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Generic Name (Brand Name)

Drug Classification & Indication Met ergine %C& 'rgot (met ylergono"ine !l(aloid and maleate) Deri"ati"e )C& o*ytocic, lactation stimulant Indication& %re"ention and treatment of #ost#artum and #osta$ortion emorr age caused $y uterine atony or su$in"olution

Dosage, Route, Frequency I+& ,-. mg after deli"ery of anterior s oulder, after deli"ery of #lacenta, or during #uer#erium/ may $e re#eated as required at inter"als of .01 ours

Mec anism of !ction Met ergin 2 3timulates uterine smoot muscles 2 #roducing sustained contractions 2 t ere$y s ortens t e t ird stage of la$or

!d"erse Reaction Cardio"ascular& y#ertension, tem#orary c est #ain, #al#itation


Nursing Res#onsi$ility 8Be alert for ad"erse reactions and drug interactions8) is drug s ould $e used e*tremely carefully $ecause of it<s #otent "asoconstrictor action- I-+- use may induce sudden y#ertension and cere$ro"ascular accidents- !s a last resort, gi"e I-+- slo9ly o"er se"eral minutes and monitor $lood #ressure closely-

8 contraindicated in #atients y#ersensiti"e to met ylergono"ine or any com#onent of t e CN34allucinations, formulationdi55iness, sei5ure, 8ergot al(aloids are eadac e contraindicated 9it #otent in i$itors of Gastrointestinal& C:%;!1 (includes Nausea, "omiting, #rotease in i$itors, diarr ea, foul taste a5ole antifungals, and some macrolide 6ocal& anti$iotics)/ ) rom$o# le$itis y#ertension/ to*emia/ #regnancy 7tic& )innitus Renal& 4ematuria Res#iratory& Dys#nea, nasal congestion Miscellaneous& Dia# oresis

Generic Name (Brand Name) 7*ytocin

Drug Classification & Indication %C& '*ogenous !gent )C& o*ytocic, lactation stimulant Indication& Induction of la$or at term/ control of #ost#artum $leeding/ ad=uncti"e t era#y in management of a$ortion

Dosage, Mec anism of Route, !ction Frequency I-+-& >,01, 7*ytocin units $y I-+2 infusion in Causes #otent and >,,, m6 of selecti"e intra"enous stimulation of fluid at a uterine and rate mammary gland sufficient to smoot muscles control 2 uterine #roducing sustained atony contractions 2 Induces la$or and mil( e=ection and reduces #ost #artum $leeding

!d"erse Reaction Cardio"ascular& y#ertension/ increased eart rate, systemic "enous return, and cardiac out#ut, and arr ytmias CN3& sei5ures, coma from 9ater into*ication Gastrointestinal& Nausea, "omiting, G?& titanic uterine contractions, a$ru#tion #lacentae, im#aired uterine $lood flo9, #el"ic ematoma 4ematologic& afi$rinogenemia Res#iratory& ano*ia, as# y*ia


Nursing Res#onsi$ility

8 Contraindicated in 8 Monitor and record #atients y#ersensiti"e uterine contractions, to t e drug or any of eart rate, B%, its com#onentintrauterine #ressure, fetal eart rate, and 8 !lso contraindicated $lood loss q>Ain ce# alo#el"ic dis#ro#ortion or 8Be alert for ad"erse deli"ery t at requires reaction con"ersion, as in 8Monitor IB7tran"erse lie/ in fetal distress 9 en deli"ery !ntidiuretic effect may lead to fluid o"erload, isn@t imminent/ in sei5ures, and coma #rematurity and in se"ere to*emia, 8ne"er gi"e o*ytocin y#ertonic uterine #atterns, total #lacenta simultaneously $y more t an one route#re"ia or "asa #re"ia8 a"e .,C solution magnesium sulfate a"aila$le for rela*ation of t e myometrium8If contractions are less t an . minutes a#art, if t ey@re a$o"e A,mm 4g ,or if t ey last D,seconds or longer, sto# infusion, and turn #atient on er side, and notify #rescri$er

8 !lso contraindicated in fetal distress-

Generic Name (Brand Name) 4yoscine Butyl$romide

Drug Classification & Indication %C& antic olinergic )C& antimuscarinic, antiemetic, anti"ertigo drug, anti#ar(insonism Indication& )o reduce secretions #erio#erati"ely-

