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C6 SysEx Tool User's Manual

Copyright 2006-2013 ELEKTRON MUSIC MACHINES AB C6 ! 1"#$ %&' C6 OS 1"#E

C6 is a SysEx tool developed by Elektron Music Machines for use with its product line; the Sidstation, the Machinedrum and the Monomachine. C6 is particularly useful for transferrin samples to and from the Machinedrum S!S"#$% or waveforms to the S&'" 6(M)*. Supported formats are M+,+ System Exclusive -SysEx. files. /dditionally mono or stereo %/0 and /+&& audio files are supported for transfer usin the M+,+ Sample ,ump Standard -S,S. protocol. M+,+ S,S is part of the M+,+ SysEx standard. ,ata received via M+,+ can be saved as M+,+ SysEx. !lease use your favorite audio editor for preparin the samples prior to transfer as C6 is not an audio editor or player. Since C6 displays information on the contents of received SysEx dumps for Elektron products C6 is useful for doin SysEx backups. C6 is most likely suitable for use with other products as well.

1his software is freeware. 1he software is provided 2as is3, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, includin but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infrin ement. +n no event shall the authors or copyri ht holders be liable for any claim, dama es or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arisin from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealin s in the software.


/ M+,+ interface.

/n x46 compatible computer runnin %indows. 1he software has been tested on %indows '! but should work on ME5*(((50ista56.

1he software has been tested to work on 7S #(.8 and #(.6. +t is a $niversal 9inary.


Start C6 Click on :Conf; and select the M+,+ +n port and M+,+ 7ut port from the two lists. !ress :7);


[Send] Send the current selection of files. ,urin transmission the button chan es to [Stop]. :Stop; stops the current transfer. !ressin :Send; with no file selected opens the <oad dialo . [Receive] =eceive SysEx to C6. ,urin reception the button chan es to :Stop;. %hen all data is received use :Stop; to finish the current receive. +f some data has been successfully received you will see a new entry in the list browser. [Load] <oad files to send from C6. [Save] Save the current selection of files or received data to disk. [Close] =emove the current selection of items from the data browser. [Config] Confi ure C6 to you own taste. [Exit] >uit C6.

C6 Sy.E/ Too0 U.1r2. M%&3%0


<ists all loaded files and the received data. &ilename, len th and type is listed. Select an item to et additional info in the &ile +nfo field. 1he items in the data browser can be rearran ed. ,ra and drop to the data browser is supported.

Shows additional info about files and received data. &or Elektron SysEx dumps a brief description of the contents is displayed. &or audio files the basic parameters are listed. [Loop] &or audio files the loopin behavior is controlled when sendin them as a M+,+ S,S. <oop?&ile honors the loopin information stored in the file. <oop 7n forces loopin behavior. <oop 7ff selects no loopin . [Stereo] Selection for stereo audio files what to send as M+,+ S,S, as a M+,+ S,S transfer is always mono, or when convertin a loop to ,i i!=7 format. < @ = sends a mix of the two channels. <eft or =i ht sends the selected channel only. [ igi!R"] Converts %/0E or /+&& samples either usin the full sample or, if present, the sample loop points to Monomachine ,i i!=7 waveform format. 1he maximum allowed len th of the loop is #6A4B samples.

Sample position. Enter the sample position you want the M+,+ S,S file to contain when sendin an audio file. /utomatically updated for each sent file to allow for easy transfer of multiple files. 1urbo button. !ress this button and if the M+,+ interface is an Elektron 1urbo char ed M+,+ interface, connected to a turbo char e enabled device, a turbo speed connection is established.

STATUS RO !ro ress bar. Shows the pro ress of each sent file. Sendin text. ,isplays Sendin when sendin is in pro ress. =eceivin text. ,isplays the number of received data bytes.

C6 Sy.E/ Too0 U.1r2. M%&3%0



M# # #$ <ists available M+,+ ports ready for selection. Select one. M# # "UT <ists available M+,+ ports ready for selection. Select one. ["%] /ccept and save chan es [Cancel] Exit window without savin chan es. Reload &iles. %hen this option is chosen C6 will reload the files open in the data browser when the pro ram is started next time. elay

1ime in milliseconds between each packa e when sendin M+,+ out. +ncrease this number if you have problems with transfers not makin it over to the other side. 1ypical amounts should be in the 8 to 8( re ion.

1ime in ticks between packa es when sendin an audio file as a M+,+ S,S dump. / tick is around #56( second. +ncrease this number if you have problems with transfers not makin it over to the other side. 1ypical amounts would be # or *. Tur'o Li(it. 1his lets you limit the transfer speed selected when you press the turbo button in the main pro ram window. / turbo enabled M+,+ interface such as the Elektron 1M"# is needed. S S )ands*a%e. Select whether to use handshakin or not when sendin samples. Send S!S+,U- $a(e. &rom M, 7S#.6* the S!S"#$% allows a B letter sample name. C6 Sy.E/ Too0 U.1r2. M%&3%0 #

$UNCTIONS O$ THE CON$I,URE -IN(OSelect whether such a name should be constructed from the file name and sent to the device. S S evice $u('er. Select which device number the sample sender will communicate with. 1he Machinedrum reacts to all device numbers and responds usin device C(. Rec &or(at %hen receivin M+,+ S,S from an external device the dump is automatically split into one file for each sample. 1he format of the file is either /+&&, %/0, raw S,S or Done selectable in the =ec format list. +f Done is selected no splittin occurs and all data end up in one bi dump.


1his is C6 own file format that saves the list of the files currently loaded as well as their loop and stereo settin s. +f the c6 file is put in a parent directory of a file in the list, that file path will be stored relative to the directory. 1his can be useful for example if you want to archive or move a proEect.

1he C6 file can be saved either by not selectin any file in the file list or by specifyin the c6 extension in the save file selector.

1he C6 file is the selected file format when choosin save file and no files in the file list are selected.

C6 Sy.E/ Too0 U.1r2. M%&3%0


Version 1.4 Sendin and =eceivin S!S"#$% sample names added. 9u s when convertin some floatin point sample files fixed. 9etter support for %/0 files containin chunks with contradictin sample freFuencies. +mproved function of S,S handshakin .

Version 1.4B 7ctatrack sysex is now reco niGed. Some sysex ot corrupted upon reception. &ixed.

Version 1.4C

Ctrl"/ selects all files if the list is in focus. / bu showin the same file name for all files when savin multiple files has been fixed. Sendin individual SysEx messa es lar er than 6Bk9 is now possible.

Version 1.4D

Creatin ,i i!ro ,raw waveforms crashed C6. &ixed. Version 1.4E C6 =eco niGes /nalo &our SysEx. Support for hi h ,!+ settin s.

Version 1.4F

!reallocates =eceive memory buffer to keep up with very fast dumps.

C6 Sy.E/ Too0 U.1r2. M%&3%0

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