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June 29, 2013 11:54am


I. BACKGROUND The State of Maine, Department of !mini"trati#e an! Finan$ia% Ser#i$e", &ureau of 'enera% Ser#i$e" (the &ureau)* on +eha%f of the Maine Department of ,ea%th an! ,uman Ser#i$e" (D,,S*, the Maine Department of -a+or (D.-* an! the /or0er" 1ompen"ation &oar! (/1&* i" "ee0in2 propo"a%" to %ea"e appro3imate%4 50,000678 "9uare feet of offi$e "pa$e in Port%an! or South Port%an!, Maine a" !e"$ri+e! in :3hi+it 1; (the <Department")*; .ffi$e "pa$e propo"e! ma4 +e ne= $on"tru$tion, reno#ate! "pa$e, or a $om+ination of +oth; D,,S prote$t" an! pre"er#e" the hea%th an! =e%fare of Maine $iti>en" +4 a!mini"terin2 a =i!e8ran2in2 "4"tem of pro2ram" in hea%th, +eha#iora% hea%th, "o$ia% "er#i$e", in$ome maintenan$e, pu+%i$ hea%th an! me!i$a% "er#i$e" =hi$h pro#i!e #ita% "er#i$e" to Maine re"i!ent"; D.- pro#i!e" a =i!e ran2e of pro2ram" an! "er#i$e" an! trainin2 to =or0er", ?o+"ee0er", an! the +u"ine"" $ommunit4; Thi" offi$e "er#e" the 1um+er%an! $ount4 area an! ha" a "i2nifi$ant amount of traffi$ from the 2enera% pu+%i$ an! %o$a% +u"ine""e", "o a hi2h%4 #i"i+%e an! a$$e""i+%e %o$ation i" important; /1& en"ure" $omp%ian$e =ith the =or0er"@ $ompen"ation %a=", en"urin2 the prompt !e%i#er4 of +enefit" %e2a%%4 !ue, promotin2 the pre#ention of !i"pute", uti%i>in2 !i"pute re"o%ution to re!u$e %iti2ation an! fa$i%itatin2 %a+or8, mana2ement $ooperation; The Department" ha#e !e#e%ope! "pa$e pro2ram" !etai%in2 their "pa$e re9uirement" an! ha#e tran"%ate! the pro2ram re9uirement" into a %a4out appropriate for ea$h Department, "ho=in2 0e4 fun$tiona% re%ation"hip" an! re%ati#e "i>e" an! t4pe" of "pa$e"; %% pro2ram information an! "amp%e %a4out" are atta$he! to thi" RFP a" :3hi+it" 1 an! 2 (Spa$e Pro2ram" an! 1on$ept F%oor P%an"*; II. GENERAL PROVISIONS

1. A""uan$e of thi" RFP !oe" not $ommit the &ureau to i""ue an a=ar! or to pa4 e3pen"e" in$urre! +4 a &i!!er in the preparation of a re"pon"e to thi" RFP; Thi" in$%u!e" atten!an$e at per"ona% inter#ie=" or other meetin2" an! "oft=are or "4"tem !emon"tration", =here app%i$a+%e; 2. %% propo"a%" "hou%! a!here to the in"tru$tion" an! format re9uirement" out%ine! in thi" RFP an! a%% =ritten "upp%ement" an! amen!ment" ("u$h a" the Summar4 of Bue"tion" an! n"=er"*, i""ue! +4 the &ureau; Propo"a%" are to fo%%o= the format an! re"pon! to a%% 9ue"tion" an! in"tru$tion" "pe$ifie! +e%o= in the <Propo"a% Su+mi""ion Re9uirement" an! :#a%uation) "e$tion of thi" RFP;

3. &i!!er" "ha%% ta0e $arefu% note that in e#a%uatin2 a propo"a% "u+mitte! in re"pon"e to thi" RFP, the &ureau =i%% $on"i!er materia%" pro#i!e! in the propo"a%, information o+taine! throu2h inter#ie="7pre"entation" (if an4*, an! interna% &ureau information of pre#iou" $ontra$t hi"tor4 =ith the &i!!er (if an4*; The &ureau a%"o re"er#e" the ri2ht to $on"i!er other re%ia+%e referen$e" an! pu+%i$%4 a#ai%a+%e information a#ai%a+%e in e#a%uatin2 a &i!!er@" e3perien$e an! $apa+i%itie"; The propo"a% "ha%% +e "i2ne! +4 a per"on authori>e! to %e2a%%4 +in! the &i!!er an! "ha%% $ontain a "tatement that the

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propo"a% an! the pri$in2 $ontaine! therein =i%% remain #a%i! an! +in!in2 for a perio! of 1C0 !a4" from the !ate an! time of the +i! openin2; 4. The RFP an! the "e%e$te! &i!!er@" propo"a%, in$%u!in2 a%% appen!i$e" or atta$hment", ma4 +e in$orporate! in the fina% $ontra$t; 5. Fo%%o=in2 announ$ement of an a=ar! !e$i"ion, a%% "u+mi""ion" in re"pon"e to thi" RFP =i%% +e $on"i!ere! pu+%i$ re$or!" a#ai%a+%e for pu+%i$ in"pe$tion pur"uant to the State of Maine Free!om of $$e"" $t (F. * (1 M;R;S; DD 401 et seq.*; An the e#ent a re9ue"t i" ma!e to pro!u$e an4 propo"a%, the &ureau =i%% notif4 the +i!!er that the &ureau =i%% pro!u$e the propo"a% un%e"" the +i!!er ta0e" "tep" it !eem" ne$e""ar4 to prohi+it pro!u$tion; The &ureau =i%% not un!erta0e to !etermine =here an4 propo"a% or part of an4 propo"a% i" $onfi!entia% or other=i"e prote$te! from !i"$%o"ure; 6. The Department, at it" "o%e !i"$retion, re"er#e" the ri2ht to re$o2ni>e an! =ai#e minor informa%itie" an! irre2u%aritie" foun! in propo"a%" re$ei#e! in re"pon"e to thi" RFP; 7. %% app%i$a+%e %a=", =hether or not herein $ontaine!, "ha%% +e in$%u!e! +4 thi" referen$e; At "ha%% +e Propo"er@"7Een!or@" re"pon"i+i%it4 to !etermine the app%i$a+i%it4 an! re9uirement" of an4 "u$h %a=" an! to a+i!e +4 them;

