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It is a Process of Periodic Follow up of Project

It checks the coverage and quality of services
provided to the intended beneficiaries
It is driven by the community needs, information
and values
It increases the accountability
It generates information in the process of
It strengthens local decision making, Community
capacity and and effective public participation


Slide 4


The process of determining systematically and

objectively, the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness
and impact objectives, shall be undertaken at
formative stage, work in progress and six month
completion of a project and one year of a
Community Development Projects.
Specifically, it should be concerned with
assessment of effects- benefits or dis-benefits on
the beneficiaries and the community.


Slide 5


Promotion and Outreach

Expression of Interest by community
Identification of needs
Election of Community Project Monitoring
Preparation of Community Development Projects
Review and recommendation for funding
Field appraisal


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CPMC training
Project Launch
Implementation: Procurement, disbursement and
technical support/supervision
Monitoring and Evaluation


Slide 7

Physical infrastructure:
Feeder roads: construction and rehabilitation
Culverts, bridges, drifts and stock routes
Boreholes (with or without pumps)
Deep open concrete cement well.
Social Infrastructure:
Health facilities
Portable water supply facilities
Rural electrification


Slide 8

Construction and rehabilitation of primary and
secondary school, dormitory blocks and
classrooms, staff quarters, library, laboratory etc
Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) toilets
Television viewing centre
Civic centers/ town hall
Water transportation( provision of engine boats,
speed boats etc)
Other Infrastructure
Rural market facilities


Slide 9


Vocational training centers(Skill development

Community common facility
Environmental and Natural Resources Management
Soil conservation/erosion control/flood control
Desertification control
Drainage system.


Slide 10

The term monitoring and evaluation tends to get run
together as if it is only one thing, monitoring and
evaluation are, in fact, two distinct sets of
organizational activities, related but not identical.
Monitoring is the systematic collection and analysis
of information as a project or organization. It is
based on targets set and activities planned during
the planning phases of work. It helps to keep the
work on track, and can let management know when
things are going wrong.


Slide 11

If done properly, it is an invaluable tool for good
management and it provides a useful base for
EVALUATION is the comparison of actual project
impacts against the agreed strategic plans. It looks
at what is set out to do, at what have been
accomplished, and how it is accomplished.
It can be formative: taking place during the life of the
It can be summative: drawing learning from a
completed project.


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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: quality, timeliness

FINANCIAL: cost of components, target
PERFORMANCE: overall performance
INPUTS: money, material, human resources.
ACTIVITIES: a set of tasks performed
PROCESS: a set of activities, towards a common
OUTCOMES: series of effects of some action and
IMPACT: changes in peoples lives and livelihoods


Slide 13


Monitoring involves:
Establishing indicators of efficiency, effectiveness
and impact;
Setting up systems to collect information relating
to these indicators;
Collecting and recording the information;
Analyzing the information;
Using the information to inform day-to-day


Slide 14

Evaluation involves:
Looking at what the project or organization
intended to achieve what difference did it want to
make? What impact did it want to make?
Assessing its progress towards what it wanted to
achieve, its impact targets.
Looking at the strategy of the project or
organization. Did it have a strategy? Was it effective
in following its strategy? Did the strategy work? If
not, why not?
Looking at how it worked. Was there an efficient
use of resources?


Slide 15


Monitoring and evaluation enable you to check the

bottom line of development work: Not are we
making a profit? but are we making a difference?
Through monitoring and evaluation, you can:
Review progress;
Identify problems in planning and/or
Make adjustments so that you are more likely to
make a difference.


Slide 16


Help you identify problems and their causes;

Suggest possible solutions to problems;
Raise questions about assumptions and strategy;
Push you to reflect on where you are going and
how you are getting there;
Provide you with information and insight;
Encourage you to act on the information and
Increase the likelihood that you will make a
positive development difference.


