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Peak moment of life being celebrated Baptism is the first step in order to be called a Christian.

Baptism is celebrated for some reasons. For Roman Catholics, they celebrate baptism because it is their way to welcome the person or the baby in their Christian world and to introduce the baby to the Lord. There are other reasons why we need to be bapti ed, and all thes e reason are seen in the bible. !n baptism we obtain the forgi"eness of our sins# $Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be bapti ed e"ery one of you in the name of %esus Christ for the remission of sins&' (cts )#*+ $Brother ,aul& why tarries thou- arise, and be bapti ed, and wash away thy sins' (cts ))#./ $baptism doth also now sa"e us 0not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward 1od,2 by the resurrection of %esus Christ' . Peter *#). Baptism is one of the conditions of sal"ation as taught by %esus# $3e that belie"eth and is bapti ed shall be sa"ed4 but he that belie"eth not shall be damned' 5ark ./#./ (ll belie"ers of the gospel in the Bible were bapti ed# $Then they that gladly recei"ed his 0Peters2 word were bapti ed# and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.' (cts )#6. $Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be bapti ed& (nd he commanded them to be bapti ed in the name of the Lord.' (cts .7#6+ $&and many of the Corinthians hearing belie"ed, and were bapti ed.' (cts .+#+ $&when they belie"ed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of 1od, and the name of %esus Christ, they were bapti ed, both men and women.' (cts +#.) $(nd Philip said, !f thou belie"est with all thine heart& (nd he commanded the chariot to stand still# and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch4 and he bapti ed him.' (cts +#*89*+

$(nd immediately& he 0Paul2 recei"ed sight forthwith, and arose, and was bapti ed.' (cts :#.+ $&she 0Lydia2 was bapti ed, and her household&' (cts ./#.; $(nd the keeper of the prison& said, ,irs, what must ! do to be sa"ed- (nd they said, Belie"e& (nd he took them the same hour of the night& and was bapti ed, he and all his, straightway.' (cts ./#)+9** $<hen they heard this, they were bapti ed in the name of the Lord %esus.' (cts .:#;

%esus, our e=ample, was bapti ed $(nd it came to pass in those days, that %esus came from >a areth of 1alilee, and was bapti ed of %ohn in %ordan' 5ark .#: Because 1od has chosen baptism as the way we can change from being a sinner and become associated with Christ 0become $in' Christ2# $many of us as were bapti ed into %esus Christ' Romans /#* $For as many of you as ha"e been bapti ed into Christ ha"e put on Christ.' 1alatians *#)8 $%esus answered, ?erily, "erily, ! say unto thee, @=cept a man be born of water& he cannot enter into the kingdom of 1od.' %ohn *#;

Because without associating oursel"es with Christ 0being $out of' Christ'2 there is no sal"ation for any sinner# $For as in (dam all die, e"en so in Christ shall all be made ali"e.' . Corinthians .;#)) $For all ha"e sinned, and come short of the glory of 1od4' Romans *#)* $For the wages of sin is death' Romans /#)*

$That at that time 0before baptism2 ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of !srael, and strangers from the co"enants of promise, ha"ing no hope, and without 1od in the world# But now in Christ %esus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.' @phesians )#.)9.* $This ! say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other 1entiles walk, in the "anity of their mind, 3a"ing the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of 1od through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart#' @phesians 6#.89.+ Those are some reasons why we celebrate baptism, but there is one huge condition. Belief. !n all of the references from (cts Auoted abo"e the people who were bapti ed first believed. Baptism is not for infants. Baptism is for those who can grasp a particular Biblical subBect, the message of the Bible. <hat did they belie"e- The 1ospel message. !"#.html

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