Teams That Flow - Ebook From Nokia

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! #$%&'()*%+'$
4 The eIements of team ow
3 Srucure
2o working win ecnnolog,
,! -'..)$+*/%+'$
!4 lnormaion excnange
!3 Lisening, undersanding, inerpreing
42 Puing neads ogener
44 Croup-nink and ne m,n o brainsorming
43 1ne ar o posiive conic
01 2/3)45 /$( 6'/35
1 Keeping rack o i all
0! 7/88+$455
4 Healn and wellbeing
56 The hve habits of ow
09 -'$*3)5+'$
0: ;4/(+$6 3+5%
<1 =''35
<! >?4&*+54 @
<A >?4&*+54 !
!"#$%&'(#)%" 1eams 1na Flow
B4&4C =D'.85'$E #Forge Ldison. 1nis is How
Hisor,'s Creaes lnvenions eall, Happened',
1ne /lanic, np.//nokia.l,/19v0!

F3'G( H338'&%E 1ne lnuence o ne Croup Upon
/ssociaion and 1nougn, np.//nokia.l,/1\9qXd
Our culure nas a love aair win ne
arcne,pe o ne lone genius - bu i's
a m,n. wnile we like o give a ace
o grea innovaions and invenions,
more oen nan no ne reali, is
na nere's a eam benind na ace.
licnelangelo didn' pain ne
Sisine Cnapel ceiling alone. wnile
ne creaed ne design and did ne
bulk o ne paining, nis assisans
conribued o less inricae areas,
prepared ne plaser, and even
creaed a new kind o mould-resisan
pain, winou wnicn ne rescoes
could no nave been compleed.
1nomas Ldison didn' inven ne
lignbulb alone. Oners nad alread,
paened ne incandescen bulb
,ears beore nim. Ldison buil
on and ennanced oner people's
invenions - nis real discover, was
na a special species o bamboo nad
!"#$ &' ()* +',-)#"#.&-/" 0*'-1&+(&#2 #3 ()#'* 1*/"", '/(&'3,&2. #--/'&#2'
aL wor|. you`re producL|ve, engaged, confdenL and operaL|ng aL your fu||
poLenL|a|. w|en a Leam |s |n fow, |L`s |nnovaL|ve, |armon|ous and producL|ve.
4*&2. +/1( #3 &( &5+1#6*' ()* +*13#15/2-* #3 */-) 5*57*18 9#55:2&-/(&#2
&' +:1+#'*3:" /20 -"*/18 !1&-(&#2 &' '**2 /' /2 #++#1(:2&(,; 2#( / +*1'#2/"
()1*/(8 <#-/(&#2 /20 (&5* =#2*' +#'* 2# 7/11&*1'8 >)* 7/"/2-* &' ?:'( 1&.)(;
and everyL||ng fows.
a nigner resisance o elecrici, nan
carbonised paper, and could produce
lign more ecienl, as a resul.
Samuel lorse didn' inven ne
elegrapn alone, einer. l was a
co-invenion o lorse, Cnarles
wneasone, Sir william Fonergill
Cooke, Ldward Dav,, and Carl
/ugus von Seinniel. 1neir
independen researcn and discoveries
combined ogener o creae
wna became ne elegrapn.
1ne run is, mos o us work beer
wnen we collaborae win oners.
we've known nis or almos a
cenur,, since social ps,cnologis
Flo,d /llpor's experimens revealed
na people working a a able win
oners perormed beer nan wnen
ne, sa alone, even nougn ne,
weren' collaboraing or compeing.
!"#$%&'(#)%" 1eams 1na Flow
I'C+/E Design our Da,&
I'C+/E lobile laser,&
1ecnnological advances nave
creaed nuge new opporuniies or
collaboraion. 1ne, nave given us
m,riad wa,s o communicae win
email, insan messaging and social
neworks - in ac, ne muliude o
opions can someimes be dauning.
1ecnnolog, nas unenered us rom
our desks and made i possible o
build eams na cross borders and
imezones. l nas given us open source
culure, wnicn nas creaed a wnole
new wa, o collaborae. l can ennance
our memor,, and nelp us work smarer
and aser. Soware and gadges
are an inegral par o our eams.
1nis book is a guide o building a
eam na ows. Coninuing rom
our previous Smarer Lver,da,
publicaions - Design our Da,,

and lobile laser,
- we're going
o begin win ne neor,, explaining
ne conceps and elemens ,ou
need o creae ow, beore moving
ono ne pracicaliies o narnessing
ne power o collaboraion,
working alongside ecnnolog,,
and leading a more producive
working lie winin an, eam.
lnroducion !
J K')L&4 *D/334$64(
1ne ask ,ou're aemping isn' oo
dicul, bu i's no so simple na
,ou ge bored.
J You give your whoIe attention
1nere are no disracions and ,ou're
giving ne ask ne concenraion i

J You have cIear goaIs
ou know wna ,our goal is and keep
rack o ,our progress owards i.
J You get immediate feedback
ou know insanl, wnener or no
,ou've ni ,our goal.
J K') M443 %'%/33G +..4&54(
ou eel deepl,, eorlessl, involved
in wna ,ou're doing and removed
rom an, worries or rusraions.
J You have controI of your actions
ou acivel, make cnoices abou wna
,ou're doing.
J K') 3'54 G')&543M
ou lose an, sel-consciousness or
ne lack o sel-condence na mign
come win i.
J You feeI time pass dierentIy
During ne ask, i eels as nougn
ime sands sill, bu aerwards,
,ou're no sure wnere ne ime wen.

$,% %.%/%#$&
"0 $%1/ 0."2
1ne ps,cnologis linl, Csikszenminl,i, wno was ne rs o ouline
ne concep o ow, suggess na in a ow sae.
N+DO3G -5PC5Q4$%.+DO3G+E
Flow. 1ne Ps,cnolog, o ne Opimal Lxperience
N+DO3G -5PC5Q4$%.+DO3G+E
Flow. 1ne Ps,cnolog, o ne Opimal Lxperience
1eams 1na Flow 1ne elemens o eam ow
ln nis descripion, nere are a lo o
',ous', and in mos popular business
ninking, ow is almos exclusivel,
discussed in relaion o ne individual.
However, wnile people ocus on
individual ow, Csikszenminl,i
recognised ne role o eams and
collaboraion in ow. 1ne problem
win ocusing on individual ow is na
i pus ne onus on ,ou o cnange
,our benaviour, innovae and succeed
alone, wnen ne run is na nign
perormance is more likel, o be ne
resul o collaboraion and being par
o a eam na ows.
Csikszenminl,i wries na group
ow is cnaracerised b, ve nings.
@R -3/&+%G
Knowing wna's expeced o ,ou.
!R -4$%4&+$6
Knowing na ,our eammaes are
ineresed in wna ,ou're doing.
,R -D'+*4
Knowing na ,ou nave opions.

AR -'..+%.4$%
/ sense o rus in ,our eam na
les ,ou eel unselconscious.
0R -D/334$64
lncreasingl, complex cnallenges
o ackle.
we'll look in depn a now eams
can acnieve nese 've Cs' in ne
ollowing cnapers.
@2#$&2. $)/(A' *B+*-(*0 #3 ,#:8
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"*(' ,#: 3**" :2'*"3-#2'-&#:'8
D2-1*/'&2.", -#5+"*B -)/""*2.*' (# (/-E"*8
1ne srucure o an, eam is a signican elemen i ,ou're
r,ing o creae ne condiions needed or ow. Srucure nas
a big impac on ne rs, nird and ourn o Csikszenminl,i's
've Cs' - clari,, cnoice and commimen.

1radiionall,, eams ended o be
srucured in one o wo ormas.
@R S&'T4*% %4/.5
Dedicaed o a specic projec
or projecs.
!R U84&/%+'$/3 %4/.5
Underaking ongoing aciviies,
sucn as providing goods or services.
1nen, ne, would end o be organised
in one o wo wa,s.
@R F)$*%+'$/3
lembers nave similar roles and repor
in o ne eam leader.
!R N/%&+?
lembers nave dieren roles and as
well as reporing o ne eam leader,
ne, repor o dieren managers or
dieren aspecs o neir work.
9 1eams 1na Flow Srucure
1nese kinds o eams also require
people o ake on addiional roles
o nelp nem uncion, including.
J =4/. 34/(4&
1akes responsibili, or ne eam,
cnairs meeings, and pla,s ne
ke, role in decision making and
allocaing asks and aciviies.
J ;4*'&( C4484&
1akes and disribues
noes in meeings.
J S&'6&455 *D/54&
esponsible or ensuring na ne
eam is keeping o scnedule and
na asks are being compleed.

