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UJIAN BLOK AKHIR SEMESTER 1 LEMBAR SOAL Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI IPA/IPS

Text I A you student was walking in the woods when he heard a small voice calling him. He looked all around, but could not see anyone. The voice called out again, and appeared to come from the roots of an enormous oak tree. There, the student found a bottle, in which there was a tiny man who begged, Let me out. So the student removed the cork, and a cloud of smoke emerged and grew into a frighteninggiant. I am a genie, said the giant, and I was imprisoned in the bottle by magician. But now thet I am freed, prepare to meet your end! Wait a minute, said the young man. I dont believe one word you have said. A giant of your size could not have really come out of that litle bottle. You cpuld never get into it. Of course I can, said the genie, Ill prove it to you. As soon as the genie returned to the bottle, the young man replaced the cork. The next time, in order to get free, the spirit had to make a bargain with the student: not only would it refrain from killing him, but it had also to give him a dagger which turned into gold everything it touched, and healed akk wounds. And affterwards, thanks to thet magic dagger, the student became a rich and fanous doctor. (Taken from Classic Tales for Children, by S.Batia) 1. The text above a text. a. narrative b. anecdot c. description d. procedure e. spoof 2. The abstract of the text above is a. A young student was walking in the woods, when he heard a small voice calling him. b. I am a genie, said the giant, and I was imprisoned in the bottle by magician. But now that I am freed, prepare to meet your end! c. As soon as the genie returned to the bottle, the young man put the cloak back in. d. The student became a rich and famous doctor. e. The next time, in order to get free, the spirit had to make a bargain with the student. 3. The characters in the text above are a. the genie and the student b. the genie and the giant c. the genie and the magician d. the student and the magician e. the student and the doctor

Text II A young man hurried into his town library. He went up to one of the old librarians and said to her eagerly, Do you remember that you persuaded me to borrow a book about Greek history a week ago? Yes, thats right, answered the librarian. Do you remember the name of the book? the young man asked. The librarian felt very pround, because she was always trying to get young people to take out books about Greek history, and she rarely found one who was willing to accept her suggestions. Yes, she answeres. Do you want to take it out again? Did you think it was so interesting? No, of course not, said the young man, But when I was taking it home, I met a girl on the bus, and I wrote her telephone number in the book. I want to telephone her. Please, may I look at the book again? (Taken from Intermediate Stories for Reproduction, by L.A. Hill) 4. The genre of Text 2 is a. narrative b. anecdote c. description d. report e. exposition 5. The characters in the text above are a. a man, and a girl b. a man and a librarian c. a girl and a librarian d. a man and a bus driver e. a girl and a bus driver 6. The story takes place in a. a bus b. a phone box c. library d. Greece e. a history class Text III In March 1979 the eyes of the world turned towards a small village called Pucukan in Central Java. Pucukan is very close to the volcano of Silia, one of the twenty six volcanoes in the Dieng Plateau, which rises 2,000 metres west of the provincial capital of Semarang. In Pebruary 1979 disasters struck the Dieng Plateau, and particularly the village of Pucukan. Suddenly the volcano erupted, killing over 200 people.

