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Project on

Temporary Injunction

Submitted by:
Part Se!"a# I$t Se!e%ter &.&.A. LL.&.'HONS() Ro## No.* +,,,-.+/.+0


Intro12ct3on444444444444444444444444444 444./ O5ject o6 te!7orar8 3nj2nct3on44444444444444444444. Part3e% 3n9o#9e14444444444444444444444444444. Pr3nc37#e% 3n9o#9e144444444444444444444444444..Grant o6 Inj2nct3on44444444444444444444444444...E: 7arte Inj2nct3on44444444444444444444444444..; &reac o6 3nj2nct3on44444444444444444444444444; Inj2nct3on on 3n%2663c3ent <ro2n1%44444444444444444.4 0 Ca%e La"%444444444444444444444444444444 4...0 Conc#2%3on444444444444444444444444444 444 ...,= &35#3o<ra7 84444444444444.. 4444444444444444..,/


Te!7orar8 Inj2nct3on S23t 'Sa!7#e( 44444444444444444,>

An injunction is a judicial process whereb a part is re!uired to do" or to re#rain #ro$ doin%" an particular act& It is a re$ed in the #or$ o# an order o# the court addressed to a particular person that either prohibits hi$ #ro$ doin% or continuin% to do a particular act 'prohibitor injunction() or orders hi$ to carr out a certain act '$andator injunction(&* An injunction co$$ands an act that the court re%ards as essential to justice" or it prohibits an act that is dee$ed to be contrar to %ood conscience& It is an e+traordinar re$ed " reser,ed #or special circu$stances in which the te$porar preser,ation o# the status !uo is necessar &-

Injunction can be o# the #ollowin% t pes.

Preli$inar / A preliminary or temporary injunction is a pro,isional re$ed that is in,o0ed to preser,e the subject $atter in its e+istin% condition& Its purpose is to pre,ent

, =

Halsburys Laws of England '>t E1n.( Vo#. =>, 7ara 0+,. tt7?@@#e<a#*13ct3onar8.t!@T87e%Ao6AInj2nct3on '93%3te1 on A2<2%t ,;, =+,,(


dis/solution o# the plainti##1s ri%hts& The $ain reason #or use o# a preli$inar injunction is the need #or i$$ediate relie#&

Pre,enti,e Injunctions/ An injunction directin% an indi,idual to re#rain #ro$ doin% an act is preventive, prohibitive, prohibitory" or negative. This t pe o# injunction pre,ents a threatened injur " preser,es the status !uo" or restrains the continued co$$ission o# an on%oin% wron%" but it cannot be used to redress a consu$$ated wron% or to undo that which has alread been done&

Mandator Injunctions/ Althou%h the court is ,ested with wide discretion to #ashion injuncti,e relie#" it is also restricted to restraint o# a conte$plated or threatened action& It also $i%ht co$pel speci#ic per#or$ance o# an act& In such a case" it issues a $andator injunction" co$$andin% the per#or$ance o# a positi,e act& 2ecause $andator injunctions are harsh" courts do not #a,or the$" and the rarel %rant the$&

Per$anent Injunctions/ A permanent or perpetual injunction is one that is %ranted b the jud%$ent that ulti$atel disposes o# the injunction suit" ordered at the ti$e o# #inal jud%$ent& This t pe o# injunction $ust be #inal relie#& Per$anent injunctions are perpetual" pro,ided that the conditions that produced the$ re$ain per$anent&3

In the #ollowin% project we will #ocus on the concept o# temporary injunctions&

Temporary Injunction
Te$porar Injunction can be de#ined as" temporary injunction n& a court order prohibitin% an action b a part to a lawsuit until there has been a trial or other court action& A te$porar injunction di##ers #ro$ a 4te$porar restrainin% order4 which is a short/ter$" stop/%ap injunction issued pendin% a hearin%" at which ti$e a te$porar injunction $a be ordered to be in #orce until trial&

tt7?@@#a".jranB.or<@7a<e%@C->C@Inj2nct3on*T87e%*Inj2nct3on. t!# '93%3te1 on A2<2%t ,;, =+,,(