8; The &ureau re"er#e" the ri2ht to amen! the RFP, the RFP :3hi+it", the -ea"e an! the -ea"e :3hi+it" prior to the man!ator4 &i!!er"@ $onferen$e; Af mo!ifie!, a%% $han2e" to the RFP, the RFP :3hi+it" an! the -ea"e :3hi+it" =i%% +e a#ai%a+%e at the +i!!er"@ $onferen$e; III. ATTACHMENTS Re%e#ant %ea"e an! pro2ram !ata are atta$he! to a""i"t RFP re"pon!ent" in the preparation of their +i!"; The4 in$%u!e: RFP EXHIBITS: Ex !"!# 1 Spa$e Pro2ram" Ex !"!# 2 &%o$0 P%an" Ex !"!# 3 Map" of Port%an! an! South Port%an! Ex !"!# 4 Renta% Form" Ex !"!# 5 State of Maine .ffi$e -ea"e Temp%ate $EASE EXHIBITS: Ex !"!# A Memoran!um of -ea"e Ex !"!# B 1ommen$ement Foti$e Ex !"!# C 1o#enant" of -e""or: :n#ironmenta% an! .perationa% Maintenan$e Re9uirement" Ex !"!# D Par$e% of -an! De"$ription (from -e""or* Ex !"!# E Site P%an, &ui%!in2 P%an" G Spe$ifi$ation" (in$%u!in2 the State@" Fini"h Spe$ifi$ation"* Ex !"!# F 1u"to!ia% Spe$ifi$ation" Ex !"!# G Te%e$ommuni$ation Spe$ifi$ation" Ex !"!# H S,R : Eenti%ation Re9uirement" Ex !"!# I -ea"e! &ui%!in2 :ner24 :ffi$ien$4 Re9uirement" Ex !"!# % -etter of Antent

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I&. SCHEDU$E " a $on!ition of the +i!!in2 pro$e"" a%% intere"te! partie" mu"t atten! a pre8+i! $onferen$e; Thi" man!ator4 meetin2 "ha%% +e an opportunit4 to meet the RFP Team, a$9uire e3hi+it", a"0 9ue"tion" an! re$ei#e $%arifi$ation"; Re"pon"e" to "u+"tanti#e 9ue"tion" =i%% +e pro#i!e! in =ritin2 to a%% pro"pe$ti#e <&i!!er") in atten!an$e. D'#(: Ju%4 12, 2013 T!)(: 10:30 a;m; $*+'#!*,: 1H1 Mar2ina% /a4, Port%an!, Maine 04101 Po"t 1onferen$e Bue"tion" from tten!ee" =i%% +e a$$epte! up to 2 -.). $*+'. T!)(/ %0.1 23/ 2213. Bue"tion" mu"t +e "u+mitte! in =ritin2 to -in!a 'ree%e4 +4 emai% (%in!a;2ree%e4Imaine;2o#* or F J ( (205* 2C584039*; Bue"tion" tran"mitte! +4 e8mai% or +4 F J, mu"t +e $%ear%4 mar0e! 3RFP 22132424 5 DHHS 5 DO$ 5 6CB 7 P*8#.',9:S*0# P*8#.',9 $(';(9 S-'+(/ <0(;#!*,;=; %% "u+"tanti#e 9ue"tion" re$ei#e! +4 the !ea!%ine =i%% +e an"=ere! an! $ommuni$ate! to a%% intere"te! partie" on or +efore 2 -.). .*+'. #!)(/ %0.1 26/ 2213. Fo 9ue"tion a"0e! in other than =ritten form =i%% +e an"=ere!; The Department ma4 "$he!u%e intro!u$tor4 meetin2" =ith the fina%i"t" an!7or tour" of the propo"e! fa$i%itie" an!7or "ite", a" nee!e!; fter the $omp%etion of "u$h meetin2" an! tour", The Department =i%% attempt to ma0e a fina% "e%e$tion =ithin thirt4 (30* !a4" of +i! $%o"in2; T,: D:P RTM:FT R:S:RE:S T,: RA',T T. R:J:1T FK FD -- PR.P.S -S . The !ate for fina% "u+mi""ion" to the Di#i"ion of -ea"e! Spa$e i" S(-#()"(8 22/ 2213/ "1 2:22 -.)./ $*+'. T!)(. Propo"a%" re$ei#e! after 2:00 p;m; =i%% not +e a$$epte!; :%e$troni$ an! fa3 propo"a%" =i%% not +e a$$epte!; Su+mit "i3 (H* ori2ina% $opie" of 4our propo"a% in a "ea%e! en#e%ope to: D(-'8#)(,# *> A9)!,!;#8'#!?( ',9 F!,',+!'. S(8?!+(; D!?!;!*, *> $(';(9 S-'+( B08#*, M. C8*;; B0!.9!,@/ 4# >.**8 111 S(A'.. S#8((# 77 S#'#( H*0;( S#'#!*, A0@0;#'/ M'!,( 2433372224 B227C 62477342 %% propo"a%" "u+mitte! mu"t $%ear%4 i!entif4, on the out"i!e of the en#e%ope, the fo%%o=in2 !e"i2nation": < RFP 22132424 5DHHS 5 DO$ 5 6CB 7 P*8#.',9 A8(' $(';(9 S-'+(.=

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&. E&A$UATION CRITERIA 1. n e#a%uation team, $ompri"e! of 9ua%ifie! re#ie=er", =i%% ?u!2e the merit" of the propo"a%" re$ei#e! in a$$or!an$e =ith the $riteria !efine! in the RFP, an! in a$$or!an$e =ith the mo"t a!#anta2eou" $o"t an! e$onomi$ $on"i!eration" (=here app%i$a+%e* for the State;

