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3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Speech codec list for

V10.0.0 GSM and(2011-03) UMTS Technical Specification (Release !"

3GPP TS 26.103


The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented. This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP only. The Or ani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this "pecification. "pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.

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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


GSM, UMTS, Codec

3GPP Postal address 3GPP support office address

650 Route des Lucioles - So !i" #$ti olis V"l%o$$e - &R#'C( Tel.) *33 + ,2 ,+ +2 00 &"-) *33 + ,3 65 +. 16

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Copyright Notification 'o part may be reproduced e(cept as authori!ed by written permission. The copyri ht and the fore oin restriction e(tend to reproduction in all media.
) *+,,- 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners (./&0- .T&"- 11".- 2T"&- TT.- TT1).

.ll ri hts reserved.

3MT"4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& re istered for the benefit of its members 3GPP4 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& re istered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners 5T24 is a Trade Mar# of 2T"& currently bein re istered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Or ani!ational Partners G"M6 and the G"M lo o are re istered and owned by the G"M .ssociation


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


1ontents....................................................................................................................................................3 7oreword...................................................................................................................................................8 , "cope......................................................................................................................................................9 * 'ormative references.............................................................................................................................9 3 :efinitions and .bbreviations................................................................................................................;
3., :efinitions..............................................................................................................................................................; 3.* .bbreviations.........................................................................................................................................................;

8 General...................................................................................................................................................< 9 3GPP 1odec 5ist for Oo0T1 in a 0&11=based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor# and for .o&P.............>
9., G"M 7ull /ate 1odec Type (G"M 7/).................................................................................................................> 9.* G"M ?alf /ate 1odec Type (G"M ?/)...............................................................................................................> 9.3 G"M 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type (G"M 27/).............................................................................................> 9.8 7ive .daptive Multi=/ate 1odec Types (7/ .M/- ?/ .M/- 3MT" .M/- 3MT" .M/*- O?/ .M/).....,+ 9.9 T:M. 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type (T:M. 27/).....................................................................................,3 9.; P:1 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type (P:1@27/)............................................................................................,3 9.< 7our .daptive Multi=/ate Aideband 1odec Types (7/ .M/=A0- 3MT" .M/=A0- O7/ .M/=A0- O?/ .M/=A0)..................................................,3 9.B MuMe :ummy 1odec (3G.3*8M)......................................................................................................................,; 9.> MuMe* :ummy 1odec (3G.3*8M*)..................................................................................................................,< 9.,+ 1odec 2(tension.................................................................................................................................................,< 9.,, 1":ata :ummy 1odec (.o&P)..........................................................................................................................,<

; 1odec 5ist for the 1all 1ontrol Protocol..............................................................................................,<

;., "ystem &dentifiers for G"M and 3MT"..............................................................................................................,< ;.* 1odec 0itmap.......................................................................................................................................................,B ;.3 "elected 1odec Type............................................................................................................................................,>

< 3GPP 1odecs for Oo0T1 in a "&P=& =based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor#......................................*+
<., Overview..............................................................................................................................................................*+ <.* .M/ *+ <.3 .M/=A0.............................................................................................................................................................*, <.8 G"M@27/............................................................................................................................................................*, <.9 G"M@7/..............................................................................................................................................................*, <.; G"M@?/..............................................................................................................................................................*, <.< P1M ** <.B Telephone=2vent..................................................................................................................................................**

Annex A (informative): Exam !e S" Annex B (informative):

orte# Co#e$ Li%t for UMTS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'(

C)an*e )i%tor+&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&',


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chan e followin formal T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re=released by the T"G with an identifyin chan e of release date and an increase in version number as followsC Dersion (.y.! whereC ( the first di itC , presented to T"G for informationE * presented to T"G for approvalE 3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chan e control. y the second di it is incremented for all chan es of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- correctionsupdates- etc. ! the third di it is incremented when editorial only chan es have been incorporated in the document.


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


Sco e

The present Technical "pecification outlines the 1odec 5ists in 3GPP includin both systems- G"M and 3MT"- to be used by the Out of 0and Transcoder 1ontrol (Oo0T1) protocol to set up a call or modify a call in Transcoder Free Operation (Tr7O) and in Ftranscoder at the ed eF scenarios. The T" also specifies the ":P description of 3GPP 1odecs to be used within a "&P=& =based circuit switched core networ# as specifies in 3GPP T" *3.*3, G,8H. The T" further specifies the codin of the "upported 1odec 5ist &nformation 2lements for the 3MT" radio access technolo y. The T" further reserves the 1ode Point for the 1":ata (dummy) 1odec Type for the ne otiation of .=&nterface Type and the /TP redundancy for 1" :ata and 7a( services- see 3GPP T" 8B.++B G*3H. The "upported 1odec 5ist &2 includes 1odec@Types from the T:M. and P:1 systems- to support T7O or Tr7O between 3MT" and T:M.- or 3MT" and P:1.

'o23"ti4e 2e5e2e$ces
/eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or non=specific. 7or a specific reference- subseIuent revisions do not apply. 7or a non=specific reference- the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin a G"M document)- a non=specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document. G,H G*H G3H G8H G9H G;H G<H GBH G>H G,+H G,,H G,*H G,3H G,8H 3GPP T" *;.+>+C F.M/ "peech 1odecE "peech Transcodin 7unctionsF. 3GPP T" *;.+>3C F.M/ "peech 1odecE "ource 1ontrolled /ate OperationF. 3GPP T" *;.,+,C FMandatory "peech 1odec "peech Processin 7unctionsE .M/ "peech 1odec 7rame "tructureF. 3GPP 8;.+((C F2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec /ecommendationsF. 3GPP *;.+((C F.daptive Multi=/ate 1odec /ecommendationsF. F&T3 J.<;9.9C F3se of .pplication Transport Mechanism for 0earer &ndependent 1all 1ontrolF 3GPP T" *B.+;*C F&n=band Tandem 7ree Operation (T7O) of "peech 1odecs- "ta e 3 = "ervice :escriptionF. 3GPP T" *3.,93C FOut of 0and Transcoder 1ontrol = "ta e *F. 3GPP T" *8.++BC FMobile radio interface layer 3 specifications- 1ore 'etwor# ProtocolsF 3GPP T" *;.,>+C F.M/ Aideband "peech 1odecE "peech Transcodin 7unctionsF. 3GPP T" *;.,>3C F.M/ Aideband "peech 1odecE "ource 1ontrolled /ate OperationF. 3GPP T" *;.*+,C FMandatory "peech 1odec "peech Processin 7unctionsE .M/ Aideband "peech 1odec 7rame "tructureF. 3GPP T" *3.,<*C F1" multimedia service 3:&K/:& fallbac# and service modificationE "ta e *F. 3GPP T" *3.*3,C F"&P=& based circuit=switched core networ#E "ta e *F.

The followin documents contain provisions which- throu h reference in this te(t- constitute provisions of the present document.


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3GPP T" *>.++<C FGeneral reIuirements on interwor#in between the Public 5and Mobile 'etwor# (P5M') and the &nte rated "ervices :i ital 'etwor# (&":') or Public "witched Telephone 'etwor# (P"T')F. &2T7 /71 3*;8 (*++*)C F.n OfferK.nswer Model with the "ession :escription Protocol (":P)FL. /osenber and ?. "chul!rinne. &2T7 /71 399, (*++3)C F/TP Profile for .udio and Dideo 1onferences with Minimal 1ontrolF?. "chul!rinne and ". 1asner. void &2T7 /71 89;; (*++;)C F":PC "ession :escription ProtocolF- M. ?andley- D. Lacobson and 1. Per#ins. &2T7 /71 8<33 (*++;)C F/TP Payload for :TM7 :i its- Telephony Tones- and Telephony "i nalsF- ?. "chul!rinne and T.Taylor. &2T7 /71 8B;< (*++<)C F/TP Payload 7ormat and 7ile "tora e 7ormat for the .daptive Multi= /ate (.M/) and .daptive Multi=/ate Aideband (.M/=A0) .udio 1odecsF- L. "jober - M. Aesterlund- .. 5a#aniemi and J. Mie. &2T7 /71 9>>3 (*+,+) F/TP Payload 7ormat for Global "ystem for Mobile 1ommunications ?alf /ate (G"M=?/)F. 3GPP T" 8B.++BC FMobile "witchin 1entre = 0ase "tation "ystem (M"1=0"") interfaceF. 3GPP T" *;.,+*C F.daptive Multi=/ate (.M/) speech codecE &nterface to &u- 3u and 'bF.F.

