Appointment Letter of Project Management Consultant

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D !"# $" F%&!' A(($%&#)*&# L*##* $" P $+*,# C$&-.'#!&#

MODEL CO/OP. 0SG. SOC1ET2 LTD. (Redg.No.) Date : Ref. No. -----------------To, M/S. ABC Associates, MUMBAI Kind Attention :- S !i A. B. C. SU34 APPO1NTMENT LETTER FOR PROV1D1NG ARC01TECTURAL/ PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANC2 SERV1CES FOR CARR21NG OUT REDEVELOPMENT OF OUR SOC1ET2 3U1LD1NGS. ". In contin#ation of $#! %ette! dated &&&&&&&&&& d#'( acce)ted *( (o# in +oint ,eeting e'd on &&&&&&&&&&&&&. -. Societ(.s %ette! dated &&&&&&&&&&& fo! fee St!#ct#!e.

R*" 4/

/. 0o#! 'ette! dated &&&&&&&&&&& in !es)onse to t e Societ(1s %ette! dated &&&&&&&&&&&. 2. 3. 5. Dea! Si!, Disc#ssion e'd on &&&&&&&&&&&&. 0o#! Re4ised $ffe! %ette! dated &&&&&&&&&&&&&. 0o#! Re4ised offe! on &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.

6it !efe!ence to t e a*o4e and in contin#ation of o#! *!ief a))oint,ent 'ette! dated "3t No4e,*e! -77- (D#'( acce)ted *( (o# on &&&&&&&&&&& d#!ing ,eeting), 8e a4e to state t at t e Managing Co,,ittee is )'eased to a))oint (o# as o#! A!c itect/9!o+ect Manage,ent Cons#'tant s#*+ect to t e fo''o8ing te!,s and conditions :5A6 2OUR SCOPE OF 7OR8S AS A PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT / ARC01TECT 71LL 3E AS UNDER 4/ (I) Pre-Tendering Stage (Phase I) :". -. 9!e)a!ing feasi*i'it( !e)o!t 8it !es)ect to )!esent go4e!n,ent )o'ic( a*o#t #ti'i:ation of T.D.R. Reco,,ending t e 'ist of a,enities, e;t!a a!ea co!)#s f#nd etc and )!e)a!ing !o#g designs of t e *#i'ding as )e! #ti'i:ation of TDR and )!e)a!ing a detai' !e)o!t to t e societ( *efo!e in4iting Tende! f!o, *#i'de!/de4e'o)e!. 9!e)a!ing d!aft tende! doc#,ents and disc#ssing t e sa,e 8it t e co,,ittee and fina''( o*taining a go a ead f!o, t e co,,ittee fo! f'oating t e sa,e. In4iting t e tende!s (Tec nica' and Co,,e!cia') f!o, 4a!io#s a))!o4ed *#i'de!s/de4e'o)e!s, doing t e tec nica' e4a'#ation, )!e)a!ing co,)a!ison state,ent and s#*,itting t e sa,e to co,,ittee ,e,*e!s. Cond#cting +oint ,eeting 8it t e s o!t 'isted B#i'de!s / De4e'o)e! a'ong 8it t e co,,ittee ,e,*e!s and fina'i:ing t e ,ost s#ita*'e de4e'o)e!.




(II) Before Construction Stage (Phase II) : ". -. /. 2. 3. 5. D!afting %ette! of Intent *ased on te!,s negotiated 8it se'ected De4e'o)e!. t e

Asce!taining ,eas#!e,ent of eac f'at and fina'i:ing t e ca!)et a!ea of eac ,e,*e!. %isting do8n t e !e<#i!e,ent of eac ,e,*e! and coo!dinating 8it t e design a!c itect fo! t e fina' d!a8ing. Asce!taining of detai' )'ane ta*'e s#!4e( in o!de! to 8o!= o#t t e a!ea of enti!e )'ot )!ecise'( and acc#!ate'(. A))!o4ing t e )'ans )!e)a!ed *( t e de4e'o)e! =ee)ing in ,ind t e inte!est of t e societ( on'(. Assisting t e societ( in se'ecting #)on So'icito!s/%ega' Cons#'tants

and Ta; Cons#'tants. >. @. A. 9!e)a!ing Ba! c a!ts/C9M-9?RT Net8o!=s so as to ens#!e ti,e'( co,)'etion. Asce!taining )!e)a!ation of a'' detai'ed ?'ect!ica' and 9'#,*ing 'a(o#ts *( A!c itect of B#i'de!/De4e'o)e!. Asce!taining 9!e)a!ation of a'' 8o!=ing d!a8ings and St!#ct#!a' d!a8ings *( A!c itect of B#i'de!/De4e'o)e!.

