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Indian Institute of Management Rohtak

Post Graduate Diploma in Management Academic Year 2013-15 Term: 2, Managerial Communication II

GROUP ASSIGNMENT Analysing a case and communicating a decision report eightage !" # of the Grading
Submission eadline: 11!"5 #m T$ursda% ecember 5, 2013 &ral 'resentation o( t$e ecision )e#ort ecember *, 2013 Section A +!00 , 11!00 am- Section . 2!15- "!15 #m- Section C 11!15 , 1!15 #m $$$ Assume that it is August 2007. D Shivakumar, Managing Director of Nokia India, sends you all the information he can rovide on his com any and the current dilemma he is faced !ith "see A %om& in 'our Po(ket) *risis +eadership at Nokia India ,A# and asks you for advice. $lease go through the case A %om& in 'our Po(ket) *risis +eadership at Nokia India ,A# and analy%e it, and discuss the case in your &rou . 'ou have to communicate your decision in !riting as !ell as orally. Analysing A %om& in 'our Po(ket) *risis +eadership at Nokia India ,A#and Writing a Decision Report rite a !---./ord , A*0 de(ision report that tells D Shi1kumar /hat he should do and /h2$ (hile choosing an integrated strategic o tion)action lan for Nokia India, you must e* lore the follo!ing +uestions, -. (hat is the magnitude of the crisis. 2. /o! do you communicate to different stakeholders of the com any. 0. (hat should 1e done to save the Nokia 1rand in India) 'our team has to analy%e the case and !rite a ersuasive decision re ort. 2he re ort should not e*ceed !--!ords including an e*ecutive summary. 2his re ort and resentation !ill carry a !eight of !" # in overall grading. So, !ork hard on it. Please /rite (omplete senten(es and not in phrase form$ Please take (are of the follo/ing) -. 3ead the case carefully to understand it. 2hen analy%e it to identify the issues involved. 2. 2hen convene a meeting of all mem1ers in the &rou "$&$ &rou s#. Discuss your analysis. 2hen, !rite the re ort as a 4oint grou effort and do not co y from any other grou . Do not sho! your re ort to any other grou . 0. 2ake care of the content of your re ort, i.e., selection and logical se+uencing of data and ideas, +uality, creativity and de th of analysis, etc. 5. 6e ersuasive, i.e., 7se facts)logic)emotion to ersuade the reader to acce t the course of action that you are suggesting for D Shivkumar. 8. 2ake care of the language and resentation of your re ort, i.e., mechanics of !riting such as s elling, unctuation and grammar, clarity and 1revity, and reader orientation "tone and style#, etc. 9. Send your draft re ort as !ell as the final re ort to me :mail mashrafri%vi; 1efore the deadline. No draft re ort !ill 1e acce ted after the deadline. <n one day late su1mission of the final re ort the grade !ill 1e lo!ered one full category. /o!ever, for su1mitting an assignment after the