wnile nese mign be ne mos

common wa,s o srucuring a
eam, ne,'re b, no means ne
onl, wa, o do so. 1ne srucure o
eams is evolving, as people look
or beer wa,s o working, and
- pernaps inadverenl, - beer
wa,s o make neir eams ow.
1ne rise o ecnnolog, nas
possibl, pla,ed ne larges role
in nis evoluion - eams don'
nave o be in ne same pn,sical
place an,more nanks o new
menods o communicaion, and
ne uncional roles winin eams
nave cnanged as ecnnolog,
nas made i increasingl, eas, o
auomae adminisraive asks.
1nere's no one wa, o srucuring
a eam na guaranees ow, bu in
ne ollowing pages we'll snowcase
some new, and in some cases radical,
approacnes o eam srucure o
give ,ou a ew ideas abou now
srucural cnanges could nelp. ou
mign nd one na seems perec
or ,ou, or insead bring ogener
elemens o muliple ideas - wnaever
works bes o nelp bring ,ou and
,our eam acnieve ow ogener.
Cpen University, How 1eams work,
Srucure 1eams 1na Flow 10
&56789:;:<5= >5:9?'
VD/% +5 / 543MW./$/64( %4/.X
ln a sel-managed eam, eam
members ake responsibili, or
deciding ne work o be done, seing
goals, monioring and improving
perormance, making decisions and
solving problems. However, ne
ulimae goal or purpose o ne eam
is se exernall,.
/ 'sel-direced' eam nas an
even greaer degree o auonom,,
and decides is own overall goal
and purpose.
The benehts of seIf-managed teams
Sel-managing and direcing
eams are a comparaivel, new
developmen, and nave been
widel, recognised as a signican
innovaion and improvemen in
erms o eam perormance.
Sel-managed and sel-direced eams
nave a series o poenial benes.
J Cost savings
Companies nave acnieved signican
cos savings, because sel-managed
eams are more empowered o
deliver coninuous improvemens.
J etter productivity
Sel-managed eams end
o be able o do more win
less, and do i aser oo.
J 7/88+4& %4/.5
Sel-managed eams repor
increased lo,al,, less abseneeism
and lower sa urnover.
Sel-managed eams also represen
a good opporuni, o creae ow,
b, providing ne kind o close-
kni and ransparen srucure
wnere ne ve Cs can ourisn.
Robert T. HoweII, '
'Fosering Sel-Direced 1eam lembers', Journal o
1ecnnolog, Sudies, np.//nokia.l,/19uZK\

rad Power,
#How 1o,oa Pulls lmprovemen rom ne Fron Line', Harvard
Business eview, *++,-../01234*/54152.$6!!.67.*189+1:1+;9
1o,oa - wnicn uses ne HLL plaorm or is
in-car navigaion and inoainmen s,sems - is
renowned or ne 1o,oa Producion S,sem and
is promoion o ecienc, and producivi,.
One elemen o ne 1o,oa Producion S,sem is
na eams nave a lo o conrol wnen i comes o
making improvemens o processes and pracices.
aner nan managemen dicaing rom ne op
down, ne managers go o ne 'ron line' on a
regular basis. /ll eam members nave ne abili,
o make suggesions or improvemens, wnicn are
nen reviewed b, ne res o ne eam. l ne eam is
benind an idea, i's nen passed up ne managemen
cnain. 1nis s,sem encourages a culure o
coninuous improvemen, and also gives people a
sense o empowermen and pride in neir work.
Srucure 1eams 1na Flow 12
VD/% +5 D'3/*&/*GX
/ more exreme ake on sel-managed
and sel-direced eams, a nolacrac, is
a eam wnicn is enirel, auonomous
and sel-relian, win eacn individual
member being solel, responsible or
neir own role winin ne group.
ln nolacrac,, nere is a big ocus on
governance, and providing clari, on
wna needs o be done, wno needs o
do i, and wna processes need o
be ollowed.
/ second ke, ocus is processing
ension, and urning rusraion
ino meaningul cnange, raner nan
leing i compromise communicaion,
producivi, and, in urn, ow. 1ne
idea is na eam members ge
rusraed wnen ne, eel somening
isn' being done ne rign wa, -
raner nan seeing nis as a negaive,
nolacrac, sees nis as an opporuni,
o learn and make improvemens.
enehts of hoIacracy
/s i is sill currenl, on ne margins
o mainsream business pracices,
ne ull eecs o nolacrac, are sill
emerging. However, ne poenial
benes o swicning o a nolacraic
eam are.
J #$*&4/54( /6+3+%G
1eams are able o make decisions
aser, and adap o cnange win
less dicul,.
J A cuIture of innovation
/n open orum or le-eld ideas
inuses ever, aspec o work win
ne jo, o discover,.
J UniversaI transparency
Holacraic eams give sa a eeling
o value b, promoing ransparenc,
and creaing avenues b, wnicn ne,
can air neir concerns and urn
nem ino improvemens.
lucn like sel-managed eams, a
nolacraic srucure is also likel, o
encourage ow because i provides
or eacn o ne 've Cs'.
Srucure 1! 1eams 1na Flow
Srucure 1eams 1na Flow
1ne /gile lanieso,

VD/% +5 /6+34X
/gile sared as an approacn o eams
and projec managemen in soware
developmen, bu i nas since spread
ino eams in oner indusries and
wnile over ime ne deniion ma,
nave evolved, ne '/gile lanieso' nas
welve ke, principles. O nose welve,
ne ollowing our are ne mos
relevan wnen i comes o creaing a
eam srucure na promoes ow.
J Build projecs around moivaed
individuals. Cive nem ne
environmen and suppor ne,
need, and rus nem o ge ne job
J 1ne mos ecien and eecive
menod o conve,ing inormaion o
and winin a developmen eam is
ace-o-ace conversaion.
J Simplici, - ne ar o maximising
ne amoun o work no done -
is essenial.
J / regular inervals, ne eam
reecs on now o become more
eecive, nen unes and adjuss
is benaviour accordingl,.

Cenerall, speaking, in an agile eam,
ne members mee or dail, 'sand-
ups' or 'scrums', wnere ne, discuss
wna ne,'ve done, wna ne,'re
doing nex and an, issues
blocking neir progress.
1nere is a big ocus on prioriisaion,
and also on delivering small
incremenal cnunks o work, raner
nan compleing a projec in is
enire, beore releasing i.
Looking back on projecs in
'rerospecives' is also an imporan
acor, o ake as man, learnings and
ideas or improvemen as possible
awa, rom a nisned piece o work.
1 1eams 1na Flow Srucure
enehts of agiIe
1nere are our main benes o an
agile eam srucure.
@R F/5%4&
our eam can sar generaing value
aser b, geing nings o marke/ne
cusomer/ne user aser.
2. Lower risk
ou wase less ime and mone, on
projecs and ideas na ma, no
work b, releasing nem and geing
eedback sooner.
,R K') M/+3 M/5%
ou can spo and x deecs earl, on.
4. Transparency & visibiIity are buiIt in
Dail, communicaion is ke, o agile
and eam members nave oal
visibili, on wno is doing wna,
and on wn, work needs o be done.
4@E5B;95;> *D<D>:6 &5BEDA5
N4&+ V+33+/.5E
#People managemen in an agile seing', Covernmen
Digial Service, np.//nokia.l,/1\aCo
1ne Covernmen Digial Service (CDS) is a
eam winin ne Unied Kingdom Cabine
Oce na is cnarged win ransorming
ne UK governmen's digial services. l nas
delivered award-winning projecs sucn as ne websie using an agile approacn.
CDS creaed nign-perorming muli-disciplinar,
eams, consising o designers, developers,
user researcners, conen designers, ecnnical
arcniecs, deliver, managers, produc managers
and expers in cusomer insign, web operaions
and produc anal,ics. 1ne eam members worked
ogener o build digial producs and services.
/lnougn nese agile eams decide beween
nemselves wna ne, do and now ne, do i,
ne, sill nave managers. 1ne manager's role is o
cover pasoral care, macn people o work na
s neir skills and ineress, provide nelp win
developmen, raining and career guidance.

1eams 1na Flow Srucure
FDB>G:6 @B
:?CAHB@;@G? >5:9?
What is a virtuaI or asynchronous team?
\irual or as,cnronous eams are ones
wnere ne members work in dieren
locaions and/or a dieren imes.
1nis could mean na members work
dieren sni paerns in ne same
oce, or na ne, work in dieren
counries in dieren imezones. 1ne
ke, acor is na ne,'re no working
in ne same place a ne same ime.
1ne primar, dierence is na in a
eam wnere people are in ne same
locaion and working ne same nours,
communicaion is s,ncnronous. wnen
,ou ask a quesion ,ou can expec
an immediae answer, because nere
are los o opporuniies or ace-
o-ace meeings and discussions,
and o pass work immediael,
beween eam members.
ln a virual eam, communicaion is
as,ncnronous - i's rare or a eam
o ge ogener in person (or even
on ne pnone) or meeings and
discussions, or o nand over work.
lnsead, eacn individual eam member
works on neir own, win collaboraion
and agreemen aking place
as,ncnronousl, nrougn nings like
email, messaging, snared documens,
and projec managemen soware.
1nis allows people o work in neir
own wa,, a neir own pace, a a ime
na suis nem, wnerever ne, are.
1eam members will oen nave
muliple asks, so i ne, are blocked
and need inpu rom a eam member
wno isn' available a ne ime,
ne, will sni o ne nex ask.
1eams 1na Flow Srucure
What are the benehts of virtuaI and
/5G$*D&'$')5 %4/.5X
Some o ne benes o a virual eam
and as,ncnronous work are.
J =/34$%
ou nave ne opporuni, o nire
ne bes sa, irrespecive o wnere
ne, are in ne world.
J Cost savings
ou can poeniall, make savings on
oce space, ravel coss, and can
use nese savings o oer beer
salaries o arac ne bes alen.
J Productivity
1eam members experience
ennanced producivi, winou
ne exraneous cogniive
and social demands o a
radiional oce ecos,sem.

