Expertise: Structural Finite Element Analysis and Simulation

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STRUCTURAL FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION Conceptual and detailed simulation and structural analysis of "jacket structures Detailed simulation and structural analysis of topsides Subsea manifold installation and retrieval Detailed structural analysis of Semi-Submersibles Detailed structural assessment of steel Gravity Based Structures (GBS) includin stiffened plate code c!ecks Structural inte rity analysis of concrete GBS includin code c!ecks Detailed simulation and structural analysis of risers and "#S$%s moorin connectors "racture and fati ue assessment of installed jacket structures (reliability analysis) HYDRODYNAMIC ANALYSES AND SIMULATION

Simulation and analysis of moorin systems &otions analysis of "#S$s &ultiple Body 'nteractions &otion (nalysis of )essels for &arine #ipeline 'nstallations *+# concept simulation *+# tet!er analysis Coupled moorin line-structure interaction Cable Dynamics ,it! intermediate buoys Concept simulation and analysis of -ave .ner y systems Calculation of S!ieldin .ffects of s!ips and barriers COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS

Gas e/plosion and blast responses .0uipment simulation and analysis $nedimensional fluid-dynamic simulations 1efinin e0uipment combustion2 distillation2 crackin 2 reformin .nvironmental pollution dispersion $ffs!ore ,ind po,er industry General turbulent and multip!ase flo,s "luidstructure interaction +a ran ian - D#& analysis #roduction processes simulation MANUFACTORING PROCESS

"oundry processes (components made of steel2 cast iron2 li !t alloys) "ormin process (components made of steel2 li !t alloys) &ac!inin for c!ips removal 3eat treatments (steel or li !t alloy components) Surface treatments


$ptimi4ation of fi/ed offs!ore platforms structural response (conceptual and simulation p!ases) $ptimi4ation of floatin unit !ull eometries $ptimi4ation of pipeline lay be!avior in s!allo, ,ater


.lectroma netic Compatibility5'nterference (.&C5.&') in oil platforms and refinery plants Sub-sea po,er cables and motors (e6 62 .lectrical Submerse #ump) -ireless sensors2 connectors and communication e0uipment .0uipment and electric mac!ine coolin #o,er eneration and transformation (rc and s!ort circuit studies $il production line !eatin $il sensors $il lo in PARTICLE SIMULATION (DEM App !"#$!o%&'

Bed ,it! sp!erical and non sp!erical particles .stimation of anisotropic porosity and permeability "luid-particle !eat transfer 'nteraction of soil layers ,it! different properties 3i ! co!esion2 lo, co!esion2 rocks2 etc6 Soil fracture "racture propa ation Gravel packin usin a C"D-D.& approac! 3i ! solid fraction2 alp!a ,ave displacement 1eservoir natural fissures usin a C"D-D.& approac! "issure fillin ,it! proppant particles 3i ! solid fraction2 non-sp!erical particles -ell-reservoir couplin

R( e& #%d S$#%d#)d& "())e%$ * emp o*ed !% $+e O! , G#& !%d(&$)*

API RP -A 7 1ecommended #ractice for #lannin 2 Desi nin and Constructin "i/ed $ffs!ore #latforms (-SD2 +1"D) AISC 7 &anual of Steel Construction (-SD2 +1"D) UBC 7 8niform Buildin Code DNV 7 $ffs!ore Standards and 1ecommended #ractices for "i/ed2 &oored2 "loatin $ffs!ore Structures58nits ASME -../0 Se"$!o% VIII0 D!12 3 7 Boiler and #ressure )essels Code ASME B4324 7 #rocess #ipin 7 (S&. Code for pressure pipin PD 55.. 7 Specification for 8nfired "usion -elded #ressure )essels PED 7 #ressure .0uipment Directive TEMA 7 Standards of t!e *ubular 3eat ./c!an er &anufacturer (ssociation OCIMF 7 Desi n and Construction Specification for &arine +oadin (rms EN 36/6 - 32 'nstallation and e0uipment for li0uefied natural as 7 Desi n and testin of marine transfer systems 7 #art 9: Desi n and testin of transfer arms

EN 36/6 7 42 'nstallation and e0uipment for li0uefied natural as 7 Desi n and testin of marine transfer systems 7 #art ;: $ffs!ore transfer system API 839 7 1eciprocatin Compressor pulsation analysis

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