WIP 40K Scale Warlord Titan Commission - Forum - DakkaDakka - You Can Only Blame The Dice For So Long

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OK 1.5 days into the build and the basic shape is done with a few FW eagles and other symbols on there.



Sorry about the bad pic quality I only have my phone camera. This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/02/12 23:25:17

2012/02/13 11:03:06 Swordwind Screaming Shining Spear

Subject: WIP 40K Scale warlord Titan Commission Oh man, that is a beast. Going to watch this one closely. Swordwind's Assorted Armies (Eldar/BA/Nids/More to come!) Ignore every bit of tactics I tell you, as it will invariably be wrong.

93 Gallery Images Gallery Votes: 1 Posts: 1127 Joined: 2011/04/03 07:32:24 Location: Malaysia Offline Filter Thread

2012/02/14 16:58:36 White Ninja Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

Subject: WIP 40K Scale warlord Titan Commission

Every time i see one of these I first think "I want to do that" then i realize i don't have the skill or time to do it. Most importantly I don't have anywhere to store one of those monsters. I have 3200 points 2500 points > 5400 points

Gallery Votes: 39 Posts: 483 Joined: 2010/09/09 20:15:21 Offline Filter Thread

2012/02/15 14:14:55 berethani Fresh-Faced New User Gallery Votes: 0 Posts: 5 Joined: 2011/07/30 00:27:02 Location: UK Offline

Subject: Re:WIP 40K Scale warlord Titan Commission

Day 3.5 Now on to the weapons which will be a gattling blaster, volcano cannon and two carapace mounted double-barreled turbo-laser destructors. The weapons in the pics are not fully finish



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2012/02/15 18:47:03 tarar2d2 Roarin' Runtherd

Subject: WIP 40K Scale warlord Titan Commission

I want it already

. Absolutely amazing, I genuinely can't wait to see the finished thing. Subscribed

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/02/15 18:47:34 When life gives you lemons BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD

33 Gallery Images Gallery Votes: 8 Posts: 102 Joined: 2011/11/04 02:16:14 Location: Northern Ireland Offline Filter Thread

2012/02/18 11:50:10 berethani Fresh-Faced New User Gallery Votes: 0

Subject: Re:WIP 40K Scale warlord Titan Commission 5 days into build and now the head is done and the top of the smoke stacks and one legs. Hope you enjoy the photos.



Gallery Votes: 0 Posts: 5 Joined: 2011/07/30 00:27:02 Location: UK Offline Filter Thread





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