $o I as'ed hi# E6hat would ha%%en if !ou could see !ourself &ein( sli#8F Dis face &ri(htened, and he said that would &e (reat, and his e!es fi+ated out in front of hi#) I said so#ethin( alon( the lines of E"ust see !ourself &ein( the siKe and ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art sha%e that !ou want to &e, and feel how (ood that will feel, to see !ourself in the #irror, loo'in( so (ood, and hear those a%%reciative co##ents fro# others, and !ourself, a&out how (ood !ou loo', feelin( sli# and fit and health!)F I told hi# E=ou can s%end so#e ti#e in the ne+t few da!s, i#a(inin( !ourself &ein( the siKe and sha%e !ou want to &e) Then feel how !oull feel when !ouve (ot what !ou wantF) I received a %hone call fro# hi# a few wee's later) 2fter the #eetin(, he had s%ent a&out /0 #inutes visualisin( and i#a(inin( how it would &e when he (ot to his ideal wei(ht, then continued as usual) 6hen he ran(, he re%orted that he was ? %ounds li(hter, after havin( sta!ed the sa#e wei(ht for #onths and #onths %reviousl!) 6hile there is a valua&le lesson in here a&out settin( %ositive (oals and visualisation, there is also a dee%er learnin() Ta'e %eo%le literall!, and the! will (ive !ou infor#ation a&out e+actl! whats (oin( on inside the#) In the %ast, if so#eone had said EI -ust cant see #!self &ein( sli#F, I would have ta'en it as a #eta%horical state#ent, and tried to convince the# that the! could etc) ut our neurolo(! has develo%ed for the world of thin(s & e+%erience) 6hen !ou ta'e %eo%le literall!, the! reveal a world of infor#ation a&out whats (oin( on inside the#) I once heard 3ichard andler sa! EPeo%le will tell !ou ever!thin( !ou need to 'now in the first #inute)F This is an e+a#%le of that) Of course, !ou need to have o%en7ness to &e a&le to hear it, and the questions to as' in the first %lace to (et at the ri(ht infor#ation) This is one of the secrets of &eco#in( reall! (ood at NLP) If this #a'es sense to !ou, then chec' out our NLP Coachin( Cards) The! are one of the fastest, easiest wa!s there is for !ou to start to increase !our own a&ilities to do NLP with !ourself and others)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@: A 8o There .irst

One wa! of thin'in( a&out NLP is as the %rocess of hel%in( %eo%le #ove fro# whatever their %resent set of circu#stances is to so#e desired set of circu#stances) The 'e! to #ovin( fro# one to the other is hel%in( a %erson to access the resources necessar! to #a'e the #ove) One of the #ost %owerful resources is a %ersons state of #ind) Mind and &od! are one s!ste#, and the co#&ination of the feelin( a %erson is feelin( and the wa! the! are thin'in( *%ictures, sounds etc, can &e referred to as their Nstate) If !ou are rela+in( in a hot &ath, !ou are %ro&a&l! in a different state than the one !ou are in when !oure (oin( for a run, (ivin( a %resentation, or a&out to 'iss so#eone for the first ti#e) The a&ilit! to (uide %eo%le into different states is one of the #ost %owerful s'ills for co##unication and chan(e that there is) Trance is a Nfeelin( state, in the sa#e wa! as happiness, gratitude and lo*e are feelin( states) One of the (reat thin(s a&out feelin( states is the! are infectious, so if !ou want so#eone else to (o into a certain state, -ust go there first yourself. The quic'est wa! to (et a %unch on the nose is to start distri&utin( the#) The quic'est wa! to (et a s#ile fro# so#eone is to start distri&utin( the#) 6hatever state !ou want the other %erson to (o into, (o there first !ourself$ $o how e+actl! do !ou N(o there first8 There are #an! different wa!s, and as !ou &e(in to %ractice, !ou will start to discover the a%%roaches that wor' #ost effectivel! for !ou) Dere are a few of the#H One of the quic'est and easiest wa!s to chan(e !our state of #ind is to chan(e !our %h!siolo(!) "u#%in( u% and down, sha'in( !our hands or &eatin( !our chest are all wa!s to &rea' out of undesired states) ! the sa#e to'en, ado%tin( the %ostures and stances that !ou ta'e when !ou are accessin( certain states can activate those states) Either sittin( or standin(, ado%t the %h!siolo(! *%osture, (esture, head %osition, &reathin( rate, #uscle tension, that !ou e+hi&it when !ou are in a certain state *E)() trance, the Kone, flow, rela+ation, creativit! etc), Notice how quic'l! !ou start to en-o! e+%eriencin( the sensations of that state) E4a'e it to #a'e it)F Pretend) 6hen !ou %retend to (o into a certain state, !our nervous s!ste# (ets the idea ver! quic'l!, and the state soon #anifests) =ou can %retend to &e in whatever state !ou li'eH the #ore convincin(l! !ou do it, the #ore !ou will (et into it *and vice versa,) The #ore convincin( !ou are to !ourself, the #ore the other %erson will follow !ou into the state) 2n anchor is an! re%resentation in the hu#an nervous s!ste# that tri((ers an! other re%resentation) It is conce%tuall! si#ilar to Pavlovian conditionin( *thin' &ells and salivatin( do(s), =ou can anchor !ourself intentionall!, for e+a#%leH

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art a, Thin' of an occasion when !ou had a hi(hl! %leasura&le, %ositive or en-o!a&le e+%erience) &, $ee what !ou saw then *loo'in( out throu(h !our own e!es,, hear what !ou heard and feel what !ou felt) c, 2s !ou feel the sensations increase in intensit!, squeeKe the thu#& and forefin(er of !our left hand (entl! to(ether for a few #o#ents, then release the#) d, Now N&rea' !our state *E)() &! re#e#&erin( what !ou had for lunch !esterda!), 6ait a few #o#ents) e, $queeKe !our thu#& and forefin(er to(ether a(ain) The state will return) 6ith %ractice, !ou will &e a&le to (o into the states !ou desire, quic'l! and easil!, whenever !ou wish) 6hen !oure in ra%%ort with so#eone and !ou (o into a certain state, the! will follow)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@= / %ust 't rt T l0in;

One of the thin(s I love doin( on our NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner trainin(s is (ettin( %eo%le %la!in( with Eric'sonian D!%nosis CardsTM and Irresisti&le Influence CardsTM) Its (reat for raisin( %eo%les ener(! in the notorious Nafter lunch lull, creates a reall! fun learnin( environ#ent, and the rate their lin(uistic s'ills develo% at is fantastic) ut theres alwa!s a challen(e to overco#e &efore their s'ills reall! start to ta'e offM Peo%le want to 'now what the!re (oin( to sa! &efore the! sa! it) I e+%lain to the# that lan(ua(e (eneration, word selection and (ra##ar are unconscious functionsP that !our unconscious %roduces lan(ua(e auto#aticall%, in res%onse to whatever co##unication (oal !ou have set *and theres alwa!s a (oal in !our unconscious #ind, whether !oure consciousl! aware of it or not,) If !ou thin' &ac' to !our last tele%hone conversation, chances are !ou werent thin'in( consciousl! a&out what words !ou were (oin( to sa! ne+t, how to structure the sentence, where to %ut the ver&s etc) =ou have a (oal in #ind *whether !oure consciousl! aware of it or not, and !our unconscious finds the words, %hrases and sentences to #ove !ou towards it) The 'e! to &eco#in( fluent with NLP lan(ua(e %atterns is thisH %ractice the %atterns until !ou have inte(rated the# at an unconscious level, then set a co##unication (oal and start tal'in() =ou will start to hear the %atterns e#er(in( auto#aticall! and s%ontaneousl!) The %ro&le# is, %eo%le dont want to #a'e a #ista'e, or a%%ear sill!) $o I sa! to the# EI#a(ine !oure in a learnin( la&orator!, where the usual rules a&out social intercourse are sus%ended) If !ou o%en !our #outh and sa! N2rse, arse, s%an'!, s%an'!, it doesnt #atterF) $ee, when !ou were a child learnin( to s%ea', !ou had no conce%t of failure) =ou were #erel! e+%eri#entin(, #a'in( sounds with !our #outh and vocal chords, and noticin( what res%onse !ou (ot) Its the sa#e with learnin( h!%notic lan(ua(eH !ou need to allow !ourself the o%%ortunit! to #a'e N#ista'es in order to learn and (row) $o an!wa!, I sa! to #! Pracs & Master Pracs, E6hen !ou %ic' u% !our cards, start readin( the %hrase at the to% of the card and let !our unconscious fill in the &lan's)F The 'e! is to set a (oal for !our co##unication first) That wa!, !our unconscious 'nows to %roduce %hrases that are in line with the (oal !ouve set) If !ou dont choose a s%ecific (oal, !ou (et whatever (oal has &een rattlin( around in !our unconscious *which can &e to do with %rett! #uch an!thin(,) Ill (ive !ou a cou%le of e+a#%lesH Bou &i;ht (eco&e w re of CCCC when $ou CCCC2