2. .ffi$ia%" re"pon"i+%e for ma0in2 !e$i"ion" on the "e%e$tion of a $ontra$tor "ha%% en"ure that the "e%e$tion pro$e"" a$$or!" e9ua% opportunit4 an! appropriate $on"i!eration to a%% =ho are $apa+%e of meetin2 the "pe$ifi$ation"; The 2oa%" of the e#a%uation pro$e"" are to en"ure fairne"" an! o+?e$ti#it4 in re#ie= of the propo"a%" an! to en"ure that the $ontra$t i" a=ar!e! to the &i!!er =ho"e propo"a% +e"t "ati"fie" the $riteria of the RFP at a rea"ona+%e7$ompetiti#e $o"t; 3. The &ureau re"er#e" the ri2ht to $ommuni$ate an!7or "$he!u%e inter#ie="7pre"entation" =ith &i!!er" if nee!e! to o+tain $%arifi$ation of information $ontaine! in the propo"a%" re$ei#e!, an! the &ureau ma4 re#i"e the "$ore" a""i2ne! in the initia% e#a%uation to ref%e$t tho"e $ommuni$ation" an!7or inter#ie="7pre"entation"; Anter#ie="7pre"entation" are not re9uire!, an! $han2e" to propo"a%" =i%% not +e permitte! !urin2 an4 inter#ie=7pre"entation pro$e""; Therefore, &i!!er" "hou%! "u+mit propo"a%" that pre"ent their $o"t" an! other re9ue"te! information a" $%ear%4 an! $omp%ete%4 a" po""i+%e; &I. S+*8!,@ 1; The propo"a%" =i%% +e "$ore! on a 100 point "$a%e an! =i%% mea"ure the !e2ree to =hi$h ea$h propo"a% meet" the fo%%o=in2 $riteria: 1. $*+'#!*, 2. <0'.!#1 3. Ex-(8!(,+( 4. C*;# 22 -*!,#; 32 -*!,#; 15 -*!,#; 35 -*!,#; 122 -*!,#; An a!!ition, preferentia% "$orin2 of e%i2i+%e "ite" =i%% +e a" fo%%o=": a; +; Ser#i$e $enter !o=nto=n L 24 +onu" point" Ser#i$e $enter 2ro=th area" i; Af in a <$on"i"tent) $omprehen"i#e p%an L 1H +onu" point" ii; Af in a <in$on"i"tent) $omprehen"i#e p%an L 10 +onu" point" $; !; Do=nto=n in other than "er#i$e $enter $ommunitie" L 10 +onu" point"; 'ro=th area" in other than "er#i$e $enter $ommunitie": i; Af in a <$on"i"tent) $omprehen"i#e p%an L H +onu" point" ii; Af in a <in$on"i"tent) $omprehen"i#e p%an L 0 +onu" point" e; .ther area" L no +onu" point";
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2. The re#ie= team =i%% u"e a $on"en"u" approa$h to e#a%uate the +i!"; Mem+er" of the re#ie= team =i%% not "$ore the propo"a%" in!i#i!ua%%4 +ut in"tea! =i%% arri#e at a $on"en"u" a" to a""i2nment of point" on ea$h $ate2or4 of ea$h propo"a%; The $ontra$t a=ar!("* =i%% +e ma!e to the &i!!er("* re$ei#in2 the hi2he"t num+er of e#a%uation point", +a"e! upon the propo"a%"@ "ati"fa$tion of the $riteria e"ta+%i"he! in the RFP; The 1o"t "e$tion =i%% +e "$ore! a$$or!in2 to a mathemati$a% formu%a !e"$ri+e! +e%o=; 3. The tota% $o"t propo"e! =i%% +e a""i2ne! a "$ore a$$or!in2 to a mathemati$a% formu%a; The %o=e"t +i! =i%% +e a=ar!e! 35 point"; Propo"a%" =ith hi2her +i!" #a%ue" =i%% +e a=ar!e! proportionate%4 fe=er point" $a%$u%ate! in $ompari"on =ith the %o=e"t +i!; The "$orin2 formu%a i": (%o=e"t "u+mitte! $o"t propo"a% 7 $o"t of propo"a% +ein2 "$ore!* 3 (35 point" a#ai%a+%e* L pro8 rate! "$ore &II. SE$ECTION AND A6ARD 1. The Department re"er#e" the ri2ht to ne2otiate =ith the "u$$e""fu% &i!!er to fina%i>e a %ea"e a2reement; The State ma4 "ee0 to ne2otiate a +e"t an! fina% offer (& F.* from the "e%e$te! re"pon!ent in thi" RFP pro$e""; Su$h ne2otiation" ma4 not "i2nifi$ant%4 #ar4 the $ontent, nature or re9uirement" of the propo"a%; The Department re"er#e" the ri2ht to terminate -ea"e ne2otiation" =ith a "e%e$te! re"pon!ent =ho i" ne2otiatin2 a %ea"e a2reement that i" "i2nifi$ant%4 !ifferent from the propo"a% the4 "u+mitte! in re"pon"e to the a!#erti"e! RFP; An the e#ent that an a$$epta+%e -ea"e 2reement $annot +e ne2otiate! =ith the hi2he"t ran0e! &i!!er, the Department ma4 =ith!ra= it" a=ar! an! ne2otiate =ith the ne3t8hi2he"t ran0e! &i!!er, an! "o on, unti% an a$$epta+%e -ea"e 2reement ha" +een fina%i>e!; %ternati#e%4, the Department ma4 $an$e% the RFP, at it" "o%e !i"$retion; The fina% !e$i"ion re2ar!in2 the a=ar! of the -ea"e 2reement =i%% +e ma!e +4 the :#a%uation Team, "u+?e$t to appro#a% +4 the Dire$tor of the &ureau of 'enera% Ser#i$e"; 2. Fotifi$ation of &i!!er@" "e%e$tion or non8"e%e$tion =i%% +e ma!e in =ritin2 +4 the &ureau of 'enera% Ser#i$e", Di#i"ion of -ea"e! Spa$e; 3. A""uan$e of thi" RFP in no =a4 $on"titute" a $ommitment +4 the State of Maine to a=ar! a -ea"e 2reement, to pa4 $o"t" in$urre! in the preparation of a re"pon"e to thi" re9ue"t, or to pa4 $o"t" in$urre! in pro$urin2 the -ea"e 2reement or an4 other $o"t" in$urre! +4 the &i!!er; 4. The Department re"er#e" the ri2ht to re?e$t an4 an! a%% propo"a%" or to ma0e mu%tip%e a=ar!"; 5. n4 per"on a22rie#e! +4 the a=ar! !e$i"ion that re"u%t" from thi" RFP ma4 appea% the !e$i"ion to the Dire$tor of the &ureau of 'enera% Ser#i$e"; The appea% mu"t +e in =ritin2 an! fi%e! =ith the Dire$tor of the &ureau of 'enera% Ser#i$e", 9 State ,ou"e Station, u2u"ta, Maine, 0433380009 =ithin 15 $a%en!ar !a4" of re$eipt of notifi$ation of RFP a=ar!;

