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Save the Date

Nov 9th - Angel Party Nov 20th - Happy Hour Nov 24th - Thanksgiving Event Dec 6th - Holiday Party

Monthly Newsletter November 2013

The New Yearbook

and volunteer groups, places of worship, and more. AmSoc encourages its members to utilize the service and patronize the businesses featured in the yearbook, especially since many of the businesses have English-speaking staff. A few of the So Paulo-based businesses debuting in this years edition include Bos Barbecue, Casa Mimosa, Dr. Fernando Mendes (dentistry), and Hotel Nau Royal in the beachside town of Camburi. Painstakingly organized by AmSoc staff, including dedicated office trainee Renata Knittel, who devoted months of time and effort to this years project, the yearbook features the work of a different Brazilian artist each year. The beautiful cover of the 2013-2014 edition showcases visual artist Claudia Kiatake, who works mainly with metal and certified wood in the design of her scuptures. In every sculpture, I look for a reconstruction, a balance, extracting the power of the material and the softness of its shape, expecting to provoke a singular moment of contemplation, says the artist, who has exhibited in Brazil and the United States. More of her work can be seen at her website, www.claudiakiatake. com, and she can be contacted by email at

In This Issue
VIP Cocktail Party
Page 5: See some of the pictures from the evening that honors our sponsors and supporters.

Art schools
Page 6: How best to prepare your application for studying visual or performing arts.

Expos and Trade Fairs

Page 8: Mark your calendars for 2014s biggest events of the year.

Our Mission
The American Society of So Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership; encourages integration with the Brazilian society; and supports the American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

Every year, as October comes to a close, the annual American Society of So Paulo Yearbook arrives chock-full of member contacts and advice for expats. This years edition, 160 pages thick, lets members connect with one another and serves as a major source of revenue for the American Society. In fact, nearly 25 percent of the organizations annual income is garnered through the sale of business advertisements in the yearbook, which offers useful information such as emergency and public agency telephone numbers, recommended schools, social

Presidents Corner
A big thank you to all who attended the VIP cocktail event on September 19th in Moema. Not only was it an opportunity to thank our very special donors and helping Hands and Patron members, By Frank Pierce, but we also hosted AmSoc president several potential donors who had a chance to see and hear first hand about the Community Action Committees wonderful activities. Along with special guest, Mr. Dennis Hankins, Consul General of the American Consulate in So Paulo, the current Amsoc Board of Governors and past Presidents and Governors did a wonderful job of explaining the Amsoc vision and we hope to increase the amount of donations that will go towards our charitable and social activities. We have received several notes of thanks and compliments about the CAC and the Amsoc members who donate their time and resources. A big thank you also goes to the volunteers who have stepped forward to help with the upcoming Childrens Halloween Party to be held at the Marine House on the 26th. And yet another big thanks goes to the volunteers who are helping with the Childrens athletic activities (baseball, football, tennis, etc.). While we are here in So Paulo, either short term or long term, its important that our children remain active in sports and other extracurricular activities, and of course we cannot support them without the help from our wonderful adult volunteers. And, I cannot go without mentioning the great work by the CAC and all the volunteers preparing for the annual Angel Party on November 9th. Believe me, you dont want to miss the opportunity to help out that day and see the faces of children as they open bags of gifts. October is flying by and were already under the horario de vero! Not quite like daylight until 9:45 pm back in Michigan but its nice to come home after work with a little daylight left to enjoy. It also means more time for weekend activities my favorite being on the beach with friends. Nothing better than the beaches of the Litoral North in So Paulo and staying at the hotels, spas and pousadas of some of our generous donors like Hotel & Spa Nau Royal, Juquehy La Plage, Paradis Resort Mogi, Home Away at Barra do Sahy, and others. In November we have the Angel party on the 9th, Happy Hour at BOS BBQ on the 20th and our annual Thanksgiving Event on the 24th. In December, well have the annual Christmas party on the 6th. Check with the Amsoc office for details on all of these great events and please make sure to keep an eye on the schedules as events are coming fast and wed hate to miss someone. At the same time that our schedule of activities continues to grow, we are still looking to do more and need the valuable input of all Amsoc members for ideas. If you have any ideas for family, charitable or adult activities please contact me or any of the other Directors through the Amsoc office either via e-mail or phone. With your suggestions and input we can continue to support our mission of promoting friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events along with supporting the great American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism, and integrating with the local Brazilian society. We welcome and are counting on your ideas! See you in next months Forum. Abraos, Frank

Forum is published monthly, with the exception of January and July, by

About Forum

Lynn Cordeiro, editor and layout Ernest White II, staff writer Forum is printed by EGB. ( Views expressed in Forum do not necessarily reflect those of the American Society board of governors, members, or staff. Forum reserves the right to edit content for brevity and/or clarity.