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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art =ou #i(ht &eco#e aware of it, which %resu%%oses itLs alread! there, and all !ou have to do to find out is the &it after the Owhen !ouO) =ou #i(ht &eco#e aware of a dee%enin( sense of trance when !ou focus %our attention insi e %ourself) =ou #i(ht &eco#e aware of a new ran(e of %ossi&ilities when !ou allow %our unconscious to start &eneratin& solutions) =ou #i(ht &eco#e aware of an e#er(in( sense of confidence as !ou 'ractice these 'atterns re'eate l%$ ItLs -ust a %ossi&ilit!G Or one of #! %ersonal favouritesH +h t h 99ens when $ou CCCC1 IL# onl! as'in() ut to find out what ha%%ens, !ou have to do it) 6hat ha%Q %ens when !ou i#a&ine %ourself en(o%in& all the )enefits of havin& #a e this chan&e8 6hat ha%%ens when !ou i#a&ine )ein& a)le to use the 'atterns ef* fortlessl%8 I use this all the ti#e to (reat effect) To find out how this can wor' for !ou, do the followin(H

3ead the full te+t of the %attern & descri%tion aloud)

$et a (oal for !our co##unication *E() to (et so#eone to (o into a trance, rela+ dee%l!, feel (ood, learn quic'l! etc,)

$tart readin( the %attern *the line in &old, aloud, even thou(h !ou dont 'now
consciousl% what !ouLre (oin( to sa! to fill in the &lan's) Then &e a#aKed as !our unconscious fills the# in for !ouG 2llow !ourself the courtes! of not (ettin( it %erfect the first few ti#es !ou do it, and en-o! the %rocess of (ettin( &etter and &etter at this as !ou %ractice) 4or the fastest wa! there is to learn to use h!%notic lan(ua(e quic'l! and effectivel!, !ou can (et !our own dec' of Eric'sonian D!%nosis CardsTM to %ractice with, &ecause the fastest wa! to learn an!thin( is &! doin( it)

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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@D A *o It #efore Bou *o It

6henever I# wor'in( with clients, either in a (rou% situation or one7to7one, I# alwa!s 'een that the! have the e+%erience of success) I %articularl! want the# to succeed at the thin(s I invite the# to do, &ecause these are the thin(s that will hel% the# e+%erience (reater success in other areas of their lives) The #essa(e I want to send the# on ever! level is +ou,re going to be able to do e*erything that - ask you to do, so you can rela.2" Deres one of #! favourite wa!s to do thisH I (et the# to do it )efore I (et the# to do it) I 'now this sounds &iKarre, so Ill e+%lain) Lets sa! that I want so#eone to (et into a ver! resourceful state, full of confidence & %ositivit!) I could sa! to the# /Remember a time when you felt really confident 0 positi*e, then see what you saw, hear what you heard, 0 feel what you felt all o*er again.1 This would wor' for so#e %eo%le, &ut others #i(ht feel under %ressure, %olarit! res%ond, or find it tric'! in so#e wa!) $o instead, heres what I doM I tell the# a stor!) I descri&e an e+%erience that (ets the# to access those states) I re#e#&er the first ti#e that I successfull! hel%ed so#eone to eli#inate a do( %ho&ia) Part of the %rocess of the fast %ho&ia cure is stac'in( incredi&l! %ositive states *includin( lau(hter, confidence and whatever else the %erson dee#ed useful,) $o I told dirt! -o'es to (et her lau(hin(, and told her stories a&out thin(s that #ade #e feel reall! confident) $ee, when !ou hear so#eone else tellin( a stor!, !our unconscious #ind searches for relevant e+%eriences to hel% !ou #a'e sense of it) $o when I told her stories a&out e+%eriences where I felt incredi&l! confidentP situations where I -ust +new the ri(ht thin( to do, and felt (ood a&out it, she had to find reference e+%eriences that #ade sense of that for her *al&eit unconsciousl!,) Then, it was -ust a #atter of sa!in( /Now, -,d like you to think of a time when you felt confident. -t doesn,t ha*e to be the most confident you,*e e*er felt, %ust a time when you felt really confident.1 Theres a tric' in here) 6hen I sa! /-t doesn,t ha*e to be the most confident you,*e e*er felt1, a cou%le of thin(s ha%%enH If a %erson is feelin( under %ressure, this will rela+ the# & let the# 'now that I dont need a to% %erfor#ance fro# the#) "ust %rocessin( the sentence will (et the# to access *at least unconsciousl!, the #ost confident the!ve ever felt, for %ur%oses of co#%arison)

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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art Polarit! res%onders *%eo%le who auto#aticall! want to do the o%%osite of what !ou tell the#, (o EOh !eahG =ou cant sto% #e fro# feelin( the #ost confident Ive ever felt if I want toGF 6hich is, of course, -ust what I want

2n!wa!, when Id finished doin( the %ho&ia cure with her, we went out to find a do( to test it with) $he was fineG It wor'edG $he felt (reatG I felt a#aKin(G The feelin( of havin( hel%ed so#eone #a'e such a %owerful chan(e in their lives was e+traordinar!, and I felt (reat a&out #! s'ills, full of a desire to learn #ore and e+%lore further) It was an incredi&l! %ositive e+%erience) $o, as !ouve read this, !ouve &een #a'in( sense of the stor! Ive &een tellin( !ou) In order to understand it, !ouve &een unconsciousl! referencin( !our own e+%eriences of learnin(, achieve#ent & success) 2t this %oint, if I were to sa! /Remember a time when you felt really confident 0 positi*e, then see what you saw, hear what you heard, 0 feel what you felt all o*er again.1 !oud &e #uch #ore li'el! to access it easil!, wouldnt !ou8 Thats &ecause I did it &efore I did it) Or rather, I (ot !ou to do it &efore I (ot !ou to do it) One of the 'e!s to doin( it &efore !ou do it is &eco#in( a #aster of stories) =ou can learn how to &eco#e a #aster of stories when !ou download 2etaphorically peaking, a recordin( of a one7da! trainin( focused entirel! on stories & #eta%hors) Learn #ore here)

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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@E A Use Bour Peri9her l Fision

"ohn @rinder *co7develo%er of NLP, once said that hed identified three #ain o&stacles to #aster! of an! s'illH 7 7 7 over7reliance on focal vision internal dialo(ue a feelin( of hesitation

This see#s to &e %articularl! true when it co#es to learnin( NLP, which relies so heavil! on !our a&ilit! to %erceive a #uch wider view of thin(s and act instinctivel!) ! findin( wa!s to overco#e or eli#inate these o&stacles, !ou can start to reall! increase !our a&ilities) Now with #e, one of the quic'est and #ost effective wa!s to (et results fast, is &! loo'in( at %eri%heral vision) Tr inin; 0iller wh les I #et a 'iller whale trainer a cou%le of !ears a(o and she was tellin( #e a&out her wor') One of the thin(s she said was that !ou have to &e ver! careful when wor'in( with these creatures not to reinforce the wron( thin(s) $ee, the! s%end #ost da!s watchin( and listenin(, with no internal dialo(ue, and the! notice ever%thin&) The! notice %atterns that that the 'iller7whale trainers dont, &ecause the! %a! #ore attention, so if the! detect a reinforce#ent %attern that the trainer hasnt, the!ll use it to their own advanta(e) Dow do the 'iller whales notice so #uch8 Peri%heral vision) Conscious unfocus =our focal vision is what !ou are usin( to read these words *unless !oure %hotoreadin( this ti%), It is a s#all, central ele#ent of !our visual field, and is %articularl! useful for distin(uishin( fine detail) Most %eo%le tend to have a hi(h de(ree of reliance on their focal vision, and !ou can thin' of it as &ein( connected to the conscious #ind) Peri%heral vision, on the other hand, o%ens u% to either side of !ou, &oth a&ove and &elow) 2#on( other thin(s, %eri%heral vision is (ood for detectin( #ove#ent, and !ou can thin' of it as &ein( connected to !our unconscious) <, 4ocus on the nu#&er < at the &e(innin( of this sentence) 2s !ou continue to loo' at the nu#&er, rela+ !our (aKe, and allow !ourself to &eco#e aware of the ed(es of the %a(e, &efore !ou allow !our awareness to continue further out to each side) $ee how #uch !ou can %erceive on either side)

This is !our %eri%heral vision) 6hen !ou use %eri%heral vision while in a one to one situation, !ou will (et #ore infor#ation a&out the %erson, infor#ation that !ou #a! not have &een a&le to access in the %ast, such as &reathin( rate, (estures, &lin' rate and all the other thin(s that can &e useful *e() if !ou want to #atch or #irror the# to &uild ra%%ort), It also allows !our unconscious to (et in on the act, and for !ou to start to (et #ore intuitions a&out the other %erson and whats (oin( on for the#) /, $it in a co#forta&le rela+ed %osition, loo'in( forward) I#a(ine !ou have an e+tra %air of e!es at the level of !our &ell! &utton) eco#e aware of the