&III. RE<UIREMENTS: The &i!!er@" propo"a% mu"t fo%%o= the out%ine u"e! +e%o=, in$%u!in2 the num+erin2 an! "e$tion an! "u+8"e$tion hea!in2" a" the4 appear here; Fai%ure to u"e the out%ine "pe$ifie! in thi" "e$tion or to re"pon! to a%% 9ue"tion" an! in"tru$tion" throu2hout thi" !o$ument ma4 re"u%t in the propo"a% +ein2 !i"9ua%ifie! a"
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non8re"pon"i#e or re$ei#in2 a re!u$e! "$ore; The &ureau an! it" e#a%uation team for thi" RFP ha#e "o%e !i"$retion to !etermine =hether a #arian$e from the RFP "pe$ifi$ation" "hou%! re"u%t in either !i"9ua%ifi$ation or re!u$tion in "$orin2 of a propo"a%; Rephra"in2 of the $ontent pro#i!e! in thi" RFP =i%%, at +e"t, +e $on"i!ere! minima%%4 re"pon"i#e; The &ureau "ee0" !etai%e! 4et "u$$in$t re"pon"e" that !emon"trate the &i!!er@" e3perien$e an! a+i%it4 to perform the re9uirement" "pe$ifie! throu2hout thi" !o$ument; At i" the re"pon"i+i%it4 of the &i!!er to pro#i!e a%% information re9ue"te! in the RFP pa$0a2e at the time of "u+mi""ion; Fai%ure to pro#i!e information re9ue"te! in thi" RFP ma4, at the !i"$retion of the Department@" e#a%uation re#ie= team, re"u%t in a %o=er ratin2 for the in$omp%ete "e$tion" an! ma4 re"u%t in the propo"a% +ein2 !i"9ua%ifie! for $on"i!eration; Propo"a%" mu"t a!!re"" the fo%%o=in2 (to the e3tent that a +i!!er i" una+%e to "ati"f4 a re9uirement, "tate the %imitation an! propo"e! a%ternati#e*:

1. $*+'#!*,:

Pu+%i$ Tran"portation Ei"itor $$e"" Ei"i+i%it4 Safet4, e;2; in2re"", e2re"", traffi$ f%o= !?a$ent u"e" :3pan!a+i%it4 of "pa$e an! par0in2 :ffe$t on "treet %e#e% retai% +u"ine"" menitie" in$%u!in2 pro3imit4 to $ommer$ia% an! profe""iona% "er#i$e" F%oo! Re%ate! Re9uirement": n4 "ite that i" propo"e! =ithin 250 feet of the 100 4ear f%oo! p%ain =i%% "u+mit a F:M F%oo! Map "pe$ifi$ to the propo"e! %o$ation an! a%"o ha#e the fo%%o=in2 "pe$ia% re9uirement": Fo renta+%e "9uare feet ma4 +e at or +e%o= the +a"e f%oo! e%e#ation; Af propo"e! "ite i" an e3i"tin2 +ui%!in2, the -o$a% f%oo! p%ain or!inan$e mu"t +e $omp%ie! =ith, =hether or not the nee!e! impro#ement" are !eeme!) "u+"tantia%); Fo ne= $on"tru$tion in the f%oo! p%ain =i%% +e a$$epte!; n4 impro#ement" re%ati#e to f%oo! p%ain mana2ement i" the finan$ia% re"pon"i+i%it4 of the -an!%or! an! mu"t +e in$%u!e! in the propo"e! $o"t per "9uare foot; Suita+i%it4 an! 9ua%it4 of the +ui%!in2 an! "ite