The purpose o# a te$porar injunction is to $aintain the status !uo and pre,ent irreparable da$a%e or chan%e be#ore the le%al !uestions are deter$ined& A#ter the trial the court $a issue a 4per$anent injunction4 '$a0in% the te$porar injunction a lastin% rule( or 4dissol,e4 'cancel( the te$porar injunction&5

In the Code o# Ci,il Procedure"*678" Order 999I9 Rule */ relatin% to te$porar injunctions pro,ides" in $aterial part" as #ollows. Cases in which temporary injunction may be granted :here in an suit it is pro,ed b a##ida,it or otherwise/ a( that an propert in dispute in a suit is in dan%er o# bein% wasted" da$a%ed or alienated b an part to the suit" or wron%#ull sold in e+ecution o# a decree" or b( that the de#endant threatens" or intends" to re$o,e or dispose o# his propert with a ,iew to de#raudin% his creditors" c( that the de#endant threatens to dispossess the plainti## or otherwise cause injur to the plainti## in relation to an propert in dispute in the suit" the Court $a be order %rant a te$porar injunction to restrain such act" or $a0e such other order #or the purpose o# sta in% and pre,entin% the wastin%" da$a%in%" alienation" sale" re$o,al or disposition o# the propert or dispossession o# the plainti##" or otherwise causin% injur to the plainti## in relation to an propert in dispute in the suit as the Court thin0s #it" until the disposal o# the suit or until #urther orders& Te$porar injunctions are %ranted on the basis o# a pri$a #acie case" until the case is heard and decided on its $erits& ;or instance" there $a be need to pre,ent #raudulent re$o,al or disposal o# propert " or wron%#ul sei<ure o# propert in dispute" and the injunction $a help in status !uo to be $aintained&

tt7?@@#e<a#*13ct3onar8.t!@te!7orar8A3nj2nct3on '93%3te1 on A2<2%t ,;, =+,,(


Object of temporary injunction

Te$porar injunction is %ranted as in interi$ $easure on an application b the plainti## to preser,e the status !uo until the case is heard and decided& In %rantin% te$porar injunction" the court ta0es into consideration the pri$a #acie case o# the plainti##" nature and e+tent o# his injur " balance o# con,enience and the e+istence or otherwise o# the alternati,e re$ed &=

I. P. Da%%e8, Administrative Law, Ct E1., Ea%tern &ooB Co!7an8, L2cBno" '=++;(, 7 >=>.


Parties involved
Re%ardin% the point as to who $a appl #or such an injunction" it is not the plainti## alone who can appl & A de#endant $a also $a0e an application #or %rant o# an injunction a%ainst the plainti##&> An injunction $a be issued onl a%ainst a part and not a%ainst a stran%er or a third part &? It also cannot be issued a%ainst a court or judicial o##icer& Nor$all " injunction can be %ranted a%ainst persons within the jurisdiction o# the court concerned&8

Principles Involved
The principles %o,ernin% the %rantin% o# injunction are well/settled& The power is discretionar to be e+ercised on sound judicial principles&6 The object is to preser,e while ri%hts are bein% liti%ated and the onus is on the plainti## to show his need #or the injunction& :here no ,iolation o# the ri%hts o# the plainti## was in,ol,ed" interi$ injunction could not be %ranted&*7 The decidin% application #or interi$ injunction" the Court is to see onl prima facie case" and not to record #indin% on the $ain contro,ers in,ol,ed in the suit" prejud%in% issue in the $ain suit" in the latter e,ent" the order is liable to be set aside&**

Grant of Injunction
It is well/settled principle o# law that interi$ order can alwa s be %ranted in the aid o# and as ancillar to the $ain relie# a,ailable to the part on #inal deter$ination o# his ri%hts in a suit or

