Referat Oscar Wilde in Prison

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Bayrische Julius-Maximilian Universitt Institut fr Anglisti un! Ameri anisti Seminar: Oscar (il!

e )*+ent: )r$ ,ascal -ischer

Referent: Olaf Schfer "#$"%$&""'

Oscar Wilde in Prison

Reactions in the press Daily Telegraph: .O/en the 0in!*0s1 2et in the fresh air13 The News of the World: .4he aesthetic cult5 in the nasty f*rm5 is *ver$3 Reynoldss News: . 6the e!it*r refuses7 t* gl*at *ver the ruin *f the unha//y man$3 May 25th 1895 Oscar (il!e an! Alfre! 4ayl*r are sentence! 8y the 9ury at the Ol! Bailey :two years c*nvict /ris*n an! har! 0*r ; 4hey 0ere ta en right fr*m the c*urt t* <e0gate ,ris*n: /ers*nal 8el*ngings are ta en stri//e! t* shirt a//earance n*te! !resse! in /ris*n cl*thes marche! t* his cell

(il!e is m*ve! t* Pentonville: cl*se me!ical examinati*n !eclare! fit an! sent t* the trea!mill : *ne m*nth=six h*urs !aily; later: in!ustrial em/l*yment :tail*ring5 /ic ing *a um etc$; >e suffere! fr*m: -hunger=malnutriti*n -ins*mnia -!isease -is*lati*n=silence After three m*nth he 0as all*0e! t* 0rite=receive *ne letter an! t* get visite! 8y three cl*se frien!s f*r &" minutes$ ?very m*rning at @$""am he ha! t* atten! cha/el$ )aily there is the *//*rtunity t* ta e a silent *ne h*ur exercising :*/en air; or t* use the /ris*n lavat*ry$ 4he cells are in .un!escri8a8le3 c*n!iti*n$ On June A&th R$B$ >al!ane manages t* 8e (il!es first visit*r :mem8er *f the >*me Office c*mmittee investigating /ris*ns = early frien!;$ >e achieves t* get (il!e s*me fe0 8** s t* rea! :cens*re! selecti*n; an! gets him transferre! t* Wandsworth :July 'th;$

August ABth (il!es 0ife C*nstance as s the D*vern*r f*r a /ermissi*n t* see her hus8an! :a 0ee later she came t* (an!s0*rth;$ 2*r! )*uglas tries t* /u8lish excer/ts *f s*me late l*ve letters *f O( !ee/ !isa//*intment = /leases R*8ert Sherar! t* st*/ B*sie If I saw him I wo!ld "ill him#$ :(il!e t* his 0ife; (il!e is !ea!ly 0ea fr*m !ysentery an! hunger$ After an acci!ent in the cha/el5 in 0hich his ear g*t severely in9ure!5 he is sent t* the infirmary f*r t0* m*nths$ :me!ics sus/ect him *f malingering; <*vem8er A&th a 8an ru/tcy trial is */ene! !eclare! 8an ru/t sh*rtly after0ar!s >al!ane is c*ncerne! that (il!e 0*ul! 8e 8etter *ff at Readin% &aolE !uring the transfer at <*vem8er &Ast O( is 8a!ly humiliate! in /u8lic$ Because *f his 8a! health he 0*r s in the Dar!en an! as .sch**lmasterFs *r!erly3 full access t* the li8rary = still n* /ermissi*n t* 0rite After eight m*nths the /ris*n g*vern*r 2ieutenant-C*l*nel J$ Isaacs*n is re/lace! 8y Ma9*r <els*n$ (il!es situati*n !istinctively 8ettere! fr*m that /*int$ 'e(r!ary 19th 189)* +eath of ,ady Wilde - last meetin% with .onstance In fear *f Gueens8erryFs frien!s receiving him5 he is sent t* ,ent*nville the evening 8ef*re his *fficial release fr*m /ris*n$ After his final release *n May 19th 189/ he leaves ?nglan! imme!iately acc*m/anie! 8y R*8ert R*ss t* )iH//e an! never returne! t* his h*melan!$

(il!es literary 0*r in /ris*n: De Profundis: a l*ng letter t* B*sie calle! .?/ist*la: In Carcere et Iinculis3 /u8lishe! 8y R$ R*ss in A@"J="K The Ballad of Reading Gaol: ins/ire! 8y the executi*n *f 4h*mas (**lri!ge /u8lishe! un!er the /seu!*nym .C$B$B$3 r*ugh *utlines *f t0* /lays in the style *f .Sal*mL3 a8*ut ,hara*=Aha8 an! Je+e8el

Bi8li*gra/hy: ?llmann5 Richar!: Oscar Wilde. ,enguin: A@KK >es eth5 ,ears*n: The Life of Oscar Wilde. 2*n!*n: 'A@'@

Oeser5 >ans-Christian: Oscar Wilde in Prison$ Reclam:&""' Ra8y5 ,eter: Oscar Wilde$ Cam8ri!ge University ,ress: A@KK

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