Dosage, Route, Frequency I+& > mgBml

Mec anism of !ction 4BB 2 In i$its muscarinic actions of acetylc oline in t e !N3 2 !ffecting neural #at 9ay 2 Relie"es s#asticity, nausea and "omittin/ reduces secretions/ and $loc(s cardiac "agal refle*es2 %romotes cer"ical effacement

!d"erse Reaction CN3& di55iness, eadac e, restlessness, disorientation, irrita$ility, fe"er GI& consti#ation, dry mout , nausea, "omiting C+& #al#itations, tac ycardia, flus ing ''N)& dilated #u#ils, $lurred "ision, # oto# o$ia, dys# agia G?& urinary esitancy, urinary retention 3(in& ras , dryness

Contraindication Contraindicated in #atients 9it angle0 closure glaucoma, o$structi"e uro#at y, ast ma, C7%D, myast enia gra"is, #aralytic ileus, intestinal atony, & unsta$le C+-

Nursing Res#onsi$ility 8Be alert for ad"erse reactions and drug interactions8'ncourage #t- to "oid 8Monitor B% for #ossi$le y#otension8Monitor cer"ical effacement and dilatation-

Generic Name (Brand Name) % ytomenadione (+itamin E, % ylloquinone, menaquinone)

Indication 8)o stimulate t e clotting factors of t e ne9$orn 8)o #re"ent emorr agic disease of t e Ne9$orn-

Dosage, Route, Frequency ,-> cc "ia IM to t e +astus 6ateralis of t e ne9$orn

Mec anism of !ction 3terility of GI tract 2 !dministration of +itamin E 2 Increased 3ynt esis of #recursor #roteins in t e GI) mainly factors II, +II, IF, and F are #roduced and increased2 From ;,0G,C com#ared to adult clotting factor "alues, $lood clotting factors increase-

!d"erse Reaction 8) e synt etic form of +itamin E and +itamin E; (Menadione) can cause allergic reaction, 4emolytic !nemia, and Cytoto*icity in li"er cells-

Contraindication 8Contraindicated to t ose 9 o are y#ersensiti"e to any com#onent of +itamin E containing #roducts-

Nursing Res#onsi$ility 8'nsure t at t e adequate dose is gi"en 9 ile follo9ing t e #ro#er IM Drug !dministration8!##ly #ressure to t e in=ection site to #re"ent furt er $leeding8Document t e gi"ing of t e medication to ne9$orn to #re"ent an accidental dou$ling of t e dose-

Generic Name (Brand Name) 7*ytetracycline ()erramycin 7#t almic 7intment, )era(, )erramycin 9it %olymy*in B)

Indication )o #re"ent infection of t e eye 9 ic may deri"e from flora or #resent infections of t e "agina during normal s#ontaneous deli"ery )o #re"ent 7#t almia neonatorum in infants-

Dosage, Route, Frequency > cm stri# a##lied from t e inner cant us of t e eye to t e outer cant us

Mec anism of !ction

Oxytetracycline is primarily bacteriostatic and is thought to exert its antimicrobial effect by the inhibition of protein synthesis. Oxytetracycline is active against a wide range of gramnegative and gram-positive organisms. The drugs in the tetracycline class have closely similar antimicrobial spectra, and cross-resistance among them is common. Polymyxin B sulfate, one of a group of related antibiotics derived from Bacillus polymyxa, is rapidly bactericidal. This action is exclusively against gram-negative organisms. It is particularly effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and aemophilus aegyptius fre!uently found in local infections of the eye. There is, thus, made available a particularly effective antimicrobial combination of the broad-spectrum antibiotic Terramycin as well as polymyxin B sulfate against primarily causative or secondarily infecting organisms.

!d"erse Reaction 8Irritation 8Redness 8)earing 8Ic ing sensation

- Persons who have shown hypersensitivity to any of the components of Terramycin Ophthalmic Ointment.

Nursing Res#onsi$ility Note for any signs of ad"erse reaction If #atient is 9earing any contact lenses ad"ice it to $e remo"ed 7$ser"e and ygiene !ssess if #atient is allergic to t e medication !ssess for any 9orsening signs and sym#toms

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