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Most of the villagers were killed in Pucukan because of the poisonous gases which came out of the volcano. How can we reduce the dangers of volcanoes, making life safer for the people who liver near them? The government of Indonesia uses the latest scientific techniques to study the behviour of volcanoes, many scientists are working to find out more about the life of volcanoes. Scientist have developed several instruments to study changes in the condition of volcano. Such changes may indicate when eruption is going to take place. One instrument scientist use is called a seismograph. It can measure very small movements in the earth near a volcano. Another instrument is called a tiltmeter. It is used to measure the movement of the liquid rock or lava inside a volcano. But many volcanic eruptions happen too quickly to give scientists time to discover the danger. For this reason, scientists are now studying the used of infrared photographs taken from aeroplanes. These may enable them to discover exactly what is happening to the liquid rock inside the volcano. This will enable scientists to help prevent disasters such as the one that struk Pucukan village. 7. When did the volcano of Silia erupt? a. Seventeen Ninety Seven b. Seventeen Ninety Nine c. Nineteen Seventy Seven d. Nineteen Seventy Nine e. Nineteen Ninety seven 8. How many people were killed? a. Two hundred b. Less than two hundred c. More than two hundred d. Exactly hundred e. More or less two hundred 9. What happened in March 1979? a. The eruption of the Silia volcan b. The Silia volcanoe is one of the 26 volcano in Dieng Plateau c. There was disaster happened in Central Java d. Most villagers were killed by poisous gases which came out of the volcano e. The eyes of the world turned towards a small village called Pucukan in Central Java. 10.What kind of instrument do scientists use to know the movement of lava? a. Infared b. Photograph c. Seismograph d. Tiltmeter e. Thermometer 11.For this reason, scientists are now studying the use of infared photographs taken from aeroplanes. The underlined phrase means a. the use of seismograph b. the use of tiltmeter c. the techniques to study behaviour of volcanoes d. knowing the time to detect the danger as quikly as possible e. knowing the reason what is happening to the liquid rock inside the volcano

Text IV IRRIGATION Irrigation is watering of land by artificial methodes. It provides water for growth in areas that have long periods of little or no rainfall. The water used for irrigation is taken lakes, rivers, streams, and wells. In the mid-1980s, about 220 million hectares of land were under irrigation through out the worlds driest continent. The amount of water needed for farming varies with the type of crop and the climate. For example, rice requires more water than cotton. Wheat grows in a warm climate needs more water than wheat that grows in cool climate. Any form land must receive enough water to allow both for plants growth and for the evaporation of water from the soil. In some countries, more water is used for irrigation than for any other purposes. Water conservation and irrigation schemes may be vitaly important to a countrys food and agricultural production. As the world is. Population grows, the demand for water increas steadily. More and more people need water in their homes, and industry must have additional water as production rises. Irrigation requires large spplies of fresh water. The two main sources of fresh water are surface water and ground water. Surface water is wateron the surface of the earth such as in streams, rivers, and lakes. Ground water is stored banners the earths surface in spaces between rocks, grains of sand, and other substances, in soil. 12.The text above a text a. narative b. anecdote c. description d. procedure e. spoof 13.The following are places where water taken for irrigation, except a. seas b. lakes c. wells d. rivers e. streams 14.Which continent is the driest one in the world? a. ASIA b. Africa c. America d. Antarctic e. Australia 15.It provides water for growth in areas that have long perioda of little or no rainfall. (Paragraph 1) The underlined word, It, refers to a. Irrigation b. Rainfall c. Method d. Water e. Land

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Text V The five-starred hotel is international-class. It is located downtown across from the town hall. It consists of 10 stories with 100 rooms. It has an elevator to carry guests upstairs. It has more than 300 employees to serve the guests. It is the most comfortable and expensive hotel in town, 16. The points to be described in the text above are a. the five-starred hotel b. the guest c. the employees d. the charge e. the town hall Ani: Have you seen Dian? Bela : Which Dian? Ani : She is our classmate. he has a round f ce with large eyes and a pointed nose. Her hair is curly, and she has a dark complexion. Bela : Oh, that Dian. Shes in the canteen. 17. From the dialogue above we can conclude that a. Ani describes Dian b. Bela describes Dina c. Dian describes Ani d. Dian descibes Bela e. Ani describes Bela 18. Dian has the following characteristics except a. round face b. large eyes c. pointed nose f. fair complexion e. curly hair 19. The hospital he works is very famous. a. who b. where c. when d. which e. whom 20. It was the moment I met him for the first time. a. where b. when c. whom d. wich e. who 21. The school is very expensive a. famous large modern American b. American modern large famous c. modern famous American large d. large modern American famous f. famous American modern Complete the Paragraph The Chinese 22 _________ paper almost 2,000 years ago. Orogami, the art of paper 23 ________, is just as old. It is quite possible that art developed from the 24 _________, custom of making paper houses, furniture, vechicles, and servant, as well as paper money, as part of Chinese funeral rites. These coloured paper 25 _________, are still burned at Budhist funurals so the

