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Statement of the Purpose/s of portfolio/ StudentS intention of making the portfolio

This practice teaching portfolio was prepared and developed to provide and share experiences for those who will undergo the same undertakings. Some classroom difficulties and problems that she had encountered are mentioned, and the lesson that she had learned. The greatest value of this practice teaching portfolio is that it serves as the mirror of the practice teacher for their progress and achievement in their practice teaching. And also this practice teaching portfolio was prepared to expose the pre-service teacher experiences so that they can use it in relating their theories learned inside the classroom to become globally competitive. Another purpose of this practice teaching portfolio is that it assess the pre-service teachers learning for the preparation in future life in facing the real world of teaching. The pre-service teacher must do always their best in imparting knowledge to the students. Just love your students so in return your students will be embracing you too, with the great things youve done to them not only in cognitive side but in affective and psychomotor development. Field Study 1 The Learners Development and Environment Field Study 1 is focus on Learners Development and Environment, the learning environment as well as the psychological environment that may affect the students way of learning. .A physical environment that is conducive for learning may be the product of physical and psychological atmosphere that creates interaction between student to student and teacher to students, it had a great impact to teaching-learning process. Every students are unique they are differ from each other. Teacher must consider the differences of the students, respect them and treat them equally. Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teacher-Learning Process Field study 2 is design to help the field study students observe how the different principle of teaching and learning are applied to make the teaching and learning process interactive, meaningful, exciting and enjoyable. In teaching, teacher must consider the feelings, ideas, interest and needs of students. Having on actual learning will lead them to better understanding. When it comes to teaching strategies, there is no such thing as best method. The best method is the one that works, the one that yields result and the one that promote harmonious relationship between the teacher and the students. Field Study 3 Technology in the Learning Environment This course is designed to realize the importance of technology in teaching and learning. The teacher must apply the different principle in utilizing instructional materials suit to the needs of the learners. And these also enrich the students experiences in developing appropriate

technology to facilitate learning. It shall also provide students exposure and hand on opportunities in the use of information communication technology. Field Study 4 Exploring the curriculum This field study have the concept of curriculum is a dynamic as the changes that occur in the society. It is refers to the total learning experiences of individuals not only in schools but in society as well. Field study 4 is about the effective curriculum design and assessment. It includes the different persons involve in the implementation and assessment of the curriculum.

Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies Field study 5 provide us an opportunities to acquire knowledge about the different kind of students while assessing them, and one of the best assessment to learning is the assessment in affective domain which emphasized measurements of reasoning and the mental faculties of the students, it emphasized feeling, an emotion or a degree of acceptance and rejection. In this kind of assessment and strategies the student can broadcast their opinion and their shared their own knowledge, information and ideas to other learners. Field Study 6 On becoming a Teacher New teachers overwhelmingly say they love what they do. They say it allows them to contribute to society and help others. I am now entering on the step of the real world teachers directly affect the lives of the students they teach. Think about how much time students spend in school; most of that time is spent with a teacher. Field study 6 provide us in dept understanding, series of experiences that will motivate, encourage and enable to go on and appreciate more the valuable things/experiences about on becoming a professional teacher on the future. In teaching profession you must have dedication to public interest, and strong commitment to the profession, moral and ethical values.

It was November __, 2010 when I started my observation. It was assigned by the principal, Dr. Milagros B. Puon, of Mabitac National High School to observe of all year level to see the teachers strategies and technique in handling such different kinds of students with different learning styles and behaviors. I was very excited and quite nervous because we were in the beginning of a difficult task of our studying. On the first day, I was endorsed to Mrs. Lani C. Cabiedez and Ms. Vivien B. Claro, a Mathematics Teachers, to be my cooperating teachers. I was very happy in observing their class, they easily disciplines their students but in the good way. I really admired them when they was

teaching Mathematics because they always used motivation to catch their attention and to arouse the interest of their students. They always equipped with visual materials that is needed in the lesson. They mastered the subject matter and executed every lesson very well. When it comes to students, they are very active and talented bur some of them are slow learners. I had finished my observation last March __, 2011. I learned that as a teacher, you have to used teaching strategy that is suited for the student because of what we called Individual Differences, your voice must be well modulated, this is very important for a teacher and most of all you want to stay in this profession you need an ended patience. I really enjoyed my observation in Mabitac National High School. I learned beautiful things from all the teachers there and I would like to say thank you to Mrs. Lani C. Cabiedez, Ms. Vivien B. Claro and Dr. Milagros B. Puon. Field Study Field Study is a component of the new pre-service teacher education curriculum that aims to expose the students to actual field study experiences so that they can relate the theories learned inside the classroom with those experiences. These off-classroom experiences would emphasize the importance of Curriculum Development

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