"7. Asce!taining cond#cting of 4a!io#s Soi' In4estigation so as to decide and se'ect t e !e<#i!ed ,ate!ia' o! const!#ction tec ni<#es at t e ti,e act#a' 8o!= of fo#ndation. "". Asce!taining S#*,ission 'a(o#t )!o)osed and its a))!o4a'. "-. Asce!taining %a(o#t a))!o4a'. "/. Asce!taining S#*,ission B#i'ding fi'es. "2. Asce!taining $*taining of I.$.D./ C.C. etc. (III) Construction Stage (Phase II) :". $4e!a'' co-o!dination 8it t e societ( on tec nica' and financia' ,atte! and co-o!dination 8it B#i'de!s/De4e'o)e!s as ,a( *e !e<#i!ed and *et8een 4a!io#s enginee!ing disci)'ines. Maintaining co,)'ete co-o!dination on enti!e )!o+ect. 9!e)a!ation and iss#e of a )!o+ect co-o!dination )!oced#!e doc#,ents. 9!og!a,,ing t e o4e!a'' )!o+ects and fo''o8ing )!og!ess of a'' as)ect of t e 8o!=. U)dating Ba! c a!ts and e;)editing and )!e)a!ation and iss#e of ,ont '( 9!o+ect Re)o!ts to t e Societ( indicating t e stat#s and )!og!ess of 8o!=. 9!e)a!ation and iss#e of c ange notices, indicating an( c ange in )!o+ect 8 ic 8i'' affect costs, )'anning etc. To a4e o4e!a'' co-o!dination 8it t e Societ(, Design A!c itects, De4e'o)e!s 8it !es)ect to t e M#nici)a' D!a8ings so as to ens#!e s,oot )!og!ess of t e M#nici)a' fo''o8 #). Monito!ing 6o!= 9!og!ess as )e! t e Ag!eed Const!#ction Sc ed#'e.

-. /. 2.

3. 5.


T9* A:$;* %- ". #9* *<('!%&*= %& =*#!%' !- .&=* 4/


MATER1AL MANAGEMENT S# %,# -.(* ;%-%$& $" >$ ? %& %&#* *-# $" -$,%*#@ !&= %& !,,$ =!&,* >%#9 T*&=* /A.$#!#%$&- *,*%;*= !&= !(( $;*= :*#>**& S$,%*#@ !&= 3.%'=* /D*;*'$(* T is 8i'' inc'#de t e fo''o8ing : ". -. /. 2. ?ns#!ing <#a'it( cont!o' and ad e!ence to s)ecification. Ca!!(ing o#t )e!iodica' test of t e 4a!io#s const!#ction ,ate!ia's !ecei4ed )!io! and /o! d#!ing its #se. Cond#cting 'a*o!ato!( test of ,ate!ia' #sed as 8e'' of t e fina' )!od#ct and ce!tif(ing t e 8o!= ca!!ied o#t *( t e B#i'de! / de4e'o)e!s. Asce!taining #)on t e <#ant#, of 4a!io#s ,ate!ia's !e<#i!ed fo! diffe!ent const!#ctiona' acti4ities, c ec=ing t ei! o!de! )'ace,ents and t ei! ti,e'( )!oc#!e,ent a'ong 8it <#a'it(. Asce!taining of ti,e'( !ecei4ing and sto!ing of t e ,ate!ia's in t ei! safe )'aces as )e! t e +o* 'a(o#t. Maintaining #) to date stoc= !egiste!. C ec=ing t e ,ate!ia's !ecei4ed on site fo! <#antit( and <#a'it( as )e! tende! s)ecification.