The American Society of So Paulo Rua da Paz, 1431 04713-001 So Paulo, SP Tel: (11) 5182-2074 Fax: (11) 5182-9155 email the editor:



The American Society of So Paulo

Welcome to Our New Members

Welcome the following New Members who joined us recently. We are very grateful for your support! LAST NAME BARTOLOMEO CAVANAUGH DRIGGS HERRERO MALAGONI MILBERG OLIVEIRA PASSOS SCHEER SHRAWDER FIRST NAME Patricia Matthew Andrea Carlos Carlos Eduardo Josh MILBERG Luis Allfredo OLIVEIRA Lisa Delynn Joseph Linda SPOUSE Jean-Yves Carolina Ben Olga Branca Regina SOARES MOLINA Malu CASTRO Jhanayna SIQUEIRA Mario MEMBERSHIP Family Patron Membership Family Membership Family Membership Family Patron Membership Family Patron Membership Family Membership Family Patron Membership Family Patron Membership Family Membership Family Patron Membership GE Healthcare Citibank COMPANY GE Mecial LifeSpice Ingredients Honeywell Life Fitness NATIONALITY American American American Venezuelan

X2 Real Estate Investments Brazilian American American American American American

New Member Profile

Origin, time here: Born in Rio de Janeiro, lived overseas in the US and Singapore working for the University of Miami and then Johns Hopkins University over the last 15 years. Back in So Paulo for a month and a half now. My wife is Chinese Costa Rican, shes been in So Paulo for two weeks (and maybe I should have asked her to answer the questions below...) Why So Paulo: Good career opportunity and closer to my and my wifes family. Best things so far: Quindim and Brigadeiros :) But mostly the warmth and willingness that most people have to help which has made it a little easier to take the bureaucracy and often slow ways of getting things done - when compared to Singapore especially. Early frustrations: Still waiting for our furniture and things to clear customs in Santos ;) Getting so used to living college-style again with a mattress and plastic cups and paper plates that we may not want our stuff back when it finally gets in... Have saudade for anything back home: Not yet Progress with Portuguese: Having to update all my slang and idiomatic expressions as they are nearly twenty years out of date... and apparently I have a strong foreign accent these days... Favorite place to hang out: Higienopolis in general (No car yet so we mostly walk around)

Name: Gilberto de Lima Lopes Jr. and Yocklem Li



Consulate Corner: Grateful For American Citizenship

By Kris Morrissey, American Consulate November is the month when we Americans consider things for which we are grateful. This year, my list includes the New York Giants continued status as an NFL team; enough pumpkin pie filling to make my favorite holiday dessert; and, of course, my friends and family. But wherever we are in the world at our Thanksgiving table, many of us also may want to add our U.S. citizenship to that list. During my time here, I have had many Brazilian friends and neighbors ask some important questions about their or their childs or relatives potential U.S. citizenship. Here are the answers to some of the most common inquires. Should I just get a tourist visa for everyone in the family including our son who was born in the United States as we just want to take a quick jaunt to Disney? No. U.S. citizens are required to travel to the United States on U.S. passports, with very rare exceptions. You should make an appointment with the American Citizen Services Unit to determine if your child is a U.S. citizen and thus entitled to a U.S. passport. Both my wife and I are U.S. citizens, but neither of us has lived there since we were children. Are our kids who were born in Brazil eligible for U.S. citizenship? Yes, if the children were born in wedlock to two U.S. citizen parents who were both U.S. citizens at the time of the childs birth. I was studying at a university but overstayed in the United States to have my daughter. Is she a U.S. citizen? Yes. Any child born on U.S. soil, no matter the legal status of the parents at the time of birth, is eligible for U.S. citizenship. The only exception to this rule is children born to parents in diplomatic status (on a diplomatic visa). My mom is Brazilian and my dad is American. Am I eligible for U.S. citizenship through my father? Maybe. The regulations regarding children born to one U.S. citizen parent and one non-U.S. citizen parent are more complex. A child born in wedlock on or after November 14, 1986 is a U.S. citizen if the U.S. citizen parent can demonstrate five years physical presence in the United States, including two years there after the age of 14. There are other stipulations for children born out of wedlock to U.S. citizen parent(s). The rules regarding U.S. citizenship can be complicated. So, if someone you know has questions about U.S. citizenship eligibility, the best advice is to make an appointment with American Citizen Services to talk to an officer (in English or Portuguese). To make an appointment, go online to: http://brazil.usembassy. gov/service.html. You can also email with any questions. Happy Thanksgiving!



