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I pleuge on my honoi to upholu the objects of Key Club Inteinational; to builu

my home, school, anu community; to seive my nation anu uou; anu to combat
all foices which tenu to unueimine these institutions.

Caring: Our Way of Life.

November/December 2013 Volume 1 Issue 7
In this issue!

Editors Letter ....... 2

Presidents Letter . 3

Articles .................. 4

Contact Info .... 5, 6

Lock In .................. 7

Pancakes ............. 8

"Sometimes it falls upon a geneiation to be gieat- you can be that
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Get Social!
Cypress Falls Key Club (Group) 1
Rudolph/Dasher Fun
Run, City Centre,
7:00-9:30 AM
Grace Care Winter
Grace Care, 4-8

Key Club Lock In, Cy-
Falls Gym, 5:30-11 PM

A bunch of colu (but cheeiy) volunteeis at
the Walk to Stop Biabetes!


Editors Letter
Bey y'all! The weathei's (FINALLY) getting coolei, the leaves aie
(FINALLY) changing colois, anu it's almost time to go on wintei bieak!
When y'all ietuin fiom bieak, you have a veiy impoitant uecision to
make: to go oi not to go. To what. BC0N, of couise! Now, I know that
BC0N's a little on the expensive siue, but theie aie many funuiaising
oppoitunities available foi you, anu with a little bit of haiu woik, BC0N
won't be as piicey as you think. BC0N is such a gieat expeiience, anu I
wish that eveiyone coulu attenu. Theie's an aiticle that I publisheu this
month wiitten by one of youi class ieps who attenueu BC0N last yeai,
anu it just affiims the iuea of BC0N being a life-changing expeiience. If
"to go oi not to go" is the question, youi answei shoulu be a iesounuing
"YES"! I hope y'all have a gieat wintei bieak anu I can't wait to see y'all
at events this semestei oi next!

Youis in sleigh bells jingling, iing-ting-tingling seivice,

Bannah Noiem
Letter from the PRESIDENT



Hey Cutie Patooties!

Its beginning to feel a lot like the holidays! The colorful lights. The sparkly
ornaments. Gingerbread cookies/bread/icing/coffee. And most
importantly, the passionate service! As the holidays approach, it is
imperative to be grateful for all that we have and celebrate with a
thankful spirit. Lets spread this happiness and joy around with more
participation in service activities! The Annual Trafigura Run for the House
is going to be on December 7
with 3 shifts for you all to participate in.
The Ronald McDonald House offers a home away from home for families
with ill children in the hospital, help out at the run to raise money for this
very worthy charity. The Rudolph/Dasher Fun Run is going to be held at
the City Center on December 7
from 7-9:30am. Who doesnt love a
festive run? Speaking of festivities, Grace Care is having their winter
wonderland on December 12
from 4-8pm. Key Clubbers are usually
super excited about volunteering at the nursing home but we usually
only allow 1 hour at the maximum, this event is 4 hours! It is always
humbling to talk with the elderly about their life experiences and holiday
parties are always tons of fun! Toys for Tots Stocking Stuffer is going to
take place on December 14
and December 13
at Spillane Middle
School. The Key Club Lock In is going to be December 7
! You will get 6
PHYSICAL hours and 2 more physical hours if you participate in the
service activities we will offer! Dont forget to pay the $25 and fill out the
form before Friday, you will not be able to pay at the door. We donate
leftover money to charity, it will be tons of fun and goes to a great
cause! Another one of biggest events of the year is our ELIMINATE
Pancake Breakfast. We have had this event for the past 3 years and it
gets better every year. As you all know, ELIMINATE is a major focus in Key
Club and we try to raise as much money as we can because it really
make cents! The idea that $1.80 can change many peoples lives is so
inspiring so every year we collect funds through this pancake breakfast. I
could not think of a better way to celebrate the holidays. As always, I
wanted to let every one of you know how much I appreciate your
service. As holiday season approaches, remember why you are serving,
how you are serving, and the change you are making. Thank you for
giving me the best Christmas present I could ever want, the joy for

