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APPLICANT CHECKLIST: This list will help you submit all the documents required for this vacancy.

We recommend that you print a copy of this checklist for reference while completing your application package. Be sure to read and follow the instructions carefully. _____ Resum or equivalent!. "lease include information such as# the vacancy announcement number$ position title and grade% how to contact you% descriptions of &obs held$ including the name and address of employer$ &ob title$ description of duties$ beginning and ending date month'year! of employment$ average hours worked per week$ and supervisor(s name and phone number% education$ including name and location of college$ dates attended$ and type and date of any degree earned% and other information$ such as possession of licenses$ certificates$ etc. )escriptions of duties must be sufficiently detailed to document the level of the e*perience. +lthough not mandatory$ if the position is was! with the ,ederal government$ either military or civilian$ you should state the series and grade or pay grade rank! and the date of last promotion. _____ -nline +ssessment .uestionnaire _____ )eclaration for ,ederal /mployment -,0123!. "lease be prepared to provide to 4uman Resources -ffice upon request. 5ee 6Required )ocuments7 section of the announcement to see if the form must be included in your application package.! _____ +R/ 8-9 +"":8;<= ,-R + T;T:/ 1> "-5;T;-<? These positions include physician$ nurse$ medical technologist$ physical therapist$ and pharmacist. "lease include a copy of the appropriate @+ form for that occupation# @+ ,orm A>B2 for physicians% @+ ,orm A>B2a for nurses% and @+ ,orm A>B2c for hybrid positions such as medical technologist. 8ou can find these forms here# http#'''vaforms'search_action.asp? ,orm<oCA>B2DtkeyCD+ctionC5earch _____ +R/ 8-9 .9+:;,8;<= B+5/) -< /)9E+T;-<? 8ou must submit a copy of your college transcript or an appropriate course listing. +"":;E+<T5 ":/+5/ <-T/# /ducation must be accredited by an accrediting institution recogniFed by the 9.5. )epartment of /ducation in order for it to be credited towards qualifications particularly positions with a positive education requirement.! Therefore$ applicants must report only attendance and'or degrees from schools accredited by accrediting institutions recogniFed by the 9.5. )epartment of /ducation. +pplicants can verify accreditation at the following website# http#'''admins'finaid'accred'inde*.html +ll education claimed by applicants will be verified by the appointing agency accordingly. ;f you are using foreign education to meet qualification requirements$ you must send a Eertificate of ,oreign /quivalency with your transcript in order to receive credit for that education. _____ +R/ 8-9 + @/T/R+<? @eterans must provide legible copies of ))AGHs showing all dates of service as well as character of service 4onorable$ =eneral$ etc.!. Eopies of your ))0AGH may be requested by calling >220>AI0G222 or T))J >220>AK0H>11. ;f you are within GA2 days of separation from active duty$ you may attach any written document from the armed forces that certifies you are e*pected to be discharged or released from active duty service in the armed forces under honorable conditions not later than GA2 days after the date the document is signed. _____ +R/ 8-9 + );5+B:/) @/T/R+<? @eterans with service0connected disability of G2L or more must also submit a copy of their official statement from the )epartment of @eterans +ffairs$ or from a branch of the +rmed ,orces$ certifying their service0connected disability and'or their receipt of compensation for service0connected disability. @eterans

with service0connected disability of less than G2L$ non0service0connected disability$ and "urple 4eart recipients$ as well as those claiming derived preference for a spouse$ widow or widower$ or natural mother$ should refer to and submit a completed 5,0GB$ 6+pplication for G20"oint @eteran "reference7 and required documentation with your application materials. ,or more information on @eteransM "reference$ please visit http#'''&ob'vetpref'inde*.asp*. _____ +R/ 8-9 + N;:;T+R8 5"-95/? 5ome military spouses can be appointed based on their spouse(s military service. Nilitary spouses are eligible if their active duty military spouse# G! receives a "ermanent Ehange of 5tation "E5! move% A! has a G22L disability rating% or 1! died while on active duty. ,or more information$ please visit http#'''&ob'shams'inde*.asp*. _____ +R/ 8-9 /:;=;B:/ 9<)/R + 5"/E;+: +""-;<T;<= +9T4-R;T8? 8ou must include proof of your eligibility for e*ample$ a copy of qualification certificate from a 5tate or ,ederal @ocational Rehabilitation -ffice 5chedule + appointment!. /*amples of special appointment authority include appointment of people with disabilities 5chedule + appointment!$ "eace Eorp and @;5T+ @olunteers$ etc. ,or a list of these authorities$ please visit http#'''hr_practitioners'lawsregulations'appointingauthorities'inde*.asp. _____ +R/ 8-9 + E9RR/<T ,/)/R+: /N":-8//? "lease provide a copy of your current "erformance +ppraisal must be within GB months from the closing date of the announcement!. _____ +R/ 8-9 + E9RR/<T -R ,-RN/R ,/)/R+: /N":-8//? 8ou must provide a copy of your last or most recent 5,0B2$ O<otification of "ersonnel +ction7 to indicate your current federal status. 8ou must also submit additional 5,0B2 s! to clearly demonstrate one year time0in0grade as required in the vacancy announcement. -ften$ if the most recent 5,0B2 has an effective date within the past year$ it will not clearly demonstrate that you possess one year time0in0grade. ;n this instance$ you must provide an additional 5,0B2 that clearly demonstrates one year time0in0grade. _____ )-/5 T4;5 "-5;T;-< R/.9;R/ + :;E/<5/ -R E/RT;,;E+T/? Nake sure you follow the announcement instructions for identifying or including a copy of your license or certificate in your application. _____ +R/ 8-9 +< ;ET+"'ET+" /:;=;B:/? "lease make sure you submit your application'resum$ a copy of the agency notice$ a copy of your most recent performance rating and a copy of your most recent 5,0B2 noting current position$ grade level$ and duty location. "lease clearly state in your application package that you are applying as a ET+" or ;ET+" eligible.

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