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Urgent Action Required on TPPA

Dear friends, Monsanto, Philip Morris, Pfizer, and hundreds of their friends are putting the finishing touches on a secret weapon against New Zealand's democracy: a massive Trojan Horse trade deal that would hand our democracy's keys over to corporations !f finalized at a key summit ne"t week, this super#secretive pact years in the making would unleash $ig $usiness's wildest dreams on %ew &ealand, allowing corporations to sue the government over things like ! "ood la#elling$ %moke"ree NZ$ #ank regulations$ and #ans on "racking ## as well as undermine !nternet freedom, keep life# saving generic drugs off the market, and pretty much any law that puts people over profits' $ut while lo((yists are racing to seal the deal, if we refuse to (e (ullied, we could inspire enough countries to fend off the Trojan Horse This is the moment o" truth& )hile the government is eager to make a deal, insiders say there's an intense de(ate within *a(our on the TPP+ !f we can convince them to come out strong against it, we could get the voice in Parliament needed to push this out of the shadows in these crucial days, making it harder for Trade %egotiation Minister ,roser to sell us out Tell the 'a#our leader and the government that they need to stand up "or our sovereignty (( send a message now:
,e have 0ust days to stop NZ's government "rom selling out our democracy& Trade ministers are packing their suitcases for a trip to finalize the deal ## (ut we can stop them from putting profit over people %end a message directly to the 'a#our leader, whose party is split on the TPP+ and needs to hear from us in order to push this into the pu(lic eye-

http-..www avaaz org.en.selling/out/nzs/democracy/(.0(zw1,d(2v345657 The TPP+ is a major pillar in efforts of 89 corporations to e"tend their power over laws around the world ## the 5: countries in on it now are just the (eginning !t would set up a system of opa;ue tri(unals that hand democracy's reins over to multinational corporations ## similar ;uasi#courts have let Philip )orris sue Australia "or pu#lic health laws that cut their deadly trade, and undermined <ue(ec=s moratorium on fracking that protected people's health and safety over the profits of foreign fossil fuel companies There are literally hundreds of similar cases that have "unneled hundreds o" millions in damages to the likes o" *+, and !--on& The draft te"t is so secretive that not even law(makers know what.s in it/ )e=ve known all along that there=s a lot at stake, (ut we've had to rely on leaked te"t, most recently from )ikileaks, to understand precisely how much %ow the (attle lines within the negotiations are out in the open They show our government has taken strong positions on some issue and sold us out on others, and e"pose the dangers of their 'trust me' approach to this deal This week's summit is for strong#arming governments to wash away those lines in the sand with glorified (ri(es

!f this all sounds crazy, lots of smart people would agree ## 1hile's Parliament unanimously critici2ed the process, +ustralia has so far held out against allowing another route for corporations to circumvent their democracy, and economics %o(el *aureate >oseph 9tiglitz says it's a (ad deal $ut it's got friends in powerful places ## 1(ama and the world=s (iggest front for greedy corporations, the 89 ?ham(er of ?ommerce, are hell(ent on wrapping things up (efore >anuary 9ome of our parties have also spoken out, (ut we need *a(our to get in line in order to keep them from getting steamrolled (y PM @ey +ur voices right now$ while governments are #eing #ought in closed door meetings$ could make the di""erence& 9end an urgent message nowhttp-..www avaaz org.en.selling/out/nzs/democracy/(.0(zw1,d(2v345657 !t can (e easy to feel small in the face of (ig forces ## and (ig interests ## driving our governments $ut people, not money, are the true source of their power *ast year ABC,CCC people sent a message to TPP+ negotiators to stop this deal %ow's the critical moment for us to speak up *et=s join together, once again, and (ring our power to stop this unprecedented threat to our democracies )ith hope, David, >ooyea, +le", +ldine, >ulien, Dicken, and the +vaaz team 918D?E9Fact 9heet- 5C )ays the TPP $inds %&'s Future ?hoices G!t's 1ur FutureH http-..www itsourfuture org nz.wp#content.uploads.:C54.5C.5C#Policy#!ssues#,en# pdf *eaks show 89, %& disagreements on TPP GTI%&H http-..tvnz co nz.(usiness#news.leaks#show#us#nz#disagreements#tpp#BAC6J56 9ecret TPP %egotiations Desume in 9alt *ake ?ity GElectronic Frontier FoundationH https-..www eff org.deeplinks.:C54.55.secret#tpp#negotiations#resume#salt#lake#city 9ecret Trans#Pacific Partnership +greement G)ikileaksH http-..wikileaks org.tpp.K<<,7 The Trans#Pacific Partnership treaty is the complete opposite of 'free trade' GThe ,uardianH http-..www theguardian com.commentisfree.:C54.nov.56.trans#pacific#partnership# corporate#usurp#congress

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