Rattu 9. Mala, AIR ,0-; Raj =,=) Varghese 9. Joseph Thomas, AIR ,0.C TC=;-) Muni ipal !orpn" of #reater $ombay 9. $hagwan %a&haram %alas&ar, AIR ,0C> &o! =C=. C L" '" Meston % hool %o iety 9. (ashi )ath, AIR ,0., A## ..;) *a&ira 9. Rumsu&hibai, AIR ,0>- Na< >=;? ILR ,0>- Na< 0+;) Marwari %abha 9. (anhaya Lal, AIR ,0C/ A## =0;. ; +" Ven&ata halan 9. Ra,agpala )aidu, AIR ,0/= Da1 C+.) T" A" Menon 9. (" +" +arvathi Ammal, AIR ,0.+ Da1 /C/. 0 %ubba 9. Ha,i, =- D ,-;) %urendrasingh 9. Lal, A ,0C. DP ;.) #anpati +la-a Maintenan e %o iety 9. ("(" !omple. +vt" Ltd", =++= ',( Raj LW ;, ';C( 'Raj(. ,+ Hans Ra, 9. J"(" (hatri, AIR ,000 De# />-. ,, (alima +lasti +vt" Ltd" 9. H"+" *inan ial !orpn", AIR =++, HP =0 '/,(.


an other proceedin%&*- There#ore" a court undoubtedl possess the power to %rant interi$ relie# durin% the pendenc o# the suit&*3The Court has discretion as to whether or not to %rant an Injunction& A 0e #actor is whether or not da$a%es are an ade!uate re$ed & The Court will onl %rant the Injunction in circu$stances where da$a%es would not be su##icient&*5 Trial court should reali<e that injunctions 'whether prohibitor or $andator (" should not be %ranted as a $atter o# course" and that the trial court $ust e+ercise e+tre$e caution and care" be#ore an order o# injunction is passed& E,en at the sta%e o# $a0in% an ad interi$ order o# injunction" the court has to appl its $ind seriousl to the !uestion whether the plainti## had $ade out a pri$a #acie case #or the %rant o# an injunction& The $ere circu$stance that an ad interi$ order can be ,acated a#ter the de#endant appears and contests the correctness o# the order o# the order o# injunction" is no justi#ication #or issuin% an injunction as a $atter o# course&*= Rule * o# Order 36 enu$erates circu$stances in which a court $a %rant interi$ injunction& It" howe,er" nowhere pro,ides that no te$porar injunction can be %ranted b the court unless the case #alls within the said pro,ision& @ence" when the case is not co,ered b the Order 36" interi$ injunction can be %ranted b the court in e+ercise o# inherent powers under Aection *=* o# the Code&*> Aection *=* reads as) Section 151- Saving of inherent powers of Court Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the inherent power of the Court to make such orders as may be necessary for the ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the process of the Court. In case te$porar injunction is %ranted under Order 36" rules * and -" then" $iscellaneous appeal is $aintainable under Order 53" rule *" but i# an injunction is %ranted under section *=*" o# the Code o# ci,il procedure Code" then no $iscellaneous appeal would be $aintainable" onl

,= ,/

C. E. TaB"an3, !ivil +ro edure, -t E1. '=+,,(, Ea%tern &ooB Co!7an8, L2cBno", 7 /=;. %tate of /rissa 9. Madan #opal0 AIR ,0.= SC ,= at 7. ,>? ,0.= SCR =;) +remier Automobiles 9. (amle&ar %hantaram, ',0C-( , SCC >0-? AIR ,0C. SC ==/;) %hiv (umar 9. M!', ',00/( / SCC ,-,. ,> tt7?@@"""!@O2rSer93ce%@D3%72teRe%o#2t3on@FactS eetInj2nct3on% '93%3te1 on Se7te!5er ,., =+,,( ,. %" %undaram +illai 9. +" #ovindaswami, AIR ,0;. Da1 ,00. ,Manohar Lal 9. %eth Hiralal, AIR ,0-= SC .=C at 7. ./=? ,0-= S277 ',( SCR >.+) 1T/ 9. M" (" Mohd" E2n 3, AIR ,0-0 SC >/+? ',0-0( = SCR -.) Tan2% ree 9. 1shani +rasad, '=++;( > SCC C0,? AIR =++; SC ,0+0.