The American Society of So Paulo

VIP Cocktail Party

The American Society Board was delighted to host the Annual VIP Cocktail Party to thank Corporate and individual sponsors, Helping Hands and Patron Members for their significant contributions during the past year. The event took place on September 19th at the Cantina Esperanza in Moema, where owner Monica Tarallo prepared special Italian hors doeuvres for the nearly 100 guests present. Frank Pierce, Amsocs President, gave heartfelt thanks to our very special donors: We would like to thank you again for your generous contributions which have made such a positive impact on the lives of the children sponsored through our many social programs. Without the generosity of Corporations, artists, celebrities and the Helping Hand and Patron members this would not be possible. This years event hosted many of our donors as well as several potential donors who were excited to meet Amsoc members and hear the wonderful stories of helping children throughout So Paulo. Also present was our honored guest, Dennis Hankins, US Consulate General in So Paulo and several former Amsoc Presidents and Board members who continue their strong support of our organization.



So You Think You Can Dance, Act Onr Draw?

Tips for Performing and Visual Arts Applicants
By Kristina L. Dooley, former AMSOC member It used to be that when a teenager told their parents they were interested in studying something in the arts arena in college the response was How will you get a job with THAT degree?? Times have changed with growing exposure to the arts thanks to TV shows like The Voice, So You Think You Can Dance?, and amazing Broadway shows like The Book of Mormon. Students studying fine or performing arts at the university level will gain experience and training, while being afforded unique networking opportunities and exposure to professionals within their desired profession. Students interested in the arts can pursue a variety of degrees including a Bachelor of Arts (BA), a Bachelor of Music (BM), or a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA). When investigating a college students should check the institutions status in one of the national accrediting organizations: National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST), or the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD). In addition to traditional majors, artistically motivated students can pursue studies in areas such as Art Therapy, Game Design, Landscape Architecture, Arts Education, and Curatorial Studiesin addition to dozens more! In addition, students can choose to pursue studies at the conservatory level, a very focused experience with highly selective admission criteria. Students applying to conservatories should be prepared for intense competition in the application process. One common misperception is that students interested in the arts need not take courses outside of their major. Behzad Dabu, Senior Admissions Officer at Columbia College Chicago feels its important for students in the arts to be well rounded in their studies. Many kids think that if they can take pretty pictures, are funny on stage, or can make colorful art they dont need to understand history, culture, science, or law, says Dabu. Smart artists, who are aware and have knowledge to draw from, create work which is rooted in our culture today. Chris Andersson, Director of Admissions in the Drama Department at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University agrees, and stresses to his applicants the importance of the academic piece of the puzzle. Parents often assume that the academic requirements are lower for drama applicants than they are for other NYU applicants. That is not the case, says Andersson. What they are missing is that drama students will have plenty of theater studies and general education classes. History and theory are as much a part of a BFA program as is professional training. One key piece of the application process for visual arts students is the portfolio. Unlike the past, students now have the ability to use online sites such as to submit their portfolio pieces. Its important for students to remember that the unique nature of the portfolio is what helps the admission staff decide a students fit into a particular program. One portfolio will not fit all submissions, says Ehren Seeland, Coordinator of Student Recruitment at Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Every art, design and media institution will have a very different set of criteriasome leaning more towards the conceptual side of things, and some with more of a focus on the technical aspect. You will want to make sure to research the schools that you are applying to, and tailor your submission accordingly. For future Picassos or Warhols, the National Portfolio Day Association ( hosts free portfolio reviews from September to January each year throughout the U.S. and Canada. This is a wonderful opportunity to have portfolio reviewers from NASAD member schools provide you with feedback on your work. Portfolios take time to build, as does the research process into your chosen institutions, says Seeland. Prior to your senior year, take advantage of portfolio days, recruitment events, summer programs, and any opportunities that you have to meet with admissions staff to review your work prior to submission. Many students know from a young age that they are destined for a career in the arts, while others find their creative side while in high school. Whenever that moment strikes, its important to begin honing these skills and researching where their path may take them. As soon as the thought occurs to you to apply to a performing arts degree program, you should look for ways to continue your development as an artist, Andersson stresses to budding actors. Read plays. See shows. Get involved with theater in your community. The more time you spend inside the world of theater, the more comfortable you will be there and the more confident you will be in your auditions and interviews for your desired degree programs. Students choosing career fields in the arts are entering an intense arena of competition. However, a desire to pursue dreams increases their high probability for success. Dabu puts it best when he says Education is necessarybut passion is what will push you throughout your career! Kristina L. Dooley is the founder of Estrela Consulting, an Independent Educational Consulting firm helping families navigate the college search processes. Kristina is a former AMSOC member now living in Ohio and can be reached online at www.



