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Lab 3: Separation of Ammonia and H2O


This laboratory is about to construct ammonia and water separation which need material and energy balance in completing the process with 1 lb!h as feed flow rate" This process used S#$ as the %&uation of State for fluid pac'age which is different from the other laboratories before and the unit used is in ()%L* unit" +ompositions of water and ammonia are an important element so that we ha,e to ensure that they are correct in order to get the desired results"

Lab 3: Separation of Ammonia and H2O

The separation process can be defined as stripping or distillation process which consists of separating fluid components of different boiling point or ,apor pressure" The components that need to separate in this laboratory are ammonia and water" *istillation is probably the most widely used in separation process in the chemical and allied industries- its applications ranging from the rectification of alcohol. which has been practiced since anti&uity to the fractional of crude oil" The separation of li&uid mi/tures by distillation depends on differences in ,olatility between the components" The greater the relati,e ,olatilities. the easier the separation" 0apor flows up the column and li&uid counter1currently down the column" The ,apor and li&uid are brought into contact on plates or pac'ing"

1" To understand the separation process 2" To understand the purpose of the unit operations in the process of separation of ammonia and water"

Lab 3: Separation of Ammonia and H2O

Given proce ! psia

A mi/ture of ammonia and water in the ,apor phase. saturated at 22 and containing 3 rate of 1

wt4 ammonia. is passed through a condenser at a flow psia and fed into a flash ,essel"

lb!h. where heat is remo,ed at the rate of 2"3 / 1 5 6tu!hr" )ts

effluent is e/panded to a pressure of 12

7eglecting the heat loss from the e&uipment to surroundings and the pressure drop in the condenser. it is desired to determine the composition of the li&uid stream lea,ing the separator" Hin" ! 1" 8se S#$ %&uation of State fluid pac'age 2" 8se ()%L* unit 3" Add a ,al,e in order to e/pand the effluent to a pressure of 12 psia (or this laboratory. e,ery unit of the e&uipments used in this separation of ammonia and water process has its own definition and purposes" The condenser used is defined as a cooler in H9S9S" The +ooler unit operation is one1sided heat e/changers" The inlet stream is cooled to the re&uired outlet conditions. and the energy stream absorbs the enthalpy difference between the two streams" The purpose of the cooler is to determine the energy re&uired to cool a process stream" The flash ,essel is defined as separator in H9S9S whereby the purpose of the e&uipment is to allow multiple feeds and produces one ,apor and one li&uid product stream" )n Steady State mode. the separator di,ides the ,essel contents into its constituent ,apor and li&uid phases" )n *ynamics mode. the Separator uses the holdup model" 0essel operations in H9S9S ha,e the ability to store significant amount of holdup"

Lab 3: Separation of Ammonia and H2O

The ,al,e is a basic building bloc' in H9S9S dynamic cases" The H9S9S ,al,e operation models control ,al,es ,ery realistically" The direction of flow through a ,al,e is dependent on the pressures of the surrounding unit operations" The total ,al,e pressure drop refers to the total pressure difference between the inlet stream pressure and the e/it stream pressure" )n this process. the case is where we need to lower the pressure from 22 to 12 re&uire a ,al,e" 6esides that. this process re&uires us to calculate the partial pressure of mi/ture indi,idual component" The e&uation below is 'nown as Antoine e&uation" This e&uation is used to calculate the partial pressure of mi/ture indi,idual component" 8sually the partial pressure obtained is in mm Hg"
log 10 PX = A


psia in order to e/pand the effluent" So that:s the reason why we

B (T + C )


* Px = >artial pressure of a particular component

A, B, C =Specific coefficient ,alue for a particular component

T = Stream temperature in +
This e&uation below is the #aoult:s law e&uation" This e&uation is used to calculate the total pressure or the composition of the mi/ture" There is two e&uations of #aoult:s law which is used based on the data gi,en or ,ariable calculate"
PT = X NH 3 PNH 3 (T ) + X H 2O PH 2O (T )
* *


y NH 3 y H 2O 1 = + * * PT PNH 3 PH 2O


PT =Total pressure of a mi/ture

X = Li&uid fraction of a particular component y = ?as fraction of a particular component