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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art feelin( of the s'in at !our &ell!, and i#a(ine !ou are loo'in( out throu(h those e!es) 4or #ost %eo%le, this will o%en u% their %eri%heral vision, &ut for so#e %eo%le it wont) If not, tr! the followin( ti% fro# Photorea in&,&! Paul $cheeleM 5, $it in a co#forta&le rela+ed %osition, loo'in( forward) I#a(ine that there is an oran(e, floatin( a few inches a&ove and &ehind !our head)

2(ain, %eri%heral vision should o%en u%, allowin( !ou to %erceive the world with a wider #ore rela+ed (aKe) Practise (oin( into %eri%heral vision until !ou can do it at will) 4or #ost %eo%le, this is a rela+ed and co#forta&le state to &e in an!wa!G 9, In a low7ris' situation, (o into %eri%heral vision while in conversation with so#eone else) Notice what !ou &eco#e aware of that !ou werent &efore)

2s !ou &eco#e #ore co#forta&le (oin( into %eri%heral vision in various situations, !ou will start to a#aKe !ourself &! what !ou are noticin( that !ou didnt %reviousl!) More !v nce! If !ou wor' with (rou%s of %eo%le, %eri%heral vision allows !ou to notice whats (oin( on for all the %eo%le !ou are not loo'in( directl! at) This #eans that !ou can &e loo'in( at one %erson &ut noticin( the si(nals, (estures, e+%ressions &ein( #ade &! the %eo%le who thin' !ou cant see the#) Ao !ou thin' this could &e useful in #eetin(s8

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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@G A #orrow 8estures

Man! !ears a(o, I was chattin( with a &allet dancer, who was tellin( #e the i#%ortance of hand (estures in dance) $he e+%lained that in so#e cultures, the (estures wo#en #a'e when dancin( are e+tre#el! s%ecific, & tell a stor! all their own, which co#%le#ents the the#e of the dance itself) =ears later, when researchin( child develo%#ent, I learned that children develo% hand (estures shortl! &efore the! start to s%ea') In fact, &oth (estures & vocal utterances can &e considered as %art of hu#an &ein(s s!#&ol7#a'in( a&ilit!) Our a&ilit! to #a'e co#%le+ s!#&ols *E() s%o'en word, writin(, nu#&ers, %ictures, is a 'e! thin( *%erha%s the onl! thin(, which differentiates hu#ans fro# the other #a##als on this %lanet) ut when we listen to %eo%le, we are t!%icall! onl! tau(ht to %a! attention to the s%o'en s!#&ols *words, the! sa!) <, The ne+t ti#e !ou are chattin( with so#eone, o&serve the (estures the! #a'e) Notice how certain (estures coincide with certain words & %hrases)

6hen !ou listen to so#eone, their hands will co#%le#ent what the! are sa!in( to !ou) =ou can watch the# %aint %ictures in the air, & interact with their i#a(inar! world as the! s%ea') 8estures A The 'ecret 'e& 9hore The cool thin( is, #ost %eo%le arent aware of their own (estures, let alone an!one elses) These (estures are *as often as not, co##unications direct fro# the %ersons unconscious #ind) $o if !ou decide to start ac'nowled(in( (estures, !ou are co##unicatin( with so#eones unconscious) There are three #ain wa!s to interact with a %ersons (estures) The first is #irrorin(H /, Once !ou notice a %ersons (estures, feed so#e of the# &ac' to the %erson) 6hen !ou refer to so#ethin( the!ve said, use their (esture as well)

3a%%ort has &een descri&ed as (ettin( the attention of a %ersons unconscious #ind) 6hen !ou #irror their (estures &ac' to the#, a %ersons unconscious #ind 'nows !ouve noticed it) =ou dont even have to #irror the (esture in fullG 4or instance, if a %erson #oves their hand in circles as the! descri&e (oin( round & round, !ou could #ove !our inde+ fin(er in circles to #irror it) The second a%%roach to utilisin( (estures I call Ereferencin(F) 4or instance, if so#eone were to sa! EI 'now theres a -o& Id love to do &ut I dont 'now what it isF & held their hand u% at e!e level as the! said it, !ou can su&tl! %oint to the s%ace where their hand was whenever !ou refer to it *E() E$o this -o&, !ou dont 'now what it is !et !ou are curious to find out what it is)F, Li'e #irrorin(, this sends a covert #essa(e to the %erson that !ou understand whats (oin( on *%erha%s even &etter than the %ersons conscious #ind does), 5, E+%eri#ent with referencin( %eo%les (estures)

If so#eone sa!s EId li'e to do such & such, &ut so#ethin(s sto%%in( #eF & holds their hand out in front of the#, !ou could %oint to the hand & as' E6hat is it8F $o#eti#es %eo%le will -ust sa! E6hadd!a #ean8F, &ut other ti#es, it will &rin( %ure ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art (old R thin(s will co#e into the %ersons awareness that the! didnt %reviousl! have conscious 'nowled(e of) The third wa! !ou can use this is Nfull contact) I once had a client who said EId li'e to &e a (reat %resenter, &ut so#ethin(s sto%%in( #e)F 2s she said this, she held her hands out a&out a foot in front of her chest & #ade a %ushin( #otion, as if tr!in( to #ove a heav! o&-ect) I as'ed E6hat ha%%ens when !ou -ust 'noc' that out of the wa!8F & %ushed her hands sidewa!s) Der face turned &ri(ht %in' & she started lau(hin( h!stericall! *alwa!s a (ood si(n, I thin',) $he said E6ell then it would &e eas!F & ste%%ed forward into a rela+ed & confident %ose &efore startin( to tal' a&out how e+cited she was a&out doin( it) 2#aKin() I# not (oin( to offer an e+ercise on Nfull contact (estures, &ecause its not a%%ro%riate for all situations *E() there are #an! wor'%lace situations where an! sort of %h!sical contact is dee#ed ina%%ro%riate), Davin( said that, if !ou are in a situation where !ou consider it a%%ro%riate to do so, & !ou have a relationshi% with the %erson where it is %er#issi&le *E() coach,, then (o for it) #usiness Essenti ls 6ould !ou li'e to 'now how !ou can save ti#e with (estures8 usiness %eo%le use lots of (estures too, so !ou can #irror the# to (et ra%%ort) In addition, %eo%le will use (estures when descri&in( a s%ecific %ro&le#) I was once de#onstratin( their %ower to so#e %eo%le on our NLP Practitioner course) The ne+t ti#e we #et u%, one of the# told #e this stor!H De said that there was a cha% at wor' who often ca#e to hi# for hel% in solvin( technical %ro&le#s) De said that it t!%icall! too' /0750 #inutes to hel% the %erson find the solution to the %ro&le#, & cost hi# a lot of ti#e) 2fter learnin( a&out (estures, he was %a!in( attention the ne+t ti#e the cha% &rou(ht u% a %ro&le# alon( the lines of EI# tr!in( to do + &ut I have this %ro&le# & cant see &e!ond it)F The NLP Practitioner noticed that when the cha% said the word E%ro&le#F, he held his hand u% in a clenched wa!) Our quic'7thin'in( hero #irrored the (esture, then said E6hat ha%%ens when !ou -ust for(et a&out that S#ovin( his clenched hand as if throwin( awa! a %iece of ru&&ishT & focus on what !ou want)F The cha% with the %ro&le# sto%%ed a&solutel! still for a&out 50 seconds then said EOhG Ive solved itGF & left the stunned NLP student in %eace, savin( hi# /0750 #inutes of his da!) Provin( thatM %a!in( attention to (estures can save !ou ti#eG

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Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@H A Use The Met /Mo!el

The first NLP develo%#ent was NThe Meta Model, created &! 3ichard andler & "ohn @rinder in <C>:, and descri&ed in their first &oo', The !tructure of Ma&ic ,ol#e 1$ It was the first creation in the field of NLP, and for#ed the &asis for su&sequent discoveries in the field) The Meta7#odel wor's on the followin( %rinci%leH %eo%le dont e+%erience realit! directl!, &ut rather throu(h the N#a%s of realit! the! create in their #inds) 6hen %eo%le have a %ro&le# or challen(e, it does not t!%icall! e+ist Nin realit! 7 it e+ists in their #a% of realit!) If !ou can enrich their #a%, their e+%erience of the world will &eco#e richer) Enrich their #a% enou(h, and their %ro&le#s will &e solved, their challen(es overco#e) The Meta7#odel is the %rinci%le tool for discoverin( where and how to enrich a %ersons #a%, and is %ro&a&l! the most powerful NLP tool there is. I was trainin( so#e e+ecutive coaches the other da!, and the! as'ed #e what was the #ost %owerful coachin( tool I could reco##end) 6ithout hesitation, I said /&he 2eta-model. Learn the 2eta-model.1 Dere are -ust a few of the thin(s Ive used these %atterns to doH Del%ed the #ar'etin( de%art#ent of a co#%an! chan(e their li#itin( &eliefs a&out #ar'etin( to students *their #odel of what was %ossi&le was stuc' in the <C>0s, &ut the questions I as'ed the# &rou(ht the# u% to date,) Chan(ed a #ans &elief a&out his financial future fro# ne(ative to %ositive &! as'in( one si#%le questionG @ot a (rou% of co#%an! directors to #a'e a decision and #ove forward *these %eo%le were addicted to havin( #eetin(s and %uttin( thin(s off, so (ettin( the# to t 0e ction was a &i( acco#%lish#ent,)