The American Society of So Paulo

AmSoc Travel Club

artist Roberto Burle Marx, a friend of Pazs. Inhotim, now at 5,000 acres, is vast enough to require 1,000 employees. The garden, which boasts two dozen art pavilions, opened to the public in 2006. In 2011, it attracted nearly 250,000 visitors from all over the world. The pavilions include more than 500 works by noted Brazilian and international artists, such as Hlio Oiticica, Yayoi Kusama, Anish Kapoor, Thomas Hirschhorn, Matthew Barney,Doug Aitken, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Steve McQueen, Cildo Meireles and Vik Muniz. One pavilion is devoted to one of Pazs ex-wives, the Brazilian artist Adriana Varejo. Paz has plans to expand Inhotim with 10 or more new hotels, an 15,000-capacity amphitheater, and even a complex of lofts for those who want to live amid the collection. Let us know if you might be interested in this trip, or if you have suggestions for other trips, or better yet.if you would like to be on the AMSOC Travel Club planning committee! Email to

CAC News
Angel Party- Nov 9 Please join us! See article on page 16 Cleaning Supply Campaign Dec 1 -Dec 15. Our entities are desperate for cleaning supplies. The money they receive, goes for food for the children. As cleaning supplies are very expensive for the charities, but very much needed, your help would be very much appreciated. Please contact Eileen Tasso if you can help

We are thinking about getting a AmSoc Travel Club started with a trip to INHOTIM with So Paulo sculptress Claudia Kiatake in February or March 2014. Coach bus or fly to Belo Horizonte, 2 nights in a nice pousada, meals and English tour of wonderful INHOTIM. What is INHOTIM? The Centro de Arte Contempornea Inhotim is a museum and contemporary art museum located in Brumadinho founded by former mining magnate Bernardo Paz.Beginning in the 1980s, Paz converted a 3,000-acre ranch into a sprawling botanical garden designed by the late landscape



2014 Business Expos And Trade Fairs In So Paulo

By Ernest White II, Staff Writer With So Paulo being the largest city in South America and Brazils economic engine, business expos and trade fairs abound. Yes, the opening of the World Cup is arguably the most important event happening in 2014, but next year promises to be full of interesting, exciting events of all kinds. Aside from the Cup, and recurring cultural and sporting events such as the Bienal, SPArte, Virada Cultural, Formula 1, Gay Pride, So Paulo Fashion Week, and, of course, Carnival, at its heart, So Paulo is all about business, and weve compiled a list of some of the important conferences and trade fairs happening in town during the next year. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and some of the information can and will change between the time you read this and the opening of the event, but please feel free to use this guide to pencil in events that you find pertinent to your business or pastime. JANUARY So Paulo Prt--Porter and Couromoda As with most things So Paulo, Prt--Porter and Couromoda are the largest ready-to-wear fashion and footwear trade shows in Latin America. Gathering over 3,500 fashion, garment, and accessories brands under one roof, Prt--Porter connects retailers, distributors, buyers, importers, and opinion makers in the fashion industry. Held jointly with Couromoda, the regions leading shoe and leather goods and accessories fair, the events together attracted over 80,000 trade visitors to the 2013 edition. A free shuttle service ferries participants between the two venues. So Paulo Prt--Porter, January 12-15, 2014 Expo Center Norte, R. Jos Bernardo Pinto 333, Santana tel. (11) 3897-6100 www. Couromoda, January 13-16, 2014 Anhembi Exhibition Center, Av. Olavo Fontoura 1209, Santana tel. (11) 3897-6100 Campus Party Brasil 2014 One of the worlds biggest technology festival has its annual So Paulo edition every January. Attracting tech companies, developers, gamers, students, and hackers from around the globe, Campus Party is a week-long event that runs on the convergence of technological innovation, social media, electronic entertainment, software development, robotics, and the commercial and social application of these elements. Participants can visit for a day, or camp out literally in the festivals special area for tents and camping gear. Campus Party, January 27-February 2, 2014 Anhembi Exhibition Center, Av. Olavo Fontoura 1209, Santana FEBRUARY Extravaganza Brasil Utilizing the spirit of the venue the one-ofa-kind, Oscar Niemeyer-designed Bienal Pavilion at Ibirapuera Park this pre-Fashion Week event connects the art of fashion to the business of fashion. Extravaganza Brasil brings together select manufacturers, designers, and stylists with retailers, wholesalers, and distributors to commiserate over limited-run and exclusive items tailored specifically to the high-end Brazilian market. Extravaganza Brasil, February 20-21, 2014 Fundao do Bienal, Parque do Ibirapuera tel. (11) 3426-5665 MARCH Market Access Brazil Organized by London-based pharmaceutical advocacy organization eyeforpharma, the second Brazilian edition of this international pharmaceutical industry conference will be held in March. Uniting senior level executives in the industry with their governmental and policy counterparts and other leaders in the field, the conference allows participants to discuss regulatory, economic, and strategic matters related to public and private access in the countrys rapidly expanding pharmaceutical market. Market Access Brazil, March 25-26, 2014 Mercure Grand Hotel Parque do Ibirapuera, R. Sena Madureira 1355, Ibirapuera tel. +44 207-375-7509 (London) EBS Fair The Evento Business Show (EBS) Fair bills itself as the only trade fair in Brazil devoted to generating relationships between international and Brazilian event destinations, venues, suppliers, and event planning professionals. This years edition is expected to attract more than 4,000 specialists and leaders in the fields of event planning, marketing, human resources, training, and procurement, and will feature a carefully tailored mix of exhibitors offering products and services related to corporate, gastronomic, and sports events, as well as other shows and exhibitions. EBS Fair, March 26-27, 2014 Centro de Convenes Frei Caneca, R. Frei Caneca 569, Consolao tel. (11) 4786-2230 www.feiraebs. APRIL Intermodal South America Officially named the International Exhibition for Logistics, Cargo Transport, and International Trade, this massive event is merely the second-largest transportation and logistics trade show in the world. Centered on the four major modes of transport (air, sea, road, and rail), Intermodal attracts over 48,000 visitors and 600 separate exhibitors from some 45 countries to network and strategize about reducing shipping costs, increasing delivery times, and increasing profit margins, among other industryspecific concerns. Intermodal South America, April 1-3, 2014 Transamerica Expo Center, Av. Dr. Mrio Villas Boas Rodrigues 387, Santo Amaro tel. (11) 4689-1935 World Travel Market Latin America and the BRAZTOA Business Meeting In April, Latin Americas edition of the worlds largest travel industry event, World Travel Market, will be held concurrently with one of the quarterly business meetings of BRAZTOA, the Association of Brazilian Tourism Operators. Focusing on emerging trends in the travel and tourism sector, and featuring over a thousand exhibitors including airline and hotel companies, travel technology firms, destination management organizations, and tour operators WTM Latin America facilitates partnerships and collaboration within the industry.