J 7/88+$455
1eam members appreciae
ne exibili, oered b,
as,ncnronous work na les
nem adop neir own scnedule.
J FIow
/llowing people o work in neir
own ime winou disracion
also increases ne cnances o
nem acnieving individual ow.
ln a virual eam, group ow akes
on a dieren meaning, win eam
members all acnieving ow alone,
a dieren imes, bu sill
due in par o ne wa, ne
eam is srucured.
#@ID: JKJ &:65? >5:9
Niko l,kkanen is ne Head o B2B Sales a Nokia,
and leads a eam na operaes in various ime
zones rom /usralia o ne Unied Saes. He sa,s.

we don' mee in person oen, bu we are in oucn

almos ever, da, in one wa, or anoner. wnen
our genlemen in /usralia leave ne oce a ne
end o ne da,, our colleagues in lndia and liddle
Las are in ull speed. Lurope, Norn /merica
and Lain /merica ollows. 1nis brings incredible
culural ricnness and ne possibili, o learn new
wa,s o do nings. However, due o ne breadn
o ime zones ne radiional 9am - pm nours
simpl, doesn' work or us. we are accusomed
o grab our Lumia pnones and nave sponaneous
inerconinenal calls on a dail, basis, and we
also nave grea inernal ools like Socialcas and
Salesporal na nelp us o snare ideas, send
enquiries on no opics, and simpl, ake nings
orward, regardless ne ime and place. L,nc, win
video capabiliies is also an invaluable ool we
use ever, single da, on bon PC and Nokia Lumia
smarpnones, nelping o drive opporuniies a
nand winou using email wnicn is someimes oo
ime-consuming in our as-paced environmen.
Srucure 1eams 1na Flow 22
@7 LB:A>DA5
Communiies o pracice are groups
made o members win a common
concern, passion or ineres. 1ne, come
ogener o snare neir ineres and
improve neir skills nrougn ineracion.
1ne, can be online or oine, can
operae inside ne workplace or ouside
o i, and ma, manies nemselves as
a learning nework, club or mee-up.
1ne, mign no be a eam in ne
radiional sense o ne word, bu we
nave included communiies o pracice
because o ne valuable role ne, can
pla, in snaring, spreading and growing
knowledge. 1ne, can be a paricularl,
useul resource or people wno work in
a eam or organisaion wnere ne, nave
a unique skill or area o ineres, wnicn
ne people ne, work win on a da,-o-
da, basis can' nelp nem develop.
Lncouraging ne creaion o communiies
o pracice winin an organisaion, or
encouraging sa members o nd one
ouside work o join can nelp nem o
none neir skills and give nem a nework
o experience and suppor o ap ino.
Srucure 1eams 1na Flow 2!
#@ID: *5E56@L5B
Nokia Developer is an online communi,
o pracice na aims o nelp people
creae and publisn neir own apps.
1ne websie eaures a wiki and blog providing a
wealn o inormaion and news or developers, and
discussion boards wnere people can ask quesions
and give advice, nelping o build knowledge and
boos skills among ne wnole communi,.
working win ecnnolog, 1eams 1na Flow 2o
2")M(#4 2($,
ln ne previous lobile laser,
ebook, we looked a lengn a
now ecnnolog, can aec ow and producivi,. ln paricular,
we examined now easil, ecnnolog, can disrac us.
1ne inerne can oen eel like 'an ecos,sem o disracion
- alwa,s-on inerne, muliple devices,
noicaion pop-ups and asning ligns ever,wnere can make
i nard o reacn and mainain ow. e wnen work ges ougn,
na kind o disracion can sar o look ver, emping.
I'C+/E lobile laser,, np.//nokia.l,/llebook
Cory Doctorow