4ound out what was (oin( on at an unconscious level for ever! one of #! clients over the %ast > !earsG The Met /&o!el w s the 9rinci9 l tool # n!ler & 8rin!er use! to !iscover the rest of NLPI Theres onl! one %ro&le#H the #eta #odel has a re%utation for &ein( ver! difficult to learn, and as a result is undertau(ht on #an! NLP Practitioner trainin(s) $o for the last few !ears, Ive &een usin( cards to teach %eo%le the #eta #odel questions R with (reat results) ut I wanted to (et the# to #ore %eo%le) Then I thou(ht E6hat if I %ut all the #eta #odel questions, %lus all #! favourite coachin( questions on a dec' of cards8F $o heres a %attern that I find reall! useful when so#eones (ot a %ro&le# or li#itation, and I want to e+%lore it and understand how the! do it) Jow !o $ou & n ;e to K9ro(le& or ch llen;eL1 ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

6hen a %erson ta'es %ersonal res%onsi&ilit! for their situation, the! &e(in to access the %ower to chan(e it) This question %resu%%oses that an issue or %ro&le# is actuall! a s'ill that the!Lve acquired) Dow do !ou #ana(e to (et fri(htened of %u&lic s%ea'in(8 Dow do !ou #ana(e to sta! in de&t8 If the! acce%t that itLs a s'ill, then itLs %ossi&le for the# to learn a different s'ill 7 one that contains the solution) <, 6ith res%ect to a %ro&le# or challen(e !ou are e+%eriencin(, as' !ourself EDow do I #ana(e to do that8F

NLP is descri&ed as the stud! of the structure of su&-ective e+%erience) 6hen !ou can understand the structure of so#ethin(, !ou have new infor#ation that can hel% !ou to chan(e it) /, 6ith res%ect to a %ro&le# or challen(e so#eone else is e+%eriencin( & has as'ed !ou for hel% with, as' EDow do !ou #ana(e to Shave that %ro&le#T8F

6hen !ou as' the question, watch and listen) The %erson will (ive !ou clues to how the! are creatin( their internal re%resentation of the challen(e) Their e!es will #ove, the!ll (esture etc) Chances are, the!ve never thou(ht of their N%ro&le# as a s'ill &efore) "ust this chan(e of %ers%ective can (ive the# #ore %ower in the situation) ! the wa!, ra%%ort counts when !oure as'in( these questionsG $o an!wa!, #! ori(inal question was E6hat if I %ut all the #eta #odel questions, %lus all #! favourite coachin( questions on a dec' of cards8F $o thats what Ive done R and the result is NLP #oaching #ards&2 !ou can see what so#e of the worlds finest NLP Trainers sa! a&out the cards, and get your own deck atH htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'Icatalo(I%a(es7%roductinfoIcate(or!7<I%roduct7<?Inl%7 neuro7lin(uistic7%ro(ra##in(7nl%7coachin(7cards)ht#l

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@M A Use The Milton Mo!el

I was doin( so#e research the other da! for an e7&oo' I# writin(, so I turned to #! PC, and t!%ed the ter# Esu%eror(anis#F into @oo(le) In 0)<: of a second, the search en(ine found 1/00 references to the ter#) $o#e of the# were entire docu#ents, so#e of the# were %hotos) $o#e of the# were #ore relevant than others) ut it (ot #e thin'in( a&out how hu#an &ein(s %rocess lan(ua(e) 6hen a %erson reads or hears a word, the unconscious #ind sorts throu(h the internal references the! have for that word, in order to #a'e #eanin( of it) The unconscious does this ver! quic'l!P so quic'l! in fact that were usuall! not aware of the %rocess ta'in( %lace) 4or e+a#%le, ta'e the sentenceH The tree swa!ed in the &reeKe) In order to #a'e sense of this sentence, !ou #ust have an internal reference for tree, )ree-e, and swa%e ) If the sentence #ade sense to !ou, then !ou %ro&a&l! werent even aware of the search ta'in( %lace *the loo'u% on these sorts of words t!%icall! ta'es less than 0)< of a second %er word,) =ou #a! even find that !ou can (ather infor#ation a&out !our internal reference *E() &! as'in( !ourself E6hat colour is the tree8F, The followin( sentence #a! &e tric'ierH The %olf &a((li#ed in the hoo-ar) Most En(lish7s%ea'ers dont have an internal reference for these words R E.our search has returne no #atches/, to quote #! favourite search en(ine) This %rinci%le of internal searches is the &asis of how ver&al h!%nosis wor's, and its an i#%ortant %art of how Milton Eric'son *a'a EThe 6orlds @reatest D!%notistF, EThe Miracle 6or'erF, (ot the a#aKin( results he did) In the <C>0s, 3ichard andler and "ohn @rinder *co7develo%ers of NLP, s%ent eleven #onths #odellin( Eric'son) One of the out%uts of this %rocess was EThe Milton ModelF, a 'ind of Nhow7to (uide for usin( lan(ua(e to (et the sa#e 'inds of results *lin(uisticall!, as Eric'son)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art <rtfull$ F ;ue Part of Eric'sons a%%roach was that he s%o'e in an Nartfull! va(ue fashion) 4or e+a#%le, if I sa! E=our ar#s feel rela+edF, !ou can sa! ENo the! dontF) ut if I sa!, E=ou #a! &e startin( to notice certain sensations so#ewhere in !our &od!F, the chances are that !ou will start to notice the#) 2rtfull! va(ue lan(ua(e can &e ver! useful for all sorts of thin(s, includin(H Pacin( a %ersons e+%erience and leadin( the# in a new direction @atherin( resources Covertl! (ettin( the# to do thin(s that the! would resist if !ou told the# to do it overtl! @ettin( access to the e+traordinar! %ower of the unconscious #ind

Loo' at it this wa!) =oure readin( this e7&oo', and !oure readin( it for a reason, &ecause !ou have certain thin(s that !ou want to learn, so !ou #a! &e interested in discoverin( how !ou can %ut these new learnin(s into %ractice) If !ou re7read that sentence, it sounds s%ecific, &ut it is in fact ver! va(ue) 2ll the thin(s Ive said in that sentence are (uesses a&out !our e+%erience, &ut the! are va(ue enou(h to &e true for al#ost an!one) Lets ta'e it ste% &! ste%H =oure readin( this NLP ti%

OU, thats definitel! true) and !oure readin( it for a reason

6ell, thats %ro&a&l! true too) Plus, the Nand #a'es this state#ent flow nicel! on fro# the %revious one &ecause !ou have certain thin(s that !ou want to learn

6hich thin(s8 Certain thin&s$ Oh, those onesG 6ell, !ou didnt tell #e that, &ut I# (uessin( it) 2nd the N&ecause #a'es the %revious state#ent even #ore %lausi&le, &ecause %eo%le li'e there to &e reasons for thin(s) It #a'es the world see#, so#ehow, #ore certainG so !ou #a! &e interested in discoverin( how !ou can %ut these new learnin(s into %ractice) 6ell, this is -ust #ade u%) I dont 'now this at all, at all) ut if Ive #ana(ed to (et !ou to sa! N!es to the %revious few state#ents, !ou %ro&a&l! said !es to this one too) This sentence is su%er7va(ue, !et its the sort of thin( that %eo%le will a(ree to, &ecause it sounds s%ecific) In #! e+%erience, %eo%le will alwa!s tr! to #a'e sense of the thin(s !ou sa! to the#) This #eans that the #ore !ou are a&le to use lan(ua(e in this Nh!%notic wa!, the #ore influential !ou will &e *whether !oure doin( for#al h!%nosis or not,) This is one of the 'e!s to effective influence in an! field) The Milton Model is one of the thin(s that %eo%le who co#e on our NLP Practitioner learn to do reall! well) The wa! we hel% %eo%le to Nhard7wire the a&ilit! to use h!%notic lan(ua(e %atterns is by using hypnotic playing cards) $ounds craK!, ri(ht8 ut the results are aweso#e) 6e have %ac's of :/ %la!in( cards, and each ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art card has a h!%notic lan(ua(e %attern on it) 2s !ou %la! the card (a#e, !ou use the lan(ua(e %atterns, and !ou develo% unconscious co#%etence quic'l!) One of the (reat thin( %eo%le (et &! usin( this a%%roach is a reall! fun learnin( e+%erience) $o I thou(ht Id (ive !ou so#e of the card %atterns to %la! withH 6hat !ou do with each of these %atterns is read the e+a#%les, then #a'e u% a few sentences of !our own usin( the sa#e %attern) The f ct th t KfactL &e ns CCCC2 The fact that !ouLre here #eansMwell lo(icall! it #eans that !ouLre here) ut h!%notic lo(ic is a &it different) =ou can state a fact, then sa! what it #eans) The fact that !ouLre here #eans !ou can #a'e whatever chan(es !ou desire) The fact that !ouLve learned to write #eans !ou can #aster an! co#%le+ s'ill) The fact that !ouLre %la!in( this (a#e #eans !ouLll wire these %atterns in at a dee% level) The fact that !oure readin( this ti% #eans that !ou can find practical ways to use these patternsI P ttern 7, Bou & $ lre !$ h ve st rte! to (eco&e w re of CCCC2