The American Society of So Paulo

World Travel Market and BRAZTOA, April 23-25, 2014 Transamerica Expo Center, Av. Dr. Mrio Villas Boas Rodrigues 387, Santo Amaro tel. (11) 3060-4736 MAY Educar/Educador Marketed as the largest education exhibition and congress series in Latin America, Educar/ Educador combined several education-themed events into one immense yearly happening, packed into almost 7,000 square meters and under a single roof. In fact, the double name indicates as much: Educar (Teach) refers to the International Exhibition of Products and Services for Education while Educador (Teacher) is the monicker for the International Congress on Education. Concurrent events include the International Congress on Evaluation in Education, the International Congress on Educational Management, the International Congress on Early Childhood Education, the Virtual Forum on Technology and Innovation in Education, and the International Congress on Professional and Technological Education. Educar/Educador, May 21-24, 2014 Centro de Exposies Imigrantes, Rodovia dos Imigrantes Km. 1.5, Jabaquara tel. (41) 3033-8100 (Curitiba) JULY ExpoPrint Latin America 2014 Only cycling around every four years, ExpoPrint Latin America is still the regions largest event for printing and graphic arts. Featuring the most stateof-the-art developments in pre-press, printing, packaging, and finishing, the last show in 2010 drew over 35,000 people during its week-long run. This year, industry experts, vendors, distributors, and retailers will network as well as experience the latest technology in graphic finishing, digital and editorial print, commercial and promotional print, premedia, and transpromo media. ExpoPrint, July 16-22, 2014 Transamerica Expo Center, Av. Dr. Mrio Villas Boas Rodrigues 387, Santo Amaro tel. (11) 4013 7979 br ForMbile Known officially as the International Tradeshow for the Suppliers of the Furniture and Wood Industries, ForMbile gathers businesses in the furniture industry, including the main suppliers of machinery, raw materials, hardware, accessories, and related services from around the world to discuss the future of the industry. Last year, over 60,000 visitors attended. Lectures and workshops, as well as the Tradeshow for Resellers and Woodworkers accompany the main event. ForMbile, July 29-August 1, 2014 Anhembi Exhibition Center, Av. Olavo Fontoura 1209, Santana tel. (11) 3598-7829 site/hotsite.asp?IdEvento=311 SEPTEMBER Fiaflora Expogarden Latin Americas leading trade fair for landscaping, gardening, and floriculture allows companies and industry professionals to share knowledge and experience the most up-to-date developments in technology and design. Forums include urban and rural design, home landscaping, garden furnishing, and other areas of specialization. Fiaflora Expogarden, September 25-28, 2014 Anhembi Exhibition Center, Av. Olavo Fontoura 1209, Santana tel. (11) 3845-0828 www.expogarden. OCTOBER The Economist Brazil 2014 Each spring, British news magazine The Economist holds a meeting-of-the-minds in which business and policy experts discuss entrepreneurship, innovation, investment, and the economic outlook of Brazil. This years edition just wrapped up last month, having focused on the slowing economy, inefficient infrastructure, and other aspects of the custo Brasil. The Economist Brazil 2014, Date and location to be determined. So Paulo International Motor Show Held biannually since 1960, the Motor Show (known in Portuguese as the Salo Internacional do Automvel de So Paulo) has become the definitive showcase in Latin America for automakers and car fanatics. Brazilian and international car companies and industry professionals come together with the general public to experience the latest technological advances in automotive production and design, melding, in the florid language of the shows organizers, technology, functionality, and security with sophistication, beauty, and luxury. So Paulo International Motor Show, October 16-26, 2014 Anhembi Exhibition Center, Av. Olavo Fontoura 1209, Santana tel. (11) 3868-0300 NOVEMBER FIMAI/SIMAI 2014 The International Industrial Environment and Sustainability Fair (FIMAI) and its accompanying seminar series (SIMAI) offer industry leaders and professionals the opportunity to interact and increase their knowledge of best practices and developments in the area of sustainable industry. Targeted to both Brazilian and international participants, the shows organizers pride themselves on creating an atmosphere that fosters innovation in the field, especially regarding clean production methods, proper waste treatment and disposal, reduced emissions, recycling, environmental law, and social responsibility. FIMAI/SIMAI 2014, November 4-6, 2014 Expo Center Norte, R. Jos Bernardo Pinto 333, Santana tel. (11) 2878-2878