3. 5. >. 536

DA2 TO DA2 S1TE SUPERV1S1ON B AUAL1T2 CONTROL T is inc'#des B ". -. C#'' Ti,e S#)e!4ision *( 0o#! ?nginee!s 9e!iodica' site 4isit in connection 8it 8o!=s *( (o#!se'f (at 'east once in a 8ee=) o! (o#! )!o+ect ?nginee!s at 'east / ti,es a 8ee= and 9!o4iding Co!!ecti4e S#)e!4ision. Di4ing inst!#ction !ega!ding ,et od of ca!!(ing o#t t e const!#ction f!o, t e 8o!=,ans i) and ,ate!ia's conside!ation. Iss#e 8!itten o!de!s fo! !ectification of defecti4e 8o!=s (if an().



CONTROLL1NG UPON T0E 7OR8 PROGRESS T is inc'#des B ". 9!e)a!ation of *a! c a!t 9?RT/C9M Net8o!=s and st!ict'( i,)'e,enting t e sa,e. U)dating t e acti4ities in case of de'a( to ,eet t e ta!get co,)'etion ti,e. 9e!iodica' ,eeting 8it t e conce!ned cont!acto!s so as to a4e a fi!st and !e)o!t a*o#t t ei! )!actica' diffic#'ties if an( and s#ggestion t e,


an a'te!nati4es )!oced#!e to so'4e t e sa,e in t e *est inte!ests of t e societ(. /. 5D6 To ens#!e t at *#i'de!/de4e'o)e! inco!)o!ates a )ena't( c'a#se in t e 8o!=s 8it eac s#*-cont!acto!.

OVERALL CO/ORD1NAT1ON71T0 OT0ER AGENC1ES 1NVOLVED SUC0 AS4 C ". -. /. 2. B#i'de!s/De4e'o)e!s/So'icito!s/Cont!acto!s 9i'ing cont!acto!s and geo tec nica' cons#'tants. R.C.C. Cons#'tants/?'ect!ica' Cons#'tant/9'#,*ing Cons#'tant %ift Agenc(/S8i,,ing )oo' s)ecia'ists/%andsca)ing cons#'tants. And an( ot e! agencies !e'ated to t e said )!o+ect.


END OF CONSTRUCT1ON STAGE ". -. /. 2. To asce!tain o*taining of 4a!io#s Co,)'etion ce!tificates as stated *( BMC. To asce!tain o*taining of 4a!io#s Co,)'etion ce!tificates, )e!,anent 8ate! connection and fina''( BCC. 9!e)a!ation of Eas *#i't1 d!a8ings. 9!e)a!ing co,)'etion !e)o!t as t e end of t e )!o+ect.

In N#ts e'', As 9!o+ect Manage,ent Cons#'tant (o# a4e to ca!!( o#t fo''o8ing : ". 0o# a4e to 4e!if( and !eco,,end s#ita*'e c anges in t e )'ans )!e)a!ed *( A!c itect of B#i'de!s/De4e'o)e! in inte!est of societ(1s Me,*e! and in acco!dance 8it a))!o4ed tende! condition so as to s#*,it sa,e to BMC A#t o!ities. 0o# a4e to )!e)a!e 'ist of a,enities (T e *est t at can *e )!o4ided) to t e e;isting Societ(1s Me,*e!s. 0o# a4e to )!e)a!e D.T.9. get a))!o4ed f!o, societ( and t en iss#e tende! doc#,ents (- )a!ts) to a))!o4ed B#i'de!s/De4e'o)e! in4iting *ids /offe! and t en to e4a'#ate t e *ids !ecei4ed and s#*,it tec nica'/financia' !e)o!t to t e societ( and to get a))!o4a' of B#i'de!/De4e'o)e! f!o, societ( (In ADM) and iss#e %ette! $f Intent and 8o!= o!de! in ti,e.

-. /.