re,ision would be entertainable under section **=&*? Auch an order is not re,isable under section **= o# the Code o# Ci,il Procedure" or under Article --? o# the Constitution&*8 An order on the injunction application does not dispose o# the suit& It also does not dispose o# that application either& In case the injunction application were to be rejected or allowed it would dispose o# the application but such an order would be appealable and hence not open to re,ision& @owe,er" i# an e+ parte injunction is not %ranted and onl notice is issued on the injunction application it would not dispose o# the application as #inal orders on the injunction application are et to be passed a#ter in,itin% objections o# the opposite part and the injunction application re$ains pendin%&*6

Interim ex parte orders of Injunction

The power to pass interi$ ex parte orders o# injunction does e$anate #ro$ Order 36" Rule *& In #act the said rule is the repositor o# the power to %rant orders o# te$porar injunction with or without notice" interi$ or te$porar " or till #urther orders or till the disposal o# the suit&-7 To appeal a%ainst the order passed in e+ercise o# the abo,e power 'as indicated in Order 53" Rule * o# the Code(" it is the choice o# the part a##ected b the a##ected part either to $o,e the appellate Court or to approach the sa$e Court which passed the ex parte order #or an relie#&-*

Breach of injunction
Aection 65'c( and Rule -/A o# Order 36 pro,ide #or the conse!uences resultin% #ro$ a disobedience or breach o# an order o# injunction issued b the court& The penalt $a be either arrest o# the opponent or attach$ent o# his propert or both& @owe,er" the detention in ci,il

,C ,;

%atya +ra&ash 9. *irst Addl 'istt Judge0 Etah AIR =++= A## ,0;. c.6. !" )agarathnamma 9. 'istri t +an hayat /ffi er0 !hittoor, AIR ,00. AP />=) (amini $ale +atra 9. #onrahari +atra, AIR =++/ Or3 ,-,. *6 S.E. Sar9ar3a an1 Sn3<1 a Sar9ar3a, Mulla2 The !ode of !ivil +ro edure, Vo#. ,, ,Ct E1., Le:3% Ne:3% &2tter"ort %, Ne" De# 3 '=++C(. P ,>+= =+ A" Van&atasubbiah )aidu 9. %" !hellappan, AIR =+++ Sc /+/= '/+/.(? '=+++( C SCC -0.) Jaipur Muni ipal !orporation 9. !"L" Mishra, '=++.( ; SCC >=/.


prison shall not e+ceed three $onths and the attach$ent o# propert shall not re$ain in #orce #or $ore than a ear&--

Injunction on insufficient grounds

:here in an suit in which an order o# te$porar injunction has been obtained b the plainti## on insu##icient %rounds" or where the suit o# the plainti## #ails and it appears to the court that there was no reasonable or probable %round #or institutin% it" on application bein% $ade b the de#endant" the court $a order the plainti## to pa such a$ount" not e+ceedin% #i#t thousand rupees" as it dee$s to be a reasonable co$pensation to the de#endant #or the e+pense or injur includin% injur to reputation caused to hi$&-3

ase !a"s
The object o# the interlocutor injunction is" to protect the plainti## a%ainst injur b ,iolation o# his ri%ht #or which he could not be ade!uatel co$pensated in da$a%es reco,erable in the action i# the uncertaint were resol,ed in his #a,our at the trial&-5 Brant o# an interi$ relie# in re%ard to the nature and e+tent thereo# depends upon the #acts and circu$stances o# each case as no strait/jac0et #or$ula can be laid down&There $a be a situation wherein the de#endantCrespondent $a use the suit propert in such a $anner that the situation beco$es irretrie,able& In such a #act situation" interi$ relie# should be %ranted&-= In A&M& D eche$ Etd& Fs& MCs& Cadbur 'India( Etd&-> it was said that the %rant o# te$porar injunction" is %o,erned b three basic principles" i&e& pri$a #acie case) balance o# con,enience) and irreparable injur " which are re!uired to be considered in a proper perspecti,e in the #acts