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S!#( P.',: An$%u!e a propo"e! "ite p%an =ith 4our "u+mi""ion "ho=in2 "ite a$$e"" an! e2re"", +ui%!in2 %o$ation an! "i>e, 2reen "pa$e, an! a Par0in2 %a4out ("ho=in2 pu+%i$ an! "taff par0in2 in "eparate area"*, a" =e%% a" a map "ho=in2 the %o$ation of 4our propo"e! propert4; Af a#ai%a+%e, atta$h photo2raph" an!7or ren!erin2" of the propo"e! propert4; P%ea"e i%%u"trate the e3pan!a+i%it4 of +oth the +ui%!in2 an! the par0in2; D "pa$e" i" re9uire!; Parking Definitions: .n8"ite par0in2 i" norma%%4 !efine! a": Par0in2 on the "ame or a!?a$ent %ot a" the +ui%!in2 to +e %ea"e!; The fo%%o=in2 par0in2 arran2ement" =i%% +e $on"i!ere! a" e9ui#a%ent" to on8 "ite par0in2: Pu+%i$ par0in2M (on "treet or muni$ipa% %ot par0in2* if a+uttin2 the %ot to +e %ea"e! (if un8metere! an! =ithout time re"tri$tion"* Par0in2 a$ro"" the "treetM (or !ia2ona%%4 a$ro"" the "treet if at an inter"e$tion* from the "pa$e to +e %ea"e!; Fote N if a "treet mu"t +e $ro""e!, it mu"t +e !eeme! a <"afe) pe!e"trian $ro""in2 +4 the State ($ro""=a%0", traffi$ %i2ht" for +u"4 "treet", et$;* Fote N D par0in2 a#ai%a+i%it4 i" $riti$a%O on8"ite par0in2 to +e !eeme! a$$epta+%e mu"t a!!re"" the"e re9uirement"; Fote N Par0in2 in a muni$ipa% %otM (a" !efine! a+o#e* =i%% on%4 +e $on"i!ere! if it i" !eeme! to ha#e $apa$it4 for a!!itiona% par0in2; Af there i" not "uffi$ient on8"ite par0in2, a" !efine! a+o#e, to meet the re9uirement" of thi" RFP a" "tipu%ate! a+o#e, then e3pan!e! off8"ite par0in2M ma4 +e "u+"titute! if =ithin a rea"ona+%e =a%0in2 !i"tan$e; n4 "u$h "u+"titution =i%% +e e#a%uate! an! ma4 +e "$ore! %e"" fa#ora+%4; %% par0in2 area" mu"t +e pa#e!, appropriate%4 "i2ne!, "tripe! an! fu%%4 %i2hte!; De"$ri+e the par0in2 pro#i!e! at the "ite, in$%u!in2 the tota% num+er of "pa$e" a#ai%a+%e an! pro#i!e !etai% a" to ho= 4ou =i%% meet thi" par0in2 re9uirement; MPar0in2 re%ate! $o"t", if an4, mu"t +e in$%u!e! in the &a"e Rent;
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U#!.!#!(;: State =hi$h pu+%i$ uti%itie" =i%% +e u"e! at 4our "ite; P'8D!,@: minimum of 425 "pa$e" in$%u"i#e of the appropriate 9uantit4 of

June 29, 2013 11:54am


2. <0'.!#1:

S)*D( >8(( "0!.9!,@ The State of Maine =i%% $on"i!er a ne= fa$i%it4, reno#ate! fa$i%it4, or a $om+ination of ne= $on"tru$tion an! reno#ate! "pa$e in a "in2%e or mu%ti8tenant fa$i%it4; Some $riteria =i%% +e more re%e#ant to ne= $on"tru$tion +ut e9ui#a%ent or +etter fini"he! materia%" in a fa$i%it4 =i%% +e $on"i!ere! =here appropriate;

Fun$tiona%it4 an! "uita+i%it4 in meetin2 pro2ram nee!" D a$$e""i+i%it4 Par0in2 Fa$i%it4 ppearan$e Bua%it4 of Stru$ture Site P%an 1omp%ian$e =ith app%i$a+%e $o!e" &ui%!in2 an! S4"tem Spe$ifi$ation": ,E 1O D O -i2htin2O Te%e$ommuni$ation"O &ui%!in2 1o!e" (a"+e"to", air 9ua%it4, ha>ar!ou" materia%", =a"te !i"po"a%*; r$hite$tura% t4pe of +ui%!in2 Materia% +ein2 propo"e! for the main entran$e("* an! e3terior of the +ui%!in2 P"e of te$hno%o2ie", pro!u$t" an! pra$ti$e" that effi$ient%4 an! $o"t effe$ti#e%4 mana2e the u"e of ener24, =ater, materia%" an! =a"te; An!oor en#ironmenta% 9ua%it4; Reinfor$ement of an! inte2ration =ith natura% "4"tem"; F%oor %oa! minimum of 100 poun!" %i#e %oa! $apa$it4 T4pe of =in!o=" that ma3imi>e e3po"ure to natura% %i2htin2 /in!o= treatment" ($ommer$ia% 2ra!e +%in!"* Staff -oun2e: To +e fu%%4 e9uippe! D a$$e""i+%e 0it$hen; &a"e $a+inet" =ith p%a"ti$ %aminate $ounter", upper $a+inet", fro"t8free 21 $u;ft; Refri2erator", 1,000 =att $ommer$ia% mi$ro=a#e o#en", "in2%e +o=% "tain%e"" "tee% "in0 =ith "in2%e %e#er fau$et an! a $ommer$ia% Qeuri27Q8$up "4"tem tie! into the =ater "4"tem; (1a+inet" ma4 +e manufa$ture! or "ite +ui%t unit"O refri2erator" ma4 +e "i!e +4 "i!e unit" or unit" =ith the free>er %o$ate! at the +ottom* F.'@: n a%uminum, i%%uminate! f%a2 po%e (=here "ite permit"* e3hi+itin2 a Fationa% an! State f%a2 i" to +e pro#i!e! an! maintaine! +4 -e""or@" propert4 mana2ement;