G,;H G,<H G,BH G,>H G*+H G*,H

G**H G*3H G*8H


6e5i$itio$s "$d #%%2e4i"tio$s


Co#e$ T+ eC defines a specific type of a speech 1odin al orithm- applied on a specific radio access technolo y (e. . G"M 7/- (G"M) 7/ .M/). Co#e$ Mo#eCdefines a specific mode of a 1odec Type (e. . ,*-* #0itKs Mode of the (G"M) 7/ .M/). Co#e$ Confi*"ration: defines a specific set of attributes to a certain 1odec Type (e. . the combination of .1" and :TMNFonF for (G"M) 7/ .M/). Or*ani%ation I#entifier (OI-): &dentifies the standard or anisation (e. . 3GPP) producin a specification for a 1odec 5ist. &T3=T is responsible for maintainin the list of Or anisation &dentifiers. S+%tem I#entifier (S+%I-)C &dentifies the radio access technolo y (e. . G"M or 3MT") for which the supported 1odec 5ist is defined. Other definitions are iven in T" *3.,93 GBH.

3.2 #%%2e4i"tio$s
&o2 t!e u2 oses o5 t!e 2ese$t docu3e$t, t!e 5ollo0i$1 "%%2e4i"tio$s " .1" #o8P 9:M Co86 CS6"t" .ctive 1odec (mode) "et #-8$te25"ce Use2 Pl"$e o4e2 8P 9"$d:idt! Multi lie2 Codec 86e$ti5ie2 Ci2cuit S0itc!ed 6"t" "$d &"- du337 Codec l7)


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


6T; GSM MuMe '%o8P =86 =o9TC P6C R; SCR S86 S7s86 T6M# T&= T2&= T; UMTS

6isco$ti$uous T2"$s3issio$ Glo%"l S7ste3 5o2 Mo%ile co33u$ic"tio$ Multi-Medi" '%-8$te25"ce Use2 Pl"$e t2"$s o2t o4e2 8P i$ " S8P-8 -%"sed $et0o2< =21"$is"tio$ 86e$ti5ie2 (e.1. 8TU-T, 3GPP) =ut o5 9"$d T2"$scode2 Co$t2ol Pe2so$"l 6i1it"l Co33u$ic"tio$ (s7$o$73 5o2 ...) Recei4e Sou2ce Co$t2olled R"te o e2"tio$ (s7$o$73 to 6T; ) Sile$ce 6esc2i to2 S7ste3 8de$ti5ie2 Ti3e 6i4isio$ Multi le #ccess (s7$o$73 5o2 ...) T"$de3 *2ee + e2"tio$ ("lso so3eti3es c"lled >T2"$scode2-T!2ou1!> o2 >Codec-97 "ss>) Tr"$scode2 *2ee + e2"tio$ T2"$s3it U$i4e2s"l Mo%ile Teleco33u$ic"tio$s S7ste3


The present Technical "pecification (T") outlines the 3GPP internal 1odec 5ists for both- G"M and 3MT"- to be used by the Out of 0and Transcoder 1ontrol (Oo0T1) protocol a 0&11=based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor# to set up a call or modify a call in Transcoder 7ree Operation (Tr7O). The 1odec 5ist is also used in the 1odec 'e otiation for the .=&nterface 3ser Plane over &P (.o&P)- see 3GPP T" 8B.++B G*3H. The T" specifies the ":P parameters for the 3GPP 1odecs for Oo0T1 in a "&P=& =based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor#- see 3GPP T" *3.*3, G,8H. The T" further specifies the codin of the "upported 1odec 5ist &nformation 2lements as defined in 3GPP T" *8.++B for the 3MT" radio access technolo y. Transcoder 7ree Operation allows the transport of speech si nals in the coded domain from one user eIuipment (32) to the other user eIuipment throu h the radio access networ# (/.') and core networ# (1')- possibly throu h a transit networ# (T'). This enables hi h speech Iuality- low transmission costs and hi h fle(ibility. The necessary 1odec Type selection and resource allocation are ne otiated out of band before and after call setup. Possible 1odec (re=)confi uration- /ate 1ontrol and :TM si nallin may be performed after call setup by additional inband si nallin or a combination of inband and out=of=band si nallin . 3p to release $>> G"M does not support Transcoder 7ree Operation- but specifies the Tandem 7ree Operation (T7O). Tandem 7ree Operation enables similar advanta es- but is based on pure inband si nallin after call setup. The parameters defined in this Technical "pecification allow interaction between Tr7O and T7O. They further provide an evolutionary path for G"M towards Transcoder 7ree Operation. The G2/.' and 3T/.' standards define fourteen different "peech 1odec Types- see table 8.,. &n addition to these "peech 1odec Types some FdummyF 1odec Types are defined to support the ne otiation for datafa( and multimedia applications.


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


Ta-le (% . Support of /odec Types in Radio Access Technolo0ies

T1MA 2*R !5!,
$ot de5i$ed $ot de5i$ed $ot de5i$ed

/o41 G2RA6 GMS7 G2RA6 8PS7 UTRA6

UMTS AMR # !5!$

$ot ossi%le $ot ossi%le 7es, 1..? 3odi 1..+ 3odi 2eco33.


$ot ossi%le $ot ossi%le R,,, UTR#'o$l7 U(s

(GSM" 3R AMR !5!(

7es, 1..+ 3odi $ot de5i$ed $ot de5i$ed

(GSM" *R AMR !5!3

7es, 1..+ 3odi $ot de5i$ed $ot de5i$ed

GSM 2*R !5!#


GSM 3R !5!

GSM *R !5!!

$ot de5i$ed $ot de5i$ed

$ot de5i$ed $ot de5i$ed

$ot de5i$ed $ot de5i$ed



/odec 25tension !5!*

2ese24ed 2ese24ed 2ese24ed

s "2e s "2e s "2e

+3R AMR'9: !;!1

not defined yes, 3 modi not defined

+*R AMR'9: !5!/

not defined yes, 3 modi not defined

+3R AMR !5!:

not defined yes, 1..4 modi not defined

UMTS AMR'9: !5!A

not possible not possible yes 3..4 modi

*R AMR'9: !5!<
yes3 modi not defined not defined

P1/ 2*R !5!8

not defined not defined not defined

1o&: is reprinted here in he(adecimal notation. &t is defined in section 9. 3p to date the followin 1ode Points are definedC Ta-le (%#% 1efined /ode Points
3e5adecimal 6otation 0-00! 0-01! 0-02! 0-03! 0-0+! 0-05! 0-06! 0-0.! 0-0?! 0-0,! 0-0#! 0-09! 0-0C! 0-06! 0-0(! 0-0&! 0-10! B 0-&C! 0-&6! 0-&(! 0-&&! :inary 6otation 0-0000.0000 0-0000.0001 0-0000.0010 0-0000.0011 0-0000.0100 0-0000.0101 0-0000.0110 0-0000.0111 0-0000.1000 0-0000.1001 0-0000.1010 0-0000.1011 0-0000.1100 0-0000.1101 0-0000.1110 0-0000.1111 0-0001.0000 B 0-1111.1100 0-1111.1101 0-1111.1110 0-1111.1111 /odec 6ame GSM@&R GSM@AR GSM@(&R (GSM) &R@#MR (GSM) AR@#MR UMTS@#MR UMTS@#MR2 T6M#@(&R P6C@(&R (GSM) &R@#MR-:9 UMTS@#MR-:9 =AR@#MR =&R@#MR-:9 =AR@#MR-:9 S "2e, 5o2 5utu2e use Codec (-te$sio$ S "2e, 5o2 5utu2e use Remar=

&o2 #o8P "$d T&=

CS6"t" MuMe2 MuMe

&o2 #o8P o$l7 &o2 =o9TC o$l7 &o2 =o9TC o$l7


Release !


3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


3GPP Codec List 5o2 =o9TC i$ " 98CC-%"sed Ci2cuit S0itc!ed Co2e 'et0o2< "$d 5o2 #o8P

The definition of the common 1odec 5ist for Out of 0and Transcoder 1ontrol (3GPP TS 23.153, C?D) in 3GPP for G"M and 3MT" follows the specifications iven in &T3 J.<;9.9C The most preferred 1odec Type is listed firstfollowed by the second preferred one- and so on. .n informative e(ample for a codec list for 3MT" can be found in .nne( .. The 1odec &:entification codes (1o&:s) are specified in two versionsC the lon form (B bits) for the use in Oo0T1 and the short form (the 8 5"0s of the lon form) for the use in T7O and .o&P.