R. =*A',() See a#%o Tayabbhai m" bagasarwalla 9. Hind Rubber 1ndustries 3+4 Ltd", ',00C( / SCC >>/? AIR ,00C Sc ,=>+) +atel Ra,ni&ant 9. +atel !handra&ant" !"f" C. E. TaB"an3, !ivil +ro edure, -t E1. '=+,,(, Ea%tern &ooB Co!7an8, L2cBno", 7 />=. =/ S. 0., c.6. C. E. TaB"an3, !ivil +ro edure, -t E1. '=+,,(, Ea%tern &ooB Co!7an8, L2cBno", 77 />=*/>/. => See Anand +rasad Agarwalla 9. %tate of Assam vs" Tar&eshwar +rasad 5 /rs. AIR =++, SC =/-C) an1 $ara& 6patya&a '"6" (arma hari %anstha '=++0( . SCC -0>(. =. See M" #urudas 5 /rs" 9. Rasaran,an 5 /rs"0 AIR =++- SC /=C.) an1 %hridevi 5 Anr" 9. Muralidhar 5 Anr" '=++C( ,> SCC C=,. =AIR =+++ SC =,,>. See a#%o Anan1 Pra%a1 A<ar"a##a '%27ra(.



and circu$stances o# a particular case& 2ut it $a not be appropriate #or an court to hold a $ini trial at the sta%e o# %rant o# te$porar injunction& In Col%ate Pal$oli,e 'India( Etd& Fs& @industan Ee,er Etd& -?" the Aupre$e Court obser,ed that the other considerations which ou%ht to wei%h with the Court hearin% the application or petition #or the %rant o# injunctions are as below. i& ii& E+tent o# da$a%es bein% an ade!uate re$ed ) Protect the plainti##Gs interest #or ,iolation o# his ri%hts thou%h howe,er ha,in% re%ard to the injur that $a be su##ered b the de#endants b reason thereo# ) iii& The court while dealin% with the $atter ou%ht not to i%nore the #actu$ o# stren%th o# one part Gs case bein% stron%er than the others) i,& No #i+ed rules or notions ou%ht to be had in the $atter o# %rant o# injunction but on the #acts and circu$stances o# each case/ the relie# bein% 0ept #le+ible) ,& The issue is to be loo0ed #ro$ the point o# ,iew as to whether on re#usal o# the injunction the plainti## would su##er irreparable loss and injur 0eepin% in ,iew the stren%th o# the partiesG case) ,i& 2alance o# con,enience or incon,enience ou%ht to be considered as an i$portant re!uire$ent e,en i# there is a serious !uestion or pri$a #acie case in support o# the %rant) ,ii& :hether the %rant or re#usal o# injunction will ad,ersel a##ect the interest o# %eneral public which can or cannot be co$pensated otherwise&H In Dalpat Iu$ar J Anr& Fs& Prahlad Ain%h J Ors& -8" the Aupre$e Court e+plained the scope o# a#oresaid $aterial circu$stances" but obser,ed as under./ The phrases prima facie case!, balance of convenience! and irreparable loss! are

not rhetoric phrases for incantation, but words of width and elasticity, to meet myriad situations presented by man!s ingenuity in given facts and circumstances, but always is
=C =;

AIR ,000 SC /,+.. AIR ,00/ SC =C-.