Slide 17


Keep track, oversight,
analyses and
documents progress
Focuses on inputs,
outputs, process,
continued relevance,
likely result
Translate objectives to
performance indicators


In-depth analysis
Compare planned with
actual achievement
Focuses on outputs in
relation to inputs,
results to cost, impact
and sustainability
Answer why and how
results were achieved.



Slide 18


Collect data on
indicators routinely
Report progress to
stakeholders and alert
them to problems and
provides corrective
Internal self


Contributes to building
theories and model
Provide managers with
strategy and policy


Internal and or external




Slide 19


There is not one set way of planning for monitoring

and evaluation. When you do your planning
process, you will set indicators These indicators
provide the framework for your monitoring and
evaluation system. we look at:
What do we want to know?
Different kinds of information.
How will we get information?
Who should be involved?


Slide 20


Baseline Information: the initial documents should

provide information on particular situation,
location, the men and women who are the focus of
the project, implementing agency etc. it provides a
point from which I measure change, to enable
before and after comparison to be made.
On going Information Gathering: workplans state
clearly and simply as possible the objectives and
what is expected of different project activities at
each of the project life.


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The plan should state how information on progress is
to be gathered and by whom, what indicator will be
used, and how the result will be fed back into on
going work.
Such as;
Documents such as the diaries and notes of project
workers, field visit report, team meeting ad report
of evaluation that have been conducted at other


Slide 22

Administrative documents of project staff
Other relevant information from other sources.
New Information: this is done by
Questiononig people through interviews, focus
group and conducting surveying
Observing people and things on site visits.
Qualitative and Quantitative Measures:
Qualitative methods include observing activity,
interviewing, researching etc it is uses for how and
Ouatitative include measuring what happened


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Interviews: They involve asking specific questions aimed at

getting information that will enable indicators to be
measured. Questions can be open-ended or closed (yes/no
answers).Can be a source of qualitative and quantitative
Key informant interviews: These are interviews that are
carried out with specialists in a topic or someone who may
be able to shed a particular light on the process
Questionnaires: These are written questions that are used to
get written responses and which, when analysed, will enable
indicators to be measured.


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4. Focus group :In a focus group, a group of about six to 12
people are interviewed together by a skilled
interviewer/facilitator with a carefully structured interview
schedule. Questions are usually focused around a specific
topic or issues
5. Community meetings: This involves a gathering of a fairly
large group of beneficiaries to whom questions, problems,
situations are put for input to help in measuring indicators.
6. Fieldworker reports: Structured report forms that ensure that
indicator related questions are asked and answers recorded,
and observations recorded on every visit.
7. Ranking: This involves getting people to say what they think
is most useful, most important, least useful etc. Where people
cannot read and write, pictures can be used


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8. Visual/audio stimuli: These include pictures, movies, tapes,
stories, role plays, photographs, used to illustrate problems
or issues or past events or even future events. Very useful to
use together with other tools, particularly with people who
cannot read or write.
9. Rating scales: This technique makes use of a continuum,
along which people are expected to place their own feelings,
observations etc. People are usually asked to say whether
they agree strongly, agree, dont know, disagree, disagree
strongly with a statement. You can use pictures and symbols
in this technique if people cannot read and write.


Slide 26

10. Participant observation :This involves direct observation of
events, processes, relationships and behaviours. Participant
here implies that the observer gets involved in activities
rather than maintaining a distance.
11. Self-drawings This involves getting participants to draw
pictures, usually of how they feel or think about something.
Indicators are a measurable or tangible sign that
something has been done. So, for example, an increase in the
number of students passing is an indicator of an improved
culture of learning and teaching. The means ofverification
(proof) is the officially published list of passes.


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Harmonised data collection tools and instruments

with other systems in place
Adequate financial and human resources to carry
out the required levels of monitoring and
evaluation. Where technical capacity is not
adequate, training and technical assistance need
to be part of the programme design
Relevance and transparency. Monitoring of
programmes needs to be conducted in a
transparent way and data should be locally driven
and locally owned


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An understanding of development issues.