5.1 GSM &ull R"te Codec T7 e (GSM &R)

The 1odec &:entification (1o&:) code is defined to beC 7/@1o&: CN +(++++.++++. The G"M 7ull /ate 1odec Type has no additional parameters. 7or information (for e(act details see G"M /ecommendations)C The G"M 7ull /ate 1odec Type supports one fi(ed 1odec Mode with ,3.+ #0itKs. :TM may be enabled in uplin# and in downlin# independently of each other. :TM on or off is defined by the networ# on a cell basis and can not be ne otiated at call setup or durin the call. The :TM scheme uses one "&: frame to mar# the end of a speech burst and to start 1omfort 'oise Generation. &dentical "&: frames for comfort noise updates are sent in speech pauses about every 8B+ ms- ali ned with the cell$s T:M. frame structure. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation allows the reception of G"M 7/ :TM information for the downlin# direction in all cases. The T7O respectively Tr7O partner is prepared to receive :TM information as well.

5.2 GSM A"l5 R"te Codec T7 e (GSM AR)

The 1odec &:entification (1o&:) code is defined to beC ?/@1o&: CN +(++++.+++,. The G"M ?alf /ate 1odec Type has no additional parameters. 7or information (for e(act details see G"M /ecommendations)C The G"M ?alf /ate 1odec Type supports one fi(ed 1odec Mode with 9.;+ #0itKs. :TM may be enabled in uplin# and in downlin# independently of each other. :TM on or off is defined by the networ# on a cell basis and can not be ne otiated at call setup or durin the call. The :TM scheme uses one "&: frame to mar# the end of a speech burst and to start 1omfort 'oise Generation. &dentical "&: frames for comfort noise updates are sent in speech pauses about every 8B+ ms- ali ned with the cell$s T:M. frame structure. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation allows the reception of G"M ?/ :TM information for the downlin# direction in all cases. The T7O respectively Tr7O partner shall be prepared to receive :TM information as well.

5.3 GSM ($!"$ced &ull R"te Codec T7 e (GSM (&R)

The 1odec &:entification (1o&:) code is defined to beC 27/@1o&: CN +(++++.++,+. The G"M 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type has no additional parameters. 7or information (for e(act details see G"M /ecommendations)C The G"M 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type supports one fi(ed 1odec Mode with ,*.* #0itKs. :TM may be enabled in uplin# and in downlin# independently of each other. :TM on or off is defined by the networ# on a cell basis and can not be ne otiated at call setup or durin the call. The :TM scheme uses one "&: frame to mar# the end of a speech burst and to start 1omfort 'oise Generation. &t is important to note that the 1omfort 'oise parameters for this start of the comfort noise eneration are calculated at transmitter side from the previous ei ht speech frames. . :TM han over period needs to be applied therefore at transmitter side before sendin the first "&: frame.


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


"&: frames with incremental information for comfort noise updates are sent in speech pauses about every 8B+ msali ned with the cell$s T:M. frame structure. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation allows the reception of G"M 27/ :TM information for the downlin# direction in all cases. The T7O respectively Tr7O partner shall be prepared to receive :TM information as well.

5.+ &i4e #d" ti4e Multi-R"te Codec T7 es (&R #MR, AR #MR, UMTS #MR, UMTS #MR2, =AR #MR)
The .daptive Multi=/ate 1odec al orithm is applied in G2/.'=GM"%- G2/.'=BP"% and 3T/.' in five different 1odec Types. The 1odec &:entification (1o&:) codes are defined to beC 7/@.M/@1o&: CN +(++++.++,,. ?/@.M/@1o&: CN +(++++.+,++. 3MT"@.M/@1o&: CN +(++++.+,+,. 3MT"@.M/@*@1o&: CN +(++++.+,,+. O?/@.M/@1o&: CN +(++++.,+,,. The .M/ 1odec Types can be used in conversational speech telephony services in a number of different confi urations. The set of preferred confi urations is defined in T" *B.+;*- Table <.,,.3.,.3=*. One of these preferred confi urations- 1onfi ='0=1ode ,- is recommended for T7O=Tr7O harmonisation between G"M and 3MT" networ#sit is mandatory for an .o&P=supportin 0""- see 3GPP T" 8B.++B G*3H- an .o&P=supportin 0&11=based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor# and for any "&P=& =based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor#. The "in le 1odec &nformation 2lement for .M/ 1odec Types may have several additional parameters. These parameters are optional in the "upported 1odec 5ist (0&11) and in the .vailable 1odec 5ist (0&11)- but these parameters shall specify e(actly one .M/ 1onfi uration for the "elected 1odec (0&11)- see GBH. A$tive Co#e$ Set. ACS: ei ht bits. 2ach bit corresponds to one .M/ Mode. "ettin the bit to F,F means the mode is included- settin the bit to F+F means the mode is not included in the .1". 'oteC 2(cept for ?/@.M/ all ei ht .M/ modes may be selected- for the ?/@.M/ only the si( lower modes. S" orte# Co#e$ Set. SCS: ei ht bits. 2ach bit corresponds to one .M/ Mode- as in the .1". "ettin the bit to F,F means the mode is supported- settin the bit to F+F means the mode is not supported. The "1" shall at least contain all modes of the .1". Maxima! n"m/er of $o#e$ mo#e% in t)e ACS. MACS: three bits. M.1" shall be used in the "upported 1odec 5ist (0&11) and the .vailable 1odec 5ist (0&11)- when it is necessary to restrict the ma(imum number of modes for the (future) "elected 1odec (0&11). 7or 7/ .M/- ?/ .M/ and O?/ .M/ one up to four- for the 3MT" .M/ and 3MT" .M/* one up to ei ht 1odec Modes are allowed. 1odin C F++,FC one- F+,+FC two- O F,,,FC seven- F+++FC ei ht 1odec Modes allowed. O timi%ation Mo#e for ACS. OM: one bit. OM indicates- whether the sendin side supports the modification (optimisation) of its offered .1" for the needs of the distant side. 1odin C F+FC Optimisation of the .1" not supported- F,FC Optimisation of the .1" supported. &f OM is specified as FOptimisation of the .1" not supportedF- then "1" and M.1" have no meanin for this "in le 1odec &nformation 2lementE then the "1" shall at least contain all modes of the offered .1"E M.1" shall be eIual to or lar er than the number of modes in the offered .1". U%a*e of t)i% Sin*!e Co#e$ Information E!ement in OoBTC& &n the "in le 1odec &nformation 2lement for the "elected 1odec (0&11) the .1" shall be specified e(actly. 7or 7/ .M/- ?/@.M/ and O?/ .M/ at least one- but not more than four modes shall be included. 7or 3MT" .M/ and 3MT" .M/* at least one- but not more than four modes should be included. OM shall be set to FOptimisation of the .1" not supportedF. &n the "in le 1odec &nformation 2lement for the "upported 1odec 5ist (0&11) and the .vailable 1odec 5ist (0&11) one of the followin codin s shall be used


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either all parameters (.1"- "1"- M.1" and OM) are omitted. Then per default all possible .M/ modes shall be treated as included in .1" and "1"- M.1" shall be treated as set to its allowed ma(imum and OM shall be treated as set to FOptimisation of the .1" supportedF. or only the .1" is specifiedC Then per default all possible .M/ modes shall be treated as included in the "1"- M.1" shall be treated as set to its allowed ma(imum and OM shall be treated as set to FOptimisation of the .1" supportedF. or .1" and "1" are specified. Then per default M.1" shall be treated as set to its allowed ma(imum and OM shall be treated as set to FOptimisation of the .1" supportedF. or all parameters (.1"- "1"- M.1" and OM) are specified.

0ro$e#"re% in OoBTC The procedures for handlin of these "in le 1odec &nformation 2lement in the ori inatin - intermediate and terminatin nodes are specified in T" *3.,93 GBH.

The F"in le 1odecF information element consists of 9 to B octets in case of the .M/ 1odec Types (table 9.8)C Ta-le )%(. /odin0 of >Sin0le /odec> for the Adaptive Multi'Rate /odec Types =ctet 13 23 33 +3 53 P"2"3ete2 Si$1le Codec Le$1t! 8$dic"tio$ Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86 MS9 ? . 6 5 + 3 Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) 3, +, 5, 6 2 1 LS9

Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ (TS8 =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) &R@#MR@Co86, AR@#MR@Co86, UMTS@#MR@Co86, UMTS@#MR@2@Co86, =AR@#MR-Co86 6o #CS 12.2 10.2 ..,5 ..+0 6..0 5.,0 5.15 .o SCS 12.2 10.2 ..,5 ..+0 6..0 5.,0 5.15 ?o =M, M#CS (s "2e) (s "2e) (s "2e) (s "2e) =M M#CS with FmF N mandatory and FoF N optional 7or information on GSM procedures (for e(act details see G"M /ecommendations)C