hedged with sound exercise of judicial discretion to meet the ends of justice. The facts rest elo"uent and speak for themselves. #t is well nigh impossible to find from facts prima facie case and balance of convenience.$ The Court in Manohar Eal Chopra Fs& Rai 2ahadur Rao Raja Aeth @ira Eal -6" held that the ci,il court has a power to %rant interi$ injunction in e+ercise o# its inherent jurisdiction e,en i# the case does not #all within the a$bit o# pro,isions o# Order 36 Code o# Ci,il Procedure& In Deoraj ,s& Atate o# Maharashtra J Ors&37" Aupre$e Court considered a case where the courts below had re#used the %rant o# interi$ relie#& :hile dealin% with the appeal" the Court obser,ed that ordinaril in e+ercise o# its jurisdiction under Art&*3> o# the Constitution" this Court does not inter#ere with the orders o# interi$ nature passed b the @i%h Court& @owe,er" this rule o# discretion #ollowed in practice is b wa o# just sel#/i$posed restriction& An irreparable injur which #orcibl tilts the balance in #a,our o# the applicant" $a persuade the Court e,en to %rant an interi$ relie# thou%h it $a a$ount to %rantin% the #inal relie# itsel#& The Court held as under./ The Court would grant such an interim relief only if satisfied that withholding of it would prick the conscience of the court and do violence to the sense of justice, resulting in injustice being perpetuated throughout the hearing, and at the end the court would not be able to vindicate the cause of justice.$ In the case o# ;& @o##$ann/EA Roche ,& Cipla" the Appellants" Roche Etd&" the Eicensor o# a patent relatin% to the dru% Erlotinib used #or cancer treat$ent and OAI Phar$aceuticals Inc&" the holder o# the patent o# the said dru%" had #iled an in#rin%e$ent suit a%ainst the Respondent" Cipla Etd& An application #or te$porar injunction durin% the pendenc o# the suit was #iled b the appellants" which was rejected b the Ain%le Jud%e and there#ore an appeal was #iled& As the Appellant #ailed to show pri$a #acie case and as the %rant o# injunction re%ardin% a li#e sa,in% dru% was not in #a,our o# public interest" the rejection o# the te$porar injunction was upheld b the Court&

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AIR ,0-= SC .=C. AIR =++> SC ,0C..



The law on the issue e$er%es to the e##ect that interi$ injunction should be %ranted b the Court a#ter considerin% all the pros and cons o# the case in a %i,en set o# #acts in,ol,ed therein on the ris0 and responsibilit o# the part or" in case he loses the case" he cannot ta0e an ad,anta%e o# the sa$e& The order can be passed on settled principles ta0in% into account the three basic %rounds i&e& pri$a #acie case" balance o# con,enience and irreparable loss& The dela in approachin% the Court is o# course a %ood %round #or re#usal o# interi$ relie#" but in e+ceptional circu$stances" where the case o# a part is based on #unda$ental ri%hts %uaranteed under the Constitution and there is an apprehension that suit propert $a be de,eloped in a $anner that it ac!uires irretrie,able situation" the Court $a %rant relie# e,en at a belated sta%e pro,ided the court is satis#ied that the applicant has not been ne%li%ent in pursuin% the case&




Books Articles Websites http.CCindianlawcases&co$C/Te$porar K-7Injunction http.CCwww&lawis%ree0&co$Cinjunction/an/e!uitable/le%al/re$ed http.CCwww&cobbetts&co$COurAer,icesCDisputeResolutionC;actAheetInjunctions http.CCle%al/dictionar &the#reedictionar &co$CT pesLo#LInjunction http.CCwww&,a0ilno*&co$CbareactsCci,ilprocedureCsORDER999I9&ht$ http.CClaw&jran0&or%Cpa%esC?>5?CInjunction/T pes/Injunction&ht$l )itigating in India" Maj$udar J Co& A&I& Aar,aria and Ani%dha Aar,aria" %ulla& The Code of Civil 'rocedure" Fol& *" *?th Ed&" Ee+is Ne+is 2utterworths" New Delhi '-77?(& C& I& Ta0wani" Civil 'rocedure" >th Ed&" Eastern 2oo0 Co$pan " Euc0now '-7**(& I& P& Masse " (dministrative )aw" ?th Ed&" Eastern 2oo0 Co$pan " Euc0now '-778(&



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