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Knightdale, North Carolina

Understanding & Insights Presentation

Branding is the strategic orchestration of all that you do to affect what your community members, consumers and competition are saying about Knightdale.


Consumer Competition


You are Here


Brand Identity (including logo & line) & Brand Action

Consumers Competition

Research & Planning Audit Communication Audit Situation Analysis Familiarization Tour Key Stakeholder Interviews Undercover Interviews Focus Groups Vision Survey Community Survey Brand Barometer Geo-demography Profiling (Residents)

Geo-demography Consumer Profiling (Regional Profile) Consumer Awareness & Perception Study (Quantitative) Visitors and Non-visitors Top Business Prospects Perception Study (Qualitative) Regional stakeholders and economic development and tourism professionals Digital Brand Audit

In-Market Trip Research & Planning Audit Communication Audit Situation Analysis Competitive Analysis Consumer Awareness & Perception Study (Quantitative) Visitors and Non-visitors Perception Study (Qualitative) Regional stakeholders and economic development and tourism professionals

Resident Perceptions
Knightdale is best described as growing.
If you had to pick a word or phrase to describe Knightdale, what would it be?
Growing Small town Convenient Accessible Community Home Friendly Safe Shopping Natural beauty Connected Active Other Restaurants 0%

35.3% 29.4% 18.8% 15.9% 15.3% 14.7% 10.6% 5.3% 3.5% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9% 1.8% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Other: Bland, suburban

CAP Study
What phrase or adjective best describes Knightdale, NC?
Suburb of Raleigh Small-town Growing Unknown Shopping center with restaurants Boring, nothing to do Affordable Unsafe 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 7% 6% 19%

23% 19%

Poorly performing schools



CAP Study
Is Knightdale different from other suburbs of Raleigh?

Why yes? Lower priced homes. It has struggled to grow. Very easy access to 540 easier to get to other parts of Raleigh. Why no? Its a suburb of Raleigh. I dont know any distinguishing characteristics. Its a growing small town, like most.

45% 55%

Knightdale Assets

Shopping Restaurants Location/proximity to Raleigh I-540, I-440/40 and 64/264 Available land Knightdale Station Neuse River Variety of housing stock Mingo Creek Greenway

Healthcare facilities Parks and recreation department Safe Affordable East Regional Library Environmental Park Harper Park Midway Plantation Historic Site Knightdale Seafood and BBQ

Resident Perceptions
Small-town atmosphere was rated the most important aspect of Knightdales identity.
What two things are most important to Knightdale's identity as a community?
Small-town atmosphere 32.1% 28.0% 25.6% 23.8% 22.0%

Connectivity (highways, neighborhoods, residents, etc.)

Growth potential Safety Rural community with urban amenities Knightdale Station Location Friendliness Young population Downtown/Old town 6.0% 3.6% 1.8% 0% 10% 20% 8.3% 11.9% 14.9%


Desire to be active and fit




Other: Cultural diversity, education

Resident Perceptions
Great location/accessibility is Knightdales highest rated community offering.
COMMUNITY OFFERINGS: Please rate the following Knightdale attributes on a scale from 1-10.
Where 1 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent." Great location/accessibility Affordable cost of living Overall quality of life Great place to raise a family Natural beauty Connectivity of city Shopping options Strength of community leadership A community with a desire to be fit and active Array of recreation opportunities 6.40 6.28 6.14 6.07 5.09 4.40 4.29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7.34 7.13 6.96 8.49



Dining options
Activities for young people An active arts and culture scene Great schools

Resident Perceptions
Most businesses are attracted to Knightdale by access to I-540, I-440/40, and 64/24.
Most businesses in Knightdale are attracted by...
Access to I-540, I-440/40 and 64/264 Proximity to Raleigh and RTP Affordability Supportive business community 65.4%

27.2% 22.8% 22.2%

Surrounding population density

Quality of life Businesses are not attracted to Knightdale Tax breaks and incentives

6.2% 4.9% 3.7%

Safe community
Other Available workforce 0%

3.1% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Other: Available space, I dont know

Brand Barometer
Brand Advocacy Score = % Promoters % Detractors
When removing the Passives category, Knightdale significantly outperforms the national average as a place to live and conduct business. It also performs close to the national average in visitation.
Brand Advocacy Comparison
50% 46.7%


National Score


Knightdale, NC

12.9% 10% 4.1% 0% Living -10% Visiting Conducting Business -4.6% 9.7%

Knightdale Challenges

Negative perceptions of Eastern Wake Co. No true town center No high-end restaurants Limited local businesses Lack of hotels Limited entertainment options Perception that Raleigh is far away Poorly performing schools