l's eas, o use ecnnolog, o ool
,oursel na ,ou're working nard
and acnieving los - reading all ,our
emails and cnecking on all nose
noicaions can give ,ou a lile
dopamine ni na makes ,ou eel like
,ou're geing somening done, wnile
,ou ignore ne bigger, ougner, bu
ulimael, more rewarding asks na
would require ,our ull aenion.
Bu despie nis, ecnnolog,
nas nuge poenial o suppor
bon eam and personal ow.
1ecnnolog, can be deplo,ed o
ensure ,ou nave nose cnaracerisics
na Csikszenminl,i sa,s are cenral
o ow. i can be used o creae
engaging and immersive online
working environmens, and soware
can make workow, seing goals and
geing eedback aser and easier.
Used in ne rign wa,, ecnnolog, can
be jus as mucn a par o ,our eam as
people are. wnen people work in rue
narmon, win ecnnolog,, ne, can
become 'cenaurs', o use a erm na
emerged rom ne world o cness.
2 1eams 1na Flow working win ecnnolog,
Journalis and aunor Clive 1nompson
discusses cenaurs in nis book
Smarer 1nan ou 1nink. 1ne
ussian cness grandmaser Carr,
Kasparov was amousl, deeaed
a ne game b, lBl's purpose-
buil cness compuer Deep Blue in
199 (alnougn Kasparov nad won
a neir rs meeing a ew ,ears
earlier). 1nompson wries na aer
ne macn Kasparov wondered.
wna would nappen i, insead o
compeing agains one anoner,
numans and compuerscollaboraed?
wna i ne, pla,ed on eams
ogener-one compuer and a
numan acing o agains anoner
numan and a compuer? 1na wa,, ne
neorized, eacn mign bene rom
ne oner's peculiar powers. 1ne
compuer would bring ne lignning-
as-i uncreaive-abili, o anal,ze
zillions o moves, wnile ne numan
would bring inuiion and insign, ne
abili, o read opponens and ps,cn
nem ou. 1ogener, ne, would
orm wna cness pla,ers laer called
a cenaur. a n,brid beas endowed
win ne srengns o eacn.
Kasparov sared pla,ing win a
compuer and ound na, wnen reed
rom ne need o rel, exclusivel, on
nis memor, ne was able o ocus
more on ne creaive elemens o
nis game. lnsead o remembering,
ne nad o learn now odrivene
compuer, working ou wnicn sraeg,
o ener or assessmen, wnen o
sop a line o inquir,, and wnen
o accep or ignore is advice.
1ne experimen reacned a peak
in 200, a a 'rees,le' cness
ournamen wnicn allowed eams
o an, number o numans or
compuers, in an, combinaion.
wnile some eams consised o
cness grandmasers win plen, o
ournamen wins under neir bels,
anoner consised o wo amaeurs,
Seven Cramon and Zackar, Sepnen
and neir compuers. Cramon and
Sepnen were vicorious, because
ne, were expers a collaboraing
win compuers. 1ne, knew now
o acnieve ne balance o numan
and macnine inelligence, and
could work a a rapid pace.
Jus as in ne cness world, wnen ,ou
include ne rign ecnnolog, in ,our
eam and use i in ne rign wa,, i can
nelp ,ou o work smarer and aser.
!C& !7
CIive Thompson&
D>;5+@5 E*;A F1< E*=AG- H18 E@I*A1012: =3
J*;A2=A2 K<5 L=AM3 N15 +*@ O@++@5
O course, benind ne scenes o
an, successul numan/ecnnolog,
parnersnip is a lile o ne conscious
ecnnological conrol na we call
lobile laser,. ensuring na ne
ools a ,our disposal are ideall,
suied o neir purpose and na ,ou
are uilising nem in ne smares wa,
wnen cnoosing wna ools are rign
or ,ou, i's imporan o undersand
wna needs exis a ne mos basic
level, as well as o be able o anicipae
new developmens na ,ou mign no
onerwise be aware o.
Pernaps ,our inernal s,sems are
based on a legac, o doing nings
in a paricular wa,, and serve neir
uncion adequael, and winou
complain. wnile ,our eam ma, ick
quiel, along in nis wa,, would ,ou
ever cnoose o be a par o somening
bes described as merel, 'adequae'?
/ new ool o replace ne old mign
jus open a wealn o producivi,
possibiliies o energise ,our eam
and give nem ne edge o nelp win
ou over ne compeiion.
However, a ne same ime, i's
imporan no o orever be inkering
win ecnnolog, purel, or ne sake o
i. 1ne balance beween ne comor
o wna's amiliar and ne allure o
somening new is a delicae one.
1nere could quie easil, be new
applicaions or older, orgoen
ools na are ideall, suied o a
conemporar, demand. lore oen
nan no, ne simpler soluion is bes,
and jus because a new device is
launcned on ne marke win asn,
bells and wnisles, does no mean na
i necessaril, addresses ,our presen
needs ecienl,.
l's imporan or eams o be open o
new ecnnolog, and o discuss now i
could ennance (or derac rom) eam
ow. One poenial approacn mign be
o implemen a menod like na used
b, 1o,oa, wnere an,one can sugges
a ecnnical addiion o ne eam, wnicn
nen gives i a rial, and akes a voe
on wnener o make i a permanen
$5:9 >@@6?
working win ecnnolog, 1eams 1na Flow 23
29 1eams 1na Flow working win ecnnolog,
/ balanced relaionsnip beween ,our
eam members and neir ecn ools
ougn o be.
J N+$(M)3
/ware o ne eec dieren
ools nave on personal mood,
perormance, and sress levels.
J S)&8'54M)3
Correcl, selecing eacn ool or ne
demands o eacn specic purpose.
J S3/GM)3
lainaining curiosi,, adapabili,,
and passion or proessional
evoluion, as opposed o sa,ing
rigid and subborn win ,our nabis.
1o make sure na ,ou cnoose ne
rign ools or ,our eam ,ou'll need
o oser nese nree saes o
mind as ,our deaul saus wnen
,ou approacn ecnnolog,. B, being
mindul, purposeul, and pla,ul, ,our
eam as a wnole will be equipped win
ne perec cogniive skills o surpass
passive uncions and 'work-arounds'
win imperec ecnnical soluions,
and ow ogener as a well-oiled,
nignl,-capable uni.
";6D;5 %NL5BD5;A5
1uomas lanninen is Head o Online Lxperience
a Nokia, and develops conen sraeg, and
leads a eam ocusing on user experience
developmen onNokia.comworldwide. He sa,s.
l's ver, imporan o dene ne operaive model
we wan o ollow as a eam a rs, and nen
ideni, ne ools na nelp us o do our job in ne
mos eecive manner. l don' see ne poin o
rs ninking wna processes and ools nere are
available o us, and nen r,ing o adap and make
use o nose. we are in cnarge o conen guidance
or !Nokia.comcounr, sies around ne world
win 4 languages, meaning we need rigorous
processes na nelp us o sa, on rack and deliver
on ime. Bu i's our eam wno need o dene ne
ools and processes na macn our needs, no
ne oner wa, around. 1ne operaional model
needs o be clear win roles and responsibiliies
bu also in our environmen i needs o leave
room and creae a sae space or creaives o be
creaive. wnen i all sars rom people, i's wa,
easier o se expecaions and goals ogener,
so na eacn eam pla,er knows wna o do.
1nis isn' jus a neor, - nere
is srong evidence in suppor
o nis. ll1's Human D,namics
Laboraor, conduced a sud,
looking or ne d,namics benind
successul eams and ound
na communicaion was ke,.
/s par o ne sud,, eam members
were given elecronic badges na
colleced daa on neir individual
communicaion benaviour, like neir
one o voice, bod, language, wno
ne, alked o and now mucn. 1ne
daa consisenl, revealed na
communicaion pla,s a criical role
in building successul eams and
na paerns o communicaion
are ne mos imporan predicor
o a eam's success - jus as
signican as individual inelligence,
personali,, skill, and ne subsance
o discussions combined.
1ne sud, ook place in a call cenre,
and on ne recommendaion o
ne eam wno ran ne sud,, ne
manager cnanged ne emplo,ees'
coee break scnedule so na
ever,one on a eam ook a break a
ne same ime, allowing nem ne
opporuni, o socialise awa, rom
neir worksaions. wnile i clasned
win radiional ideas abou ecienc,,
nis simple cnange led o producivi,
increases worn $1m a ,ear, and an
increase in emplo,ee saisacion
o over 10% in some eams.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow !2
wnener we're alking abou email, insan messaging, pnone
calls or good old-asnioned meeings, communicaion is pernaps
ne mos imporan elemen in an, eam. ou can nave ne
mos alened sa and ne bes ecnnolog,, bu i ,ou don'
nave excellen communicaion nen ,our eam won' ow.
!! 1eams 1na Flow Communicaion