+..5 +..5

The G"M .M/ 1odec Types comprise ei ht (7ull /ate)- respectively si( (?alf /ate) different 1odec ModesC ,*-* O 8-<9 #0itKs. The active 1odec Mode is selected from the .ctive 1odec "et (.1") by the networ# (1odec Mode 1ommand) with assistance by the mobile station (1odec Mode /eIuest). This 1odec Mode .daptation- also termed /ate 1ontrol- can be performed every 8+ ms by oin one 1odec Mode up or down within the .1". The 1odec Modes in uplin# and downlin# at one radio le may be different. &n Tandem 7ree Operation both radio le s (. and 0) are considered for the optimal selection of the active 1odec Mode in each direction (uplin# . and then downlin# 0- respectively vice versa) by the F:istributed /ate :ecisionF al orithm. The worst of both radio le s determines the hi hest allowed 1odec Moderespectively the ma(imally allowed rate (FMa(imum /ate 1ontrolF). .ll rate control commands are transmitted inbandC on the radio interface- the 0T"=T/.3 interface and the T/.3=T/.3 interface. The .ctive 1odec "et is confi ured at call setup or reconfi ured durin the call. &t consists of one up to ma(imally four 1odec Modes (M.1") at a iven time- selected from the "upported 1odec "et. The ma(imal number of 1odec Modes and the "upported 1odec "et may be constrained by the networ# to consider resources and radio conditions. The .ctive 1odec "ets in uplin# and downlin# are identical. 7irst- at start up of Tandem 7ree Operation- .ctive 1odec "ets- the "upported 1odec "ets- the M.1"s and the OMs are ta#en into account to determine the optimal common .ctive 1odec "et. &n a later phase the 1odec 5ists of both radio


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le s may be ta#en into account to find the optimum confi uration. 7or e(act details see 3GPP T" *B.+;*. .ll confi uration data and update protocols are transmitted inband. The :TM scheme of the .daptive Multi=/ate 1odec Type mar#s with a specific "&:@7&/"T frame the end of a speech burst. "&:@7&/"T does not contain 1omfort 'oise parameters. This "&:@7&/"T starts the comfort noise eneration with parameters that are calculated at receiver side (P) from the latest received seven speech frames. . :TM han over period needs to be applied therefore at transmitter side before sendin of this "&:@7&/"T. .bsolutely coded "&:@3P:.T2 frames follow about every ei hth frame (,;+ ms) in speech pauses. "&:@3P:.T2 frames are sent independently of the cell$s T:M. frame structure and are related only to the source si nal. .n O'"2T frame (typically) precedes in uplin# direction the be innin of a new speech burst. :TM on or off is defined by the networ# on a cell basis. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation allows the reception of G"M=.M/ :TM information for the downlin# direction in all cases. 'oteC The :TM scheme of the 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type is not compatible with the :TM scheme of the .daptive Multi=/ate 1odec Type in 1odec Mode ,*.* #0itKs- althou h the speech modes of these two 1odec Types are bit e(act identical. Informative for termina!% of R11 t)at %" ort on!+ UTRAN a$$e%% (2UTRAN3on!+2 termina!%)C 3T/.'=only terminals of />> may either use 3MT" .M/ or 3MT" .M/* as default speech version in 3T/.' access. Normative for termina!% t)at %" ort GSM an# UTRAN ra#io a$$e%% (F#"a!3mo#e2 termina!%)C :ual=mode terminals of />> and onwards shall use the 3MT" .M/* as the default speech version in 3T/.' access. They need not to support the 3MT" .M/- because the 3MT" .M/* in terminals is a fully compatible replacement. Normative for a!! UMTS termina!% of REL34 an# on5ar#%: The 3MT" .M/* shall be the default speech version in 3T/.' access in all terminals- 3T/.'=only and dual=mode (G"M and 3T/.') of /25=8 and onwards. 7or information on UMTS procedures (for e(act details see 3GPP T" *B.+;* (T7O) and 3GPP T" *3.,93 (Tr7O))C The active 1odec Mode is selected from the .ctive 1odec "et (.1") by the networ#. This 1odec Mode .daptationalso termed /ate 1ontrol- can be performed for the 3MT" .M/ every *+ ms by oin to another 1odec Mode within the .1". 7or the 3MT" .M/ * this 1odec Mode .daptation can be performed every *+ms for the downlin# traffic channel- but only every 8+ms for the uplin# radio channel. The 32 selects at call setup one of the two possible phases for 1odec Mode .daptation (odd or even frames). :urin the call chan es of the 1odec Mode in uplin# direction are only allowed in this selected phase. /ate 1ontrol commands received in downlin# direction are considered at the ne(t possible phase. 0y this definition the 3MT" .M/ * 1odec Type is T7O and Tr7O compatible to the 7/ .M/- ?/ .M/- O?/ .M/ and 3MT" .M/ * 1odec Types. &n any multi=mode confi uration the 3MT"@.M/ shall be re arded as only compatible to itself- not to any other .M/ codec Type- to avoid incompatibilities in T7O=Tr7O=T7O interwor#in scenarios. &n sin le mode confi uration- 3MT" .M/ and 3MT" .M/ * are compatible- when both codec types use the same sin le rate .1". The 1odec Modes in uplin# and downlin# at one radio le may be different. &n Tandem 7ree Operation or Transcoder 7ree Operation both radio le s (. and 0) are considered for the optimal selection of the active 1odec Mode in each direction (uplin# . and then downlin# 0- respectively vice versa) by a F:istributed /ate :ecisionF al orithm. The worst of both radio le s determine the hi hest allowed 1odec Mode- respectively the ma(imally allowed rate. .ll rate control commands are transmitted inband on the &u and 'b interfaces and out of band on the radio interface. The .ctive 1odec "et is confi ured at call setup or reconfi ured durin the call. &t consists of one up to ma(imally ei ht 1odec Modes (M.1") at a iven time- selected from the "upported 1odec "et. The ma(imal number of 1odec Modes and the "upported 1odec "et may be constrained by the networ# to consider resources and radio conditions. The .ctive 1odec "ets in uplin# and downlin# are typically identical. .t call setup the Ori inatin "ide sends the .M/ parameter set (included in the 1odec 5ist). The Terminatin side then selects a suitable .1" from the iven information and sends it bac#. &n case the terminatin side does not support Tr7O a transcoder is allocated in the path at a suitable position- preferably as close as possible to the terminatin side. This transcoder may by inband si nallin install a Tandem 7ree Operation after call setup. Then- at start up of Tandem 7ree Operation- both .ctive 1odec "ets- the "upported 1odec "ets- the M.1"s and the OMs are ta#en into account to determine the optimal common .ctive 1odec "et. &n a later phase the 1odec 5ists of both radio le s may be ta#en into account to find the optimum confi uration. .ll confi uration data and update protocols are transmitted inband on the T7O interface- but out of band within the 3MT" networ#. 7or information on Tandem 7ree Operation see 3GPP T" *B.+;* and on Transcoder 7ree Operation see 3GPP T" *3.,93.


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The "1/ scheme of the .daptive Multi=/ate 1odec Types mar# with a specific "&:@7&/"T frame the end of a speech burst. "&:@7&/"T does not contain 1omfort 'oise parameters. This "&:@7&/"T starts the comfort noise eneration with parameters that are calculated at receiver side (P) from the latest received seven speech frames. . :TM han over period needs to be applied therefore at transmitter side before sendin of this "&:@7&/"T. .bsolutely coded "&:@3P:.T2 frames follow about every ei hth frame (,;+ ms) in speech pauses. "&:@3P:.T2 frames are sent independently of the cell$s timin structure and are related only to the source si nal. .n O'"2T frame does (typically) not e(ist in 3MT" networ#s- but may be received in T7O from the distant partner. &t mar#s the be innin of a speech burst. The uplin# "1/ operation is always activated for 3MT" .M/ and 3MT" .M/* codec types. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation and Transcoder 7ree Operation allows the reception of .M/ "1/ information for the downlin# direction in all cases. The "1/ scheme of the 3MT" .M/* 1odec Type is fully compatible to the "1/ scheme of the 3MT" .M/ in 3MT" and the :TM schemes of the 7/ .M/- ?/ .M/ and O?/ .M/ 1odec Types.

5.5 T6M# ($!"$ced &ull R"te Codec T7 e (T6M# (&R)

The 1odec &:entification (1o&:) code is defined to beC T:M.@27/@1o&: CN +(++++.+,,,. The T:M. 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type has no additional parameters. 7or information (for e(act details see T:M. /ecommendations)C The T:M. 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type supports one fi(ed 1odec Mode with <.8 #0itKs. This codec mode is bit e(act identical with .M/ codec mode at <.8 #0itKs. &n a T:M. system :TM may be enabled in uplin#- but not in downlin#. The :TM scheme uses one "&: frame to mar# the end of a speech burst and to start or continue 1omfort 'oise Generation. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation allows the reception of T:M. 27/ :TM information for the downlin# direction in all cases. &n T:M. systems the transcoder has to enerate comfort noise in speech li#e frames to be sent downlin#. &n 3MT" the downlin# :TM shall always be supported and the transcoder can therefore stay transparently in T7O.