T(,',# I)-8*?()(,#; in$%u!in2 a%% !e"i2n fee" are to +e pro#i!e! +4 -an!%or! +a"e! on the pro2ram" !efine! in :3hi+it 1 an! the Fini"h Spe$ifi$ation" (:3hi+it :*; T4pi$a% e%ement" of a $on"tru$tion7reno#ation !e"i2n in$%u!e !ra=in2" of the Site P%an, :%e#ation", F%oor p%an, :%e$tri$a%7T:-1. p%an, Ref%e$ti#e $ei%in2 p%an, Me$hani$a%7,E 17p%um+in2 p%an", Fini"h "$he!u%e, Door" G ,ar!=are "$he!u%e, /in!o= S$he!u%e an! Pha"e A furniture p%an (+%o$0 !ia2ram* an! Pha"e AA furniture p%an (+a"i$ furniture orientation*;
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The "u$$e""fu% &i!!er an! &'S =i%% $oor!inate a "erie" of meetin2" throu2h a%% pha"e" of $on"tru$tion an! !e"i2n; A $IFE CEC$E COST ANA$ESIS mu"t +e $omp%ete! +4 -e""or at -e""or e3pen"e !urin2 the !e"i2n pha"e, prior to $on"tru$tion; The ana%4"i" "ha%% in$%u!e e#i!en$e !emon"tratin2 that a%ternati#e mo!ifi$ation" to %i2htin2 "4"tem" (or other +ui%!in2 or ,E 1 $omponent" that affe$t the Department@" annua% $o"t"* ha#e +een a!e9uate%4 e3p%ore!, e#a%uate! an! imp%emente! =here a %o=er %ife $4$%e $o"t $an +e "ho=n to re"u%t; Fo $on"tru$tion "ha%% +e2in unti% a -ea"e ha" +een e3e$ute! an! a f%oor p%an fina%i>e! an! a2ree! to +4 +oth partie"; Fina%, " &ui%t p%an" mu"t +e prepare! an! "i2ne! +4 a Re2i"tere! Profe""iona% r$hite$t an!7or :n2ineer; A!entif4 the r$hite$t an!7or :n2ineer =hom 4ou p%an to u"e =ith 4our "u+mi""ion; $op4 of the a"8+ui%t p%an" an! fina% p%an" mu"t +e "u+mitte! to an! appro#e! +4 the Department prior to o$$upan$4; T(.(+*))0,!+'#!*,;: &ui%!in2 te%e$ommuni$ation" infra"tru$ture "ha%% +e pro#i!e! +4 the -an!%or! a$$or!in2 to State of Maine, Te%e$ommuni$ation" Fa$i%itie" an! /irin2 Spe$ifi$ation" (:3hi+it '*; 1oor!ination =ith the State@" .ffi$e of Anformation Te$hno%o24 i" re9uire! of the "u$$e""fu% +i!!er; F.**8 : F!# P.',;: Propo"a%" mu"t in$%u!e <f%oor7fit p%an") !emon"tratin2 the a+i%it4 of the propo"e! fa$i%it4 to a$$ommo!ate the "pa$e pro2ram re9uirement"; The "u$$e""fu% !e#e%oper@" ar$hite$t an!7or en2ineer =i%% =or0 =ith the State to e"ta+%i"h an i!ea% f%oor p%an that i" a$$epta+%e to +oth the State an! the !e#e%oper; E,?!8*,)(,#'.: Pro#i!e $ertifi$ation that there ha" +een no =ater infi%tration in the +ui%!in2; Af una+%e to $ertif4, !e"$ri+e the t4pe("* of =ater infi%tration epi"o!e("* in$%u!in2 !ate" an! re"pon"e a$tion"; De"$ri+e an4 form of a+atement of mo%! or ha>ar!ou" materia% that ha" o$$urre!, in the +ui%!in2, in the pa"t 5 4ear"; P ';( I E,?!8*,)(,#'.: Pha"e A en#ironmenta% report mu"t +e "u+mitte! for Tenant@" re#ie= prior to %ea"e "i2nin2; Af "u22e"te! +4 the Pha"e A re"u%t", Pha"e AA te"tin2 an! $%ean8up p%annin2 ma4 +e re9uire!; The report" are at the e3pen"e of the "u$$e""fu% +i!!er;

3. Ex-(8!(,+(: '. D(;+8!-#!*, *> # ( O8@',!F'#!*, Pre"ent a !etai%e! "tatement of 9ua%ifi$ation" an! "ummar4 of re%e#ant e3perien$e; Af "u+$ontra$tor" are to +e u"e!, pro#i!e a %i"t that "pe$ifie" the name, a!!re"", phone num+er, $onta$t per"on, an! a +rief !e"$ription of the "u+$ontra$tor"@ or2ani>ationa% $apa$it4 an! 9ua%ifi$ation";

O8@',!F'#!*,'. D(;+8!-#!*, ',9 <0'.!>!+'#!*,;

Pa2e 9 of 13

June 29, 2013 11:54am


i; -o$ation of the $orporate hea!9uarter"; %"o, !e"$ri+e the $urrent or propo"e! %o$ation =here "er#i$e" =i%% +e pro#i!e! or from =hi$h the "pa$e =i%% +e mana2e!; ii; iii; tta$h !o$umentation of an4 app%i$a+%e Maine %i$en"ure re9uirement" (or an4 "pe$ifi$ $re!entia%" re9uire!*; tta$h a $ertifi$ate of in"uran$e on a "tan!ar! $or! form (or the e9ui#a%ent* e#i!en$in2 the &i!!er@" 2enera% %ia+i%it4, profe""iona% %ia+i%it4 an! an4 other re%e#ant %ia+i%it4 in"uran$e po%i$ie" that mi2ht +e a""o$iate! =ith thi" $ontra$t;

