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Africa Goals and Targets Northern Sub-Saharan Eastern

Asia South-Eastern Southern Western Oceania Latin America & Caribbean

Commonwealth of Independent States Europe Asia

GOAL 7 | Ensure environmental sustainability (continued)

Halve proportion without sanitation Improve the lives of slum-dwellers moderate coverage very low coverage very low coverage low coverage very low coverage moderate coverage low coverage moderate coverage moderate coverage moderate coverage

moderate very high moderate moderate moderate moderate moderate high proportion high proportion low proportion proportion proportion proportion proportion proportion proportion proportion of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers of slum-dwellers

GOAL 8 | Develop a global partnership for development

Youth unemployment** Internet users very high unemployment moderate access high unemployment very low access low unemployment high unemployment moderate unemployment low access very high unemployment moderate access low unemployment low access high unemployment high access high unemployment high unemployment

moderate access moderate access

moderate access moderate access

Compiled by: Statistics Division, UN DESA. Country experiences in each region may differ significantly from the regional average. For the regional groupings and country data, see Sources: United Nations, based on data and estimates provided by: Food and Agriculture Organization; Inter-Parliamentary Union; International Labour Organization; International Telecommunication Unit; UNESCO; UNICEF; World Health Organization; UNAIDS; UN-Habitat; World Bank based on statistics available as of June 2007.

The progress chart operates on two levels. The words in each box tell the current rate of compliance with each target. The colours show the trend, towards meeting the target by 2015 or not. See legend below: Target already met or very close to being met.  Target is expected to be met by 2015 if prevailing trends persist, or the problem that this target is designed to address is not a serious concern in the region. Target is not expected to be met by 2015. No progress, or a deterioration or reversal. Insufficient data.

* The available data for maternal mortality and malaria do not allow a trend analysis. Progress in the chart has been assessed by the responsible agencies on the basis of proxy indicators. ** The assessment is based on a new methodology and therefore not comparable with previous assessments.


In 2008, for the first time in history, more than half of the worlds population 3.3 billion people will be living in urban areas. This number is expected to swell to almost 5 billion by 2030. In 1800, only 2% of people lived in cities and towns. In 1950, only 30% of the world population was urban. Though mega-cities (more than 10 million people) will continue to grow, most people will be living in cities of 500,000 or fewer. Globally, future population growth will take place in cities, nearly all of it in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The battle for the Millennium Development Goals to halve extreme poverty by 2015 will be won or lost in the cities of the developing world. For more:

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The Millennium Development Goals 


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