o over 10% in some eams.
1ne ll1 sud, noed na
nign-perorming eams.
J -'..)$+*/%4 M&4Y)4$%3G
ln a ,pical projec eam, 12
communicaions per working
nour was opimum, more
or less nan na and eam
perormance could decline.
J =/3C /$( 3+5%4$ +$ 4Y)/3 .4/5)&4E
equaIIy among members
Lower perorming eams
ended o nave dominan
members, eams winin eams,
and members wno alked or
lisened, bu didn' do bon.
J >$6/64 +$ M&4Y)4$%
+$M'&./3 *'..)$+*/%+'$
1ne bes eams spen abou
nal neir ime communicaing
ouside o ormal meeings, and
increasing opporuniies or
inormal communicaion ended
o increase eam perormance.
J >?83'&4 +(4/5 /$( 54/&*D M'&
+$M'&./%+'$ ')%5+(4 'M %D4 6&')8
1ne bes eams periodicall,
conneced win man, dieren
ouside sources and brougn wna
ne, learn back o ne eam.
1ne need or srong communicaion
goes back o ne 've Cs'. winou
i, i's nard o nave a sense o clari,
abou wna's expeced o ,ou, ne
cenring na comes rom knowing
na ,our eam maes are ineresed
in wna ,ou're doing, or ne sense o
commimen and rus in ,our eam
na les ,ou eel unselconscious.
1ecnnolog, mign nave updaed
ne ools wnen i comes o
communicaion, bu i's sill ne
same game. Cood communicaion is
direc, economical, well considered
and purposeul a all imes, win
nougn pu ino ne wa, i's
consruced and delivered.
ln ne nex pages, we'll look a
ideas and models na can nelp
win eam communicaion, and
ne role ecnnolog, nas o pla,.
H34? S4$%3/$(E

#E*@ Q@8 DI=@AI@ 1B O<=0M=A2 R5@;+ E@;>3S& H;5?;5M O<3=A@33 T@?=@8&
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow !4
/n individual communicaion is a
one-wa,, simple deliver, o a piece
o inormaion rom one person o
anoner - a longer discussion mign
conain dozens or even nundreds o
communicaions as ne, bounce back
and orn beween ne paricipans.
1nese 'inormaion deliveries' are
especiall, well suied or ne digial
realm, wnere inpu rom ne lisener
isn' essenial. l ne recipien requires
claricaion, or simpl, wans o
conrm na ne message nas been
undersood, ne, nave ne opion o
issuing an addiional communicaion
- bu i's no essenial o ne
process. 1nis makes i a as and
sreamlined mode, mos appropriae
or emails or ex messages.
/ conversaion on ne oner nand
occurs in 'real ime,' win all sides o
ne dialogue guiding ne course o ne
discussion ogener owards a muual
goal. Conversaions are bes suied o
ace-o-ace communicaion or social
neworks, as ne, are open
and engaging.
1ne down side o nis is na ne,
can be ar more ime consuming,
and quie oen will ail o
produce an, viable resuls.
1ninking abou wnener ,ou need
o communicae or converse
can nelp ,ou pick ne rign
menod o communicaion.
Oner imporan aspecs
o consider are.
J =+.43+$455
How ime sensiive
is ne inormaion?
J Archiving
How imporan is i o
be able o reer back o ne
communicaion a a laer dae?
J Privacy/security
How sensiive is ne inormaion?
J H55)&/$*4
ls nere an, danger o
ne recipien missing ,our
communicaion enirel,?
(;7@B9:>D@; 5NAH:;<5
wnen i comes o eams, i's useul o make a clear disincion beween
communicaion and conversaion, as ne wo are reall, ver, dieren nings.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow !
For example, in siuaions wnere
ace-o-ace communicaion is
possible, i is ne mos direc and
immediae mode o conve,ing
inormaion. However, in doing nis
,ou risk breaking ,our colleagues'
concenraion and inerruping neir
ow. l ma, be benecial o discuss
'inerrupion signals' among eam
members in advance, sucn as wearing
neadpnones as a wa, o snow na
,ou don' wan o be disurbed.
ln nose siuaions, wnen a imel,
response is sill required, email ma,
be ne nex logical cnoice. win ne
capaci, o mark iems as urgen,
ne, can be nignligned as a visible
priori, once ,our colleague nas
compleed neir ask, and seamlessl,
incorporaed ino ne srucure o
neir working ow. However, or man,
o us, email can seem like a millsone
around our necks, nreaening o
swamp us in unproducive inbox
managemen and ake awa, our
precious ime rom urgen projecs.
e wnen used sparingl, and ecienl,,
email is sill essenial or snaring les
and inormaion win eams o people.
1ne ke, consideraion snould be
Csikszenminl,i's rs o ne ve
Cs, wnicn is clari,. B, placing clari,
a ne oreron o all inormaion
excnanges, ,ou build an excellen
oundaion or eamwork.
lnegraing a ew useul ools ino
,our digial environmen can nelp
o reduce non-essenial emails
and eliminae disracions.
win a lile bi o ingenui,, 'l 1nis
1nen 1na', (aka 'lF111') is a grea
ool or auomaing simple web asks
o make sure ,our ow doesn' ge
disruped b, inbound mail or oner
nagging digial obligaions. ou can
se up a rule o auomaicall, save
an, emails rom specic people o a
'o do' older in Lvernoe, or example.
ou can even scan or ke,words and
ge lF111 o respond on ,our benal
o preven ,ou rom naving o answer
ne same quesions over and over
again. /ll o wnicn nelps ,ou make
sure na ,ou ow or longer - and
acnieve more in ne process.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow !o
ln cerain siuaions, ne bes cnannel
or iner-eam communicaions
will be privae social neworks.
1nis is especiall, appropriae or
as,ncnronous eams separaed
b, wide geograpnical disances or
overlapping ime scnedules. l ,ou
wan o solici ideas or a brie, or
inorm ,our colleagues abou a non-
urgen cnange o scnedule, nen a
mobile-inegraed ool like ammer
is ne ideal medium. l is secure and
arcnivable, and unobrusive. ou won'
disrup an,bod,'s ow b, posing
o ammer na ,our aernoon
meeing nas cnanged locaion, bu
,ou are placing na inormaion
in a place wnere i can be seen and
discussed a ever,one's own leisure.
For a more real-ime, conversaional
experience, nere is o course ne
more radiional orma o ne
elepnone call. ln an age wnere mos
o us are alwa,s winin reacn o a
mobile pnone, i's never been easier
o connec. For some, pnone calls
are oo inrusive, as ne, are loud,
poeniall, disrup nose around nem,
and demand oo mucn aenion.
For nose siuaions wnere an email
is no sucien, bu a pnone call
seems inappropriae, i is enirel,
accepable o send a ex message.
1nis works bes wnen ,ou are seeking
a simple binar, answer o a quesion,
sucn as Have ,ou arrived?
/noner alernaive is o
experimen win insan messaging.
Conversaions on insan messaging
are mobile, 'real-world silen', and
easil, deerred wnen concenraing
,our aenions elsewnere. 1ools
like licroso L,nc or Sk,pe
allow muliple eam members o
paricipae in live-digial cnas
rom an,wnere in ne world,
esseniall, combining le-snaring
collaboraion win virual meeings.
One o ne cnallenges posed b,
srong and broad use o mobile
ecnnolog, is na in some eams i
can creae a culure wnere people
are expeced o be available a
an, ime o ne da, or nign.
Having a mobile pnone na provides
access o ,our emails is bon a
blessing and a curse - i's a boon
wnen ,ou work awa, rom ne
oce a lo, bu i makes i all oo
emping o cneck wna's going on
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow !
a work wnen ,ou snould be ocusing
on riends or amil, insead. /nd
doing i once or wice can creae
ne expecaion na ,ou'll alwa,s
do i, and in urn can make ne
oner members o ,our eam eel
like ne, need o do ne same o
be able o compee or keep up.
we all need ime wnere we're
compleel, awa, rom work, so
nere snouldn' be an, sname
or sigma in swicning o.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow !3
.D?>5;D;<O G;=5B?>:;=D;<
:;= D;>5BLB5>D;<
l can be all oo eas, o orge
na communicaion isn' jus
abou now ,ou speak or wrie o
oners, bu is also abou ne wa,
in wnicn ,ou lisen o nem.
/cive lisening is an approacn wnicn
aims o derive as mucn meaning
and undersanding as possible rom
conversaions. ln acive lisening ,ou.
Lisen o ne complee message
ne oner person is giving ,ou, no
jus ne words ne, are sa,ing.
Pu aside preconcepions
and nosili,.
Lvaluae and anal,se wna's
being said o ,ou.