+. O8@',!F'#!*,'. Ex-(8!(,+( &rief%4 !e"$ri+e the hi"tor4 of the &i!!er@" or2ani>ation, e"pe$ia%%4 re2ar!in2 "0i%%" pertinent to the "pe$ifi$ pro!u$t re9uire! +4 the RFP an! an4 "pe$ia% or uni9ue $hara$teri"ti$" of the or2ani>ation =hi$h =ou%! ma0e it e"pe$ia%%4 9ua%ifie! to perform the re9uire! =or0 a$ti#itie"; An$%u!e "imi%ar information for an4 "u+$ontra$tor"; 9. D(;+8!-#!*, *> Ex-(8!(,+( A!# S!)!.'8 P8*G(+#; i; Pro#i!e a !e"$ription of fi#e pro?e$t" that o$$urre! =ithin the pa"t fi#e 4ear" =hi$h ref%e$t e3perien$e an! e3perti"e nee!e! in performin2 the fun$tion" re9uire! to pro#i!e =hat i" re9uire! of thi" RFP; For ea$h of the fi#e e3amp%e" pro#i!e!, a $onta$t per"on from the $%ient or2ani>ation in#o%#e! "hou%! +e %i"te!, a%on2 =ith that per"on@" te%ephone num+er; P%ea"e note that hi"tor4 =ith the State of Maine, =hether po"iti#e or ne2ati#e, ma4 +e $on"i!ere! in ratin2 propo"a%" e#en if not pro#i!e! +4 the &i!!er; ii; Af the &i!!er ha" not pro#i!e! "imi%ar "er#i$e", note thi", an! !e"$ri+e e3perien$e =ith pro?e$t" that hi2h%i2ht the &i!!er@" 2enera% $apa+i%itie"; (. S+ (90.( >*8 C*,;#80+#!*, *8 R(,*?'#!*,;: i; An$%u!e a "$he!u%e for the Fina% permittin2O 1on"tru$tion7reno#ation $ommen$ementO an! a 1on"tru$tion7reno#ation $omp%etion; N*#(: The fina% %ea"e !o$ument =i%% pro#i!e Tenant =ith the a+i%it4 to terminate the %ea"e a2reement if -an!%or! i" una+%e or un=i%%in2 to meet thi" propo"e! "$he!u%e; ,o=e#er, the propo"e! "$he!u%e ma4 +e e3ten!e! =ith the mutua% $on"ent of +oth partie"; >. P8*G(+# F!,',+!,@: An$%u!e an in!i$ation of 4our a+i%it4 to finan$e thi" pro?e$t (i;e; a %etter from 4our +an0*; @. B0!.9!,@ M','@()(,#: P%ea"e pro#i!e the "$ope of propert4 mana2ement "er#i$e" =hi$h 4ou =i%% pro#i!e; -e""or a2ree" that in e3er$i"in2 it" mana2ement re"pon"i+i%itie" of the propert4, of =hi$h the -ea"e! premi"e" are a part, in$%u!in2 the maintenan$e, repair, a%teration" an! $on"tru$tion re%atin2 thereto, it "ha%% $omp%4 =ith a%% app%i$a+%e %a=", "tatute", ru%e", or!inan$e" an! re2u%ation", in$%u!in2 +ut not %imite! to +ui%!in2 $o!e, !i"a+i%itie" a$$e"", >onin2, air 9ua%it4, po%%ution $ontro%, an! re$4$%a+%e materia%", a" i""ue! +4 an4 fe!era%, "tate or %o$a% po%iti$a% "u+!i#i"ion ha#in2 ?uri"!i$tion an! authorit4 in $onne$tion =ith "ai! propert4; . R(>(8(,+(;: P%ea"e pro#i!e referen$e" re%ati#e to e3perien$e on pro?e$t" of thi" "i>e;
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4. C*;#:

$(';( F*8): The Department =i%% re9uire the u"e of it" .ffi$e -ea"e (:3hi+it 5* an! a%% of it" e3hi+it" (:3hi+it" 8J*, "u+?e$t to mo!ifi$ation" ne$e""ar4 to ref%e$t the propo"e! &a"e Rent Definition ("et forth +e%o=* an! other "pe$ifi$" of thi" RFP; Af 4ou =i"h to ma0e an4 %an2ua2e $han2e" to thi" .ffi$e -ea"e a" a re9uirement of 4our propo"a%, p%ea"e pro#i!e &'S =ith a%% re9ue"te! $han2e" in =ritin2 =ith 4our propo"a%; Fai%ure to "u+mit %ea"e $han2e" =i%% +e interprete! a" fu%% a$$eptan$e of the .ffi$e -ea"e a" "ho=n in :3hi+it 5 (%ea"e*; :3$eption" =i%% +e ta0en into $on"i!eration !urin2 the e#a%uation pro$e"";

I,!#!'. T(8): Buote rent for a Fifteen (15* 4ear term an! a T=ent4 (20* 4ear term u"in2 the form" pro#i!e! in :3hi+it 4; .ptiona% 9uote" for a Ten (10* 4ear term an! a T=ent4 p%u" (206* 4ear term ma4 a%"o +e "u+mitte!; R(,(A'. T(8);: T=o (2* Fi#e (5* 4ear term" or an4 portion thereof; O++0-',+1: &et=een Fe+ruar4 2015 an! pri% 201 B';( R(,#: P%ea"e 9uote the mo!ifie! 2ro"" rent =ith -an!%or! entire%4 re"pon"i+%e for roof an! "tru$ture; %% up8front $o"t" for tenant impro#ement", %e2a% fee", et$; mu"t +e +ui%t into pro?e$t $o"t"; The -an!%or! i" to "u+mit a rent propo"a% u"in2 the form" pro#i!e! in :3hi+it 4; Renta+%e "9uare feet "ha%% not in$%u!e the +ui%!in2" e3terior =a%%, me$hani$a% area", $ommon area" or e3terior =a%%" of the %ea"e! premi"e"; For tho"e "u+mi""ion" =hi$h ma4 in$%u!e Ta3 An$rement Finan$in2 (TAF*, p%ea"e 9uote the +a"e rent =ith out a TAF in$%u!e! in the fun!in2 of the propo"a%; Fo TAF 9uote =i%% +e $on"i!ere! un%e"" the &i!!er $an !o$ument in it" propo"a% that the TAF ha" the "upport of the muni$ipa%it4 or i" other=i"e a rea"ona+%e e3pe$tation;

R(,# D(>!,!#!*,: Rent mu"t in$%u!e Fue% for ,eat, /ater G Se=er, Rea% :"tate Ta3e", :%e$tri$it4 for ,E 18,ot /ater8:3terior -i2htin2, interior maintenan$e, par0in2 re%ate! e3pen"e" (if an4*, in"uran$e, ,E 1 maintenan$e an! ener24 $o"t", $ommon area maintenan$e, Sno= Remo#a%7Sa%tin27San!in27Sho#e%in2, 1u"to!ia%7Janitoria% an! the %%o=an$e for Anterior Department Si2na2e, ,one4=e%% Pro3imit4 1ar! Rea!er "4"tem; A..*A',+(: The fo%%o=in2 amount" are to +e in$%u!e! in 4our propo"a%: H122/222.22 for a ,one4=e%% 1ar! $$e"" "4"tem an! interior Department "i2na2e; NOTE 1: The ,one4=e%% 1ar! $$e"" "4"tem =i%% +e $ontro%%e! an! maintaine! +4 the Department; NOTE 2: The -e""or "ha%% "u+mit "u+"tantiatin2 !o$umentation, in the form of in#oi$e", for a%% a%%o=an$e"; An the e#ent the State !oe" not u"e a%% of an a%%o=an$e,
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"ai! +a%an$e ma4 +e u"e! for tenant impro#ement" or a" a $re!it a2ain"t the rent !urin2 the fir"t 4ear of the %ea"e term; Spe$if4 in !etai% the pro?e$te! $o"t" for the fo%%o=in2 $ate2orie" of e3pen"e a" "ho=n in Ex !"!# 4: Fue% for ,eat /ater G Se=er Rea% :"tate Ta3e" :%e$tri$it4 for ,E 1, ,ot /ater an! :3terior -i2htin2 Sno= Remo#a%, Sa%tin2, San!in2, Sho#e%in2 Janitoria% 7 1u"to!ia%