0o# a4e to c ec=/4e!if( a'' d!a8ings )!e)a!ed *( A!c itect of B#i'de! / De4e'o)e!s in acco!dance 8it tende! conditions and in inte!est of societ( ,e,*e!s and in acco!dance 8it BMC *(e'a8s and =ee) a !eg#'a! c ec= on a'' fo!,a'ities of BMC 'i=e I.$.D., CC, C#!t e! C.C., 9a!t $.C., C#'' $.C., etc. St!ict s#)e!4ision of B#i'ding const!#cted fo! Societ( Me,*e!s in acco!dance 8it tende! a))!o4a'. 0o# a4e to =ee) st!ict 4igi' on 8o!= e;ec#ted (eit e! fo! societ( ,e,*e!s o! fo! a!ea const!#cted fo! sa'e *( B#i'de!/De4e'o)e!) to ens#!e t at no 4io'ation of an( 'a8 /B(e'a8s a!e done *( B#i'de!/De4e'o)e!s.

3. 5.


2OUR PROFESS1ONAL FEES AS A PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT 0o#! )!ofessiona' fees s a'' *e 777F (:e!o :e!o 9e! cent on'() of t e cont!act 4a'#e of 8o!=s e;ec#ted 9%US "7.-F of t e tota' fees )a(a*'e to8a!ds Se!4ice Ta; 9a(a*'e to t e Do4e!n,ent o! t e se!4ice ta; as a))'ica*'e as t e ti,e of !e'ease of )a(,ent. Cont!act Ga'#e - B#i't #) A!ea/Const!#ction a!ea H const!#cted fo! Societ( Me,*e!s on'( I Rs. 777 (R#)ees :e!o J#nd!ed on'() )e! s<#a!e feet. T9* -!%= ( $"*--%$&!' "**- -9!'' :* (!@!:'* !- "$''$>- 4 /

MODE OF PA2MENT 4/ SR NO. I II 1TEM Afte! iss#ing a))oint,ent 'ette! and acce)tance Ins)ect t e site and doc#,ents and )!e)a!ation of 4ia*i'it( !e)o!t as ,entioned in 9oint No.(") K (-)/ 9!e-tende!ing Stage. Asce!taining of detai' )'ane ta*'e s#!4e( in o!de! to 8o!= o#t t e a!ea of enti!e )'ot )!ecio#s'( and acc#!ate'(. Asce!taining ,eas#!e,ent of eac f'at and fina'i:ing t e ca!)et a!ea of eac ,e,*e!. %isting do8n t e !e<#i!e,ent of eac ,e,*e! and co-o!dinating 8it t e design a!c itect fo! t e fina' d!a8ings 9!e)a!ation and s#*,ission of d!aft tende! )a)e!s as )e! t e !e<#i!e,ent of t e Societ( fo! in4iting t e tende!s f!o, De4e'o)e!s and getting a))!o4a' of societ(. Afte! a))!o4a' of D.T.9. Ma=ing !e<#i!ed n#,*e! of co)ies of tende! doc#,ents fo! sa'e to a))!o4ed PERCENTAGE OR LUMP SUM