5.6 P6C ($!"$ced &ull R"te Codec T7 e (P6C@(&R)

The 1odec &:entification (1o&:) code is defined to beC T:M.@27/@1o&: CN +(++++.,+++. The P:1 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type has no additional parameters. 7or information (for e(act details see P:1 /ecommendations)C The P:1 2nhanced 7ull /ate 1odec Type supports one fi(ed 1odec Mode with ;.< #0itKs. This codec mode is bit e(act identical with .M/ codec mode at ;.< #0itKs. &n a P:1 system :TM may be enabled in uplin#- but not in downlin#. The :TM scheme uses one "&: frame to mar# the end of a speech burst and to start or continue 1omfort 'oise Generation. The Tandem 7ree Operation allows the reception of P:1 27/ :TM information for the downlin# direction in all cases. &n P:1 systems the transcoder has to enerate comfort noise in speech li#e frames to be sent downlin#. &n 3MT" the downlin# :TM shall always be supported and the transcoder can therefore stay transparently in T7O.

5.. &ou2 #d" ti4e Multi-R"te :ide%"$d Codec T7 es (&R #MR-:9, UMTS #MR-:9, =&R #MR-:9, =AR #MR:9)
The .daptive Multi=/ate = Aide0and 1odec al orithm is applied in G2/.'=GM"%- G2/.'=BP"% and 3T/.' in four different 1odec Types. The 1odec &:entification (1o&:) codes are defined to beC 7/@.M/=A0@1o&: CN +(++++.,++,. 3MT"@.M/=A0@1o&: CN +(++++.,+,+.


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O7/@.M/=A0@1o&: O?/@.M/=A0@1o&:

CN +(++++.,,++. CN +(++++.,,+,.

The .M/=A0 1odec Types can be used in conversational speech telephony services in a number of different confi urations. The set of allowed confi urations is defined in Table 9.<=,. Ta-le )%,' . Allo?ed /onfi0urations for the Adaptive Multi'Rate @ 9ide-and /odec Types Confi*"ration 6 (Confi*37B3Co#e) 8 Co#e$ Mo#e '(.=, :,.=, :'.;, =.=, ;.;9 OM FR>AMR37B. O?R>AMR37B OFR>AMR37B. UMTS>AMR37B : : : F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y : : : A : : : : F : : : : A : : : F : : : A : : 9 : ' ( 4 , ; < = 1 :9 :: :' :( :4 :,

The F,F in the table indicates that the 1odec Mode is included in the .ctive 1odec "et of the 1onfi uration. The parameters FOMF (Optimisation Mode) define whether the indicated 1onfi uration can be chan ed to any of the other .llowed ones (OM NN .) or if the chan e is 7orbidden (OM NN 7). The FQF in the table indicates- which 1onfi uration is defined for which 1odec Type. Please note that 1onfi urations + to 9 are immediately fully compatible with respect to T7OKTr7O due to the specification of Ma(imum /ate 1ontrol. Table 9.<=* defines the 1odin of the F"in le 1odecF information element for the .M/=A0 1odec Types. Ta-le )%,'#. /odin0 of >Sin0le /odec> for the Adaptive Multi'Rate ' 9ide:and /odec Types =ctet 13 23 33 +3 53 P"2"3ete2 Si$1le Codec Le$1t! 8$dic"tio$ Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86 MS9 ? . 6 5 + 3 Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) + 2 1 LS9

Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ (TS8 =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) &R@#MR-:9@Co86 o2 UMTS@#MR-:9@Co86 o2
=AR@#MR-:9@Co86 o2 =&R@#MR-:9@Co86

6 3 Co$5i1-:9 with FmF N mandatory

(s "2e)

(s "2e)

(s "2e)

(s "2e)


.n .M/=A0 speech telephony service is only possible when the whole path allows a di itally transparent transport of the .M/=A0 speech parameters end to end. 'ormative for G2/.' terminals for 7/@.M/=A0- O?/@.M/=A0 and O7/@.M/=A0. &f a G2/.' terminal offers one of these 1odec Types in the capability list- then all .M/=A0 1onfi urations that are defined for the offered 1odec Type shall be supported by this terminal.


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'ormative for G2/.' infrastructure for 7/@.M/=A0- O?/@.M/=A0 and O7/@.M/=A0. &f a G2/.' infrastructure supports one of these 1odec Types- then at least .M/=A0 1onfi uration + shall be supported. The other .M/=A0 1onfi urations are not normative- but optional for O7/@.M/=A0. 7or information on GERAN A/Gb mode procedures for 7/@.M/=A0- O?/@.M/=A0 and O7/@.M/=A0 (for e(act details see G"M /ecommendations)C The active 1odec Mode is selected from the .ctive 1odec "et (.1") by the networ# (1odec Mode 1ommand) with assistance by the mobile station (1odec Mode /eIuest). This 1odec Mode .daptation- also termed /ate 1ontrol- can be performed every 8+ ms by oin one 1odec Mode up or down within the .1". The 1odec Modes in uplin# and downlin# at one radio le may be different. &n Tandem 7ree Operation both radio le s (. and 0) are considered for the optimal selection of the active 1odec Mode in each direction (uplin# . and then downlin# 0- respectively vice versa) by the F:istributed /ate :ecisionF al orithm. The worst of both radio le s determines the hi hest allowed 1odec Moderespectively the ma(imally allowed rate (FMa(imum /ate 1ontrolF). .ll rate control commands are transmitted inbandC on the radio interface- the 0T"=T/.3 interface and the T/.3=T/.3 interface. The .ctive 1odec "et is confi ured at call setup or reconfi ured durin the call. &t consists of three or four 1odec Modes at a iven time- selected from the set of allowed 1onfi urations. The selection of the 1onfi uration may be constrained by the networ# to consider resources and radio conditions. The confi urations (.ctive 1odec "ets) in uplin# and downlin# are identical. 7irst- at start up of Tandem 7ree Operation both .ctive 1odec "ets are ta#en into account to determine the common .ctive 1odec "et. The set of allowed .M/=A0 confi urations uarantees that A0=T7O is always possible. &n a later phase the 1odec 5ists of both radio le s may be ta#en into account to find the optimum confi uration. 7or e(act details see 3GPP T" *B.+;*. .ll confi uration data and update protocols are transmitted inband. The :TM scheme of the .daptive Multi=/ate Aideband 1odec Type mar#s with a specific "&:@7&/"T frame the end of a speech burst. "&:@7&/"T does not contain 1omfort 'oise parameters. This "&:@7&/"T starts the comfort noise eneration with parameters that are calculated at receiver side from the latest received seven speech frames. . :TM han over period needs to be applied therefore at transmitter side before sendin of this "&:@7&/"T. .bsolutely coded "&:@3P:.T2 frames follow about every ei hth frame (,;+ ms) in speech pauses. "&:@3P:.T2 frames are sent independently of the cell$s T:M. frame structure and are related only to the source si nal. .n O'"2T frame (typically) precedes in uplin# direction the be innin of a new speech burst. :TM on or off is defined by the networ# on a cell basis. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation allows the reception of 7/ .M/=A0 :TM information for the downlin# direction in all cases. 'ormative for 3T/.' terminals for 3MT"@.M/=A0. &f an 3T/.' terminal offers 1odec Type 3MT"@.M/=A0 in the capability list- then all allowed .M/=A0 1onfi urations shall be supported by this terminal. 'ormative for 3T/.' infrastructures for 3MT"@.M/=A0. &f an 3T/.' infrastructure supports 1odec Type 3MT"@.M/=A0- then at least .M/=A0 1onfi uration + shall be supported. The other .M/=A0 1onfi urations are not normative- but optional. 7or information on UMTS procedures for 3MT"@.M/=A0 (for e(act details see 3GPP T" *B.+;* (T7O) and 3GPP T" *3.,93 (Tr7O)C The active 1odec Mode is selected from the .ctive 1odec "et (.1") by the networ#. This 1odec Mode .daptationalso termed /ate 1ontrol- can be performed for the 3MT" .M/=A0 every *+ ms for the downlin# traffic channel- but only every 8+ms for the uplin# traffic channel by oin to another 1odec Mode within the .1". The 32 selects at call setup one of the two possible phases for 1odec Mode .daptation (odd or even frames). :urin the call chan es of the 1odec Mode in uplin# direction are only allowed in this selected phase. /ate 1ontrol commands received in downlin# direction are considered at the ne(t possible phase. 0y this definition the 3MT" .M/=A0 1odec Type is T7O and Tr7O compatible to the 7/ .M/=A0- the O?/@.M/=A0 and O7/ .M/=A0 and the 3MT" .M/=A0 1odec Types. The 1odec Modes in uplin# and downlin# at one radio le may be different. &n Tandem 7ree Operation or Transcoder 7ree Operation both radio le s (. and 0) are considered for the optimal selection of the active 1odec Mode in each direction (uplin# . and then downlin# 0- respectively vice versa) by a F:istributed /ate :ecisionF al orithm. The worst of both radio le s determine the hi hest allowed 1odec Mode- respectively the ma(imally allowed rate. .ll rate control commands are transmitted inband on the &u and 'b interfaces and out of band on the radio interface. The .ctive 1odec "et is selected at call setup or reselected durin the call. &t consists of three or four 1odec Modes at a iven time- selected from the allowed confi urations. The selection of the confi uration may be constrained by the


