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Print Your Name: __________________________________ Lab Partner: ____________________________________

Karnaugh Maps
Report Requirements

Use a pencil for all lab exercises. Make circuit diagrams and graphs neat and organized.

Equipment Needed

Digital Experimenter Board ntegrated !ircuit !hips

Note: Complete all of these exercises before class on Thursday. This is your afternoon lab for that day. You may not be able to finish the lab in the time allowed if you do not complete these K-Maps before 1 :!"pm on Thursday.

". !onstruct a #arnaugh map for the truth table belo$ and find the e%uation of the output. &implif' 'our result further until onl' ( gates are needed for 'our solution. Karnaugh Map !C " +++ + ++" " +"+ " +"" + "++ " "+" " ""+ " """ " F = _________________________ &ketch and build the circuit that satisfies the truth table and sho$ 'our instructor 'our $orking circuit. Circuit Sketch

nstructor)s &ignature* _________________

(. !onstruct a #arnaugh map for the truth table belo$ and find the e%uation of the output. &implif' 'our result further until onl' , gates are needed for 'our solution. !C# ++++ +++" ++"+ ++"" +"++ +"+" +""+ +""" "+++ "++" "+"+ "+"" ""++ ""+" """+ """" " " " " " " " + + + + + + + + + " Karnaugh Map

F = ___________________________________________

&ketch and build the circuit that satisfies the truth table and sho$ 'our instructor 'our $orking circuit. Circuit Sketch

nstructor)s &ignature* _________________ -. !onstruct a #arnaugh map for the truth table belo$ and find the e%uation of the output. &implif' 'our result further until onl' , gates are needed for 'our solution. !C# ++++ +++" ++"+ ++"" +"++ +"+" +""+ +""" "+++ "++" "+"+ "+"" ""++ ""+" """+ """" " " + " + " + + + " + " " " + + + Karnaugh Map

F = ___________________________________________

&ketch and build the circuit that satisfies the truth table and sho$ 'our instructor 'our $orking circuit. Circuit Sketch

nstructor)s &ignature* _________________ Karnaugh Map .. !onstruct a #arnaugh map for the truth table belo$ and find the e%uation of the output. /he solution can obtained $ith as fe$ as , gates but 'ou ma' use more if 'ou like.

F = ___________________________________________

!C# ++++ +++" ++"+ ++"" +"++ +"+" +""+ +""" "+++ "++" "+"+ "+"" ""++ ""+" """+ """"

" " + + + + " + " + + " + + " + "

&ketch and build the circuit that satisfies the truth table and sho$ 'our instructor 'our $orking circuit. Circuit Sketch

nstructor)s &ignature* _________________

Supp$ementa$ Prob$ems
". &implif' the e%uation belo$ using Boolean algebra properties or theorems. % & ' ( ' Y ( % Y ( ) '*

9 = _________________________________ (. &implif' the e%uation belo$ using a #arnaugh Map. Express 'our ans$er in algebraic form. f012B2!2D3=m0(2-2.24252""2"(2"-2".3 6 d0"2 "+2 "73

f = _______________________________________________________________________ -. &implif' the e%uation belo$ using a #arnaugh Map. Express 'our ans$er in algebraic form. f012B2!2D2E3=m0+2"2(2-2,28252"+2""2"42(+2("2(-2(72(82-+2-"3

f = ________________________________________________________________________ .. Find the e%uation that satisfies the #arnaugh map belo$.

F = __________________________________

7. :/M; and :exadecimal o Using a text editor 0like <otepad3 create a simple $eb page b' t'ping in the :/M; code belo$. &a=e this document to a temporar' director' on 'our hard dri=e. <ame the file >index.html?. o @nce sa=ed2 'ou can use 'our $eb bro$ser to check the appearance of 'our $eb page.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Color Web Page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#000000 TEXT= > <H!>Color E"a#$le%</H!> <&r> <&'>A ($e)*ra</&'> <+#g %r)=,&**$-//.../$&0%+)%/%1a%2/e32/a%*ro/)olor/%$e)*ra)/g+1,> <HR> <ADDRE((> <a &re1=,#a+l*o-0o2re#a+l4%o#e.&ere/e32,>Ma+l #e5</a> </a33re%%> </bo30> </&*#l>

o Ahat color is the background if 'ou change the B1;UE of BC!@;@D to the follo$ingE o F++++FF ____________ o F++FF++ ____________ o FFF++++ ____________ o F888888 ____________ o FFFFF++ ____________ o FFF++FF ____________ o F++FFFF ____________ o F++++++ ____________ o FFFFFFF ____________

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