2010 2013


Save The Date - AmSoc Christmas Party

No snow this time. Instead, working on losing weight to look good on the beach. Well, the American Society Christmas party mixes the American and Brazilian Christmas spirits, a guaranteed good time. Join us on Friday, December 6 for our traditional celebration, an opportunity to see old friends and meet new American Society members. We are preparing an elegant cocktail, including Marlene Rubeizs special eggnog recipe. The party will get you in the Christmas spirit- an elegant house decorated for Christmas; Christmas caroling; and good food and drink. When: Friday December 6 from 7:30 to 10:30 pm Cost: R$60/person by November 25 R$90/person after November25 Where: The address will be furnished with your reservation Contact: American Society office 5182 2074

The AmSoc And Fellowship Church Thanksgiving Service

Almost 400 years ago a tradition known as Thanksgiving was born, and 200 years later it became an official US holiday, always celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. Three years ago, the AmSoc and Fellowship co-hosted a Thanksgiving Service on the Sunday evening afterThanksgiving. However, this year, with Thanksgiving being so late, the service will be on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving, November 24th. The service will start at 6pm and afterwards, the traditional turkey sandwiches, with refreshments, sparkling wine and homemade cookies and brownies will be served. All are welcome and if you wish to contribute to the sweets, contact Julie Herrmann at herrmannj@hotmail. com. The service will also be honored with the presence or our Consul General, Mr. Dennis Hankins. Traditionally in the United States Thanksgiving is the beginning of the holiday season and the good folks at Fellowship are having an array of holiday events to get you in the spirit. On Sunday, December 8th, the Fellowship International Choir, led by Marilyn Mangels, will perform their traditional Christmas Cantata during the Sunday morning service at 10:30. On Christmas Eve, caroling and refreshments will begin at 7:00 p.m. and then the actual Christmas Candle Light Service follows shortly after at 7:30. Fellowship Community Church is conveniently located at Rua Carlos Sampaio, 107 just 2 blocks from Ave. Paulista, at the Brigadeiro Metro Station. Discounted parking is available at GREAT parking lot, down the street at 176.




The American Society of So Paulo

Save The Date For The AmSoc Gala 2014

Remember how much fun we had last year? Not to mention the money we raised to benefit two of our charities-SPACE and Projeto Sol?

SAVE THE DATE Friday May 9, 2014

For the AmSoc Annual Gala/Dinner/Dance/Auction Fundraiser! Details coming soon! If you are interested in helping out with the planning, let us know! We need lots of help.