Yours in Service,

Amy Jiang

Cypress Falls Key Club 3
Service is SNOW Cool!
When I fiist heaiu of Bistiict Convention, I uiu
not know what to expect. I was slightly neivous
signing up foi something I uiu not have much
infoimation about. Bowevei, I uiu gathei a gioup of
fiienus, who woulu be expeiiencing BC0N foi the
fiist time also, to ioom with. Within seconus of
enteiing the atmospheie of Bistiict Convention, all of
my small feais of not fitting in uissipateu. Thiough all
of the woikshops, geneial sessions, anu cheeiing
wais, I staiteu to iealize that the people aiounu me
weie a cut above the iest. Each anu eveiy peison
welcomes anothei with open aims, anu togethei Key
Club is tiuly an '0hana' composeu of the best people
you will evei meet. Without feai I publicly uanceu
anu cheeieu my heait out; it was such a suiieal
expeiience anu I founu myself iaiely without a
smile. This gatheiing tiuly openeu my eyes to how
much laigei we, as one uniteu club, aie. I was
intiouuceu to the highei positions beyonu a single
club anu amazeu by the amount of potential an
inuiviuual has in the uistiict- let alone inteinational-
Buiing this time I not only attenueu foiums
anu completeu seivice piojects, but giew closei to
my Key Club family. I feel this expeiience
authentically impacteu my uesiie to seive anu giow
as a contiibuting membei to my community. Seeing
ovei 2,uuu people at the Bistiict Convention ieally
hit me. Ny minu uiu not peiceive how laige this
event was consiueiing this was only one uistiict.
I woulu stiongly encouiage any anu all
membeis fiom aiounu the nation to paiticipate in
theii own club's uistiict convention. I tiuly believe
this gatheiing is like nothing else they have evei been
a pait of befoie. Bistiict Convention will, like me,
unuoubteuly encouiage membeis anu club officeis to
get even moie involveu with theii own club. Coming
out fiom BC0N that memoiable uay in Apiil, I
leaineu about new icebieakeis foi meetings anu how
to get to know moie of the geneial club membeis as a
class iepiesentative. Bonestly, BC0N changeu my
life foi the bettei.

Dedicated to DCON
By Hannah Zimmerman, 2014 Rep
An event I attenueu in was the FFA Ciaft Show. It was
also the fiist event I took chaige of as an officei, so I was a
little neivous when I aiiiveu. They uiun't neeu much help in
the booth aieas, so I was on kitchen uuty! 0ne of the lauies leu
me towaiu the kitchens, wheie I was tolu to put up my haii
anu wiap it in a banuanna, wash my hanus anu put on gloves,
obviously foi safety iegulations because of hanuling foou. It
was a small kitchen with an open iaiseu countei neai the
fiont, with about S cooleis in the miuule of the kitchen flooi
foi the uiinks, like soua anu watei, on the menu. So you coulu
say it was slightly ciowueu, especially with S othei people
aiounu. Theie weie two auults in the kitchen anu one giil,
who left latei on, anu othei key clubbeis who joineu me latei
Anyways, I was in chaige of making nachos, anu the
lauy in chaige uubbeu me Nacho Lauy! People weien't
oiueiing many nachos, iathei, they weien't oiueiing veiy
much of anything, except foi coffee, since it was only 1u:uu
AN. At one point, the lauy in chaige of us hau to go anu hanule
something outsiue of the kitchens, anu I guess with me eithei
not getting many nacho oiueis, I wasn't as busy as the otheis,
oi maybe it seemeu that I coulu hanule it, oi both, I got a
"piomotion" anu was put in chaige of making nachos, talking
to customeis that came in, anu giving them uiinks. I was kinu
of unceitain because talking to customeis meant, you know,
having to actually talk to them anu getting theii oiueis iight
anu not messing up oi then they'u get annoyeu, which was the
last thing I wanteu. But I felt confiuent I coulu uo it, so I
gieeteu the next customei with a smile anu a "can I help you."
anu tolu the otheis what to make. It tuineu out to be not as
haiu as I thought, although seiving the uiinks weie a bit of a
hassle, because if you weie hanuling foou you coulun't seive
uiinks without switching out youi gloves fiist. Anu at this
point was when people staiteu to oiuei nachos so it was a
little time consuming to yank off my gloves, put a new paii on,
make nachos, yank off my gloves, get a new paii, anu get a
uiink fiom the cooleis. The othei auult in the kitchen noticeu
this anu helpeu me though, so that uiun't last long. I was "in
chaige" until my shift enueu at 1 PN.
I ieally likeu this event because it alloweu me a small
glimpse insiue the foou inuustiy anu how it might be like if I
evei applieu at a iestauiant, anu how to hanule customeis
anu theii oiueis! This is one of the many examples how Key
Club has given me the oppoitunity to tiy out something anu
gain expeiience that I coulu apply in life.

Nacho Lady Status
By Julia Chen, Aragon Builders Club
Cypress Falls Key Club 4

Cypress Falls Key Club 5
Contact Info
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Amy !lang resldenL amy[lang.kc[ 832-326-0398
8lake !ones vlce-resldenL blake[oneskc[ 281-336-3371
Mohammad Syed 1reasurer mohdLennls[ 281-933-7773
Pannah norem LdlLor hannah.norem[ 713-448-9649
Lmlly Salgado SecreLary emllysalgado_kc[ 281-221-3302
Alea Pon AssL. SecreLary a-hon[ 832-738-7128