Lab 3: Separation of Ammonia and H2O

1. 7ew case started by selecting the Ne% C& e icon" After that
components for this laboratory which are ammonia and water are added in the Component List View"

2. Then. SR' E()&"ion o* S"&"e was selected in the Fluid Package tab"
After that. +I,ED )ni" was selected as the unit for this laboratory"

3. Enter Simulation Environment tab was clic'ed to begin building the



%&uipments that used in this laboratory were selected by clic'ed to the A-- Oper&"ion in the Flow sheet button" %&uipments that used in this laboratory are cooler as condenser. ,al,e and separator as flash ,essel"

6. )nformation that needed to be inserted in the process such as feed flow

rate. pressure for certain e&uipments- mole fraction and duty of the e&uipment were entered in that e&uipment as in the &uestion that pro,ided in the lab manual"

List of e&uipments used in this Separation of Ammonia and H2O are: +ondenser (lash 0essel ;>hase Separator< 0al,e

6elow is the table of calculated results obtained by the H9S9S software: N&0e V&po)r +r&c"ion Te0per&")re 2C3 $re )re 24$&3 5o1&r +1o% 2460o1e783 5& +1o% 246783 ,i()i- Vo1)0e +1o% 203783 He&" +1o% 24J783 +ee1" 1A3"51 1@2A 253"A A235 5"@BB 1 2" B3%C @ E**1)en" "2@A@ 23"13 1@2A 253"A A235 5"@BB 1 2"@ 2%C @ To Sep "331A A "55 1 3A 253"A A235 5"@BB 1 2"@ 2%C @ Sep ,i( " A "55 1 3A 1@5"1 3 AB A"33@ 1 2"3 A%C @ Sep V&p 1" A "55 1 3A 3@"31 1A3@ 2"A13 1 A" 1 %C 5

T&91e 1! T&91e o* re )1" c&1c)1&"e- 9: HYSYS


6asically. all the calculations in,ol,e are calculated automatically in this H9S9S system" There is no manual calculation in this laboratory" Howe,er to answer &uestion 2 in Duestion section. this is the calculation by using Antoine e&uation: (3 y wt ! wt 7H3 1Ey wt ! wt H2O (oF 1 r&"or "3 wt ! wt 7H3 "2 wt ! wt H2O lb!h




(2 Sep&

(A / wt ! wt 7H3 1 E / wt ! wt H2O

C&1c)1&"ion *or co0po i"ion o* 9o"8 1i()i- o)"1e" &n- v&por o)"1e"

%&uation ;1< is applied to calculate the partial pressure for each component" +oefficient ,alue for a particular component:

+or NH3 A F @"22A55 6F 1 2"@11 + F 2A@"332

+or H2O A F 3"1 @52 6F 1@2 "235 + F 232

log 10 PX = A

B . Antoine %&uation (T + C )


?i,en: Toutlet F A "55 +. >outlet F @@2@"222 mmHg ;Total pressure<

1002.711 * PNH 3 = anti log 10 7.55466 (40 .66 + 247.885 F 12 11"2BA mmHg )

1750.286 * PH 2O = anti log 10 8.10765 F 2@"3 3 mmHg ( 40 .66 + 235 )

Applying #aoult:s Law for both phase of ,apor and li&uid G%&uation ;2< and ;3<H to compute: Co0po i"ion &" "8e o)"1e" 1i()i- "re&0
PT = X NH 3 PNH 3 (T ) + X H 2O PH 2O (T )
* *

;2< 7otice that X H 2O = 1 X NH 3 . thus: @@2@"222 F ;/<;12 11"2BA< C ;11/<;2@"3 3< @@2@"222 F 12 11"2BA/ C 2@"3 3E 2@"3 3/ I7H3 F / F "5AA1 And IH2O F 11/ F "3223 Co0po i"ion &" "8e o)"1e" v&por "re&0

y NH 3 y H 2O 1 = + PT PNH 3 * PH 2O *
7otice that y H 2O = 1 y NH 3 . thus: 1 7757.552 = y 1 y + 12011.594 57.308