Marine Corps Ball On November 23rd

Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to invite you to join in the two-hundred and thirtyeighth Marine Corps Ball. This years celebration will be held at the Brazilian Army Facility - Circulo Militar in Paraiso and shall begin at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 23rd. Tickets will cost R$200 per person, and the event will include a cocktail reception, followed directly by a Color Guard Ceremony performed by the United States Marine Security Guards. Dinner will be served directly after the ceremony, followed by dancing and a wide array of music. There will also be an open bar available throughout the night. This years event is guaranteed to be the biggest and best ever in So Paulo. Please contact the Det Commander Jordan Martin at or Sgt Downing at DowningDS@state. gov for tickets.




AmSoc Sports
Annual Softball Championship 0-3. Unfortunately SMAB and Cerveceros did not advance, since the Bears took the 4th seed by having the higher net runs. In the semis, Team America, with players from the US Consulate and Chapel School, came back from 5-1 down in the 5th to beat Amsoc 8-5 with a flurry of longballs in the 6th inning, including 2 towering homeruns. The Cougars also came back from being down 5-1 to beat the Bears, also with a flurry of homeruns. In fact, the Cougars 3-4-5 hitters combined for 11 homeruns in the tournament, which propelled them in the finals to win after 4 innings by the 10-run mercy rule, thus taking home yet another championship, their 5th in the last six years, and their 3rd in a row. Two of the Cougar big hitters and their pitcher were voted Tournament co-MVPs (in picture left).

Amsoc hosted their annual softball championship on October 12 at CBBS (Confederation Baseball Brazil and Softball) sporting complex called CT Yakult, in Ibuina where there are 3 beautifully manicured softball fields and 1 major league baseball diamond where Brazil hosts their national championships and where the national team conducts its training. Six teams participated with over 80 players in total. Games started at 9:30am with each team playing three games to start. The scores of these games determined the seeds for semi-finals that immediately followed. After the first 3 games, the Cougars were in first place with 3 wins, followed by Team America and Amsoc tied at 2-1, followed by the Bears at 1-2 and two Brazilian teams, SMAB at 1-2 and Cerveceros (beer drinkers in Spanish) at

RANKINGS Team Cougars Team America AmSoc Bears SMAB Cerveceros W 5 3 2 1 1 0 L 0 2 2 3 2 3




The American Society of So Paulo

Visit by Youth Sports Program Little League Community to SPFC By Paul Groom Paulo; the trophies won by the club including 22 State, 6 National, 3 Continental (Libertadores), and 3 World Club Championships; the footballers dressing rooms and the tunnel to reach the pitch; the clubs Press Room; a competition for all to try and score a goal shooting through an impossibly small target placed on the goal and of course the opportunity to visit the So Paulo store and book store. Despite the rather cool weather, and the Clubs rather limited ability to provide a commentary in English, the experience was enjoyed by all, including AMSOC members animated enough to want to attend a game. The photos show the group in front of caricatures of famous So Paulo players, and the boys in the press room pontificating about their most recent games! So Paulo has a number of football related activities for visitors, of which the Museum of Football at the Charles Miller Stadium in Pacaembu is the most famous. However, it has become usual for large and successful football teams around the world to have stadium tours so that fans can experience the past, see the trophies and have a look behind the scenes. I myself have visited Liverpool FC in England, where they have a tour showing memorabilia of their record number of championships. On Saturday, 5th of October, AMSOC members made just such a tour. In So Paulo, the football team which takes the name of the city, SPFC, has instituted a similar tour that provides a visit to the suite of the President of the Club; the stadium itself; the history of football in Brazil and in the city of So




