All About Planets and Its Significance

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All about Planets and its significance

The Sun It represents for Father in relationship and the good influence of the S u n i n o n e s horoscope gives birth of Son. In human body, influence of the Sun represents for Rightside and right eye. The Suns malefic influence could cause ailments in heart, head and possibility for the surgery. Good influence in ones chart brings success, name and fame to that individual. The person will be pious in nature, reliable, philanthropic, respectableable administrator, generous and popular. The Suns influence to the 10 th house would m a k e t h a t i n d i v i d u a l t o p u r s u e a c a r e e r a s A d m i n i s t r a t i v e o f f i c e r i n g o v e r n m e n t departments or in private departments. In business he may deal with Gold, Diamond and electronics. If it the 10 th house lord anyway connected with 9 th house placed The Sun, bestow him power to control vast land and become a politician, Chief Minister, Prime minister and president of a country or some cases he could become a King. The Moon It represents for Mother in relationship and in general the Moon represents for the female gender and relationships like Wife, Daughter and Mother -in-law. In h u m a n b o d y i t represents Left side and Left eye. Also it is represents for Stomach, Urinary track and Breast. The Moon is playing key role for the strength of ones mind and his grasping or learning skills, it governs the brain. The watery nature of the Moon influences liquids like L a k e , S e a , W e l l a n d R i v e r . I n f l u e n c e o f t h e M o o n t o t h e 1 0 th house could engage the individuals in Hotel Business, Shipping industries, Milk society, Fancy articles, Travel agents, Artistic pursuits like story writing and poetry. The Moon governs agriculture, oil merchants and vegetable shop. Mars In relationship Mars represents for Younger brother and husband. The Mars influential p e r s o n s a r e l i k e t o b e C o u r a g e o u s , H a s t y , S t u b b o r n , Arrogant, Selfish, Spendthrift, Quarrelsome, Emotional, Fool, easily f a l l s f o r f l a t t e r y , V a l o r o u s , Q u i c k t e m p e r , Retaliating, Cut and Dried and Hard hearted. They are more suitable for the dominating roles like, Police, Military Soldiers, Sports man and fire fighter. In industries he plays key r o l e s a s e n g i n e e r s , U n i o n l e a d e r s a n d i n s t r u m e n t m a n u f a c t u r e r . H e c o u l d b e c o m e a surgeon. The Mars influencing industries a r e E l e c t r i c a l , E l e c t r o n i c s , H e a t e r s , W e a p o n s , and iron, Mining, Metals and Minerals. Mars influence Eye brow, Teeth, Blood, Semen, Bone morrow, Bridge of the nose and Cardiac region in the human body. Mercury In relationship Mercury represents maternal uncle and Father in law, Younger brother and Sister, Girl and Boy friend. The Mercury influential person will have the tendencies of very expressive, resourceful, agile, imaginative, tricky, diplomatic, Cunningness, Romantic, Intelligent, Friendly, Humorous, Calculative, Soft spoken, Adaptable, Opportunistic. If he follows one business, the best suitable areas are Trade and commerce, Stationary shop, Publishing,

Accountant, Auditor, Writer, Comedian, Astrologer, Painter and lawyer where intelligence highly required. If he pursue a career he could become, Teacher, professor, Research engineer, judge, service in postal and telecommunication departments. In higher position he could act as an Ambassador, Councilor, CBI department and legal advisor. In the body it influences the Hands, Neck, Shoulder, Skin, Forehead, Tongue and throat. He is highly suitable for the commission agent and stationary merchant. Jupiter In relationship Jupiter represents for the Guru (Teacher) and general signification for good progeny, in Nadi astrology he represents for the self. In human body, Jupiter influences the Intestine, Nose, Thigh, Feet and Fat. Also he governs spiritual progress and mantras, Vedic scripts and temples. The connection to the 10 th house make one who influenced by the Jupiter makes him as manager, Judge, Lawyer, Minister, Holy personality like priest and Religious worker. He is well suited for Teacher, professor. The Jupiter influence makes one person very noble, straightforward and prestigiou s person, who is dutiful and conscious about good and bad deeds. Venus In relationship, Venus represents for Sister, Wife, Daughter and Sister -in-law also for general signification of Money, wealth, Luxuries and Vehicle. Having strong influence of the Venus in ones natal chart bestow artistic talents like Music, Dancing, Singing, Acting. The person who has more influence of the Venus in his/her natal chart will be very charming in nature and ever smiling, they are handsome and beautiful. In human body, planet Venus controls, Uterus, Semen, Ovaries, Cheek and heart. Best suited business are Scent making, Money lending, Jewelry shop, Cloth merchant, Cinema theatre owners, Saloon, Luxury goods, Handicrafts, five star hotels, Bar and restaurant , Beauty parlor, furniture shop, Vehicle showroom, Fruit juice shop, Wine shop and artisticgallery. Saturn Planet Saturn represents for the elder brother and servants. The Saturn influential personsare more like slow and lethargic in nature. The Saturn best suits for servitude and lowly paid jobs, they only pursue a job under some one. In human body, Saturn controls Chin, Feet, Buttocks, Anus, Knees, Foreleg and Digestive bladder. Saturn influence gives windy diseases. It is represents for Woolen cloth, oil mills, mines, Iron, Lead, Whirling wind, Storm, Gambling and Brick lawyers. RAHU Node Rahu represents for Grand father in relationship, also it governs for foreign and foreign related travels. Influence of the Rahu to ones natal chart

makes him as an actor, CBI officer, Smuggler, Thief and executive. The influence of the Rahu is much needed for Chemical industry, electronic industry, Secret organization, Defense department, foreign trade, liquor manufacturing, Bomb manufacturing, pesticides and poisonous chemical manufacturing. It influences Mouth, Head, Ear, Lips, Intestine, Rectum and testicles in human body. KETHU Node Kethu represents for Grand mother in relationship also it governs for Astrology, Religion, Occultism, Temple, Law and clandestine activity. Kethu influences Hair, Genitals, Nerves, Anus and Beard in human body. It is more associated with spiritual activities like Yoga, Meditation, Salvation, Philosophy and Fakir. Its influence are mos t needed for Doctors, Astrologers, Priests, Lawyers, Tailors, coir manufacturer, cable manufacturer, weavers, weaving industries, spinning mills, religious gurus and pranic healers.

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