wacn or bod, language, acial
expressions and lisen or one
o voice.
Sa, quie - nod or speak o
snow ,ou're lisening, bu resis
ne empaion o respond unil ne
oner person nas nisned speaking.
/s well as ninking abou ne plaorm or menod win
wnicn ,our eam communicaes, nougn also needs o
go ino now ,ou lisen, undersand and inerpre.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow
Dr David Rock&
#SC/F. a brain-based model or collaboraing win and inuencing oners',
NeuroLeadersnip Journal, np.//nokia.l,/19v09z
laking sure ,our eam engages in
acive lisening can nelp ensure na
ever,one eels na ne, are rul,
being neard, and can build a greaer
sense o rus and camaraderie.
SC/F is a brain-based model or
collaboraing win and inuencing
oners, creaed b, Dr David ock,
an exper on appl,ing neuroscience
a work. l's a useul ool o nave
in mind wnen ,ou're r,ing o
undersand and inerpre ne
nings ,our eam are sa,ing.
1ne model idenies ve ke,
qualiies na acivae einer ne
'nrea' or 'reward' neworks o ne
brain. Believe i or no, a perceived
nrea o ,our saus a work or
in ,our eam acivaes similar
brain neworks o a nrea o ,our
lie. ln ne same wa,, a perceived
increase in airness will acivae
ne same reward nework in ,our
brain as geing a nancial reward.
/ccording o ock, i nas man,
implicaions or now eams are
srucured and run wnen i comes o
rewards and salaries, communicaion,
and decision making, because i
can nelp ,ou o consider ne brain
neworks na nave ne greaes
signicance wnen collaboraing
win and inuencing oners.
Having a beer undersanding o
nese drivers can nelp individuals
and organisaions o run more
eecivel,, reduce conics and
perorm beer as a resul.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow
H(/. Z&G/$%E #/ Boss's Cnallenge. nave Lver,one Join ne ln Croup',
New ork 1imes& *++,-..A1G=;40:.!@UM($V
J [%/%)5
J -4&%/+$%G
J H)%'$'.G
J ;43/%4($455
J F/+&$455
/ sense o ,our relaive imporance o oners. wnen
people gn or saus, nose around nem will
consanl, eel nreaened and uncomorable.
Being able o predic ne uure. Uncerain, eels like
pain, and can be cogniivel, exnausing. 1ne more we
can predic ne uure, ne more rewarded we eel,
and vice versa. Lven a small degree o uncerain, or
ambigui, in a simple acivi, creaes a nrea response.
/ sense o conrol over evens. l's imporan
o eel a sense o conrol, as a lack o auonom,
can urn a small sress ino a big problem.
/ sense o sae, win oners, o riend raner nan
oe. 1nis means wnener we see oner people as
par o ne same group, working o ne same goals.
l we eel like ne people around us are par o a
dieren group, i can make us eel nreaened.
/ percepion o air excnanges beween people.
1nis is undamenall, imporan because a air
excnange is inrinsicall, rewarding, and an unair
excnange o an,ning is inrinsicall, nreaening.
Consider SC/F a regular inervals and make an, necessar,
adjusmens o make sure ,our eam sa,s nealn,, s,ncnronised,
and moivaed as ne, guide eacn oner owards neir goal.
1ne acron,m sands or.
lnroducion 1eams na ow 41
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow 42
PG>>D;< H5:=? >@<5>H5B
los proessionals will cie oo
man, meeings as a major bugbear
na drags nem awa, rom neir
acual work, and ,e so man, o us
sill lose a lo o ime ever, week
o meeings - oen win lile or
no visibl, producive resul. ln
general, eams na ow can rarel,
be ound enering nemselves o
resricive meeing scnedules.
ln ne age o mobile ecn, i is now
more common nan ever beore o
ravel or work ouside o ne cenral
oce. 1nis is no jus because our
available ools keep us in regular
conac, bu also because o
careull, osered eam culures o
independen nougn, delegaion, and
public goal declaraion. 1nis makes
sure na ever,bod, can move in ne
same direcion winou needing o
cling o one anoner o sa, on rack.
1ecnnological alernaives o ne
radiional meeing don' jus include
pnone calls and emails, bu le snaring
or dra revisions, prooreading,
and collaboraion soware. 1nis
can all nappen winin ne conrolled
bubble o eacn individual's
preerred creaive workspace, be
i ne nubbub o a bus, oce, ne
buzzing coee snop, neir own
nome, or even on public ranspor.
1nere can be man, posiive
benes o cnoosing no o nave
meeings. Lconomis Jonn Kennen
Calbrainonce said na meeings
are indispensable wnen ,ou don'
wan o do an,ning, and paricularl,
lengn, meeings can be sucn a drain
on compan, ime na i ma, be
illuminaing o rack ne nancial cos
o aendees nourl, raes nrougnou
ne discussion. Clancing a ne clock
and seeing na ,our meeing nas
alread, cos ne compan, almos
$1000 is grea wa, o make sure
,ou sick o ne poin and ocus on
geing somening ou o a meeing.
Csikszenminl,i's ke, poins o
cenering and commimen are
nignl, applicable o acnieving eam
ow in nese siuaions. B, insilling
,our eam win ne auonom, o
orgo regular meeings in avour o
digial 'cneck-ins' or work snaring
via mobile plaorms, ,ou are
promoing a mindse o creaive
independence, personal condence,
and ne agile principle o 'ailing as'.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow 4!
1ne new empnasis is on a bias or
acion - raner nan siing idle and
awaiing inpu, a rue displa, o ow
is o dive in, ge sared, and nave
somening o snow ,our colleagues
b, ne end o ne da,. l i's ne wrong
direcion, nen ne, can nelp guide
,ou win consrucive commens, and
ne resul is a proo,pe na can be
buil upon as opposed o a blank slae.
1nere will be occasions wnen nolding
a meeing reall, is ne onl, soluion.
ln nese siuaions, i's imporan
o ake seps in advance o ensure
na ne meeing ows, or a brieer,
more enjo,able, and ulimael, more
useul occupaion o ever,one's ime.
ou mign also be ineresed o
r, ne exercise in ne appendix
o nis book, wnicn aims o
nelp ,ou make ,our meeings
nappier and more producive.
1ne new empnasis is on a bias or
acion - raner nan siing idle and
awaiing inpu, a rue displa, o ow
is o dive in, ge sared, and nave
somening o snow ,our colleagues
b, ne end o ne da,. l i's ne wrong
direcion, nen ne, can nelp guide
,ou win consrucive commens, and
ne resul is a proo,pe na can be
buil upon as opposed o a blank slae.
1nere will be occasions wnen nolding
a meeing reall, is ne onl, soluion.
ln nese siuaions, i's imporan
o ake seps in advance o ensure
na ne meeing ows, or a brieer,
more enjo,able, and ulimael, more
useul occupaion o ever,one's ime.
ou mign also be ineresed o
r, ne exercise in ne appendix
o nis book, wnicn aims o
nelp ,ou make ,our meeings
nappier and more producive.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow 44
ln nis book lmagine. How Creaivi,
works, aunor Jonan Lenrer oers
up a muliude o insignul menods
or exacl, nis process. He wries.
For ,ears people believed na
creaivi, was similar o oner orms
o cogniion, wnener divinel, inspired
or a naural 'gi'. Bu oda, as we
learn more abou ne brain we're
nding now ne 'rick' works.
His ideas or developing a creaive
inernal ecos,sem range rom
ne wild o ne surprisingl, simple,
bu all are backed up b, real-world
business cases snowcasing ne
evidence o back-up ne neor,.
One sucn example is ne concep
na aemping o orce insign can
acuall, preven insign, as demanding
aggressive concenraion can sni
aenion awa, rom ne rign
nemispnere o ,our brain (ne par
responsible or insign and unlikel,
connecions), resuling in an increased
likelinood o ,our ideas alling ino
ne 'obvious' or 'uninspired' caegor,.
1ne rick o avoiding ne rap o
orced insign, Lenrer wries, is
o r, and innabi ne mind o a
,oung cnild. B, embod,ing ne
uninnibied curious naive, we all
experienced in our ,oun, we can
reclaim ne jo, o discover, and
increase ne number o absrac
connecions our minds makes -
avoiding ne obvious all ogener.
Lven suble environmenal acors
can make a nuge dierence o eam
creaivi,. /ccording o Lenrer, a room
win blue walls is wice as conducive
o insign as a room o an, oner
colour. Conversel,, a red room is
nougn o simulae concenraion,
anal,sis, and logical problem solving.
\'$/D ]4D&4&E W>;2=A@- H18 J5@;+=?=+: X15G3&
4B@GL8>HD;I :;= >H5
9C>H @7 QB:D;?>@B9D;<
ln business, creaivi, is bon a rare and a valuable commodi,.
ou can' s,nnesise i, and ne onl, wa, o reliabl, maximise
,our eam's creaive poenial is o siuae i in an environmen
na will allow inspiraion o ourisn naurall,.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow
$!& $$
AIex Csborn, F1<5 J5@;+=?@ Y18@5&
Lenrer also ackles universall,
acceped norms o brainsorming.
Firs coming o ne aenion o
ne business communi, via ne
mind o legendar, ladison /venue
adverising agenc, BBDO's /lex
Osborn in 1943, brainsorms are
an enormousl, popular ecnnique
or sourcing creaive ideas rom
a eam - bu Lenrer suggess ne
menod needs improvemen.
1ne iniial menod or ne brainsorm
was viruall, unknown upon ne
publisning o Osborn's book
our Creaive Power in 1943. /
cnaper iled 'How o organize a
squad o creae ideas' saes.
wnen a group works ogener,
ne members snould engage in a
brainsorm, wnicn means using
ne brain o sorm a creaive
problem-and doing so in commando
asnion, win eacn sormer
aacking ne same objecive.
Osborn boased na ne power
o brainsorming nad once
inspired a group o en markeing
proessionals o creae eign,-
seven new adverising ideas in
nine, minues - an impressive
rae b, an,bod,'s sandards.
Osborn insised na one o ne mos
imporan acors or a brainsorm
o succeed is an agreed lack o
negaive criicism, also known as ne
commonl, saed encouragemen
na 'nere are no wrong answers'.
Creaivi, is so delicae a ower na
praise ends o make i bloom wnile
discouragemen oen nips i in ne
bud, wroe Osborn. Forge quali,,
aim now o ge a quani, o answers.
wnen ,ou're nrougn, ,our snee o
paper ma, be so ull o ridiculous
nonsense na ,ou'll be disgused.
Never mind. ou're loosening up
,our uneered imaginaion-
making ,our mind deliver.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow 4o
However, according o Lenrer,