1.289 x10 4 = 8.325 10 5 y + 0.0174 0.0174 y

y7H3 F y F "BB@A And yH2O F 11y F " 25

C&1c)1&"ion o* 5&"eri&1 B&1&nce Total Overall Balance ( F (3 C (A 1 F (3 C (A

Component Balance N "3;1 3 3

< F "BB@A(3 C "5AA1(A F "BB@A;1 E (A< C "5AA1(A F BB@A E "BB@A(A C "5AA1(A 11B@A F 1 "3233(A (A F 223@"32 lb!h

Therefore(3 F AA12"53 lb!h

Given ()e "ion ! 1" =hat is the temperature of the outlet stream from the condenserJ 2" =hat is the outlet pressure from the ,al,eJ 3" =hat are the mole fractions for ammonia and water in the ,apor and li&uid outlet of the separatorJ A" *etermine the mass flow rate for each outlet stream of the separator" 2" 8se a manual calculation on the mass and energy balance to determine the composition of the li&uid stream lea,ing the separator" An %er o* "8o e ()e "ion !

1. The temperature of the outlet stream from the condenser is 23"13 + or

135"5 (" 2" Outlet pressure from the ,al,e is 12 psia" 3" The mole fraction at the ,apor outlet for ammonia is mole fraction for water is " "BBB and the

1 while the mole fraction at the li&uid

outlet for ammonia is "@1A5 and the mole fraction for water is "232A"

4. The mass flow rate for the ,apor outlet is 1A3@ 'g!hr and the mass flow
rate for the li&uid outlet is 3 AB 'g!hr"

5. As shown in the calculation section on page 5 E B"

6y referring to the results of this laboratory. the reason why we re&uired a ,al,e to e/pand the pressure of effluent of the condenser is because the feed is in mi/ture of li&uid and gases" Thus. it is suitable to used ,al,e to substitute the function of e/pander" Outlet pressure of the ,al,e should be 12 psia because it is the re&uired pressure needs to be e/panding before the mi/ture of ammonia and water enters the flash ,essel" 6y referring to the results and manual calculations. the ,alue for mass flow rate and the composition of the mi/ture are slightly difference" This might be occurred because of in manual calculation for calculating the composition of the li&uid stream. the coefficients used are only a. b and c but the rest of the coefficient d. e and f are neglected in order to apply the Antoine e&uation" This may affect the ,alues of the composition that need to be compared between the ,alues calculated by H9S9S and by manual calculations"

After comparing between the actual results from H9S9S calculation and the results from manual calculation. it can be concluded that for this laboratory. the calculation and results perform by H9S9S is more accurate" 6esides. it is also can b concluded that in selecting the e&uipment for a specific purpose in a process. the phase of the component whether in li&uid or ,apor phase ha,e to be considered in order to get an accurate result by using the suitable (luid >ac'age and suitable or ideal e&uipment" Koreo,er. in separation of mi/ture whereby the mi/ture is non1

homogeneous. the pressure of the feed in the separator is an important ,ariable that needs to be considered with a specific ,alue for the separation process"

)t is recommended that the user ma'e a good and correct selection of the model of the e&uipment because it will affect the simulation process especially in calculating the properties for the e&uipment" )t is also recommended that the user choose the suitable (luid >ac'age to a,oid calculation error because different (luid >ac'age suit only for certain conditions"

1" +opyright L 2 3 Hyprotech. a subsidiary of Aspen Technology )nc"

All rights reser,ed" H9S9S 3"2

2. #" $" Sinnott. Coulson " #ichardson$s Chemical Engineering Volume %&
Chemical Engineering 'esign. 3rd edition. %lse,ier 6utterworth1 Heinmann. 1BBB. pg AB2. AB3"

3. (aculty of +hemical %ngineering. Chemical Engineering La(orator) *V+

C E %,,.8ni,ersiti Te'nologi KA#A Shah Alam Selangor

4. http:!!chemeng"mcmaster 5. http:!!www"che"ute/as"edu!cache!casestudy"html


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