=ou #a! alread! have started, or !ou #a! &e a&out to, and havin( started, its %resu#ed !ouLll continue) =ou #a! alread! have started to &eco#e aware of certain chan(es in !our #o#ent7to7#o#ent %erce%tion) =ou #a! alread! have started to &eco#e aware of the slowin( and dee%enin( of !our &reathin() =ou #a! alread! have started to &eco#e aware of the increasin( of !our s'ill in these %atternin(s) =ou #a! alread! have started to &eco#e aware of a desire to learn these patterns in so#e #ore de%thG P ttern :, +h t h 99ens when $ou CCCC1 IL# onl! as'in() ut to find out what ha%%ens, !ou have to do it) 6hat ha%%ens when !ou i#a(ine !ourself en-o!in( all the &enefits of havin( #ade this chan(e8 6hat ha%%ens when !ou i#a(ine &ein( a&le to use the %atterns effortlessl!8 6hat ha%%ens when !ou i#a(ine havin( &een a&le to get these patterns inte(rated into !our ever!da! &ehaviour8 P ttern =, CCCC (ec use N Peo%le are #uch #ore li'el! to do thin(s when !ou sa! L&ecauseL, &ecause the! li'e to have reasons for thin(s) =ou can learn to (o into a trance easil!, &ecause !ou have an unconscious #ind) =ou can start to #a'e those chan(es, &ecause !ouLve waited for lon( enou(h) =ou can en-o! learnin( these %atterns easil!, &ecause !ou learned to s%ea' and !ou donLt even 'now how !ou did it)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art =ou can get a deck of these cards for yourself, &ecause its (ood to &e a&le to have fun while !ou learnG OU, I #a! not have &een that artfull! va(ue on the last one, &ut !ou (et the ideaG 3usiness Essentials Modern &usiness is Nh!%nosis central) Ta'e an! list of cor%orate values, and Ill show !ou a list of dee%l! h!%notic ter#s, e(H Donest! Inte(rit! Innovation Leadershi% Creativit! Aiversit! etc

These words are called no#inalisations, and the! have an interestin( effect) 6hen !our unconscious (oes to do a Etree swa!ed in the &reeKeF on the#, it ta'es a lot lon(er to #a'e sense of the#) Tr! this sentenceH Our co##it#ent to innovation is the source of our effectiveness) 6hen %eo%le hear these 'inds of sentences, the! tend to (et s%aced out) The sentence #eans so#ethin( totall% ifferent to each %erson who hears it) I re#e#&er hearin( a #otivational s%eech fro# the head of a #ulti7&illion dollar co#%an!, and it was %ac'ed with this sort of stuffH his audience was totall! h!%notised) Is this a (ood thin( or not8 I dont 'now, &ut I do 'now that it wor's, so the 'e! is to &e a&le to use lan(ua(e with s'ilfull! and with intention) Ma'in( a decision to learn to use lan(ua(e in this wa! was one of the &est &usiness decisions Ive ever #ade) To find out how !ou can learn &he 2ilton 2odel )uickly and easil! for !ourself, (o toM htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'Icatalo(I%a(es7%roductinfoIcate(or!75I%roduct7 /Ih!%nosis7and7h!%notic7lan(ua(e7eric'sonian7h!%nosis7cards)ht#l

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

@10 A Eli&in te Jesit tion

2s 3ichard andler, *&ona7fide (enius & co7develo%er of NLP, sa!s EDe who hesitatesMwaitsM& waitsM& waitsMF 2l#ost ever!one has situations where the! would li'e to do so#ethin(, &ut find the#selves hesitatin() Ive heard andler descri&e hesitation as one of the #ain &arriers to learnin(, & he focuses a (reat deal of ti#e & ener(! on hel%in( %eo%le to overco#e it) +oul! $ou li0e fries with th t One da! in London, I was on the tu&e on the wa! to train so#e telesales %eo%le, hel%in( the# to overco#e Nsales call reluctance *ie) not wantin( to %ic' u% the %hone & dial), I was readin( the &oo' Chan&e *&! 6atKlawic', 6ea'land & 4isch, & ca#e across a stor! descri&in( how 6atKlawic' hel%ed a student who had &een una&le to co#%lete his thesis due to an+iet!) De told the student E4o into three shops o*er the ne.t week 0 make an absurd re)uest.F The student did so, re%orted a shift in attitude, & finished their thesis shortl! thereafter) I loved the idea, & thou(ht it #i(ht &e useful with the reluctant telesales tea#, &ut I 'new that I couldnt as' the# to do so#ethin( I wasnt willin( to do #!self) I said to #!self E+ou ha*e to do this nowF, & as soon as I (ot off the tu&e, I went into a well7'nown fast7food ha#&ur(er -oint outside the station) I -oined the queue, loo'in( around at the other custo#ers) M! heart was %oundin( li'e a dru#P even thou(h I 'new rationall! that I was in no dan(er, #! neurolo(! was res%ondin( as thou(h I were a&out to stic' u% a &an') 6hen I (ot to the counter, I loo'ed at the %erson &ehind it &, with a strai(ht face, as'ed for a ha# & %inea%%le %iKKa) $he loo'ed confused and said E6hat8F I re%eated #! request) $he said E6e dont sell those)F EThis is a chinese restaurant isnt it8F I re%lied) $he said no, I said than's an!wa! and left) I felt li+e I ha (ust +noc+e out Mi+e T%son 0 I felt invinci)le" Now, &efore !ou send #e loads of e#ail sa!in( how childish this is, & how it isnt reall% NLP 7 I 'now) ut the result was a#aKin() In the da!s followin(, I did several si#ilar acts) Each ti#e, #! %h!sical res%onse was di#inished, &ut in other areas of #! life, the o%%osite ha%%ened) I started to e+hi&it less hesitation and #ore wanton N(o for it than ever &eforeG Thrilled with #! success, I invited the telesales %eo%le to do si#ilar a&surd acts, and the! re%orted si#ilar li&eratin( results) I 'new I was onto so#ethin() The PiOO /+ l0 E?9erienceTM 2 few !ears a(o, I &eca#e interested in Ton! 3o&&ins & went to one of his wee'ends, ea(erl! antici%atin( the fire7wal'in(, which I had heard so #uch a&out) I was reall! loo'in( forward to it, and 3o&&ins did a (reat -o& of &uildin( u% the antici%ation, &ut when the ti#e ca#e, I found it i#%ossi&le to actuall! &elieve that wal'in( on the hot coals was in an! wa! dan(erous) 2s a result, wal'in( across the# didnt have #uch i#%act on #e as a #eta%hor for overco#in( fears in other areas of #! life *thou(h I 'now it reall! wor's for so#e %eo%le),

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art ! co#%arison, The PiOO /+ l0 E?9erienceTM costs nothin(, can &e done virtuall! an!where, and is incredi&l! %owerful) $oM <, /, Identif! a few of the areas in !our life where !ou hesitate and would li'e to -ust (o for it) Choose a co##ercial %re#ises *e() sho%, restaurant, %etrol station, and #a'e an a&surd request *ie) as' for so#ethin( the! definitel! dont sell, while 'ee%in( a strai(ht face) e %olite, safe and non7threatenin() 3e%eat twice #ore in the course of a wee') Loo' forward to the situations where in the %ast !ou would have hesitated, and en-o! !our new res%onses)