Osborn's concep o ne brainsorm
as a erile creaive incubaor is
bon oudaed and misinormed.
One issue is na wnen brainsorming
in a large group, generall, a ew
dominan paricipans will conrol
ne ow o ideas, wnile ever,one
else jus ades ino ne background
or ear o speaking up.
1ne nerd menali, na brainsorming
groups arrive a will usuall,
produce mundane ideas raner
nan an,ning rul, exciing.
lnsead, Lenrer recommends na
individuals snould prepare neir
creaive ideas beore aending ne
session, and nen presen complee
ideas o ne eam o be criiqued. 1nis
process vasl, increases ne likelinood
o a more unusual, le-eld idea
coming o ne group's awareness.
l does seem as nougn ne scienic
evidence backs up Lenrer's neor,,
oo. For example, in an experimen
ino ne cases or and agains
brainsorming a ne Universi, o
Caliornia, 20 sudens were spli
ino , eams o ve. Lacn eam was
presened win ne ask o generaing
ideas or improving rac problems
in neignbouring San Francisco.
ln nis experimen, one group o
eams were asked o brainsorm or
soluions, anoner group were old o
sugges individual ideas beore neavil,
debaing eacn one o nd ne 'bes'
answer, and ne nal group were ree
o pursue an, ecnnique ne, wisned.
1ne nal evidence o ne experimen
snowed na ne mos producive
and creaive group were nose
na criicised and debaed
eacn oners submissions, win
almos 20% more ideas nan neir
compeiors, and individual eam
members o ne criical group sill
waning o conribue an average
o seven urner ideas eacn even
aer ne session nad expired.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow
Matthew Feinberg, CharIan Nemeth,
#E*@ ZT<0@3[ 1B O5;=A3+15>=A2- \A W>,@M=>@A+ +1 J5@;+=?=+:]S&
^A=?@53=+: 1B J;0=B15A=;& *++,-..A1G=;40:.!*_@,I`
Cnarlan Nemen, ne proessor
responsible or ne sud, explained.
wnile ne insrucion 'Do no criicize'
is oen cied as ne imporan
insrucion in brainsorming, nis
appears o be a counerproducive
sraeg,. Our ndings snow na
debae and criicism do no innibi
ideas bu, raner, simulae nem
relaive o ever, oner condiion.
For obvious reasons i can be
dicul o quani, ne creaivi,
o a concep, bu nis experimen
cerainl, seems o sugges na or
pure idea generaion alone, ne 'sae
zone' o a brainsorming session
does no provide as mucn o a
spark as a lile 'posiive conic.'
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow 43
For one ning, conic provides
'cnallenge', anoner one o ne
ve cnaracerisics o group ow.
l also requenl, resuls in ne
sronges idea becoming ne mos
prevalen. l people are required
o explain nemselves raner nan
nave neir ideas go unquesioned,
nen ims, conceps will quickl,
become exposed, wnile ne mos
robus soluion reveals isel.
ln nis wa,, anoner o group ow's
ke, cnaracerisics is represened.
clari,. 1nis is because conic
is a orm o dialogue. winou
conversaions, goals, and passions,
nere can be no conic, and
nose momens o ricion bring
srong eelings ou o people.
1imes o conic cause eams o
reassess neir values and vocalise
exacl, wn, ne, eel ne wa, ne, do,
wna exacl, is making nem upse,
and wna needs o be done abou
i, because conic is onl, benecial
wnen i leads owards resoluion.
1na's now occasional argumens
can produce a kind o clari,
na in cerain siuaions is
more valuable nan a perecl,
quie, inciden-ree oce.
l ,ou noice a sni winin ,our
eam rom a lile nealn, conic
o negaive ension, ne rs sep
o dealing win ne problem is o
ganer ne relevan paries and
direcl, acknowledge na ne
issue exiss. B, bringing i ou ino
ne open, ,ou give bon sides an
opporuni, o air neir side o ne
maer and reveal neir perspecive.
$H5 :B> @7
posItIve conIct
Naurall,, wnen ,ou nave creaive people working closel, alongside one
anoner, ,ou're going o ge conic in cerain areas, pernaps due o
personali, clasnes or inerdeparmenal dierences. Bu conrar, o
popular opinion, an elemen o ricion in ne mix isn' alwa,s negaive.
Communicaion 1eams 1na Flow 49
Cuide ne conicing personaliies
owards nding a common ground
a ne roo o ne problem. Pernaps
lar, eels as nougn Jusin is no
addressing nis responsibiliies on a
specic projec, and nis is leaving
ner o deal win ne workload alone?
ln nis siuaion ,ou ma, well discover
na Jusin is naving rouble win
ne projec because ne is being
overloaded elsewnere, and bon
paries are eeling as nougn ne,
nave oo mucn work o do and no
enougn ime. B, dening ne snared
emoion, i makes i mucn easier or
nem o undersand one anoner.
Finall,, resolve ne conic b,
making a clear decision on wna will
be done going orward. Conic
nas a nabi o esering winin ne
snadows o ambigui,. l ever,bod,
is 100% cerain on now nings will
be cnanging, ,ou remove ne risk o
urner problems beore ne, arise.
\alues and goals 1eams 1na Flow 0
F1.+%& 1#* 4"1.&
1ne values and goals na ,ou cnoose or ,our eam dene is
ulimae purpose and also aec ne wa, na people experience
being par o na eam. our values will nave an impac on ne
emoional connecion na people nave win ne eam, wnile goals
will aec now ne, relae o ne work ne, are asked o do.
wnile ne, are dieren nings, ne values and goals
need o ull ne same crieria. 1o reall, nave a cnance
o meeing nem, ,our eam members need o.
J ^$(4&5%/$( %D4.
1ne members need o know
wna ne values and goals are,
and reall, undersand nem.
1ne, snould be amiliar enougn
o sa, a ne oreron o neir
minds, and eacn person snould
also be able o explain nem
o oners win condence.
J FeeI invested in them
1ne members need o eel na
ne, are included in collaboraive
experiences, nave a par o pla, in
upnolding ne values and reacning
ne goals, and be conden na
nave somening o gain rom nem.
J Think they're achievabIe
our goals and values need o eel
realisic and aainable, or ne, will
all b, ne wa,side and become a
source o rusraion.
J e abIe to measure them
1nere snould be a ramework b,
wnicn ,ou can measure now well ,ou
are living up o ,our values and now
,ou are progressing owards ,our
1 1eams 1na Flow \alues and goals
1ne wa,s na projecs are managed
are jus as vial o neir success as
ne granular work na goes ino
neir compleion, and win larger
eams, keeping on rack and on
budge can a imes eel a lile bi
like nerding cas. l eam members
are ne cogs o ne macnine, and
nappiness is neir engine oil, nen
projec racking is ne speedomeer.
Forunael, nere are a nuge number
o projec managemen ools
available. One excellen ool is projec
racking s,sem Basecamp, along win
is windows Pnone apps Camper and
/blaze. 1ogener nese are grea or
on-ne-go managemen - ne, le ,ou
view projecs, send messages, snare
documens, se milesones, cneck
,our progress owards deadlines
and paricipae in live eam cnas.
/s more processes coninue
o be auomaed, ne ulimae
burden o work on people is
dramaicall, reduced.
/s win an,ning else, ne specic
processes ,ou cnoose o auomae
and nose ,ou preer o perorm
'b, nand' or win ecnnological
augmenaion reall, boils down
o ne needs o eacn individual
eam. 1ne imporan ning is o be
aware o nose needs and selec
a s,sem na caers o nem in
ne mos ecien manner.
1ne benes o passing ne minuiae
o projec managemen over o ne
powerul realm o communicaion
ecnnolog, is na i dramaicall,
reduces ne need or cogniivel,
waseul inernal emails, disracing
ace-o-ace conversaions, and ne
poenial or numan error, as well as
providing an insignul overview ino
ne nealn o ,our projecs a a glance.
/ll o nis rees up more o ,our eam
members brains or ne nings na
ecn can' do - cnie,, producing
excepional quali, creaive work.
M55LD;< >B:AI @7 D> :66
Happiness 1eams 1na Flow 2
1nere is a growing ineres in nappiness as a meric and
measuremen o success. 1ne Unied Naions Susainable
Developmen Soluions Nework now measures ne
nappiness o naions in ne world Happiness epor, bu i
is also an imporan meric or eams and businesses.
1nere's plen, o evidence o sugges na nappier eams mean
beer perormance, less sick leave and more innovaion.
! 1eams 1na Flow Happiness
Jus being par o a eam can make
people nappier, a ps,cnological sud,
ound na ne communiies exnibiing
ne bes well-being were nose na
oered occasional experiences in
wnicn sel-consciousness is greal,
reduced and one eels merged win
somening greaer nan ne sel,
because ne sel can be an obsacle
o nappiness. (1nis also narks back
o ne ourn o Csikszenminl,i's
've Cs - 'commimen' wnicn is abou
naving a sense o rus in ,our eam
na les ,ou eel unselconscious.)
ln addiion, ne ps,cnologis Cnarles
walker conduced a sud, ino ow
among groups, and concluded
na insances o ow wnicn were
social were more 'jo,ul' nan
soliar, ow. His researcn idenied
nree dieren kinds o ow.
1. 5oIitary ow - working alone.
2. Co-active ow - working on ,our
own ask in ne compan, o oners.
3. Interactive ow - collaboraing
on a ask win oners.
1ne more social and collaboraive
ne acivi,, ne more jo,ul
ne paricipans ound i.
Flow is inecious - i spreads quickl,
winin eams. walker wries na in
nignl, inerdependen siuaions,
people ma, serve as agens o ow
or eacn oner. Or in oner words, in
nignl, conesive eams in wnicn nere
is agreemen on goals, procedures,
roles and modes o communicaion,
social ow is more likel, o occur.
Having good communicaion,
clear goals and values and
working win ecnnolog, will all
nelp o conribue o ne overall
nappiness o ,our eam oo.
However, i's imporan o recognise
na ricion and ension winin a
eam is no a disaser, in ac, i can
be a ricn seam o creaivi,. Fricion
is likel, o occur in a diverse eam
o people wno are passionae abou
neir work, and nave convicion in
neir opinions. 1ne ke, (as seen in
nolacrac,) is o ap ino ne ideas
and passions na uel ricion and
disagreemen, raner nan le nem
eser and urn ino dissaisacion.
-D/&345 V/3C4&E
#Lxperiencing Flow. ls doing i ogener beer nan
doing i alone?', Journal o Posiive Ps,cnolog,,
Happiness 1eams 1na Flow 4
ln an aricle or Fas Compan,, /m,
weservel deails wna nappened
wnen ne online markeplace