H ousing
Spacious 4 Bedroom Apartment right across Graded School for Rent Fully renovated, terrace & beautiful view, 425m with 4br/5bath, office, dinning and sitting room. Has built-in & walk-in closets, kitchen cabinets, maids room, storage, fireplace, 4 garages. Bldg: pool and tennis court. Av. J. Galante, 224. Cristiane Leite:(11)94216-6886/ Paulo(11)2884-4878 Luxury Apartment for Rent by Graded Prime location on Jose Galante. 400m2 w/ 3 suites. Master bdrm w/ 2 baths and 2 closets. Armored doors, marble floors, living w/ fireplace, central a/c, enclosed varanda w/ BBQ facility. Extensive amenities - 25 mt indoor pool, full gym w/ saunas, tennis court, outdoor pools and party room available. 5 car garage. Pls call Andrew at 98202-0008. Taylor Real Estate Luxury spacious houses, apartments and penthouses. Sales and rentals. Ten years experience with expatriates. Furnished and unfurnished. Trilingual Real Estate agents. References from consulates and multinationals. Photos sent by email. Relocation Service. Consult the site: Phone: 55 11 3079-8888 and 11 98774- 5100 (Maria Elisa) Vila Nova Conceio SPS Best Place to Live Near Ibirapuera Park. Modern building, with all sports facilities, pool, gym, play room, barbecue and sports court. 130m2, 3br (1 suite), living room with terrace, complete kitchen, big service area, two parking spaces. Fully furnished with all appliances. Contact Ana Beatriz (11)99626-6229 or (11)3849-7085 anabeatriz@ Math and Science tutor Fernando Knijnik has been offering tutoring services for over 25 yrs. Physics, math and chemistry are taught for all levels, including IB, SAT, ACT, AP, GMAT and Brazilian vestibular, to name a few. Mr. Knijnik has worked for several years in the international schools of SP. For more info, please call (11) 991346700 or Piano and Keyboard Classes Beginning music classes for piano or keyboard special method for children four years or older, teenagers, adults and senior citizens. Classes in Portuguese or English. Contact Suely Azevedo 98456-5365. Years of successful experience! Class in your house in Morumbi or south area. American-licensed Expat Psychologist Richard Morhaime, Psy.D., offers skilled psychotherapy for children and adults. He also provides complete diagnostic evaluations in English for children with academic or behavioral difficulties, featuring individualized recommendations for school and home. For more information, contact Dr. Morhaime at 5538-0099 or 99669-8057 or visit www.expatpsychologist. com American Licensed Psychotherapist Whether you are struggling with an individual or family problem, a good psychotherapeutic relationship can help you feel better about yourself, improve your relationships and find ways to help you reach your goals. Services: Individual, couples, child/ adolescent. Located in Moema.Contact: Pamela Wax, MSW/LCSW at 99656-2106 or pamwax@ Personal Trainer I will come to your home, office, or workout facility and create an exercise/fitness program tailored to your health concerns, fitness goals, and schedule. For adults and children, individuals or groups. Sessions in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. For more information please contact Daniela Franco at (11) 99739-6191 or Interiors Rental Furniture Quality and refined furniture rental for your home away from home. We offer great variety! A complete line of appliances, kitchen devices and linen & towels. Complements such as rugs, lamps and decor items. or

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November 2013
04 Monday

The American Society of So Paulo


Learn more about this months AmSoc events (highlighted) at

Book Club & Lunch

Time: 10h30 - 13h30. Book under Discussion: WILD by Cheryl Strayed. Location: Upon RSVP. RSVP to Time: 8h30 - 11h00. Location: Upon RSVP. RSVP to monthlycoffees@ Location: Arena Anhembi. More information: At Chapel School. More information on the following pages Diwali celebration in the usual gala style. Time: 7:00 PM. Location: Esporte Clube Srio, Avenida Indianpolis 1192. Info and bank details via Kesi Nair ( Happy Hour at Bos Barbecue. Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 559 Itaim. 7:00 pm Time: 6pm. Location: Rua Carlos Sampaio, 107 - Bela Vista, So Paulo, SP - Brazil - Tel (011) 3253-7609 Time: 12h00 - 14h00. Location: To be determined. RSVP to luncheons@ Time: 21h30 e 22h00. Location: Credicard Hall. More information: www.



INC Monthly Coffee

07 09 09

Thursday Saturday Saturday

Red Hot Chili Peppers Show Christmas Angel party DIWALI Nite 2013 - Indian Association of So Paulo



Happy Hour at BOS BBQ



Thanksgiving Celebration at Fellowship Church



INC Monthly Luncheon

28 29

Thursday & Friday

Sarah Brightman Show




Just A Few Days To Go To The Annual Angel Party

The fourteenth annual American Society Angel Party is just around the corner, on November 9 at Chapel School. Party planning is under control but financial help would still be appreciated in several areas: We still need back-up sponsors because we have new kids arriving as old kids leave. You can help by agreeing to sponsor one of our last children or being placed on the waiting list to be a super shopper (lots of shopping in a short time). You can also contribute R$400 so we can do the shopping for you. Other donations would be spent covering the costs of buses for the children, the show, extra refreshments and prizes for the games. Please consider helping in this way. To do so, write Sue Banman Sileci at We usually have 120-160 volunteers on the day of the party. These spots may have been filled but if youre interested in helping out, by all means contact Lauren Negro at lauren_milton@ And, of course, if youd like to come to the party to meet the child you sponsored or see what its about, dont hesitate to contact Lauren about that too. (You cant just show up. Security regulations at Chapel School require that we know in advance who is coming. Please let Lauren know.) Thank you for all your help so far and we look forward to a great party on November 9.

photo by Patricia de Luna

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