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Name: Age: Sex: Marital status: Plant no: Field of work: Pay scale: Length of service:


1) How do you feel about the washing facilities provided by company? Good fair poor 2) Are the sitting arrangements within the plant and canteen Satisfactory? Very much somewhat neutral not at all 3) How often first aid box with prescribed contents is available? Every time mostly sometimes only 4) With how much time the injured worker is given treatment? Immediately within 15 mints within hr more than 1 hr 5) How much time it takes to take a heavily injured/ suffering worker to The nearest hospital in case of mishap? Or how readily ambulance available Immediately within 15 mints within hr more than 1 hr 5) How nutritious is the food provided to you? Highly nutritive nutritive some what nutritive least nutritive

6) How does the food affect your health? Very positively not really adversely

7) Are you satisfied with the food/snacks/drinks provided to you at different intervals? To the highest somewhat higher neutral somewhat low to the lowest 8) Is the hygienic conditions maintained in and around the canteen and workplace areas? Always mostly sometimes never

9) How often you come across grievances regarding food and other facilities? Almost always often sometimes rarely never Other facilities........

10) How successful is the canteen managing committee in handling issues related to canteen? To a great extent satisfactory need improvement 11) How frequently you take rest in between working hours? After every.. 5----15mints 1/2hr-------1hr 2------3hrs 3-----4hrs 12) Do you move out of work place due to suffocation or other disturbance? Yes No 13) Are you satisfied with the drinking water facilities provided? Yes. If no. why? 14) Are there sufficient number of latrines and urinals at convenient places? Yes No

15) How well hygienic conditions maintained in latrines and urinals? Above average average below average 16) Which welfare activity is most important for u?

Training health and safety other welfare measures.. If yes which 17) Are you satisfied with the welfare activities conducted by company? Yes No 18) Which factor affects your efficiency other than technical aspects?

19) Are you happy with the trade union activity? Yes no 20) Is the HRA Allowance provided by the company satisfactory? Yes no 21) Is the educational allowances provided by the company is satisfactory? Yes no 22) Are you satisfied with the functioning of the medical committee? Yes n o 23) Are the recreational activities arranged by the company is satisfactory? Yes no 24) Whether workers think company is taking due care of them? Yes no 25) Do the health and safety training provided by the company increases the morale of the workers? Yes no 26) Are workers satisfied with the activities at dassera and diwali? Yes no 27) Do you think facilities provided by credit society are satisfactory? Yes no

28) Are the commodities available at the cooperative grain shop satisfactory? Yes n o 29) Whether the workers are happy with the overall health and safety facilities provided by the company? Yes no 30) Whether the workers are happy with the overall welfare facilities provided by the company? Yes no 31) How actively workers participate in workers participation programs?

32) What according to you can be done to increase productivity?

33) How dedicated are you to your work? Completely not completely

34) What type of grievances affects your performance?

35) What is your first objective in the company? Higher productivity industrial peace and harmony welfare programs 39) Do welfare measures affect your performance? How?

40) Are you motivated to increase productivity?

41) Why would you select this organization to work?

42) Are your visionary met to the maximum possible level while working in this company?

43) Are you happy with the facilities provided to your company on behalf of you?

44) How much you rate yourself in regard of loyalty?(ranks 1-5) (5 highest-----1st least)

45) How committed are you to achieve the company objective? ?(ranks 1-5) (5 highest-----1st least 46) How frequently do you leave your workplace for complains about the working Conditions in a day? Always Often sometimes rarely 46) Do you come across stress at your workplace? Yes no 47) If yes to the above answer. how does this stress affect your work efficiency? Often mistakes made during.. Work, Mental pressure leading to headache, boredom, fatigue at workplace Are not able to concentrate on work Would avoid work Stains worker..supervisor relationship. 48) How well the supervisors handle the workers problems in routine?

49) would you like to have a stress management committee to train employees to cope up With stress?

Yes no

50) is your health affected by workplace environment? Yes no


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