An understanding of organisational issues.
Experience in evaluating development projects,
programmes or organisations.
Ability to write a clear and concise report.
Research skills.
A commitment to quality.
A commitment to deadlines.
Objectivity, honesty and fairness.
Capacity to analyse


Slide 29


Insight into local situation, practices and beliefs

Knowledge of the locality
Experience of participatory methods
Ease of access to women and men in the project
Sound understanding of how interventions can
affect men and women differently.
Ability to communicate verbally and in writing.


Slide 30

Participatory monitoring and evaluation is a different approach
which involves:
Local people
Development agencies and
Policy makers
deciding together how progress should be measured, and
results acted upon.
It can reveal valuable lessons and improve accountability
However it is challenging process for all concerned since it
encourages people to examine their assumption about what
constitutes progress, and face up to the contradictions and
conflicts that can emerge.


Slide 31

M&E Stakeholders


Implementing Beneficiaries Policy


needs and interest

of all should be taken care of


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At the heart of PM& E are four broad principles:
Participation: defined as opening up the design
process to include those mostly directly affected
e.g. the community people. All stakeholders should
be then involved at all stages of implementation,
including agreeing on the research methodology.
Negotiation: agreement on what will be monitored
and evaluated, method of data collection,
interpreting the data, sharing and disseminating
finding and taking actions.


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Learning: agreeing on how lessons learned will be

used and taken forward in order to make
improvements in the future
Flexibility: community development projects are
constantly influenced by range of factors beyond
the control of those involved. All those working on
the project must be aware of the need to remain
flexible and adapt to change.


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Identify who should and want to be involved

Clarify participants expectation of the process, and in what
way each person or group want to contribute
Define the priorities for M&E
Identify indicators that will provide information needed
Agree on the methods, responsibilities and timings of
information collections.
Collect the information
Analyse the information
Agree on how the finding are to be used and for whom
Clarify if the PM&E process need to be sustained and if so for


Slide 35


draw on local resources and capacities

Recognize the innate wisdom and knowledge of the
end users
Demonstrates that end users are creative and
knowledge about their environment
Ensures that stakeholders are part of the decision
making process
Uses facilitators who act as catalysts and who
assist stakeholders in asking key questions.


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All stakeholders own the M&E process and results

Correction, redesigning of the policy, plan of
action, budgeting becomes easy
Better decision making by insiders
Insider develop evaluation skills
Outsiders have better understanding of insiders
Information is useful for ongoing management of


Slide 37


Community initiatives are not easy to evaluate!

There is no straightforward, conclusive technique
that can be taken from a text book
Project staff need to be innovative, to apply
common sense and use their knowledge of the
supporting population, the environment, the
political and cultural context, to ensure that the
right questions are asked in the right way.
Those involved in project monitoring and
evaluation must have the courage and conviction
to highlight both positive and negative project


Slide 38


The evaluation of most community interventions

will benefit from employing a range of research
techniques to evaluate the project at distinct
stages. These stages are:
the formation of project aims ,objectives and
procedures including initial needs assessment
(formative evaluation)
the process of project implementation (process
the measurement of outcomes and
impact(outcome or summative evaluation.


Slide 39

Evaluation is the comparison of actual project
impacts against the agreed strategic plans. It
look at what you set out to do, at what you
have accomplished, and how you
accomplished it. Evaluation can be:
1. Formative: taking place during the life of a
project, with the intention of improving the
strategy or way of functioning of the project
or the organisation.
2. Summative: drawing learning from a
completed project. It is an autopsy.


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What monitoring and evaluation have in
common is that they are geared towards
learning from what you are doing and how
are you doing it, by focusing on:
iii. Impact
i. Efficiency tells you that the inputs into the
work is appropriate in terms of output. This
could be inputs in term of money, time,
staff, equipment and so on.


Slide 41

ii. Effectiveness is a measure of the extent to
which development project achieve the
specific objectives it set. e.g. has the health
care centre improves the health of the
iii. Impact tells you whether or not what you
did made a difference to the problem
situation you are trying to address. In other
words, was the project useful?