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networ# to consider resources and radio conditions. The .ctive 1odec "ets in uplin# and downlin# are typically identical. .t call setup with Tr7O ne otiation the Ori inatin "ide sends its preferred .M/=A0 confi uration and indicates whether it allows a chan e of this preferred confi uration or not (included in the 1odec 5ist). The Terminatin side then selects a suitable confi uration from the iven information and sends it bac#. &n case the terminatin side does not support Tr7O a transcoder is allocated in the path at a suitable position- preferably as close as possible to the terminatin side. This transcoder may by inband si nallin install a Tandem 7ree Operation after call setup. The set of allowed .M/=A0 confi urations uarantees that A0=T7O is always possible. &n a later phase the 1odec 5ists of both radio le s may be ta#en into account to find the optimum confi uration. .ll confi uration data and update protocols are transmitted inband on the T7O interface- but out of band within the 3MT" networ#. 7or information on Tandem 7ree Operation see 3GPP T" *B.+;* and on Transcoder 7ree Operation see 3GPP T" *3.,93. The "1/ scheme of the .daptive Multi=/ate Aide0and 1odec Types mar# with a specific "&:@7&/"T frame the end of a speech burst. "&:@7&/"T does not contain 1omfort 'oise parameters. This "&:@7&/"T starts the comfort noise eneration with parameters that are calculated at receiver side from the latest received seven speech frames. . :TM han over period needs to be applied therefore at transmitter side before sendin of this "&:@7&/"T. .bsolutely coded "&:@3P:.T2 frames follow about every ei hth frame (,;+ ms) in speech pauses. "&:@3P:.T2 frames are sent independently of the cell$s timin structure and are related only to the source si nal. .n O'"2T frame does (typically) not e(ist in 3MT" networ#s- but may be received in T7O from the distant partner. &t mar#s the be innin of a speech burst. F"1/ onF is always defined by the networ#. The defined Tandem 7ree Operation and Transcoder 7ree Operation allows the reception of .M/=A0 "1/ information for the downlin# direction in all cases. The "1/ scheme of the 3MT" .M/=A0 1odec Type is fully compatible to the :TM schemes of 7/ .M/=A0- O?/ .M/=A0 and O7/ .M/=A0. The e(act details of these 1odec Types and their related procedures (:TM- /ate 1ontrol- etc) are described in the respective standard documentation.

5.? MuMe 6u337 Codec (3G.32+M)

The 1odec &dentification (1o&:) code is defined to beC MuMe@1o&:CN +(,,,,.,,,,. The MuMe codec has one additional mandatory parameterC B@7 M"!ti !ier. B7MC ei ht bits. This defines the reIuired bandwidth for the bearerE the value is a factor of ;8% bKs when not eIual to +. Ahen eIual to !ero then a 3*# bKs. The F"in le 1odecF information element consists of ; octets in case of the MuMe :ummy 1odec (table 9.B)C Ta-le )%8. /odin0 of >Sin0le /odec> for the MuMe 1ummy /odec Type =ctet 13 23 33 +3 53 63 P"2"3ete2 Si$1le Codec Le$1t! 8$dic"tio$ Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86 9:M MS9 ? . 6 5 + 3 Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) + Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ (TS8 =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) MuMe@Co86 9"$d:idt! Multi lie2 F see $ote1 2 1 LS9

with FmF N mandatory Note :: 0AM NN + NR 3*%bKs

0AM NN ,=*99 NR factor n (multiplier of ;8%bKs) The procedures for use of this codec are defined in T" *3.,<* G,3H.


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This MuMe :ummy codec type is only for use in 1ore 'etwor# Oo0T1 procedures it shall 'OT be used across the radio interface. The MuMe :ummy codec indicates that an 3nrestricted multimedia path (3:&) is reIuired- subseIuent codec ne otiation may occur within this path usin MuMe protocols- e. . ?.3*8M. There are no encodin properties or codec specifications associated to this codec typeE it is purely an indication for a MuMe pipe.

5., MuMe2 6u337 Codec (3G.32+M2)

The 1odec &dentification (1o&:) code is defined to beC MuMe*@1o&:CN +(,,,,.,,,+. Otherwise- the 1odin is identical to the MuM2 :ummy 1odec described in 1lause 9.B. The Procedural description provided for MuM2 :ummy 1odec in 1lause 9.B is also applicable for the MuMe* :ummy 1odec. The MuMe* :ummy 1odec is used in core networ# procedures to indicate that a service chan e to multimedia was indicated by the networ#. The procedures for use of this codec are defined in T" *3.,<* G,3H.

5.10 Codec (-te$sio$

The 1odec &dentification (1o&:) code is defined to beC 1odec@2(tension@1o&:CN +(++++.,,,, in the Flon formF and +(,,,, N +(7h in the Fshort formF. &n T7O- see 3GPP T" *B.+;* G<H and in .o&P- see 3GPP T" 8B.++B G*3H the 1odec 5ists use in eneral the short form (8 bits) for the 1odec &dentifier. &n order to allow future e(tensions of this 1odec 5ists beyond ,; 1odec Types the F1odec@2(tensionF is defined. These 1odec 5ists may contain a certain 1o&: in the ran e G+(+h- +(2hH or they may contain the so called F1odec@2(tensionF (+(7h)- in which case the real 1odec Type follows in the ne(t octet in its lon form (B bits).

5.11 CS6"t" 6u337 Codec (#o8P)

The 1odec &dentification (1o&:) code is defined to beC 1":ata@1o&:CN +(,,,,.,,+,. The 1":ata :ummy 1odec has one mandatory parameter of one octet len th- for details see T" 8B.++B G*3H.

Codec List 5o2 t!e C"ll Co$t2ol P2otocol

7or call control on the air interface the 1odec 5ists need to be specified for each radio access technolo y separatelybecause it can not be e(pected that an 32 supports the same 1odec Types in different radio access technolo ies. 3GPP TS 24.008 C,D defines the call control signalling and how to use the "Supported Codec List &nformation 2lementF (&2). &t contains 1odec 5ists (in form of 1odec 0itmaps) for each supported radio access technolo y (identified by a "ys&:). The codin of this is &2 is iven here. &t is also used for T7O in 3GPP T" *B.+;* C.D.

6.1 S7ste3 8de$ti5ie2s 5o2 GSM "$d UMTS

The system identifiers for the radio access technolo ies supported by this specification areC "ys&: for G"MC "ys&: for 3MT"C +(++++.++++ (bit B .. bit ,) +(++++.+,++ (bit B .. bit ,)

These values are selected in accordance with C.D (3GPP T" *B.+;*).


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


6.2 Codec 9it3"

The 1odec Types are coded in the first and second octet of the 1odec 5ist 0itmap as followsC

B T:M. 27/

< 3MT" .M/ *

; 3MT" .M/

9 ?/ .M/

8 7/ .M/

3 G"M 27/

* G"M ?/

bit , G"M 7/ Octet ,

bit ,; (reserved)

,9 (reserved)

,8 O?/ .M/=A0

,3 O7/ .M/=A0

,* O?/ .M/

,, 3MT" .M/=A0

,+ 7/ .M/=A0

bit > P:1 27/ Octet *

. 1odec Type is supported- if the correspondin bit is set to F,F. .ll reserved bits shall be set to F+F.