5, 9,

One of #! clients used to have difficulties as'in( wo#en out on dates) I sent hi# out to a &ur(er -oint to (et so#e Italian food) 6ithin the wee' he had a date and now has a full diar!) This stuff wor'sG 4or those of !ou who are worried a&out the %erson &ehind the counter, in all the ti#es Ive done this, their res%onse has &een an!where fro# &e#used to ver! a#used, &ut never fri(htened) The 'e! is for !ou to &e non7threatenin( and %olite *ideall! co#in( across as a &it confused), 4or those of !ou who are thin'in( this is %ointless, foolish or hu#iliatin( R !ou %ro&a&l! need this #ore than #ost +h$ !oes this wor01 Our central nervous s!ste# is set u% to %rotect us fro# dan(erous situations) Man! of us have &een heavil! conditioned a(ainst #a'in( #ista'es *&! teachers, %arents, %eers etc), and code #ista'es as dan(erous) =et #a'in( #ista'es is an incredi&l! i#%ortant %art of learnin(, (rowin( and e+%lorin() 2 willin(ness to #a'e #ista'es is an a&solute #ust for an!one who wishes to &eco#e s'illed at NLP *with #e, I used to &e al#ost %ho&ic of #a'in( #ista'es, &ut no #ore), The PiKKa7wal' E+%erience see#s to hel% !ou eli#inate this unhel%ful res%onse) There are lots of other NLP techniques which can reduce hesitation & increase N(o for it, &ut this ones the easiest & quic'est to co##unicate in writin() ! the wa!, o&viousl! there are ti#es when its useful to hesitate *e() when a&out to ste% into a &us! street), Uee% those) More !v nce! This is also (reat for %la!in( with &eliefs around #one!) I was in E(!%t a cou%le of !ears &ac', and found that !ou are e+%ected to ha((le over the %rices of ite#s in sho%s R its a cultural nor#) 6hen I returned to the UU, I went into a lar(e AI= sho%, %ic'ed u% V500 worth of e+%ensive equi%#ent and offered the# V90 for it) Once a(ain, #! neurolo(! res%onded as thou(h I was in a dan(erous situation, even thou(h I was %erfectl! safe) ! doin( this, thou(h, I was a&le to start chan(in( #! &eliefs around #one! *$tuart 6ildes &oo' The Tric+ to Mone% is 1avin& !o#e is where I (ot this idea),

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

NLP Co chin; C r!sTM

6e are %leased and %roud to offer !ou the chance to own your *ery own set of NLP Coachin( CardsTM 7 e+clusive to $alad) These cards are si#%l! the fastest wa! there is to learn the language patterns of NLP #oaching. The! have &een created &! "a#ie $#art, e+%erienced NLP trainer *$NLP accredited,, and author of our free online NLP ti%s which currentl! (o out to nearl! <5,000 %eo%le %er wee') Deres what he *and others, sa!s a&out the cardsM In March <CC?, #! life chan(ed forever) 2t the ti#e I was wor'in( for a consultanc!, #ana(in( or(anisational chan(e %ro(ra##es, and I needed to ;et results, f st2

I needed to &e a&le to influence 9eo9le who I had no authorit! over) I had to de#onstrate that the thin(s I did & 0e lives) re l !ifference in 9eo9les

I required tools that could hel% #e to r 9i!l$ un!erst n! other 9eo9les &o!els of the worl!2 I needed to &e a&le to !i ;nose 9ro(le&s quic'l!) I wanted to &e a&le to (et the 'ind of and that other %eo%le ad#ired) ccur tel$, then hel% solve the#

& Oin; results that I felt (ood a&out

I was alwa!s on the loo'out for an!thin( which could hel% #e to i&9rove !r & tic ll$2 Then, in March <CC?, I went on #! first NLP *neuro7lin(uistic %ro(ra##in(, course, and I was &lown awa! &! what was %ossi&le) I i##ediatel! decided to learn ever!thin( I could a&out this a#aKin( field, and &ou(ht ever! &oo' I could (et #! hands on) One of the thin(s that was #entioned in #an! of the &oo's was a %owerful set of lan(ua(e %atterns called The Meta7#odel, a set of questionin( tools #odeled &! 3ichard andler and "ohn @rinder fro# two of the thera%eutic (eniuses of the /0th centur!, 4ritK Perls and Bir(inia $atir) It was the first creation in the field of NLP, and for#ed the &asis for su&sequent discoveries in the field) The Meta7#odel wor's on the followin( %rinci%leH %eo%le dont e+%erience realit! directl!, &ut rather throu(h the N#a%s of realit! the! create in their #inds) 6hen %eo%le have a %ro&le# or challen(e, it does not t!%icall! e+ist Nin realit! 7 it e+ists in their #a% of realit!) If !ou can enrich their #a%, their e+%erience of the world will &eco#e richer) Enrich their #a% enou(h, and their %ro&le#s will &e solved, their challen(es overco#e)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art The Meta7#odel is the %rinci%le tool for discoverin( where and how to enrich a %ersons #a%) I 'now that now, &ut it was onl! when I went &ac' to the ver! first NLP &oo' ever written, The $tructure of Ma(ic, that I discovered what The Meta7#odel is and started to learn how to use it) ! the ti#e I went on #! first NLP Practitioner trainin( with si+ #onths later, I 'new all the %atterns inside out, &ut I was in for a sur%rise) 2s I started learnin( NLP fro# the &est trainers and coaches in the world, I heard The Meta7Model &ein( used in a totall! different wa!G Dere are so#e of the thin(s I heard the finest trainers and coaches doin(H Usin( &iKarre queries that didnt even see# to #a'e sense, &ut that (ot hi(h7 qualit! res%onses fro# the %erson the! were s%ea'in( to) Ta'in( so#e of the less useful thin(s %eo%le said to the e+tre#es, to #a'e their %ro&le#s see# a&surd and ridiculous) Usin( queries that were so Nleft7field that I would never have thou(ht of the# in a #illion !earsG Ta'in( incredi&l! creative %ers%ectives on the clients situation, hel%in( the %erson to &eco#e #ore resourceful in the %rocess)

ut one thin( was clear to #e) The$ were usin; these questions, tools n! techniques in s$ste& tic w $2 It was not -ust creativit! or natural talent R it was a s'ill the! had learned) I said to #!self Bou h ve to le rn these s0ills for $ourself", and I did) Ive s%ent the %ast seven !ears learnin( the #ost %owerful techniques fro# the &est trainers) Dere are -ust a few of the thin(s Ive used these %atterns *the %atterns !oull learn fro# these cards, to doH Del%ed the #ar'etin( de%art#ent of a co#%an! chan(e their li#itin( &eliefs a&out #ar'etin( to students *their #odel of what was %ossi&le was stuc' in the <C>0s, &ut the questions I as'ed the# &rou(ht the# u% to date,) Chan(ed a #ans &elief a&out his financial future fro# ne(ative to %ositive &! as'in( one si#%le questionG @ot a (rou% of co#%an! directors to #a'e a decision and #ove forward *these %eo%le were addicted to havin( #eetin(s and %uttin( thin(s off, so (ettin( the# to t 0e ction was a &i( acco#%lish#ent,) 4ound out what was (oin( on at an unconscious level for ever! one of #! clients over the %ast > !earsG

Thats ri(htG I use these %atterns in ever! sin(le situation I (o into with a client or %ros%ective client) I use the# withM ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

E+ecutive coachin( clients *in fact, these tools are a I@ %art of wh! I can char(e such a health! fee for #! e+ecutive coachin( sessions,) Tea#s of %eo%le when I# en(a(ed to hel% develo% strate(!, vision and tea# ali(n#ent) Peo%le I# trainin(P these questions hel% #e to hel% others #a'e the fastest %ro(ress) Personal coachin( clients who want to #a'e chan(es that reall! wor'G M!selfG These are the questions I use to hel% #!self chan(e the %atterns that have held #e &ac'G

Unfortunatel!, the Meta7Model has a re%utation for &ein( difficult to learn) 2s a result, this incredi&l! %owerful tool is cri#inall! undertau(ht) ut thats a&out to chan(eG Ive ta'en the revolutionar! ste% of co#&inin( the Meta7Model questions with so#e of the #ost %owerful coachin( strate(ies that e+ist toda!, to create NLP Coachin& Car s$ The cards can &e used &! individuals and (rou%s to wire in these incredi&l! %owerful coachin( questions) I& ;ine (ein; (le to,

.eel confi!ent that !ou can discover the infor#ation that reall! #atters in an! situation) Peo9le 9 $ ;oo! &one$ for thisI <s0 questions th t & Oe !our clients, !ou collea(ues, !our friends and even !ourself with the qualit! of answers !oull (et) -el ?, 'nowin( that !ou will never &e stuc' for what to sa! or as' a(ain) 5verco&e ( rriers n! o(st cles that have &een holdin( %eo%le &ac') !ifference in %eo%les lives)

.eel ;oo!, 'nowin( that $ou re ll$ & 0e

Dere are -ust so#e of the & Oin; (ilities that !oure (oin( to have at !our fin(erti%s after !ouve %la!ed with the cards -ust a few ti#esG

The questions that !ou need to hel% !ourself and !our clients ;et focus on $our ;o ls2

l ser/li0e

6a!s to tri((er the hi!!en non/ver( l cues that will reveal how so#eone is structurin( their internal realit! *a %ersons internal realit! is what deter#ines what is and isnt %ossi&le for the#,)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