%% :"$a%ator" =i%% +e in a22re2ate a" !e"$ri+e! in Ex !"!# 5; &a"e Kear Rea% :"tate Ta3e" =i%% +e the 1"t fu%% ta3 4ear a" "et +4 the $it4 (i;e; Ju%48 June* an! =i%% in$%u!e the #a%ue of a%% +ui%!in2 impro#ement" a""o$iate! =ith a %ea"e a2reement; &a"e Kear for other e"$a%ator" =i%% +e the 1"t fu%% 4ear of o$$upan$4; The 1"t 4ear e3pen"e" =i%% +e a!?u"te!, if ne$e""ar4, for an4 "er#i$e not fu%%4 ren!ere! a" "pe$ifie! in the -ea"e 2reement; &a"e 4ear for the purpo"e" of a%% annua% e"$a%ation =i%% +e re"et after the initia% term if rene=e!; T(,',# Ex-(,;(;: Anterior, "eparate%4 metere! e%e$tri$it4 for %i2htin2 an! p%u2 %oa!;

S!@,'@(: Di"$u"" an4 muni$ipa% or +ui%!in2 "i2na2e re"tri$tion" or re2u%ation"; Af a mu%ti tenant +ui%!in2 i" +ein2 propo"e!, a !ire$tor4 at the +ui%!in2" entran$e =ith room an! "uite i!entifi$ation "ha%% +e pro#i!e! an! maintaine! +4 the -e""or; :3terior "i2na2e "ha%% $%ear%4 an! ea"i%4 i!entif4 the Department an! "ha%% +e pro#i!e! an! maintaine! +4 the -e""or, "u+?e$t to the appro#a% of the State; 1enter; S(+08!#1 S1;#(): ,one4=e%% pro3imit4 $ar! rea!er "4"tem tie! to State &ui%!in2 1ontro%

6';#( D!;-*;'.: -e""or "ha%% $ooperate =ith Tenant to meet the re9uirement" of 3C M;R;S; ; D 21353(3*; -e""or "ha%%, at -e""or@" e3pen"e, pro#i!e $ontainer" in an appropriate area on "ite for the temporar4 "tora2e of re$4$%a+%e materia%"; -e""or "ha%% a%"o, at -e""or@" e3pen"e, +e re"pon"i+%e for pro#i!in2 a !ump"ter an! !ump"ter pa! (if app%i$a+%e* an! pi$08up of a%% non8re$4$%a+%e materia%"; S-'+(: P%ea"e "pe$if4 renta+%e "9uare foota2e an! an4 %o"" fa$tor"; Renta+%e "9uare foota2e "ha%% not in$%u!e me$hani$a% room", e3terior =a%%" or $ommon area"; IX. OTHER RE<UIREMENTS: Propo"a%" mu"t +e free of $on!ition" e3$ept for >onin2 $han2e" an! "u+!i#i"ion appro#a%", the nature of =hi$h an! timin2 for =hi$h mu"t +e i!entifie! in the propo"a%;
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An the $a"e of a >one $han2e or "u+!i#i"ion appro#a%", a %etter from muni$ipa% offi$ia%" in!i$atin2 a =i%%in2ne"" to "upport the propo"e! pro?e$t mu"t a$$ompan4 the propo"a%; :ntr4 #e"ti+u%e("* ("in2%e air8%o$0* to the +ui%!in2 i"7are re9uire!; &oth the e3terior an! interior !oor" of the #e"ti+u%e("* =i%% +e opera+%e =ith pu"h pa!!%e"; n at82ra!e %oa!in2 area =ith an o#er"i>e! !oor or !ou+%e !oor; %% %i2htin2 =i%% +e minimum of hi2h effi$ien$4 TC, mu%ti +u%+, mu%ti +an0 "4"tem" Motion "en"or" are re9uire! throu2hout the +ui%!in2. Fon opera+%e =in!o=" are preferre!

F%oorin2 in the main entr4("*, %o++47=aitin2 area", "tora2e room", mai% room", "upp%4 room", "ho=er" an! +rea0 room" to +e fini"he! $on$rete; F%oorin2 in a%% other area" to +e #in4% ti%e or $arpet; Ra!iant heat i" preferre!, +ut not re9uire!; ,E 1 "4"tem mu"t ha#e manua% o#erri!e";

Pa""en2er e%e#ator mu"t +e of "uffi$ient "i>e to a%%o= the tran"port of a per"on an am+u%an$e "tret$her in the fu%%4 "upine po"ition, =ithout ha#in2 to rai"e, %o=er or +en! the "tret$her in an4 +i%%; D,,S nur"in2 "e$tion re9uire" upper an! %o=er +a"e $a+inet" =ith "in2%e "tain%e"" "tee% "in0 an! =i%% ha#e a D,,S pro#i!e! refri2erator; Fo%!in2 partition" re9uire! in %ar2e $onferen$e room";

An /ATF:SS /,:R:.F, thi" RFP ha" +een !u%4 appro#e! +4 the partie" a" of RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR;

RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on +eha%f of the Maine Department of ,ea%th an! ,uman Ser#i$e" RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on +eha%f of the Maine Department of -a+or RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on +eha%f of the Maine /or0er" 1ompen"ation &oar! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on +eha%f of &'S, Di#i"ion of -ea"e! Spa$e;

Pa2e 13 of 13

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