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Key Performance Indicators of the Roche Group

Economic and business performance

2012 2011 2010

Sales (mCHF) Research and development (mCHF) 1) Research and development as % of sales M& D costs (mCHF) 1) M& D as % of sales Operating profit (mCHF) 1) Operating profit margin Net financial income (mCHF) 1) Net Income (mCHF) Core Earnings Per Share (CHF) Operating free cash flow Operating free cash flow as % of sales Net assets (mCHF) Net debt (mCHF) Equity ratio

45,499 8,475 18.6% 8,392 18.5% 17,160 37.7% 1,802 9,773 13.62 15,389 33.8% 16,728 10,599 26%

42,531 8,073 19.0% 7,967 18.7% 15,149 35.6% 1,581 9,544 12.30 13,733 32.3% 14,482 15,566 24%

47,473 9,050 19.1% 9,167 19.3% 16,591 34.9% 2,272 8,891 12.78 14,149 29.8% 11,662 19,157 19%

Increasing value for our shareholders and investors

2012 2011 2010

Dividend per share (CHF) 2) Dividend (mCHF) 2) Dividend as % of sales Payout ratio (dividend per share divided by core EPS) Price of non-voting equity security (Genussschein) at 30 th of December (CHF) Market capitalisation (CHF billions) Total Shareholder Return (TSR) at 31 of December

7.35 6,340 13.9% 54% 184.00 157 20% Leader

6.80 5,865 13.8% 55% 159.20 136 22% Leader

6.60 5,693 12.0% 52% 137.00 118 19% Leader

Dow Jones World and FTSE4Good sustainability indexes

Access to healthcare & patients benefits

2012 2011 2010

Number of patients receiving treatment with one of Roches top 25 medicines Number of patients benefiting from Patient Assistance Programs (US only) Number of patients actively participating in clinical trials 3) Number of clinical trials 3) Number of new molecular entities (NMEs) in clinical development Number of major regulatory filings (Pharma) Number of major regulatory approvals received (Pharma) Number of countries where we dont file or enforce our patents Contributions to healthcare institutions (mCHF) Education of patients and general public Education of healthcare professionals Research Contributions to patient organisations (mCHF) Disease awareness and general education Treatment adherence projects Workshops, seminars and meetings Educational grants

18,000,000 40,000 326,642 2,280 72 19 9 56 176 9% 48% 43% 36 55% 10% 16% 19%

21,000,000 40,000 295,994 2,336 79 21 24 54

n.a. 47,000 248,261 2,253 62 15 18 55

7% 41% 52%

6% 50% 44%

59% 8% 15% 17%

59% 24% 4% 15%

Commitment to our employees

2012 2011 2010

Number of employees (full-time equivalent FTE) Growth in full-time equivalent employees Total employees remuneration (mCHF) Total employees remuneration as % of sales Percentage of eligible employees purchased shares through Roche CONNECT Percentage of women in total workforce Percentage of women in management positions Percentage of women in key positions Percentage of women in top 120 executives Percentage of women on the Board Employee total turnover rate (fluctuation) Average number of training hours per employee Business Ethics Incident reported Roche Group SpeakUp Line cases 4)

82,089 1,960 11,316 24.9% 38% 46% 38% 18.5% 17.5% 14% 8.1% 27 132 71

80,129 524 10,300 24.2% 37% 46% 35% 18% 15% 14% 10.1% 26 114 81

80,653 854 11,934 25.1% 37% 46% 37% 16% 15% 15% 9.5% 23 110 122

Commitment to society
2012 2011 2010

Income taxes (mCHF) 1) Income taxes as % of sales Community support by area: Humanitarian and social projects Science and education Arts and culture Community and environment

3,480 7.6%

2,895 6.8%

3,135 6.6%

92% 3% 4% 1%

88% 4% 5% 3%

87% 6% 4% 3%

Safety, health and environmental protection

2012 2011 2010

Investments in SHE (mCHF) Operating costs for SHE (mCHF) Roche Accident Rate Occupational accidents Occupational accidents per million working hours Occupational illnesses Eco-Efficiency Rate (1000) eco-balance (million impact points/employee) Total energy consumption (TJ/year) Total energy consumption (TJ/year per mCHF sales) Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2 equivalents) Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2 equivalents per mCHF sales) NO x emissions to air (t/year) SO2 emissions to air (t/year) Volatile organic compounds emissions (VOCs) (t/year) Particulates emissions to air (t/year) Water consumption (million cubic meters per year) Water consumption (cubic meters per year per mCHF sales) Organic matter discharged to watercourses after treatment (t/year) Heavy metals discharged to watercourses after treatment (kg/year) Chemical waste produced (t/year) General waste produced (t/year) Number of work related fatalities
1) 2) 3) 4)

141 272 0.072 440 2.92 147 0.565 6.45 13,280 0.292 1,003,970 22.06 254 5 122 20 3 65.67 140 374 25,703 26,346 1

118 311 0.067 390 2.67 141 0.538 6.88 13,372 0.314 1,023,521 24.23 222 8 124 20 3.3 76.89 228 288 30,170 24,121 0

163 311 0.065 432 2.97 184 0.414 7.17 14,495 0.305 1,077,301 22.69 262 7 164 33 3.6 75.70 242 463 29,020 27,249 0

Core results exclude non-core items such as global restructuring charges and amortisation and impairment of goodwill and intangible assets. For the year 2012 as proposed by the Board of Directors. Historical figures were restated due to Genentech integration. Period 2010 covers 1st December 2009 till 31st December 2010 (13 months).

n. a. = not available

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