B#i'de!/ De4e'o)e!s. $!gani:ing t e )!e-*id confe!ence, )!e)a!ing d!aft !e)'ies to <#e!ies !aised in t e )!e-*id confe!ence and )!e)a!ing at t e d!aft ,in#tes of )!e-*id confe!ence. Sc!#tin( and e4a'#ating a'' t e tende!s !ecei4ed and gi4ing !eco,,endations to t e societ(, fo! se'ection of t e *#i'de! /de4e'o)e!, fo! e;ec#tion of 8o!= and a'so assist in ca!!(ing o#t negotiations 8it de4e'o)e!s. 9!e)a!ation of 4a!io#s cont!act doc#,ents !e<#i!ed fo! t e e;ec#tion of Ag!ee,ent *et8een De4e'o)e! and Societ( D!afting %ette! of Intent *ased on te!,s negotiated 8it t e se'ected B#i'de!/De4e'o)e!. Assisting t e societ( in se'ecting #)on So'icito!s/'ega' cons#'tants and Ta; cons#'tants and fina''( se'ecting t e sa,e. A))!o4ing t e ag!ee,ents *et8een t e societ( and *#i'de!s/de4e'o)e! and a'so t e societ( ,e,*e!s and *#i'de!s/de4e'o)e!s. A))!o4ing t e )'ans )!e)a!ed *( t e de4e'o)e! =ee)ing in ,ind t e inte!est of t e societ(. Cina'i:ing t e %a(o#t of t e enti!e )'ot in cons#'tation 8it t e B#i'ding De4e'o),ent Co,,ittee. Detai'ed sc!#tin( of M#nici)a' d!a8ing 8 ic is to *e s#*,itted to t e co!)o!ation *( de4e'o)e! and sc!#tin( of a))!o4a' gi4en *( co!)o!ation. Asce!taining S#*,ission 'a(o#t )!o)osed and its a))!o4a'. Asce!taining 'a(o#t a))!o4a' Asce!taining S#*,ission B#i'ding fi'es. Asce!taining $*taining of I.$.D. Detai'ed sc!#tin( of A!c itect#!a' d!a8ings 8o!=ing d!a8ings o! 'a(o#ts, *#i'ding #nit design and a'' ot e! !e'ated 8o!=s to t e 'e4e' of !e<#i!e,ent s#*,itted *( t e de4e'o)e! and its a))!o4a'. Asce!taining 4a!io#s co,)'iance and o*taining $.C. Sc!#tin( of St!#ct#!a' designs and ca'c#'ations s#*,itted *( De4e'o)e! as )e! !e'e4ant I.S. Code No!,s. C ec=ing t e Co#ndation 'a(o#t at t e site and afte! 4e!ification gi4ing 8o!= a))!o4a's to e;ec#te t e 8o!=. Co,)'ete da( to da( s#)e!4isions of cont!acted *#i'dings, 'and de4e'o),ent 8o!=s, inf!ast!#ct#!e 8o!= etc., ens#!ing <#a'it( cont!o' in a'' stages of

LI(A) LI(A)(") LI(A)(-) LI(A)(/) LI(A)(2) LI(A)(3) LI(A)(5) LI(A)(>) LI(A)(@) LI(A)(A) LI(A) ("7) LI(B) LI(C) LI (D) LI (?) LI (C) LI (D) LI (J)

const!#ction, stages a))!o4a's 4i:. a))!o4a' at ,ate!ia's, #sages t e!eof in )!o)e! )!o)o!tion and 8o!=,ans i) at a'' stages of e;ec#tion of indi4id#a' ite,s of 8o!=. Monito!ing and cont!o''ing t e )!og!ess *( #sing ,ode!n ,et ods ens#!ing )!o)e! <#a'it( cont!o' of 8o!=s and ,aintaining )!o)e! !eco!ds. Co,)'etion of RCC 6o!=s (Se!ia' No LI (A)(") to LI (A)(>) to *e a,ended de)ending #)on no. of f'oo!s to *e const!#cted. Const!#ction of )'int o! co'#,n a*o4e g!o#nd H /F R.C.C. 8o!= #) to "st K -nd S'a* H /F R.C.C. 8o!= #) to /!d K 2t S'a* H /F R.C.C. 8o!= #) to 3t K 5t S'a* H /F R.C.C. 8o!= #) to >t K @t S'a* H /F R.C.C. 8o!= #) to At K "7t S'a* H /F R.C.C. 8o!= #) to ""t K "-t S'a* H /F Const!#ction of U/D 8ate! tan= H /F Const!#ction of $/J 8ate! tan= H /F Stai!case and ,ac ine !oo, at te!!ace 'e4e' inc'#ding )a!a)et fo! stai! case, *a'con( and te!!ace H / F ?;te!na' ,ason!( Inte!na' ,ason!( 8it e!ection of doo! f!a,es Inte!na' Nee!# 9'aste! ?;te!na' sand face )'aste! C'oo!ing and stai!case ste)s Kitc en )'atfo!, and toi'et ti'ing D!ainage and e;te!na' )'#,*ing

LI (I) LI (M) LI (K) LI (%) LI (M) LI (N)