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


6.3 Selected Codec T7 e

The "elected 1odec Type in a 0&11=based Oo0T1 ne otiation is coded as shown in Table ;.3=,. The same codin is used also in 3GPP T" *B.+;* C.D. Ta-le $%3' . /odin0 of the selected /odecAType (lon0 form"

Bit =ABit : CoI++++.++++ ++++.+++, ++++.++,+ ++++.++,, ++++.+,++ ++++.+,+, ++++.+,,+ ++++.+,,, ++++.,+++ ++++.,++, ++++.,+,+ ++++.,+,, ++++.,,++ ++++.,,+, ++++.,,,+ ++++.,,,,

Co#e$>T+ e G"M 7ull /ate (,3.+ #0itKs) G"M ?alf /ate (9.; #0itKs) G"M 2nhanced 7ull /ate (,*.* #0itKs) 7ull /ate .daptive Multi=/ate ?alf /ate .daptive Multi=/ate 3MT" .daptive Multi=/ate 3MT" .daptive Multi=/ate * T:M. 2nhanced 7ull /ate (<.8 #0itKs) P:1 2nhanced 7ull /ate (;.< #0itKs) 7ull /ate .daptive Multi=/ate Aide0and 3MT" .daptive Multi=/ate Aide0and BP"% ?alf /ate .daptive Multi=/ate BP"% 7ull /ate .daptive Multi=/ate Aide0and BP"% ?alf /ate .daptive Multi=/ate Aide0and spare- for future use /eserved for 1odec@2(tension

Name G"M 7/ G"M ?/ G"M 27/ 7/ .M/ ?/ .M/ 3MT" .M/ 3MT" .M/ * T:M. 27/ P:1 27/ 7/ .M/=A0 3MT" .M/=A0 O?/ .M/ O7/ .M/=A0 O?/ .M/=A0

for .o&P and T7Onot for Oo0T1

3p to ,,,,.,,++ ,,,,.,,+, ,,,,.,,,+

spare for future use /eserved for 1":ata dummy 1odec Type /eserved forMuMe* dummy 1odec Type 'OT2C codec not to be used across radio interface. for .o&Pnot for Oo0T1 MuMe*


/eserved forMuMe dummy 1odec Type 'OT2C codec not to be used across radio interface.



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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


3GPP Codecs 5o2 =o9TC i$ " S8P-8 -%"sed Ci2cuit S0itc!ed Co2e 'et0o2<

..1 =4e24ie0
&n a "&P=& =based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor#- as specified in 3GPP T" *3.*3, G,8H- ":P (&2T7 /71 89;; G,>H) and ":P offer=answer procedures (&2T7 /71 3*;8 G,;H) are applied for Out of 0and Transcoder 1ontrol as specified in 3GPP T" *3.,93 GBH. Table <.,., lists the supported 3GPP "peech 1odecs for a "&P=& =based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor#. Ta-le ,% % Supported 3GPP /odecs in a S4P'4 '-ased /ircuit S?itched /ore 6et?or=
Payload Type 6ame "udio/#MR References 8(T& R&C +?6. C21D Remar=s # lic"%le 5o2 &R@#MR, AR@#MR, =AR@#MR, UMTS@#MR "$d UMTS@#MR2 Support M"$d"to27. 'ot "ll #MR co$5i1u2"tio$s "2e 3"$d"to27. So3e co$5i1u2"tio$s "2e 2e5e22ed, see %elo0. = tio$"l. #MR-:9 is M"$d"to27 i5 :9 s eec! is su o2ted. 'ot "ll :9 co$5i1u2"tio$s "2e 3"$d"to27, see %elo0 = tio$"l = tio$"l = tio$"l M"$d"to27 M"$d"to27 M"$d"to27


8(T& R&C +?6. C21D

# lic"%le 5o2 &R@#MR-:9, =AR@#MR-:9, =&R@#MR:9, UMTS@#MR-:9 Use5ul i5 "$ #-i$te25"ce o4e2 8P is "tt"c!ed o2 T&= is used. Use5ul i5 "$ #-i$te25"ce o4e2 8P is "tt"c!ed o2 T&= is used. Use5ul i5 "$ #-i$te25"ce o4e2 8P is "tt"c!ed. o2 T&= is used 8TU-TG..11, #l"0 8TU-T G..11, ul"0 Used to t2"$s o2t 6TM&

"udio/GSM-(&R "udio/GSM-&R "udio/GSM-AR "udio/PCM# "udio/PCMU "udio/tele !o$e-e4e$t

8(T& R&C 3551 C1.D 8(T& R&C 3551 C1.D 8(T& R&C 5,,3 C22D 8(T& R&C 3551 C1.D 8(T& R&C 3551 C1.D 8(T& R&C +.33 C20D

..2 #MR
.M/ (7/@.M/- ?/@.M/- O?/@.M/- 3MT"@.M/ and 3MT"@.M/*) shall be encoded in ":P accordin to the M&M2 re istration in &2T7 /71 8B;< G*,H. The ":P offer=answer related rules in this /71 apply. The bandwidth efficient mode of /71 8B;< shall be used. To offer the bandwidth=efficient mode- the octet=ali n parameter should be omitted in ":P. The .M/ 1odec Types can be used in conversational speech telephony services in a number of different confi urations. 1onfi uration related procedures in 1lause 9.8 shall be applied also within a "&P=& based 1" 1'. The set of preferred confi urations is defined in T" *B.+;* G<H- Table <.,,.3.,.3=*. The confi uration is encoded in ":P in the mode=set parameter. One of these preferred confi urations- Confi*3NB3Co#e :- is recommended for T7O=Tr7O harmonisation between G"M and 3MT" networ#s. This confi uration shall be supported in a "&P=& based circuit switched core networ# to ensure interoperability with an .o&P=based 0"". ?owever- it is recommended that nodes in the core networ# (M"1=" and MGA) support all .M/ modes for ma(imum interoperability. To offer the .M/ codec in different confi urations- the .M/ codec may be included several times with different confi urations in an ":P m=line. . core networ# node performin a transcodin free interwor#in towards an .=&nterface (T7O towards any .=&nterface or Tr7O towards an &P=based .=&nterface) shall provide the parameters Fmode=chan e=periodN*F and Fmode=chan e= nei hbourN,F in offer or answer. The parameter Fmode=chan e=capabilityN*F shall be included by all other 1" 1'


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


nodes in the offer to ensure interoperability unless they received an offer from other nodes without this parameter and do not transcode.

..3 #MR-:9
.M/=A0 (7/@.M/=A0- O?/@.M/=A0- O7/@.M/=A0- 3MT"@.M/=A0) shall be encoded in ":P accordin to the M&M2 re istration in &2T7 /71 8B;< G*,H. The ":P offer=answer related rules in this /71 apply. The bandwidth efficient mode of /71 8B;< shall be used. To offer the bandwith=efficient mode- the octet=ali n parameter should be omitted in ":P. The .M/=A0 1odec Types can be used in conversational speech telephony services in a number of different confi urations. 1onfi uration related procedures in 1lause 9.< shall be applied also within a "&P=& based 1" 1'. The set of confi urations is defined in Table 9.<=,. The confi uration is encoded in ":P in the mode=set parameter. One of these confi urations- Confi*37B3Co#e +- shall be supported by all nodes supportin the .M/=A0 codec in a circuit switched core networ# to ensure interoperability. ?owever- it is recommended that a node in the core networ# supports all .M/=A0 modes for ma(imum interoperability. To offer the .M/=A0 codec in different confi urations- the .M/=A0 codec may be included several times with different confi urations in an ":P m=line. . core networ# node performin a transcodin free interwor#in towards an .=&nterface (T7O towards any .=&nterface or Tr7O towards an &P=based .=&nterface) shall provide the parameters Fmode=chan e=periodN*F and Fmode=chan e= nei hbourN,F in offer or answer. The parameter Fmode=chan e=capabilityN*F shall be included by all other 1" 1' nodes in the offer to ensure interoperability unless they received an offer from other nodes without this parameter and do not transcode

..+ GSM@(&R
G"M@27/ shall be encoded in ":P usin either the fi(ed payload type assi ned in &2T7 /71 399, G,<H or a dynamic payload type described accordin to the M&M2 re istration in &2T7 /71 399, G,< The G"M@27/ standard comprises a :TM scheme with D.:- "&: frames and 1omfort 'oise eneration that is automatically included in this ":P ne otiation. 7or 3ser Plane details see 3GPP T" *;.,+* G*8H. 'o other :TM scheme shall be ne otiated in ":P for G"M@27/.H.

..5 GSM@&R
G"M@7/ shall be encoded in ":P usin either the fi(ed payload type assi ned in &2T7 /71 399, G,<H or a dynamic payload type described accordin to the M&M2 re istration in &2T7 /71 399, G,< The G"M@7/ standard comprises a :TM scheme with D.:- "&: frames and 1omfort 'oise eneration that is automatically included in this ":P ne otiation. 7or 3ser Plane details see 3GPP T" *;.,+* G*8H. 'o other :TM scheme shall be ne otiated in ":P for G"M@7/.H.

..6 GSM@AR
G"M@?/ shall be encoded in ":P accordin to the M&M2 re istration in G**H. G"M@?/ shall be encoded in ":P usin a dynamic payload type described accordin to the M&M2 re istration in G**H.The options specified in G**H are not applied inside the 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor# and not across the .=&nterface- but set to pre=defined values as followsC a sin le frame ("peech or "&:) shall be included in one /TP pac#et- 721 and &nterleavin (redundancy) shall not be used- 2ncryption shall not be used- a pac#eti!ation time of *+ms shall be applied. The G"M@?/ standard comprises a :TM scheme with D.:- "&: frames and 1omfort 'oise eneration that is automatically included in this ":P ne otiation. 7or 3ser Plane details see G**H and 3GPP T" *;.,+* G*8H. 'o other :TM scheme shall be ne otiated in ":P for G"M@?/.