!"#$ &'()*)'! $#")+ &,'!$ -
Abdur-8ahman Zaklr lundralslng Chalrman Abdulr.zaklr[ 832-738-3731
SachlL Saksena ulsLrlcL ro[ecL sachlLdsaksena[ 713-306-9027
Louls klrkley Web LdlLor louls.klrkley[ 832-244-7610
Maggle 8acks Pead PlsLorlan Magglebacks[ 281-733-6343
8rlanna Clbson PlsLorlan 8rlanna.d.glbson[ 713-863-6310
uoroLhy nguyen PlsLorlan doroLhyn97[ 281-937-2132
Annle han PlsLorlan sol.annle89[ 832-348-3143
vlvlan ?oung PlsLorlan vyoung0602[ 832-620-2490
Malaaz Chandour Covernor's ro[ecL malaazg[ 832 683 0316
nafeesa Abuwala Covernor's ro[ecL nabuwala97[ 832-620-8288
1rl ham Class 8ep 2014 MALL

Pannah Zlmmerman Class 8ep 2014 lLMALL hzlmmerman06[ 281-961-6134
!acob !acobson Class 8ep 2013 MALL

Lesley Caron Class 8ep 2013 lLMALL ohlLslesley[ 832-733-7736
Chandler ?oon Class 8ep 2016 MALL chandler[yoon[ 832-933-2678
Leen Lagle Class 8ep 2016 lLMALL leen_a1998[ 281-948-6842

Wlnnle Lu Class 8ep 2017 lLMALL wlu8886[ 281-343-8237
SammlLha Cheruvu Aragon's 8ullder's Chalrman samhlLa369[ 281-837-2149
Ashlsh SacheLl Aragon's 8ullder's Club sacheLl87[ 713-319-6034
!ulle Chen Aragon's 8ullder's Club

uanLe 8omano Aragon's 8ullder's Club dr9999[aLL.neL 832-338-8397
vedanL Sure[a Aragon's 8ullder's Club vgs1997[ 832-376-4399
Csvaldo Lara Labay 8ullder's Club Chalrman osvaldolara[sbcglobal.neL

Angela Lam Labay 8ullder's Club AngelaLlam97[ 281-704-8616
!enny l[oma Labay 8ullder's Club [ennyl[oma423[ 713-394-3271
8ryan 1ran Labay 8ullder's Club corncake4821[ 832-692-1139
SLephanle uoan Labay 8ullder's Club doan_sLephanle[ 713-382-6988
MaLLhew SLone ubllclLy maLLasLone23[ 281-723-4349

2013-2014 Cypress Falls Key Club Officers

Cypress Falls Key Club 6
Contact Info, cntd.

2013-2014 Texas-Oklahoma District Staff

Governor Luke Broussard 325-998-1384
Secretary Usman Hyder 817-715-5111
Treasurer Isaiah ValleQuinones 580-458-1432
Editor Tashrima Hossain 713-505-2252
Convention Liaison Grace Liu 817-962-8945

2013-2014 Division 3N Lieutenant Governor
Gabi Bradshaw

Cypress Falls Key Club 7
LOCK IN Lowdown
The Key Club lock in foi the fall semestei is this Satuiuay,
Becembei 7
, fiom S:Su-11:uu PN in the gym. This lock in
will be supei fantastic because theie aie many fun activities
planneu. Theie will also be lots of foou, too. Plus, foi all y'all
that aie in banu, football, cioss countiy, oi any othei activity
that took up a lot of youi time this semestei, you can get 6+
houis at the lock in! You get 6 physical houis just if you stay
at the lock in the whole time, anu you can get nonphysical
houis paiticipating in some of the activities that aie planneu
foi y'all! It's only $2S, anu pait of that money is gong to
chaiity. You can also biing youi non Key Club fiienus to join
in the fun. Eveiyone shoulu go to this, anu I look foiwaiu to
seeing y'all on Satuiuay!
You get to hang out with cool people
like these foi 6 houis. what moie coulu
a peison want.!


ELIMINATE Pancake Breakfast!
Bo you like pancakes. Bo you like seiving otheis. Bo you like saving motheis
anu babies fiom a pieventable ueath. If you answeieu "yes" to any of these questions,
you shoulu consiuei volunteeiing at the ELININATE pancake bieakfast on Satuiuay,
Becembei 14
! It's supei fun, anu you get to seive foou oi clean tables while knowing
that you'ie suppoiting the ELININATE pioject. The pioject is a joint one between the
K-Family (Kiwanis, Key Club, etc.) anu 0NICEF to eliminate mateinal anu neonatal
tetanus. Y'all, I'm suie, have gone to the uoctoi to get a iathei painful tetanus boostei
shot, but hat's all you've piobably heaiu about tetanus. Bowevei, in othei countiies,
tetanus is a veiy ieal uisease that afflicts millions of motheis anu babies eveiy yeai.
The ELININATE pioject aims to vaccinate ovei 1uu million motheis, babies, anu
futuie babies, but that iequiies a lot of money. You can help iaise this money by
selling pancake bieakfast tickets oi volunteeiing at the pancake bieakfast. Y00 can
make such a laige uiffeience in people's lives. See you on the 14

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