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Management Point INDIAN HISTORY

Era of Hijri began in the year 622 Mahavira was born in the year 540 B.C. Somnath Temple was destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni in the year 1025 Saka Era began in the year 78 A.D. Fahien visited India during the period399 414 Indus Valley Civilization flourished during the years 2500-1500 B.C. Chandragupta Maurya defeated Seleucus in the year 305 B.C. Buddha was born in the year 563 B.C. Hiuen-Tsang traveled in India during the period629 645 The oldest of the Vedas is Rig Veda Prithvi Raj Chauhan: the Rajput ruler of Delhi and Ajmer defeated Muhammad Ghori, the Sultan of Ghazni in the first battle of Tarain fought in the year 1191 Reign of Kanishka was in the years120 162 Vikrama Era began in the year 58 B.C. Muhammad Bin Qasim Invaded Sind in the year 712 Ashoka defeated the King of Kalinga in the battle of Kalinga fought in the year 261 B.C. Alexander invaded India and defeated Porus in the battle of Hydaspes (Jhelum) fought in the year 326 B.C. Alexander died in the year 323 B.C. Buddha died in the year 323 B.C. First time Huns Invaded India in the year454 A.D. Aryabhatta was an Astronomer Akbar and his mentor Bairam Khan defeated Hemu in the second battle of Panipat fought in the year 1556 Razia became the first and last woman ruler of medieval India in the year 1206 Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlug founded the Tughluq dynasty In India in the year 1320 Akbar abolished Jizyah, or poll tax imposed on Hindus in the year 1564 Babar defeated Abraham Lodi and founded Mughal empire in India after the first battle of Panipat fought in the year 1526 The Slave dynasty was established by Qutub-ud-din-Aibak in the year 1206 Guru Nanak died in the year 1538 Babar defeated the Rajput chiefs led by Rana Sanga of Mewar the Battle of Khanwa fought in the year 1527 Muhammad Ghori defeated Prithvi Raj Chauhan in the second battle of Tarain fought in the year1 192 Combined forces of Ahmad Nagar, Golkonda and Bidar defeated the ruler of Vijay Nagar empire in the battle of Talikota fought in the year 1565 Vasco-da-Gama discovered sea- route to India and landed at Calicut in the year 1498 Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun in the Battle of Chausa fought in the year 1539 Ibn Batutah arrived in India in the year 1333 Filler invaded India in the year 1398 Marco Polo visited India in the year 1298 Guru Nanak was born in the year 1469 Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun and established Suri empire in Delhi after the Battle of Kanauj fought in the year 1540 Rana Pratap, the ruler of Mewar was defeated by Mughals under Man Singh in the battle of Haldighati fought in the year 1576 Mongols invaded India under Chengiz Khan in the year 1221 Vijaynagar empire was founded in the year 1336 Aurangzeb defeated and killed his elder brother Dara and ascended the Mughal throne after the battle of Samugarh fought in the years 1658-59

Management Point
Shivaji died in the year 1680 British under Clive defeated the Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-daulah, and paved the way for British power in India after the rattle of Plassey fought in the year 1757 The British under Clive defeated Nawab of Carnatic and French in the second Anglo-French War fought in the years 1748 54 Shivaji was born in the year 1627 English East India Company was formed in the year 1600 Ahmed Shah Abdali, the Afghan chief, defeated the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat fought in the year 1761 The third Anglo-French War was fought during the years 1758 63 The English got Diwani rights in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in the year 1765 Second Anglo-Mysore War was fought during the years 1780 84 Third Anglo-Mysore War was fought during the years 1790 92 Battle of Wandiwash was fought in the year 1760 Nadir Shah, ruler of (ran invaded India in the year 1739 Sir Thomas Roe visited Jahangir in the year 1615 Permanent settlement of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa was done in the year 1793 British forces defeated Tipu Sultan in the fourth Anglo- Mysore War fought in the year 1799 First Anglo-Maratha War was fought during the years 1775 82 Aurangzeb died in the year 1707 Combined forces of Nawab of Bengal, Oudh and fugitive Mughal emperor were defeated by the British in the battle of Buxar fought in the year 1764 First Anglo-Mysore War was fought during the years 1767 69 First Indian Railway line opened from Bombay to Thane In the year 1853 First World War started in the year 1914 First War of Indias Independence was fought in the year 1857 The Britishers defeated the combined forces of Scindia, Bhonsle and Holkars in the second Anglo- Maratha War fought during the years 1803 06 Indian Councils Act and Indian Penal Code were passed in the year 1861 Muslim League was formed in the year 1906 First World War ended in the year 1918 First partition of Bengal was done in the year 1905 Jawaharlal Nehru was born in the year 1889 Mahatma Gandhi was born in the year 1869 Rowlatt Act was passed in the year 1919 Marathas under Peshwa Baji Rao, Babasahib Bhonsle and Holkar were defeated by British in the third AngloMaratha War fought during the years 1817 19 Delhi became the capital of India in the year 1911 British defeated the Sikhs and forced them to sign treaty of Lahore in the first Anglo-Sikh War fought during the years 1845 46 Census of India started in thereat 1901 Minto-Morley reforms were introduced in the year 1909 The Sikhs were defeated by British and Punjab was annexed by the British Company after the second AngloSikh War fought during the years 1848 49 Non-cooperation Movement was started during the period 1920 22 Rabindranath Tagore was born in the year 1861 Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in the year 1839

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