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Educating the Past: Providing Blood Pressure Education to Indian Senior Citizens

Amrita Samra NFSC 431: Foodservice Equipment and Production Systems Spring 2013





Problem: No prior research on East Indian Senior Citizens and their blood pressure levels in Yuba City, CA Strong association with low weight and low blood pressure levels in India High blood pressure levels associated with Cardiovascular Disease and as a result, heart attack, stroke, and death

Variables: Independent Age Ethnicity Gender Dependent Nutrition Screening Blood Pressure Levels Number of senior citizens at risk

Investment: Medical Staff (doctors, RNs, CNAs, LVNs) From Enloe and Rideout Hospitals State dollars Community Volunteers Donated time Donated knowledge Medical Equipment (Blood pressure cuff, stethoscope) Donated by Enloe, Rideout and Health Organizations Translators Volunteers that are bilingual in English and Punjabi Blood Pressure Handouts Donated from hospitals Infrastructure Sikh Temple in Yuba City, CA Tables and Chairs Donated by temple to use Evaluation Tool

Activities Related to Research: Set up tables with medical equipment and screening forms Nutrition Screening done to screen which senior citizens are at high risk of blood pressure Chart and document how many senior citizens are at risk for high blood pressure Educate those at risk on symptoms of high blood pressure Educate those at risk of importance of normal blood pressure and consequences of no treatment Relate foods consumed to high blood pressure (salt)

Short-Term Goals: Participants awareness of high blood pressure risk will increase Participants opinion of importance of normal blood pressure will change Participants will increase knowledge of foods related to high blood pressure Participants will share information with family members and peers to decrease risks associated with high blood pressure

Medium-Term Goals: Participants will monitor blood pressure levels Participants will be able to acknowledge high blood pressure symptoms Participants will make appropriate food choices to decrease the risk of high blood pressure

Long-Term Goals: Participants will have a reduction in blood pressure levels Participants will have a reduction of diseases related to high blood pressure levels Participants will have improved overall health By sharing information with family members and peers, the risk of high blood pressure and diseases resulting from high blood pressure will decrease

References: Anthropometric, Body Composition, and Blood Pressure Measures Among Rural Elderly Adults of Asian Indian Origin: The Santiniketan Aging Study Hypertension, hypercoagulability and the metabolic syndrome: A cluster of risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Age: 65-70






Please check answers to each question in the boxes provided I know what symptoms occur for high blood pressure
I know what foods can cause high blood pressure I know the consequences of uncontrolled high blood pressure

Somewhat Confident Confident Very Confident

Not Confident

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