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Evaluation can improve management of

projects and related activities, and point to
better usage of funds and other resources.
It can help to learn from experience to
improve relevance, methods, and results of
projects for current and future work
Evaluation can increase accountability to
Evaluation can provide information to
enhance communication, within projects and
organisation, and between different
stakeholders and also for advocacy.


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Evaluation is not decision making, but can

provide information for decision makers.
Evaluation should not be used to protect
managers from the need to face difficult
Evaluation should not be used for crisis


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Stakeholders: this could be
Targeted group: the community
Project managers
Funding agencies
Major co- funder e.g. World bank
Advisory units in an Agency
Individual in organisations carrying out
similar work
Government department
Policy makers.


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Appraisal or ex-ante evaluation: information

collected before projects starts,or at the
initial stage helps to define what should be
done, and provide a baseline from which to
measure change
On-going evaluation: monitoring indicates
whether activities has been carried out as
planned and what changes are happening as
a result. Monitoring should be accompanied
by analyses the information to improve
performance during a project.


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Mid-term evaluation: this may be termed to

take place after a particular stage of a project
to see what happened so far and make
adjustment for next stage.
Final evaluation: this happens at the end of
the project, in order to learn lessons about
how the projects has been implemented and
the results.
Ex-post evaluations: these happens
sometime after two years or more after a
project has finished. They look at impact and


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Effectiveness: how far is the project

achieving objectives? i.e. project outputs.
Efficiency: what is cost of achieving the
Relevance: is the project relevance?
Impact: what are the effects of the projects?
Social, Economic,Technical, environment
and other effect on the community.
Sustainability: will project continues after
external support is withdrawn?
Progress: is the project achieving its


Slide 48

An evaluation of a community-based
intervention aims to:
Design the process for obtaining the required
information using a variety of methods
Encourage the development of clear indicators,
milestones and initiatives
Collect and analyse data throughout the project cycle
related to desired objectives and outcomes
Determine what went wrong, if some or all of the
objectives were not met
Make any necessary adjustments based on experience
and lessons learned


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Provide feedback to everyone participating in the

Demonstrate outcomes and lessons learned to
funding organisations and service providers.
Use the final results to inform the planning and
implementation of future work in the target


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Appropriate feedback loops to ensure results

inform future planning processes and projects
Monitoring and evaluation should be culturally
appropriate and pass ethical standards established
in local and national guidance


Slide 51

Process evaluation helps to monitor exactly what
occurs in planning and implementing the project.

Explore project origins and the chronological sequence of

events in project planning and implementation. This should
include modifications and changes to the project.
Look at the project structure, components and delivery
Analyse the reasons why change was necessary. List resources
used for project operation.
Inform future developments and project in similar areas.


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Involve project participants in their own analysis of

what has changed as a result of the intervention and
ways in which it could developed/improved.
Look at the project structure, components and
delivery system.
Look at contextual factors relevant to the programme
Analyse the reasons why change was necessary.
Look at participation rates and participant
Assess perceptions of programme participants.
Assess levels of community awareness


Slide 53


You will not be able to evaluate all project

outcomes. Instead, you will need to prioritise on
the basis of what is most important to project
success, and also in relation to what is actually
measurable within the timeframe of the project. In
the current climate, where funding from agencies is
often pledged on an annual or bi-annual basis, it is
likely that many of the projects long-term goals
will not yet have been achieved, as not enough
time has elapsed. Make sure that both project staff
and funders are aware of this from project
inception to avoid the danger of setting yourself up
to fail.


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Are adequate resources available

Are the evaluators fully trained and competent in the
techniques they are being asked to carryout? (This may
be particularly important with internal evaluations
Do stakeholders agree that the resources earmarked
for the evaluation are proportional to the overall size of
the project?
Do all stakeholders share similar views of what the
evaluation aims to achieve?
What has been done to ensure that funders and
practitioners have a realistic view of the communities.