The si#%le questions that & ssivel$ incre se the li0elihoo! of 9erson chievin; their ;o ls) If !ou donLt 'now the answers to these questions, the chances of !ou reachin( !our (oal are si(nificantl! reduced) Tools to reve l the hi!!en &otiv tions n! !ee9 !esires that are reall! drivin( !ou and !our clients) If !ou donLt 'now these, %eo%leLs &ehaviour is often &afflin(, &ut when !ou discover these drivers, suddenl! even the #ost &iKarre &ehaviours #a'e sense) The questions that hel% !ou !iscover the Phi!!en h n!(r 0esP that sto% %eo%le #ovin( forward *!ou wonLt find these in the NLP &oo's,) The LactionL questions that cre te co&&it&ent n! (uil! &o&entu&2

The Pver( l i0i!oP 9hr se $ou c n use when so#eone canLt find the answer to !our question 7 at least :0W of the ti#e the answer #a(icall! a%%ears when !ou as' this *ad#ittedl! weird, questionG 2 si#%le &ut little7'nown tool for &rea'in( unhel%ful (eneralisations) If !ouLve ever had the frustration of tr!in( unsuccessfull! to challen(e %eo%leLs (eneralisations *even when !ou 'now the NLP Meta7#odel,, $ou h ve to le rn this technique2 The #ost %owerful question there is to ;entl$ ch llen;e hi!!en rules 9eo9le le rne! s chil!ren2 n! ch n;e the

The tools !ou need for drillin( down into so#eoneLs realit!) 6ithout these, !ou #a! thin' !ou understand what the!Lre tal'in( a&out, &ut !ou donLtG The #ost %owerful tools there are for hel%in( %eo%le to #ove &e!ond their li#ited ideas of the#selves, and to !iscover how the$Pve (een 0ee9in; success t ( $I The (elief/(uster ch llen;es !ou can use to start uncoverin( and dis#antlin( li#itin( &eliefs, usin( nothin( #ore than si#%le questions) The L#a(ic %hrasesL !ou have to 'now if !ou want to uncover the hi!!en o(st cles th t sto9 9eo9le &ovin; forw r!2 2 question that can (ive !ou a near7#iraculous a&ilit! to hel% even the #ost ne(ative clients to create a co#%ellin( future for the#selves) .in ll$, $ouPll h ve solution for 9eo9le who s $ QI !onPt 0now wh t I w ntQ2 The ulti#ate technique for hel%in( !ou to fi(ure out whatLs (oin( on in so#eone elseLs realit!) If $ou !onPt 0now how to use this, $ou re &issin; the &ost 9owerful w $ there is to tri;;er $our own intuitions a&out what so#eone is thin'in( and &elievin() ItLs li'e havin( a secret s%!(lass for loo'in( inside their #indG

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

Dow !ou can use a si#%le question !ou alread! 'now, &ut in a counter7intuitive wa! that will (et %eo%le to instantl! disassociate fro# ne(ative states) IPve &et ver$ few 9eo9le who 0now how to use this question in this w $ / even e?9erience! M ster Pr ctitioners of NLPI $i#%le state#ents that carr! %owerfull! loaded %resu%%ositions that will inst ntl$ & 0e $our clients feel &ore resourceful n! in control of their lives2 The LsoftenersL that are essential to #a'in( !our questions (entle and unintrusive) If $ou !onPt 0now these, $ou & $ (e (re 0in; r 99ort >ust ($ s0in; ;enuine questions2 2 su&tle enquir! to inst ntl$ n! covertl$ re/fr &e s0ill, and %ut the# in char(e of their &rain) 9ersonPs 9ro(le& s

The &est tool ILve ever found for e+%lorin( the dee%er e#otions and values that drive %eo%les desires and attach#ents) BouPll (e (le to !iscover wh t really & 0es so&eone tic02 2 cunnin(l! si#%le question that can release the e#otional ener(! 'ee%in( a %ro&le# in %lace, and cre te !ee9 sense of 9e ce n! free!o&2 2 #ethod to !iscover so&eonePs hot (uttons n! &otiv tion wor!s in n$ situ tion2 =oull &e &lown awa! &! the %owerful effect of usin( their e+act words to #otivate the#) 2 wa! to inst ntl$ ch n;e so&eonePs 9ers9ective on the# to loo' at it in a #ore resourceful wa!) situ tion, and (et

2 %owerful tool for discoverin( the ne(ative drivers &ehind fears, worries and co#%ulsions) Li0e sc l9el or !$n &ite, this technique is so 9owerful th t it &ust (e use! ver$ c refull$, and onl! when there is dee% ra%%ort &etween client and coach) 2n a%%roach for hel%in( so#eone to loo' &e!ond the stresses and o&li(ations of da!7to7da! e+istence, and st rt to !iscover sense of 9ur9ose in life2 The secret 'e! that instantl! increases the li'elihood of success in an! endeavour) 6hen !ou and !our clients are a&le to s $ $es to this question, success is virtu ll$ ;u r ntee!2 2 wa! to invite a %erson to e+%erience life without Lthe %ro&le#L, directin( their attention to a %lace &e!ond stru((le, &e!ond the LhowL of resolvin( it) This can free the i& ;in tion to ;o f r (e$on! wh t $ou 9reviousl$ thou;ht 9ossi(le2

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

Powerful tools for uncoverin( the hidden as%ects of a %ersonLs li#itin( &eliefs) Bou h ve to (e (le to uncover these hi!!en s9ects if the (eliefs re to ch n;e2 The secret of usin( ne(ation to as' an astonishin(l! si#%le question that will instantl! (et a %erson to i& ;ine new e&9owerin; (elief in a situation where the!Lve &een li#ited) The first ste% to esta&lishin( a new &elief is (ettin( so#eone to thin' of it, and this is the quic0est, e siest w $ to !o it2 $o#eti#es %eo%le are sure a&out thin(s which arenLt actuall! useful to the#) =ouLll learn how to use a %ersonLs ne(ative certaint! a(ainst itself, to o9en the 9rocess of 9ossi(ilit$2 < virtu ll$ un0nown &etho! for covertl! chec'in( whether a %ersonLs unconscious #ind has full! en(a(ed with the chan(e %rocess) =ou can even chec' whether or not so#eoneLs tellin( the truthG 2 #ethod for increasin( the %ositive e+tre#es a %erson can (o to, whether what the! need #ore of is love, h 99iness, 9le sure, success, &one$N wh tever $ou chooseI Three !ifferent lin(uisticall!) 99ro ches for (uil!in; r 99ort, consensus and a(ree#ent

The si#%le %hrases !ou can use at the &e(innin( of a session to & ssivel$ incre se the e se n! effectiveness of the wor0 $ou !o2 2 si#%le !et effective tool to focus starts so $ouPre t $our (est2 n! centre $ourself &efore the session

Deres what so#e of the world,s top coaches and NLP &rainers are alread! sa!in( a&out the cardsH

EIve often -o'ed that if I could onl! hire #!self, #! life would (et #uch &etter and fastG "a#ie $#arts NLP Coachin( Cards have allowed #e to do -ust that R to coach #!self to success &! lettin( the cards as' #e the sa#e 'inds of hi(h qualit! questions that #a'e coachin( such an effective wa! of o%enin( u% new %ossi&ilities for !ourself and !our clients) This is a fun and friendl! wa! to learn and #aster the s'ills of coachin( #aster!)F 2Michael Neill, author of 3.ou Can 1ave 4hat .ou 4ant 2 www$&eniuscatal%st$co#

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

OILve -ust had a dec' of "a#ie $#artLs NLP Coachin( Cards) 6hat a touch of (enius) 2ll !ou ever needed to 'now and #ore a&out the #eta #odel in a %ac' of %la!in( cards) The (reatest learnin( co#es when !ouLre havin( fun, so not onl! can !ou %la! %o'er with these cards, !ou can also uncover whatLs (oin( on &ehind the %o'er facesG 2nd if !ou are %lannin( to attend one of "a#ieLs courses, instead of ta'in( notes, !ou can full! have the e+%erience safe in the 'nowled(e that all the infor#ation is contained in this %ac' of cards) 2ceGO 2Peta 1es+ell, 5uthor of 67lirt Coach6, NLP Trainer an creator of the 7lirtin& 4ee+en www)attractionacade#!)co#

<n! who is this for1 Ill start *as usual, &! sa!in( who it isnt for R it isnt for %eo%le who -ust want the theor! &ut dont want to (et their hands dirt!) 5nly purchase this product if you want to de*elop real skills) Peo%le who wor' in the area of chan(e or are stud!in( it will o&viousl! &enefit, includin( NLP Practitioners, thera%ists, coaches, trainers, doctors, consultants and the li'e) +h t !o $ou ;et1 Each set of cards includes :/ casino7qualit! (a#e cards with the %atterns !ou will learn) E+a#%les of how to use the#) Co##entar! a&out how and wh! these wor' the wa! the! do) In !!ition to the 9 tterns on the D7 c r!s, $ou will lso receive,