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


... PCM
P1M3 and P1M. shall be encoded in ":P usin either the fi(ed payload type assi ned in &2T7 /71 399, GeeH or a dynamic payload type described accordin to the M&M2 re istration in &2T7 /71 399, GeeH.

..? Tele !o$e-(4e$t

Telephony=2vent shall be encoded in ":P accordin to the M&M2 re istration in &2T7 /71 8<33 G*+H. The M&M2 type audioKtelephone=event in &2T7 /71 8<33 G*+H with default events and default rate shall be used to encode :TM7. Therefore- the rate and event parameters do not need to be supplied.


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


#$$e- # (i$5o23"ti4e)) (-"3 le Su UMTS

o2ted Codec List 5o2

This .nne( ives some informative e(amples how the 1odec 5ist for 3MT" may loo# li#e for the Oo0T1 protocol in a 0&11=based 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor#. . &n this e(ample the 3MT" 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor# does supportC 3MT" .M/*(set,)- (G"M) 7/ .M/(set,) and (G"M) ?/ .M/(set,) and G"M 27/. &t supports P1M- i.e. &T3=T G.<,,- here in the .law version- with transcodin . &t may support also 3MT"@.M/(set<)- G"M 7/- and G"M@?/ (not included in the list). One F"upported 1odec 5istF (with arbitrarily selected 1odec Type preference) could loo# at Ori inatin side li#eC

=ctet 1 2 3 + 5 6 . ? , 10 11 12 13 1+ 15 16 1. 1? 1, 20 21 22 23 2+ 25 26 2. 2? 2, 30 31 32 33 3+ 35 36 3.

P"2"3ete2 Codec List Le$1t! 8$dic"tio$ (L8) Co3 "t. 8$5o Si$1le Codec L8 Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86 #CS (set1) SCS (set1) M#CS Si$1le Codec L8 Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86 Si$1le Codec L8 Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86 #CS (set1) SCS (set1) M#CS Si$1le Codec L8 Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86 #CS (set1) SCS (set1) M#CS Si$1le Codec L8 Co3 "t. 8$5o =86 Co86

MS9 ?

6 5 + 3 Codec List (see 8TU-T E..65.5) 30

1 LS9

12.2(1) 12.2(1) (s "2e)

10.2(0) 10.2(0) (s "2e)

12.2(1) 12.2(1) (s "2e)

10.2(0) 10.2(0) (s "2e)

(s "2e) (s "2e) (s "2e)

(s "2e) (s "2e) (s "2e)

Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) 6 Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ (TS8 =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) UMTS@#MR2@Co86 ..,5(0) ..+0(1) 6..0(0) 5.,0(1) 5.15(0) ..,5(0) ..+0(1) 6..0(0) 5.,0(1) 5.15(0) (s "2e) (s "2e) =M(0) M#CS(+) Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) 3 Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ 8TU-T =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) Codec 8de$ti5ie2 5o2 PCM #l"0 6+<% s Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) 6 Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ (TS8 =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) &R@#MR@Co86 ..,5(0) ..+0(1) 6..0(0) 5.,0(1) 5.15(0) ..,5(0) ..+0(1) 6..0(0) 5.,0(1) 5.15(0) (s "2e) (s "2e) =M(0) M#CS(+) Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) 6 Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ (TS8 =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) AR@#MR@Co86 ..,5(0) ..+0(1) 6..0(0) 5.,0(1) 5.15(0) ..,5(0) ..+0(1) 6..0(0) 5.,0(1) 5.15(0) (s "2e) (s "2e) =M(0) M#CS(3) Si$1le Codec (see 8TU-T E..65.5) 3 Co3 "ti%ilit7 8$5o23"tio$ (TS8 =86 (See 8TU-T E..65.5 C6D) (&R@Co86

+..5(1) +..5(1)

+..5(1) +..5(1)

+..5(1) +..5(1)

The Terminatin "ide selects one of the 1odec Types and returns it- to ether with the selected codec attributes.


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3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


The .M/ 1odec Types may have very similar- if not identical codec attributes at Ori inatin side. The 3MT" as Ori inatin side can- however- already decide- which confi uration would be preferred in case the Terminatin side is 3MT" or G"M. . G"M 1ircuit "witched 1ore 'etwor# as Ori inatin side can not offer 3MT" .M/ (unless it provides local transcodin ) and the 1odec attributes for 7/ .M/ and ?/ .M/ may be Iuite different.


Release !


3GPP TS #$% !3 & !%!%! (#!


#$$e- 9 (i$5o23"ti4e)) C!"$1e !isto27

/han0e history
1ate TSG SAB TSG 1oc% /R Rev Su-jectC/omment +ld 6e?

12-2000 12-2000 12-2000 03-2001 03-2001 03-2001 03-2002 03-2002 06-2002 0,-2002 12-2002 12-2002 0,-200+ 0,-200+ 0,-200+ 0,-200+ 12-200+ 12-200+ 03-2006 06-200. 0,-200? 12-200? 12-200, 03-2011 03-2011

10 10 10 11 11 11 15 15 16 1. 1? 1? 25 25 25 25 26 26 31 36 +1 +2 +6 51 51

SP-0005.6 SP-0005.6 SP-0005.6 SP-01010+ SP-0101,, SP-0101,, SP-0200.? SP-0200.? SP-020223 SP-020+3. SP-0206,0 SP-0206,0 SP-0+06+6 SP-0+06+6 SP-0+06+6 SP-0+06+6 SP-0+0?+5 SP-0+0?+. SP-06000?

00+ 005 006 00. 00? 00, 015 01. 01+ 020 021 022 02? 023 025 02, 032 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3

8$t2oductio$ o5 Codec T7 e 9it-M" 5o2 Codec 'e1oti"tio$ 8$t2oductio$ o5 Selected Codec T7 e 5o2 Codec 'e1oti"tio$ Cl"2i5ic"tio$ 5o2 t!e use o5 t!e Codec List 8$5o23"tio$ (le3e$t Si3 li5ic"tio$ o5 t!e = ti3is"tio$ Mode &ield 8$t2oductio$ o5 UMTS@#MR@2 8$t2oductio$ o5 #MR :ide%"$d 8$t2oductio$ o5 G(R#'-?PSG Codec T7 es i$to Codec List 8$t2oductio$ o5 code oi$t 5o2 6u337 Codec 5o2 CS Multi Medi" (3G 32+M) UMTS@#MR2 is de5"ult Codec T7 e i$ "ll te23i$"ls o5 Rel-+ "$d o$0"2ds T2&=-Si1$"lli$1 5o2 "llo0ed #MR-:9 Co$5i1u2"tio$s Co22ectio$ o5 u li$< SCR "cti4"tio$ 5o2 UMTS #MR Co22ectio$ to t!e Codec 86 T"%le Co22ectio$ o5 SiHe "$d Re5e2e$ce o5 MuMe Codec A"23o$is"tio$ o5 #MR Co$5i1u2"tio$s (22o2 &i-es Co22ectio$ o5 SiHe "$d Re5e2e$ce o5 MuMe Codec T&=/T2&= Co3 "ti%ilit7 o5 UMTS@#MR "$d UMTS@#MR2 Cl"2i5ic"tio$s 5o2 #MR 3G-32+.M2 Codec 5o2 8$dic"tio$ o5 'et0o2<-8$iti"ted Se24ice C!"$1e Ve2sio$ 5o2 Rele"se . #dditio$ o5 CS o4e2 8P Use2 Pl"$e Co22ectio$s to CS o4e2 8P Use2 Pl"$e Ve2sio$ 5o2 Rele"se , Co22ectio$ o5 2e5e2e$ce 5o2 GSM-AR "7lo"d 5o23"t Ve2sio$ 5o2 Rele"se 10

3.0.0 +.0.0 3.0.0 +.0.0 3.0.0 +.0.0 +.0.0 +.0.0 +.1.0 5.0.0 +.1.0 +.1.0 5.0.0 5.1.0

5.0.0 5.1.0 5.1.0 5.2.0 5.2.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.+.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 5.5.0 6.0.0 5.3.0 5.+.0 5.+.0 5.5.0 6.0.0 6.0.0 6.0.0 6.1.0

036 1 003.

6.0.0 6.1.0 6.1.0 6.2.0 6.2.0 ..0.0 ?.0.0 ?.1.0 ,.0.0 ,.1.0 ..0.0 ?.0.0 ?.1.0 ,.0.0 ,.1.0 10.0.0

SP-0?0+.5 SP-0?06.? SP-11003+

003? 2 003, 2 00+1


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