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What has been done to ensure that the proposed

project outcomes, and the timescale within which
changes might be expected, are compatible?
Is the project goal/vision compatible with the
anticipated outcomes?
Has the evaluation taken into account the
historical, political and social (local and
national)context in which the programme is taking
Does the evaluation address the theoretical
assumptions on which the project is based?


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What are the political forces at play?

Has an appropriate ethical framework been
developed? This may include considerations of
protecting the confidentiality and anonymity of
Who considered the ethical dimensions of the
project and how ethical policies would be
Is the evaluation participatory?
Are the objectives and monitoring indicators
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Appropriate,
Realistic, Time-Bound)?


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Has the planning of the evaluation been treated as

equally important as the data collection?
Is the evaluation integrated into all stages of
development and implementation?
Is the chosen methodology the most appropriate in
light of the project interventions? Be clear why!
How is the quality of practice/application of
methods ensured (different questions need to be
asked if the research is commissioned or carried
out internally)?


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Is the timeframe of the evaluation sufficient to

measure the potential outcomes (some of which
may be very long-term)?
How can evaluators be encouraged to report more
fully on their evaluation activities?
Will the findings be conveyed to all participants and
stakeholders in meaningful, timely and appropriate
Will the results show the failings as well as the
achievements of the project


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Once you have identified key outcomes to monitor

you need to choose suitable ways to gather data.
Be realistic about time, research skills within the
team, financial and human resources.
Always remember that your key resource is the
people who are involved in the project.
Remember to consult them fully and include them
in your research.
The choice of methods will be influenced by the
size and type of project and budget, and by the
information you wish to collect.


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Why do you want to do an evaluation
Why is evaluation being called for
Is it really an evaluation that needs to be done
For whom?
Who is asking for the exercise
Who are the key parties who have interest
Are they one and the same
What is it that to be evaluated
What are the key questions and for whom
Is it a realistic task


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4. How will it be done?
As a participatory, perhaps with an external facilitator?
As an external qualitative or quantitative evaluator?
Or combination of the two?
5. Who will do it?
Who will coordinate
Who decide the process
Who are going to be involved
Who chooses who
Do u need external help
Do your people have the required skills
How do will form the team


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6. Terms of reference
Do you need to draw out TOR?
How will it be done?
Who is responsible for drafting them?
How do you ensure that key actors feed in their ideas?
How will you ensure that gender issues are stated?
Who will have the final say about what can and cant be looked
To whom should it be circulated?
7. Time
How long will it take?
Is adequate time allocated?


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8. Information
What are the information sources
How accessible are they
What ground work need to be done in preparation
How will information be collected
How will it be analyzed
How will finding be communicated and for whom
Will there be a report
Will there be a circulation list
Will there be other kind of feedback
9. How much will it cost?
What resources are needed
Who is financing the exercise.


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10. Planning and management
What needs to be done by whom, by when?
11. Constraints
Have you consider what constraint might be e.g. season,
weather, public holidays, political events, hidden agenda and
Is what you want to evaluate in evaluable state
Will you be constrain by lack of money or time?
12. Conflict
What procedures has been worked out to solve any question
of conflict in relation to TOR, method, outcome, follow up?
13. Evaluation
how will you evaluate the evaluation exercise?


Slide 65

Involve key stakeholders in discussion on evaluation purposes
Select main approach and methods based on key questions
Prepare an overall plan
Prepare TOR/ ensure necessary people involved in feeding
into them
Form evaluation team as appropriate
Ensure key material is collected for background and briefing
of team
Ensure logistic are in place, and in particular that team will
have reasonable conditions for meeting and writing.


Slide 66


The M&E team: the person specification(mandatory

and desired) of each team member, the number of
team members, the ideal combination of skills and
experience at team level including language
requirements, gender balance, and understanding
of gender issues
Budget and logistics: DTA, honorarium, travel,
lodging, communication , secretariat, vehicles,
office space etc
Use of Information: extent of confidentiality,
ownership of report.