due date, the Instructor=s rior ermission should 1e sought. If the instructor does not give the ermission and the a er is su1mitted after the due date, the artici ant !ill get an 3 for the assignment. Evaluation Parameters for Decision Report (Group Assignment 2) Evaluation Parameters *ontent Selection and logical se+uencing of data and ideas "!eight, > ercent# ?uality, creativity and de th of analysis "!eight, > er cent# $ersuasion, use of logic "!eight, -2 er cent# and @larity and 1revity "!eight, > ercent# 3eader orientation "tone, style# "!eight, > ercent# Aanguage mechanics "&rammar, s ellings, unctuation# "!eight, 9 er cent# O1erall Impression "(eight, 9 er cent# Total ,4-0 Analysing Analysing A %om& in 'our Po(ket) *risis +eadership at Nokia India ,A# and making an oral presentation of your decision report 'ou have also to resent your re ort orally in the class as er the class timings. 2he oral resentation of the re ort !ill carry a !eight of 5- # in overall grading. 'ou have to resent the main action lan !ith a highB level im lementation lan for the ro osed strategy. 2he ur ose of this assignment is to rovide you !ith an o ortunity to analy%e a case and resent the analysis 1efore an audience. Assignment) :ach $artici ant &rou !ill orally resent an analysis of the case CA %om& in 'our Po(ket) *risis +eadership at Nokia India ,A#D. 'ou may use o!er oint if you !ish. 2he !eightage of this oral resentation of a case analysis is 50 E of the grading. All the groups /ill make presentations during Session !6$ Ea(h group /ill get a ma7imum of 4 minutes time to make the presentations$ The presentations /ill &e e1aluated on the &asis of (orre(t anal2sis of the (ase as /ell as effe(ti1e oral (ommuni(ation$ As %our 'artici#ant /rou#s meet and discuss t$e case, be sure to 0ee# e1er%one in1ol1ed in t$e #lanning #rocess! )emember 2e all $a1e di((erent strengt$s and areas t$at need to be de1elo#ed! T$is assignment s$ould be (un but it s$ould be c$allenging at t$e same time and %ou must remember %ou are all 2or0ing toget$er (or a common cause! Timelines) Ea(h group /ill &e gi1en si7 minutes for the presentation. 2his includes a oneBminute +uestion time. :ach team has to maintain the time and has to manage the resentation !ithin the time given. No e*tension !ill 1e allo!ed. Marks G rade !omments

+anguage presentation

Sele(ting Team +eader, 'ou need to select a leader for your case resentation. A good leader is crucial. /e)she needs to define the strategy, set the tone and e* lain the messaging. If he)she sim ly delegates a different segment of the resentation to each team mem1er !ithout ro er lanning and discussion, the result may 1e an ineffective case resentation. The Team, (hile 4o1 function is a crucial com onent in deciding the role that each mem1er has to lay, individual ersonalities are 4ust as im ortant. Do you have someone !ho can start the resentation very effectively 1y catching the attention of the audience. Do you have someone !hoFs good at using visual su ort during resentation. Do you have someone !ho can confidently close a resentation. :* lore the skills of every mem1er and make sure every erson on your team can contri1ute something to the grou . Make sure youFve defined your core team mem1ersF com etencies 1efore you go into the resentation. S2n(hroni8ation, @onsistency is essential for a rofessionalBlooking resentation as a strong, consistent message !ill really make your resentation stand out. Make sure everyone is clear on the aim of the resentation, the grammatical style, the acce ta1le amount of 4argon, the level of formality and anything else that !ill influence the final roduct. (hen you rehearse the resentation, you may videota e it so you can ick u any inconsistent messages. If your re time is short, you may !ant each team mem1er to create her o!n visuals. 2he key is to ensure the format is standardi%ed. 2he easiest !ay to do that is to create a master slide in your resentation soft!are and make sure that everyone follo!s it to the letter. 'our master slide should define the 1ackground, font, headings and su1headings, te*t and gra hics. <nce all the segments have 1een com leted, assign one mem1er !ith the task of utting the !hole thing together and checking each slide for consistency. $artici ant &rou s, 6e sure to ask me +uestions if you are unsure of the resentation or if you need clarification rior to your resentation. Evaluation Parameters for "ral Presentation of Decision Report (Group Assignment 2) Evaluation Parameters *ontent Selection and logical se+uencing of data and ideas "!eight, 9 ercent# ?uality, creativity and de th of analysis "!eight, 9 er cent# $ersuasion, use of logic "!eight, G er cent# and 7se of language, clarity, and 1revity "!eight, 9 ercent# Audience orientation and res onse "tone, style, audience res onse# "!eight, 5 ercent# 2eam synchroni%ation "!eight, 9 ercent# Marks Grade !omments

+anguage presentation

O1erall Impression "(eight, 5 er cent# Total ,5-0

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