dead person can live earthly 26 ____________ in the next world 22. a. Invented b. inverse c. invite d. Invert e. invake 23. a. foreboding b. fololing c. nolding d. following e. forbidding 24. a. ancillary b. antique c. ancient d. antisocial e. antenatal 25. a. syllable b. syllbus c. syndicate d. symbols e. symmetry 26. a. combustion b. commentary c. commandant d. combine e. comfort Mr. Ahmad, the headmaster of the school is standing in front of the school gate a student accidentally crashed into him. Mr. Ahmad : Hey what are you doing? Student : Im sorry sir. I didnt mena to do that Mr. Ahmad : be careful then Student : I will, sir. Thank you. 27. Mr. Ahmad expresses a. giving opinion b. asking for opinion c. anger d. apology e. sympathy 28. The student in the dialogue above expresses a. giving opinion b. asking for oponion c. anger d. apology e. sympathy 29. Denny : How about going to a movie thus weekend? Vera : I think youd better save your money for school. We can spend the weekend at home. Vera is : . a. asking for Dennys opinion b. giving an opinion to Denny c. agreeing with Dennys offer d. disagreeing with Dennys offer e. thinking about Dennys offer 30. The students in the school hall after class yesterday.

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a. b. c. d. e.

meet meets met have met has met

e. I love you 39. A : Dont you think these cookies are nice? B : Yes, but a. Im sorry to hear that b. What a surprise! c. How awful it is d. Dont you think they are too sweet? e. You have my agreement 40. A ; Why you look so sad? Wasnt your concert successful? B: a. Im happy for you b. Thank God! c. No, thanks d. What a coincidence e. Its difficult to appresiate it. ESSAY Arrange the adjectives in the following sentences in the good order 41. a. The man has smart some small young dog brown .. .. b. beantiful a small I new have american doll .. .. 42. write down the dialogue for two possible answer Ahmad : Please wait her, honey, Ill try to find some help down there Dea : Dont leave me alone A. B. 43. Fill I the blanks with the appropriate prepositions The Smiths are having a picnic ..a the Natural Bridge National Park. They come ..b Brisbane so they drive 110 kilometres ..c South Brisbane and reach it ..d following the Pacific highway ..e Nerang. 44. I think governments are necessary because they help to keep the economic system in order; if any problems occur, the federal government will-more or less-lighten it out. I also think that the state governments arent necessary because there are local governments, which are known as municipalities. There is hardly any use for the state government because the local governments do all the work (Taken from Working with Funtional Grammar, by Martin, Mattiessen and Paniter) Title _____________________________________ Abstrack _________________________________ Crisis _ __________________________________ Reaction _________________________________ Coda ____________________________________ 45. Change the sentences to Past Perfect Continuous Tence a. Teds bicycle was stolen by a thief yesterday . b. He received a letter from the local police .

31. The student her class at 6.30 a.m. yesterday. a. sweep b. sweeps c. sweept d. swept e. swapt 32. Guntur : Hey I you last night. Where were you? Harry : I earlier last night. a. saw sleep b. saw slept c. dont see slept d. didnt see slept e. dont see sleep 33. The students the book in the library yesterday a. read b. bought c. sold d. stole e. find 34. Ratna : What are you doing?! I worked on the assignment the whole day! And now you ruined it! Heru : . a. Thank you b. Congratulation c. Im sorry to hear about that d. Im so sorry e. Never mind 35. Tina : I hate it when someone interupsts my speech. I feel annoyed! Gina : Me, too. But, hey a. Dont be angry. Lets talk it over b. Lets punish him c. Lets report him to the supervisor d. Dont think too long about a revenge e. Lets get him 36. Ryan : I dont like to be in this messy room Tony : a. Thank God! b. Me, too c. Im happy for you d. Its a nice place, isnt it? e. Im so scared. 37. A : B : I think its great a. Have you read this book? b. What do you think of his book? c. What is it? d. Do you now this? e. How do you do? 38. A : . B : I love it! a. How do you like this place? b. What does it mean? c. Do you want to join us? d. Isnt the idea worse than before?

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