Eight top tips for usin( the cards and the %atterns on the#, &uildin( !our unconscious a&ilit! and #a+i#isin( !our learnin( s%eed) Full instructions for a si#%le (a#e !ou can %la! with others to Lwire inL the learnin(s at a dee% level, and #a'e these questions an unconscious and ele(ant %art of !our coachin( re%ertoire *!ou can also %la! !olitaire to %ractice the c r!s ($ $ourself,) 67 e.amples of client phrases for !ou to %ractice with, fro# li#itin( &eliefs to as%irational (oals)

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art $o the usual question is how much8

The ' l ! 8u r ntee,

+e ;u r ntee th t $ou will (e tot ll$ !eli;hte! with this 9ro!uct2 If $ou rent, then >ust return it within :0 ! $s for full, no/qui((le refun!2 Xe&u cards are now sellin( for V:0 or #ore on e&a!, &ut !ou can get your own set of NLP #oaching #ards&2 fro# $alad for onl! V<9)C: Y %osta(e, handlin( & B2T *where a%%lica&le,) 4ollow the lin' to order your own deck of NLP #oaching #ards nowH htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'INLPJCoachin(JCards)ht#

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

.ree 'tuff
2t $alad, we are co##itted to !our learnin( and develo%#ent, so we want !ou to have (reat stuff) Part of our strate(! involves (ivin( our &est stuff awa!, so here are so#e lin's to so#e of our &est stuff) Bou c n h ve ll this for freeI % &ie '& rts NLP Ti9s 2n e7Kine choc' full of (reat NLP related ti%s !ou can %ut into %ractice ri(ht awa!, as well as lin's to $alad courses & %roducts, as well as a free e7&oo' worth V<C)C:, N10 of the Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques I6ve Ever Learne 9$ 'i;n u9 for $ours free now at htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'Iti%Jsi(nu%)ht# NLP Co chin; Ti9s Learn secrets that #ost %eo%le *includin( #ost NLP PractitionersG, dont 'now a&out NLP coachin() These ti%s *soon to &e %u&lished, will (ive !ou details ever! wee' of %ractical techniques, ideas and a%%roaches !ou can use to (et (reat coachin( results) In addition, !oull (et a free e7&oo' worth V<C)C:, The To' 10 !ecrets of NLP Coachin& Lan&ua&e$ 'i;n u9 for $ours free now at htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'Inl%coachin()ht# Uncon!ition l J 99iness Ti9s Ever! wee', !oull receive a quic' re#inder of the %rinci%les that will hel% !ou to e+%erience #ore ha%%iness, -o! and freedo# in ever! area of !our life, as well have #ore of the thin(s and e+%eriences !ou desire) In addition, !oull (et a free e7&oo' worth V<C)C:, The To' 10 !ecrets of Uncon itional 1a''iness$ 'i;n u9 for $ours free now at htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'I unconditionalha%%inessJti%sJsi(nu%)ht# J$9notic L n;u ;e Course $i(n u% for this 43EE < !ear D!%notic Lan(ua(e Course *a V/C)C: value, for a wee'l! dose of h!%notic lan(ua(e, as well as a free e7&oo' worth V<C)C:, 3The To' 10 !ecrets of Conversational 1%'nosis$ 'i;n u9 for $ours free now at htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'I h!%nosisJcourseJfreeJsi(nu%)ht# NE+ Irresisti(le Influence L n;u ;e Course $i(n u% for this 43EE < !ear Irresisti&le Influence Lan(ua(e Course *a V/C)C: value, for a wee'l! dose of influence lan(ua(e, as well as a free e7&oo' worth V<C)C:, 3The To' 10 !ecrets of Ethicall% 8utra&eous Influence$ 'i;n u9 for $ours free now at htt%HIIwww)saladltd)co)u'I InfluenceJcourseJfreeJsi(nu%J)ht# ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

More Infor& tion

Bou C n J ve More of +h t Bou + nt In Bour Life"

NLP for #usiness & Person l 'uccess

Neuro7lin(uistic Pro(ra##in( *NLP, is one of the #ost revolutionar! a%%roaches ever for effective co##unication, ra%id chan(e, & outstandin( results) This 1 CA set is a live recordin( of a /7da! NLP Trainin( with NLP Trainer & creator of Eric'sonian D!%nosis Cards, NLP Coachin( Cards & Irresisti&le Influence Cards, "a#ie $#art) =oure (oin( to learnH The Nattitude of NLP Dow to set clear (oals & directions Dow to (et into ra%%ort with others, fast Dow to &uild %owerful states for !ourself Dow to chan(e difficult relationshi%s Dow to shut off internal dialo(ue 2nd #uch, #uch #oreM

"a#ie uses NLP to train NLP, so %la! these CAs a(ain & a(ain) The attentive listener will hear more 0 more of the patterns of NLP &ein( used to install the attitudes and s'illsG EThe end results are no less than 2M2XIN@F 2 Nicole 9ent, :usiness 8wner Price, *ownlo !s, C*s, V5>)00 V:>)00 Clic0 Jere to 5r!er Now Clic0 Jere to 5r!er Now

*B2T & $hi%%in( char(es added where a%%ro%riate,

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

*iscover Jow Bou C n #eco&e Irresisti(l$ Influenti l, #efore Bour Co&9etition *o"
Ethic l Influence with NLP #un!le
=ou #a! have heard that NLP is %articularl! %owerful in the areas of co##unication and influence) =ou #a! &e aware of so#e of the astonishin( results that NLP can deliver) Now is !our o%%ortunit! to harness its power for yourself, and use it to attract #ore of what !ou want in !our life) ! the ti#e !ou finish listenin( to the recordin( of this three7da! intensive wor'sho% with "a#ie $#art, $ou will (e (le to, uild ra%%ort in #o#ents, then lead %eo%le where !ou want to ta'e the#

@et %eo%le to tell !ou e+actl! what !ou need to do to %ersuade the# Use h!%notic influencin( s'ills to %ress their /buy this now1 &uttons @et the 1 %rinci%les of influence to wor' for !ou, rather than a(ainst !ou Ca%tivate %eo%les attention and lead the# into an ideal %ersuasion state Turn hesitation into #otivation and take decisi*e action

EThe #ore I listen, the #ore I learn, this is fantastic stuff) I a# an NLP Practitioner alread! &ut reall! learned so#e a#aKin( new stuff fro# this %ro(ra##eF 5n rew 1o%le, NLP Practitioner

3(+ N5: to receive this !2!;-N4 5FFER; <) Ethical Influence with NLP 2udio *CA or Aownload, /) Irresisti&le Influence Cards 5) .-EE #5NU' of 9 E7 oo's 7 Ethical Influence with NLP Manual, The To% /: Influence Ti%s, The To% <0 $ecrets of Ethicall! Outra(eous Influence & Persuasion for the $ales#an)

Price, *ownlo ! #un!le, C* #un!le, V?1)C: V<<1)C: Clic0 Jere To 5r!er Now Clic0 Jere To 5r!er Now

*B2T & $hi%%in( char(es added where a%%ro%riate, ./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques Ive Ever Learned
! "a#ie $#art

<(out the <uthor

"a#ie $#art is the Mana(in( Airector of !ala !e#inars Lt , as well as the %rinci%al trainer) De s%ent #uch of the nineties leadin( lar(e, #ission7critical &usiness %ro-ects and chan(e %ro(ra##es) In the %rocess, he found that individual chan(e is the 'e! to collective chan(e, and &eca#e fascinated with hel%in( %eo%le achieve the results the! want) This fascination led hi# to NLP, and he has s%ent fro# <CC1 to the %resent da! learnin( fro# the finest teachers and #aterials, and a%%l!in( what hes learned) "a#ie is an NLP Master Practitioner and is licensed &! 3ichard andler and the $ociet! of NLP as a Trainer of Neuro7lin(uistic Pro(ra##in( *NLP,) "a#ie is author of The NLP Ti%, an e7Kine which (oes to thousands of %eo%le around the world each wee' *availa&le fro# www)saladltd)co)u',, as well as the creator of Eric+sonian 1%'nosis Car sTM and #an! other %roducts) De lives in Leicestershire *UU,) 6hen he isnt hel%in( other %eo%le (et what the! want, he li'es (oin( for lon( wal's in the woods, listenin( to #usic and readin()

Ive &een fortunate to learn fro# a nu#&er of (reat NLP Trainers and other innovative thin'ers and teachers) Than's to an!one whose efforts have #ade their wa! into this wor') $%ecific than's toM 3ichard andler "ohn @rinder "ose%h 3i((io Eric 3o&&ie "o Coo%er Peter $eal Ti#oth! Lear! Marianne 6illia#son Michael reen $hZZ 6as#und 3o&ert Ailts $id "aco&son "onathan 2ltfeld 3o&ert 2nton 6ilson Ian 6atson Michael Neill "ohn La Balle Paul McUenna Christina Dall

./001 "a#ie $#art 2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



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