Ls, commissioned daa-driven
ps,cnolog, consulanc, lmperaive
o monior neir emplo,ees' PLl/
(an abbreviaion o Posiive emoion,
Lngagemen, elaionsnips, leaning,
and /ccomplisnmen) saisics.
/ ne end o ne da, daa onl, ges
,ou so ar, sa,s K,la Fullenwider,
co-ounder o lmperaive and ne
lead consulan on Ls,'s nappiness
sud,. Daa can be ver, useul o
nelp make ne case o ne board
or wn, nis su maers, bu
nen i's digging in and working on
creaing a reall, nealn, work culure,
wnicn jus requires elbow grease,
nougnulness and wisdom.
1nis kind o daa led o ne
manuacure o ecnnological sensor
badges o monior ke, inormaion
sucn as verbal ineracion beween
emplo,ees, oo-rac paerns
winin ne oce, and sress-levels in
ne one o voice o eam members.
Some people mign eel
uncomorable o know na neir boss
was monioring neir one o voice
and could conceivabl, be concerned
na ne, were being manipulaed
owards beer perormance a ne
cos o neir privac,. 1ne cnoice
comes down o ne individual
eam, and ne culure winin i.
Business consulanc, Nixonlclnnes
cnose o pusn ne idea o
nappiness daa even urner, win
ne inroducion o a 'nappiness
index' or neir sa, also known
as ne nappiness baromeer.
ln erms o ecnnolog,, ne
execuion o ne nappiness index
couldn' be more basic. l requires
noning bu wo buckes, and a
large amoun o ennis balls.
1ne wo buckes are labelled as
'napp,' or 'unnapp,', and a ne
end o ne da, wnen neading nome,
eacn emplo,ee simpl, places a
ennis ball ino ne bucke na bes
represens neir curren mood.
,5:6>H :;= R566Q5D;<
Amy WesterveIt,
#X*: :1<5 /133 I;5@3 =B :1<S5@ *;,,:S& N;3+ J1>,;A:
Happiness 1eams 1na Flow
ln nis wa,, Nixonlclnnes is given
a clear insign ino anon,mised
nappiness daa rom neir sa,
and can monior i over ime and
ac accordingl,. One immediae
nding was na 1uesda,s rumped
londa,s as being a regular recurren
low-poin among ne sa.
1nis daa is colleced ino a
spreadsnee, and weekl, resuls
are displa,ed o all win a prinou
on ne oce wall. Ongoing repors
rack nis nappiness agains oner
acors sucn as nours worked,
oce emperaure, and even
ne volume o ne oce radio.
/ clear indicaion o ne general
mood o ne eam provides an
ineresing opporuni, o spo
larger problems beore ne, develop.
l becomes a kind o emoional
'earl, warning s,sem' or sa,
na snows wnicn projecs need
more aenion, and wna deeper
problems nose roublesome
projecs mign be causing.
Happiness 1eams 1na Flow o
@R #$(484$(4$% &454/&*D
/n ingrained passion or knowledge
and curiosi, winin ne eam.
!R B4*3/&/%+'$ 'M 6'/35
/ clari, o direcion, purpose,
and expecaions.
,R [C+335 5D/&+$6
/n acivel, nelpul s,sem or
spreading knowledge, no noarding i.
AR S&/+5+$6 *'334/6)45
/ posiive eedback loop or
recognising conribuions a ever,
level. 1nis could also be reerred o
simpl, as 'respec', bu praise is a
more over expression o nis idea
l's eas, o silenl, respec
somebod,. Praising nem akes a
lile bi more eor, bu oers mucn
sronger resuls.
5. Airing grievances
/n open orum or voicing concerns
and roadblocks beore ne,
become endemic.
Once ne working da, is over, ne
mos imporan ning is o ensure
a susainable working culure, b,
growing ogener and adaping o
cnange in an agile wa, - burn ou,
sress, and boredom need no be a
par o ne equaion. win nis kind
o buil-in exibili,, owing eams
are uure-prooed or an, seismic
snis na mign be nrown neir wa,,
up-o and including ne deparure o a
lincnpin eam member.
ou snould srive o comprise ,our
workorce o a collecion o '1-snaped
people'. win a broad experience-base
supporing a cenral area o experise,
and a nabiual paern o skill-snaring
and collaboraion in place, eam
members experience a uid journe,
nrougnou neir careers.
1nis uid journe, allows or a muuall,
benecial workplace wnerein eam
members abiliies are improved
exponeniall, jus b, working
alongside neir colleagues.and aer
all, wna could be more uid
nan ow?
The ve habIts of ow
Posiive eam nabis can be dicul o describe, bu are
mucn easier o demonsrae. Some o ne posiive eam
nabis exnibied b, nign perorming eams are.
Pernaps ne mos useul acion ,ou
can ake rign now is o snare nese
ideas win ,our colleagues, sar a
conversaion abou now ,our eam
works and now i can evolve.Open
up ne subjec or discussion abou
wna ow is and now i eels wnen
,ou ni na sae as a group.
/sk eacn oner quesions designed
o pusn nougn orward, move
awa, rom consensus or group-nink,
and divine ne sronges run.
wna does 'opimal' look like or ,our
eam? How do ,ou know wnen ,ou
are reall, a ,our bes? wna can
be done o acnieve na sae more
oen, and wna will nave o cnange
in order o make na nappen?
Once ,ou begin o regularl, alk abou
and pick apar ne inner workings
o ,our group srucure, ,ou'll sar
o see ne benes.Direc nese
discussions owards ne subjec
o dieren working menods, and
keep ne conversaions going.
Jus as eacn individual is unique, so
oo is ever, eam a one-o-a-kind
uni comprised o social d,namics,
values, needs, and menods na are
naive onl, o na specic ecos,sem.
Over ime, ,ou'll build an inernal
srucure o be proud o, and owing
will become wna ,our eam does bes.
1nere's a vesed ineres or an,
organisaion in naving eams
na ow. /s ne evidence snows,
ow means nappier sa, greaer
innovaion, and aser progress.
However, on an individual level, nere
is an even bigger pa, o, as ow
makes us ne bes na we are able
o be, producing our nes work.
/ eam comprised o remarkable
individuals working ogener o
acnieve ow can be an incredible orce,
ar sronger nan ne sum o is pars.
Oner books in ne Smarer
Lver,da, series.
B45+6$ K')& B/G
MobiIe Mastery
Conclusion 1eams 1na Flow
we nope nese ideas nelp ,ou and ,our colleagues become a eam na ows.
3 1eams 1na Flow eading Lis
F3'G( H338'&%E
1ne lnuence o ne Croup
Upon /ssociaion and 1nougn,
H(/. Z&G/$%E
'/ Boss's Cnallenge. nave Lver,one
Join ne in Croup', New ork 1imes,
N+DO3G -5PC5Q4$%.+DO3G+&
Flow. 1ne Ps,cnolog, o ne
Opimal Lxperience
Robert T. HoweII
'Fosering Sel-Direced 1eam lembers',
Journal o 1ecnnolog, Sudies
\'$/D ]4D&4&&
lmagine. How Creaivi, works
\'$/D ]4D&4&&
'Croupnink', 1ne New orker,
AIex Csborn,
our Creaive Power
H34? S4$%3/$(E
'1ne New Science o Building Crea
1eams', Harvard Business eview,
CIive Thompson,
Smarer 1nan ou 1nink.
How 1ecnnolog, is Cnanging
Our linds For ne Beer
B4&4C =D'.85'$E
'Forge Ldison. 1nis is How
Hisor,'s Creaes lnvenions
eall, Happened', 1ne /lanic,
Dr David Rock,
our Brain / work
Dr David Rock,
'SC/F. a brain-based model or
collaboraing win and inuencing
oners', NeuroLeadersnip Journal,
Keith 5awyer,
Croup Cenius. 1ne Creaive
Power o Collaboraion
)5:=D;< 6D?>
9 1eams 1na Flow eading lis
-D/&345 V/3C4&E
Lxperiencing Flow. ls doing i ogener
beer nan doing i alone?
Amy WesterveIt,
'wn, ,our boss cares i ,ou're
napp,', Fas Compan,
N4&+ V+33+/.5E
'People managemen in an agile seing',
R1?@5A>@A+ d=2=+;0 D@5?=I@&
N/3+$(/ `433./$E
Four Lecive S,les o
Communicaion in ne workplace,
How Teams Work,
Open Universi,,
How it Works,
=D4 H6+34 N/$+M45%'
o0 1eams 1na Flow 1ools
Z/54*/.8 /$( -/.84&
Camphre and AbIaze
N+*&'5'M% ]G$*
;4(.+$4 /$( ;4(.+$4 =' b'
=&433' /$( =&433+Q'
o1 1eams 1na Flow 1ools
o2 1eams 1na Flow Lxercise 1
Beore ne meeing.
S)&8'54c make sure ,ou know
wn, ,ou're meeing and wna ,our
objecives are.
=+.4E 83/*4 /$( M'&./%c nink abou
wnener ,ou need o mee in person,
now long ,ou need, and wnere and
wnen ,ou'll mee.
H64$(/c creae and disribue a
wrien agenda or ,our meeing,
lising ne opics ,ou'll cover and ne
desired oucome.
S4'834c nink abou wno needs o
aend and wn,, and decide wno will
cnair ne meeing, ake noes and
rack acions.
S&48c make sure na ever,one knows
wna asks ne, need o complee or
wna reading ne, need o do beore
ne meeing.
During ne meeing.
=+.4c sick o ,our sar and end imes.
/genda. sa, on opic.
I'%45c ake noes and keep a record o
wno needs o do wna b, wnen.
Review. was ne meeing eecive, did
,ou reacn ,our objecive?
/er ne meeing.
I'%45c send nem round as quickl, as
H*%+'$5c complee an, acions ,ou were
;48'&%c repor back win updaes as
Q5>>5B 955>D;<?
Done rign, meeings are an invaluable business
ool - bu done wrong, ne, can be a drain on ,our
ime and energ,. Use our cnecklis o nelp make
,our meeings smarer and more producive.
1eams 1na Flow Lxercise 1
1o nelp ensure na ,our meeing sa,s on
rack, ask na ne group makes ne ollowing
pledges beorenand.
J "We'II know why we're meeting and what we
want to get out of the meeting."
J "We'II provide (and read) background
materiaI beforehand."
J "We wiII stick to our agenda."
J "We'II give each other our fuII attention -
no mobiIes, tabIets, or Iaptops."
J "We'II operate within our time Iimit."
J "We'II have cIear actions to take after the
meeting ends."
o4 1eams 1na Flow Lxercise 2
Begin nis week b, ganering ever,one
ogener o snare ne ollowing
inormaion win ne res o ne eam.
J I wiII. two priority items that you
wiII focus on this week.
J I won't. one item that you wiII not
be compIeting this week.
J I need. what you need others
%' (' +$ '&(4& %' *'.834%4
G')& 8&+'&+%+45R
J # 3+C4c '$4 .'.4$%
from the previous week that
G') 8/&%+*)3/&3G 4$T'G4(R
B, limiing ,oursel o jus
wo prioriies, i orces ,ou o
nink abou wna is ne mos
pressing work or ne week.
Follow nis b, dividing ne da,s o
ne week ino wo acion blocks and
assigning one projec o eacn.

1nese ma, be ,our prioriies, oner
less pressing maers, or even simple
'email'. 1ne imporan ning is o
provide a rougn ouline o wna ,ou
consider o be ne mos essenial
use o ,our ime, and now mucn o
ne week na is likel, o ake up.
Lven i ne enire, o ne eam
onl, ganer once per week,
declaring nis inormaion o ne
collecive provides clari, and
ransparenc, o nelp urnisn ne
eam win auonomous ow.
1eam prioriies can a imes be unclear, paricularl, in as-paced
work places win muliple projecs underwa, simulaneousl,.

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