Slide 67

Ensure team has sufficient briefing, parameters of
project and what is being asked of them
Ensure responsibility for final product is
Ensure that team know who key link are
Have meeting for preliminary discussion of findings
and recommendations
Review draft report
Schedule debriefing session with team and


Slide 68

Follow up
Discuss and agree wider distribution of report of
Promote wider dissemination of findings and
Encourage use of results in future projects
Promote follow up meeting 6 and 12 months later
to see what changes have been made following the
exercise-why/why not.


Slide 69

Some dos and donts for interviewing:
DO test the interview schedule beforehand for
clarity, and to make sure questions
cannot be misunderstood.
DO state clearly what the purpose of the interview
DO assure the interviewee that what is said will be
treated in confidence.
DO ask if the interviewee minds if you take notes
or tape record the interview.


Slide 70


DO keep talking as you write.

DO keep the interview to the point.
DO cover the full schedule of questions.
DO watch for answers that are vague and probe
for more information.
DO be flexible and note down everything
interesting that is said, even if it isnt on the
DO record the exact words of the interviewee as far
as possible.


Slide 71

DONT offend the interviewee in any way.
DONT say things that are judgmental.
DONT interrupt in mid-sentence.
DONT put words into the interviewees mouth.
DONT show what you are thinking through
changed tone of voice


Slide 72


Terms of Reference form the basis on which you

ask for proposals and against which you assess
what you are getting. They should include: some
background to the project and/or organisation,
what the purpose of evaluation is (why you want it
done), the key evaluation questions you want
answered, the specific aspects you want included
(although this should be open to negotiation), the
kinds of methodologies you have in mind (again,
open to negotiation), the outputs you expect, the
time frame for both submission of proposals and
for doing the evaluation.


Slide 73


Background: purpose and objective of monitoring

and evaluation project
Objectivity: the major issues to be addressed, what
are will to find out, the question to be answered
Methods: visits, review of documentary materials,
data collection, interviews, workshop
Timetable: schedule for major activities e.g. previsits, field work, writing, feedback of the M&E and
its completion date.
Products: the product required from the M&E e.g,
report, workshop.


Slide 74

The purpose of field work is to collect
information which would not otherwise
available. It is also allow the evaluation team
to gain their own perspective from which to
judge the work. Field works consists mixture
of some of the following:
Structured surveys
Interviews with targeted group and
iii. Visits to other similar projects
iv. Seminars and group discussion


Slide 75


Whether you are looking at monitoring or

evaluation, at some point you are going to find
yourself with a large amount of information and
you will have to decide how to make sense of it or
to analyse it. If you are using an external evaluation
team, it will be up to this team to do the analysis,
but, sometimes in evaluation, and certainly in
monitoring, you, the organisation or project, have
to do the analysis
Analysis is the process of turning the detailed
information into an understanding of patterns,
trends, interpretations


Slide 76


Determine key indicators for the evaluation/monitoring

Collect information around the indicators
Develop a structure for your analysis, based on your intuitive
understanding of emerging themes and concerns, and where
you suspect there have been variations from what you had
hoped and/or expected.
Go through your data, organising it under the themes and
Identify patterns, trends, possible interpretations.
Write up your findings and conclusions. Work out possible
ways forward (recommendations


Slide 77

Monitoring and evaluation have little value if the organisation or
project does not act on the information that comes out of the
analysis of data collected. Once you have the findings,
conclusions and recommendations from your monitoring and
evaluation process, you need to:
Report to your stakeholders;
Learn from the overall process;
Make effective decisions about how to move forward; and, if
Deal with resistance to the necessary changes within the
organisation or project, or even among other stakeholders.


Slide 78


Whether you are monitoring or evaluating, at some

point, or points, there will be a reporting process.
This reporting process follows the stage of
analyzing information. You will report to different
stakeholders in different ways, sometimes in
written form, sometimes verbally and, increasingly,
making use of tools such as PowerPoint
presentations, slides and videos.
Reporting could be to board, management team,
staff, beneficiaries, donors, wider development


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