No destination attractions No real community identity No development in downtown/old town No high-end housing options Perception of crime (gang activity in schools) Managing positive growth

Resident Perceptions
The highest rated area of improvement was improving schools.
In your opinion, which area of improvement would have the greatest positive impact on Knightdale?
Improving schools Reason to visit (destination attraction / entertainment) Opportunities for young professionals Downtown/Old town development Better dining and retail 23.2% 21.4% 17.9% 12.5% 8.3% 7.7% 4.8% 41.1% 53.0%

City appearance (streetscapes / signage, etc.) Cooperation / collaboration among community / businesses
Positive attitude and community pride Marketing and promotion of unified message Other Visible leadership and transparency in government 0%

4.8% 1.2%
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Other: Connecting to the greenway, keep growth small

Knightdale Opportunities

Adding charter or private schools Destination attraction Creating a visitor experience Knightdale Station Amphitheater Developing downtown/old town Entryway signage along Knightdale Blvd Mingo Creek Greenway Knightdale Station Master Plan Providing tax incentives for businesses Adding high-end real estate

Resident Perceptions
Entertainment and nightlife are missing from Knightdale.
What is missing in Knightdale?
Entertainment and nightlife Job opportunities Reasons to visit 27.4% 24.4% 22.0% 15.5% 13.7% 13.7% 6.5% 5.4% 4.8% 4.2% 3.6% 3.6% 1.8% 55.4%

Higher quality retail and restaurants

Overnight accommodations

High-end real estate development

Distinct identity

Attractive entryways
Organized business attraction efforts

Large corporation
Community pride and vocal advocates Marketing and PR Other Visible, responsive leadership








Other: Better schools, nothing

Perception Study
Economic Development No identity for business Lacking product Great transportation options (64, 264, 540, airport) Good quality of life Lack of downtown area Strong town leadership Opportunity to attract growing companies in transition Visitors Create/promote a destination attraction Attract regional sports tournaments Develop festivals and events Create a bike race/run along the Greenway Become known as the extreme sports destination in Wake County Create and promote corporate team-building activities Make the Neuse River accessible and offer canoe and kayak rentals

CAP Study
Did your perception change in a positive or negative way?

Did your perception of Knightdale change once you visited the area?
yes no




What changed your perception? Just seeing how much growth and what was available in the area. The new opportunities to shop, eat and take care of business close to home and out of Raleigh. Liked the small town feel and met some really nice people .

CAP Study
From the following list, what do you find most appealing when relocating to a new city? Choose all that apply.
Affordable homes Proximity to shopping and restaurants Proximity to job Proximity to healthcare services Recreational opportunities Walkability Quality of K-12 Schools Arts and cultural opportunities Small-town atmosphere Progressive city leadership Communitys growth potential Bike lanes Other 0% 6% 5% 20% 40% 60% 80% 28% 27% 58% 74%

64% 45%

35% 34% 31%

Other: Safety, proximity to family

Resident Perceptions
Which of the following includes your age?
75 or over 65 - 74 55 - 64 1.2% 3.0%

21.7% 27.7% 33.7% 4.2% 0.0%

45 - 54
35 - 44 25 - 34 18 - 24 Under 18










Knightdale Population Characteristics

Up and Coming Families (58.9%)
Young, affluent families with small children Own new single-family homes 65% attended college Median age is <32 and median HHI $67,000

Eat fast food often and enjoy activities like ball games and going to the zoo
Tend to travel domestically First-time homeowners purchasing household basics Starting or expanding families purchasing baby equipment, toys, etc.

CAP Study
What is the benefit of living in a community with a concentration of young residents? Choose all that apply.
More growth opportunities 57%

More physically active residents


More energetic residents


Opportunity for more engagement


More interest in nightlife/entertainment options

0% 10% 20% 30%

35% 40% 50% 60%

Conclusions based on research

Knightdales History




Knightdale benefited from the addition of 540 - the outer beltline.The town serves as a crossroads of two interstate highways. Because Knightdale is now very close in proximity to Raleigh, it can benefit from the growth already taking place across the region. - Quote from research


We need to uncover our identity and find one that balances the Towns modest history with the relative youth of its population.

- Quote from research

We need to uncover our identity and find one that balances the Towns modest history with the relative youth of its population.

- Quote from research

Leveraging your Population

The world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. -Robert Kennedy

Knightdale is continuously moving forward, progressing each year. The town still has a lot of room for growth and development and is close to all major highways and corridors. We are growing into a place that attracts young, growing, modern families.