Inte!na' )'#,*ing 9.$.9. and inte!na' )ainting Ma=ing and fi;ing doo! s #tte!s K A'#,ini#, 8indo8s ?'ect!ica' 8o!= Co,)o#nd 8a'' 8it gate and conc!ete )a4e,ent and 8atc ,an ca*in ?;te!na' 9ainting


Co''o8ing t e ,atte! of occ#)ation 8it De4e'o)e!, attend to t e Ce!tificates of occ#)ation *( t e co!)o!ation and / o! f!o, an( ot e! A#t o!it( conce!ned 8 ene4e! !e<#i!ed. Asce!taining of $*taining $.C.C. Asce!taining of $*taining )e!,anent 8ate! connection and 8ate! s#))'( ,ete! fi;ing


Ge!ification of EAs- *#i't1 d!a8ings fo! t e *#i'dings and se!4ices and ce!tification t e!eof. T e d!a8ings 8o#'d *e )!e)a!ed and f#!nis ed *( de4e'o)e!. T ese d!a8ings afte! 4e!ification s a'' *e s#*,itted to t e societ(. Afte! t e co,)'etion of )!o+ect, s#*,ission of co,)'etion )'ans and detai'ed !es#,e of t e )!o+ect 8it ce!tificates. C'eaning site and anding o4e! )ossession (An( 8o!= to co,)'ete in t e *#i'ding) T$TA%

OT0ER TERMS B COND1T1ONS ". A'' officia' )a(,ents !e<#i!ed to *e ,ade to t e 4a!io#s M#nici)a'/Do4t. de)a!t,ents s a'' *e *o!ne *( societ( and t e sa,e s a'' *e )aid 8it in "7 da(s f!o, t e de,and da(. A'' Unde!ta=ings, affida4its, Inde,nit( Bonds etc. s a'' *e gi4en to (o# )!o,)t'( as and 8 en de,anded. D#!ing t e act#a' const!#ction stage 8e s a'' a4e to )a( (o#! co,)an( a fi;ed !e,#ne!ation of Rs. -",777/- (R#)ees T8ent( $ne T o#sand $n'() and t e sa,e s a'' *e ad+#sted f!o, t e tota' fees )a(a*'e as )e! t e sc ed#'e gi4en a*o4e. T e a*o4e fees is fo! )!o4iding 9!o+ect Manage,ent Se!4ices and does not inc'#de t e se!4ices fo! )!e)a!ing ,#nici)a' d!a8ings, 8o!=ing d!a8ings, etc, st!#ct#!a' designs, o*taining 4a!io#s )e!,ission f!o, stat#to!( de)a!t,ent, etc. D#!ing disc#ssion on "2t $cto*e! -77- (6it !efe!ence to Ite, No.3 of offe! te!,s K conditions H 9 5/5), (o# ad ag!eed to gi4e (o#! na,e as A!c itect to B.M.C. on *e a'f of Societ( 8it o#t an( additiona' c a!ge/cost to t e societ(. In case, in an( e4ent, d#e to #nfo!eseen ci!c#,stances, t e )!o+ect does not ,ate!ia'i:e t en, in t at case, ,a;i,#, fee t at (o# s a'' *e !est!icted to t e ite, e;ec#ted and fees ,entioned against eac ite, and no ot e! c'ai, 8i'' *e 'e4ied on societ(. 0o#! 9!ofessiona' fees s a'' *e c'ea!ed 8it in "3 da(s f!o, t e date of s#*,ission of (o#! Bi''s to o#! office.

-. /.






As !ecent'( disc#ssed on -@t Dece,*e!, -77-, (o# a4e inti,ated t at const!#ction )e!iod conside!ed fo! fee st!#ct#!e as /7 (t i!t() ,ont s f!o, date of act#a' sta!t 8o!= and *e(ond t i!t( ,ont s (o# s o#'d *e co,)ensated if const!#ction contin#es. In !es)onse, t e Managing Co,,ittee, in ,eeting e'd on -@t Dece,*e!, -772, as decided t at s#ita*'e co,)ensation 8i'' *e )aid *( t e societ(, in case s#)e!4ision fo! const!#ction 8o!= contin#es *e(ond /7 (T i!t() ,ont s.

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