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Windows Warding Module How to Uninstall Fake Anti-virus Program

Published on December 6, 2013

Brief Introduction
Windows Warding Module is a threat to network security. Fake anti-virus ro!rams as it is, "indows "ardin! #odule has made lots o$ P% users into urchasin! it $or no !ood end. &he usual way $or "indows "ardin! #odule to tra P% users into urchasin! the $ake anti-virus ro!ram is to o u a $lash s'uare bo( and warn with threats as well as vulnerability that could lead to in$ormation the$t. %oncernin! network users will de$initely click on the $lash warnin! to be redirected to a s am site romotin! the $ake anti-virus ro!ram. )uch similar threat warnin! by "indows "ardin! #odule can also be dis layed on $amous social network sites like Facebook owin! to one iece o$ a lication that contains Facebook malvertisin!. &his way, "indows "ardin! #odule mana!es to convince websters that the $ake antivirus ro!ram is reliable and thus make them ay $or its license willin!ly. *nce "indows "ardin! #odule is installed to a com uter, other !enuine anti-virus ro!rams will be blocked $rom enterin! onto the tar!et com uter and uninstall o$ "indows "ardin! #odule can be tou!h.

+with the a lication o$ com le( ,ava)cri t techni'ue, "indows "ardin! #odule mana!es to simulate "indows -. and detect the tar!et machine/s *)0

S stem Failure
&o !ain much more money by resellin! collected in$ormation stored on a tar!et com uter, "indows "ardin! #odule will do everythin! to avoid any inter$erence or obstructions es ecially by security utilities either belon!in! to build-in services or third- arty ro!rams. 1y makin! random modi$ications in database and some system items to be the carriers o$ its virulent com onents, "indows "ardin! #odule is ca able o$ causin! the $ollowin! system $ailures2

"indows will not er$orm automatic3 manual u date, which would mani$est loo holes to be e( loited by additional in$ections. .ntention to install another ower$ul anti-virus ro!ram will be turned down $orcibly by "indows "ardin! #odule. 4untime error or other error messa!es would o u ceaselessly to ruin o eratin! e( erience.

5u!e resource is consumed by "indows "ardin! #odule, leadin! to $ree6es and even crash.

"indows "ardin! #odule should be uninstalled as soon as ossible be$ore it collects valuable in$ormation to commit identity $raud. 7'ui ed with &ro8an techni'ue, "indows "ardin! #odule is enabled to attach its $atal com onents onto system items so as to esca e e$$icient detection and deletion. Due to its ro!rammin! to disable installed anti-virus ro!ram, manual method is recommended. 1e noted that backdoor can be o ened by "indows "ardin! #odule as a result o$ random modi$ication made in database, which means other vicious items can be installed. .n such case, additional attention should be aid to look $or any ossible and otential item that would hel "indows "ardin! #odule survive the $ollowin! manual ste s trawled throu!h by !ilma"ec# $nline Su%%ort accordin! to the test on virtual machine. *n the occurrence o$ any con$usion, live chat with com uter e( erts is the to o tion $or any tiny mistake would result in undesirable system $ailure.

Manual Wa to Uninstall Windows Warding Module

Terminate running process of Windows Warding Module to start off the uninstall. "indows 9

7nable )earch %harm bar to ty e :&ask/ or :&ask #ana!er/. 5it 7nter key to brin! u &ask #ana!er. )elect :Process/ tab to check the bo( ne(t to items associated with "indows "ardin! #odule. Press :7nd/ to $inish the rocess.


-se %trl=>lt=Delete key combination to brin! u &ask #ana!er. ?avi!ate to :Process/ tab and select items associated with "indows "ardin! #odule. Press :7nd/ to $inish the rocess.

Uninstall Windows Warding Module and other indications of vicious items it generates from Control Panel. "indows 9

Point the mouse to @-n inA button at the bottom-ri!ht corner o$ the )tart screen. %hoose :%ontrol Panel/ in its o -u sidebar.

-ninstall "indows "ardin! #odule $rom @Pro!rams and FeaturesA window.


7nter into :%ontrol Panel/ window $rom )tart men. %hoose :-ninstall a Pro!rams/ and uninstall "indows "ardin! #odule $rom there.

Show hidden files and remove any vicious items hidden by Windows Warding Module in C Dis thereafter. "indows 9

%lick o en "indows 7( lorer a

lication on )tart )creen.

1rowse to Biew tab and tick :File name e(tensions/ and :5idden items/ o tions.

Press :*C/ button to make the chan!e. Delete all e(ecutable $iles identical to systematic ones, such as svchost.e(e and winlo!on.e(e in sub-directories under %2 "indows. 4emove tem $olders under )ystem32.


* en :%ontrol Panel/ $rom )tart menu and search $or :Folder * tions/.

?avi!ate to Biew tab in :Folder * tions/ window to tick :)how hidden $iles and $olders and non-tick 5ide rotected o eratin! system $iles +4ecommended0/. Press :*C/ button to make the chan!e. Follow the same rocess as above.

Ma e rectifications in Database and remove associated items to further uninstall Windows Warding Module. "indows 9

7nable )earch charm bar and ty e :re!edit/3:re!edit.e(e/ Press 7nter key to enable database window. ?avi!ate to the $ollowin! re!istries to remove any indication o$ "indows "ardin! #odule and its a$$iliates2


5C7EF%-447?&F-)74D)o$twareD#icroso$tD"indows 5C7EFG*%>GF#>%5.?7D)*F&">47D#icroso$tD"indows 5C7EF-)74)DHletterI=Ha series o$ numbersID)o$twareD"indows +HletterI=Ha series o$ numbersI mi!ht di$$er $rom system to system0

"indows ;3<P3Bista

Press "in key and 4 key at once to ty e :re!edit/ +without 'uotation0 in the o -u bo(. Press 7nter key to enable database window. ?avi!ate to the $ollowin! re!istries to remove any indication o$ "indows "ardin! #odule and its a$$iliates2

5C%-D)*F&">47D#icroso$tD"indowsD%urrentBersion 5C7EF%-447?&F-)74D)o$twareD#icroso$tD"indows 5C7EFG*%>GF#>%5.?7D)*F&">47D#icroso$tD"indows 5C7EF-)74)DHletterI=Ha series o$ numbersID)o$twareD"indows +HletterI=Ha series o$ numbersI mi!ht di$$er $rom system to system0

&onclusion( "indows "ardin! #odule is a $ake anti-virus ro!ram that disturbs the normal order o$ network and la!ues wide ran!e o$ network users. .t usually in$iltrates into a com uter a$ter its success$ul trick to make innocent P% users into downloadin! it without uninstall wi6ard, which severely in$rin!e u on users/ ri!ht to choose and know. !ilma"ec# $nline Su%%ort e)%erts would reiterate hereby that )ystem $ailure is not the aim o$ "indows "ardin! #odule but in$ormation collection $or identity $raud and easy money in the end. )ome users may not concern about in$ormation security, but the oorer P% er$ormance will de$initely ruin the workin! e$$orts or online entertainment. &he earlier to uninstall "indows "ardin! #odule, the less com uter issues will be !enerated and the bi!!er role you are layin! in uninstallin! the $ake anti-virus ro!ram. *therwise, ro$essional skills are re'uired to hel with "indows "ardin! #odule uninstall $or a totally clean com uter retrieve.

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