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School with classes I VIII, Nisipari (LESSON PLAN) Neagoe Crina Gabriela 21st March, 2007 3rd grade

e (Pre - intermediate ) Animals a!e "#n$ && % a'm' (& min#tes Grammar) *+ea,ing- the #se o" the !erb .to li!e/ 0e1is- Animals' Mary has a little lamb. A frog lives in water. 23 the end o" m3 lesson learners 4ill be better able to 5ecogni6e and #se no#ns designating animals7 Ma,e sentences #sing the !erbs that sho4 actions made b3 animals7 0earn a +oem or t4o' 0earners 4ill res+ond acc#ratel3 in drills and 4ritten)oral e1ercises' 8 4ant to consolidate m3 *s/ ,no4ledge and #se o" no#ns designating animals' 8n a "#n and rela1ed 4a3' 9he class is a 2eginner gro#+' 9he3 all li,e :nglish, b#t it is di""ic#lt sometimes to 4or, beca#se the3 can be nois3' Considering that the3 are still getting #sed 4ith a ne4 teacher and s#b;ect 8 thin, e!er3thing is as it sho#ld be' 9he most acti!e o" all is Aleodor' *s are no4 "inishing a #nit abo#t animals' 8n o#r +re!io#s lesson 4e re!ised the +l#ral o" no#ns, and learned abo#t its +ron#nciation' 8 don/t thin, there 4ill be an3 +roblems, b#t i ho+e the3 4on/t be too nois3 either' 9e1tboo,, letter cards' Class-4or,, indi!id#al-4or,, gro#+ 4or,' 5eading , <riting, *+ea,ing'

Teachers name Date lass name !nit Lesson Lesson start time Len"th o# lesson Teachin" point Tar"et lan"$a"e items %ain lesson aims

E&i'ence Personal "oals lass pro#ile

Timeta(le #it Pre'icte' pro(lems %aterials $se' Or"ani)ation S*ills

Sta"e +arm,$p

Teachers Acti&ities an' Lan"$a"e 9he 9 greets class' 9he 9 as,s "or absentees' 9he 9 as,s the *s to sing the song- .Good morning dear teacher$/ 9he 9 4ill ha!e to listen to the st#dents/ home4or,' 9he 9 corrects the mista,es (i" necessar3)' 9he 9 4rites the correct ome4or, on the 2b' 9he 9 4rites the title o" the lesson on the 22 and tells the class the aims o" the lesson' 1'9he 9 as,s the *s to listen and re+eat a +oem' 9han the 9' translates it' 2'9he 9 as,s the *s to "ind ten animals in a +#66le' 3'9he 9 as,s the *s to com+lete

Proce'$re St$'ents Acti&ities an' Lan"$a"e 9he *s greet the 9' bac,' 9he * on d#t3 names the absentees' 9he *s sing the song'

Interactio n 9- *s






hec*in" ,$p homewor *

*s read the ome4or,' 9he *s' correct the mista,es (i" necessar3)' 9he *s re4rite the home4or, i" it is incorrect' 9he *s 4rite the title and date and are attenti!e'

9-*s *s-*s



Intro'$ci n" the new lesson



E&al$atio n

9he *s listen and re+eat and hel+ 4ith the translation'

9-*s -obser!ation


9he *s "ind the animals and 4rite them' 9he *s com+lete the sentences'

9-*s *s-*s

- items 4ith short ans4er

9-*s *s-*s

-ee' , (ac*

some sentences 4ith 4hat the3 see dra4n there' ('9he 9 as,s the *s to correct the mista,es in some sentences' 9he 9 hel+s them' &'9he 9 as,s the *s to listen and re+eat t4o small +oems' 9han the *s sho#ld read and learn them' 9he 9 as,s the *s to +ic, a letter card 4itho#t seeing it' 9he 9' as,s the *s to sit in three gro#+sAnimals 4hich li!e on a "arm, animals 4hich li!e in the ;#ngle and animals 4hich li!e in)near 4ater' 9he 9 gi!es assignments to each gro#+'

- items 4ith short ans4er 9he *s ha!e to read, translate and correct the mista,es'

9-*s *s-*s - memor3 test

9he *s listen and re+eat the +oems' 9han the3 read and learn them'

9-*s *s-*s obser!ation

*s choose a card'


Gro#+ 4or,


9he *s gro#+ =#ic,l3'

Assi"nin " homewor *

9he 9 assigns the home4or, and gi!es the a++reciations o" the lesson' 9he 9 greets

9he 4inners are the gro#+ 4hich "inishes the assignment "irst' 9he *s 4rite 9-*s do4n the home4or, and sa3 Good b3e to the 9'


the *s'

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