Knightdale has a better opportunity than its neighbors to grow and define itself.
We have the room and the time to create a thriving future for Knightdale.

Affordable homes Space Safety Parks Recreational opportunities Healthcare facilities Amenities Proximity to downtown Raleigh Regional connectivity Access to jobs Access to higher education institutions

Young families The young at heart Families who want to plant roots Citizens who want to be involved Those that want to have a stake in how their community grows Physically active residents Fresh thinking Members of the creative class Entrepreneurs Future leaders

Knightdale Brand Platform

Strategic Direction informed by research Internal Statement, not for public consumption Not an emotional or creative statement This is the foundational statement as we move into the creative process

Brand Platform Definition

Target Audience: Frame-of-Reference: Drill down to those for whom your community has the most appeal Simplistic reference and identifier for someone who knows nothing about your community


What is most relevant and distinct about you


What is in it for the residents and businesses

Knightdale, NC Brand Platform

Target Audience: Frame-of-Reference: For those searching for a welcoming, youthful culture, Knightdale, located just 9 miles from Downtown Raleigh, NC at the crossroads of I-540 and U.S.264, is an emerging city with a magnetic energy fueled by the optimism and brain power of a young population giving you a central role in a future where anything is possible.


Platform Rationale
For those searching for a welcoming, youthful culture,
The town was often described as having a small town vibe. That feeling is evident through your friendliness, willingness to embrace new residents, enthusiasm for improving the community and participation in events like the annual Christmas Parade. Moving forward, Knightdale needs to assert a certain tone to attract those that want to branch out from the City of Oaks in search of a growing and affordable city. Knightdales median age is 31.6. A young median age translates to a youthful culture. Future efforts should work to create and promote programs for youth and young professionals to get them more involved in all aspects of the community.

Platform Rationale
Knightdale, located just 9 miles from Downtown Raleigh, NC at the crossroads of I-540 and U.S.264,
The fact that Knightdale is located less than 10 miles from Downtown Raleigh should be a key message in all town communications moving forward (as some research showed that outsiders perceive you as rural). The addition of I-540 and U.S. 264 have transformed Knightdale making it more accessible and more convenient.You are now connected to a world of opportunity and on track for continued growth. According to the research, there are some that arent aware that youre no longer a rural community. We need to highlight your accessibility to encourage others to visit and see firsthand how Knightdale has grown and prospered in recent years.

Platform Rationale
is an emerging city with a magnetic energy fueled by the optimism and brain power of a young population
Knightdale truly is an emerging city. As we heard throughout the research, you are one of the few Raleigh suburbs that hasnt been fully developed.You have an opportunity today to shape what you will become in the future. Some of your residents are even describing Knightdale as New Town. Magnetic through messaging you can work to attract residents because you are one of the most affordable and accessible suburbs within the county. According to research, you have the potential to target start ups in downtown Raleigh that are in a transitional stage too large for an urban space, but too small for a corporate space. 41.2% of people in Knightdale have a bachelors degree thats over 10% higher than the national average. Youre adding to your brain power by making strides in the public school system, while also adding a private and charter school. Positioning yourself in this light also gives you an opportunity to play up your access to talent in the region and proximity to higher education institutions.

Platform Rationale
giving you a central role in a future where anything is possible.
Because you have available land, affordable homes, a young population and are still an emerging city your residents have a chance to step up and take the reins. If you begin promoting Knightdale as a place where residents can play a central role in developing the community youll attract the ideal resident. One that is motivated, optimistic, willing to work and most importantly to plant roots. Throughout history, weve learned that communities that are emerging and not quite developed tend to attract younger residents, the creative class, artists, and entrepreneurs. Moving forward, as we position Knightdale to residents, businesses and visitors the key part of messaging should always circle back to that fact that you have the lowest median age in Wake County. The environment that a young population creates is what makes you distinct.

Knightdale, NC Brand Platform

Target Audience: Frame-of-Reference: For those searching for a welcoming, youthful culture, Knightdale, located just 9 miles from Downtown Raleigh, NC at the crossroads of I-540 and U.S.264, is an emerging city with a magnetic energy fueled by the optimism and brain power of a young population giving you a central role in a future where anything is possible.


Next Steps
Approval of Brand Platform (strategy) Assembly and shipment of Research BrandPrint Report Potentially Contract for Imagination and Action Development of Written Creative Concepts

Looks and Logo Development

Development of Creative Elements in Brand Identity Guide Brand Action Recommendations Assembly and shipment of Final BrandPrint Report


Kelley Brackett
Community Brand Coordinator North Star Destination Strategies Nashville, Tennessee 615.232.2103

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