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1. When a new staff member is appointed, the HR Department sends him or her a copy of an induction checklist (see below) with his or her contract of employment. t the same time the HR Department sends the followin! letter to the senior staff member most closely in"ol"ed in the staff member#s recruitment$


%o$ dmin &ection Head'Head of &chool Dear Induction for new member of staff (ame$ &tart date$ %he followin! !uidelines ha"e been prepared to make sure new members of staff are made welcome on their first day and helped to settle into )irkbeck *uickly and to ensure that they are !i"en all the information and !uidance they need to become familiar with the +olle!e and its procedures and practices. %he new appointee will ha"e recei"ed induction information with their contract of employment and will e,pect to be assi!ned a mentor when they take up their post. -lease choose someone to act as a mentor and !o throu!h the !uidelines when the new member of staff takes up his'her appointment. %he mentor does not ha"e to be a senior member of staff but should be a collea!ue who is willin! and able to pro"ide appropriate support. .nce completed, the induction checklist should be returned to &taff De"elopment. %hank you for your help. /ours sincerely

HR Department New Staff Induction Procedure uide!ines for "entors %he induction process should help to welcome new members of staff when they take up their post and !i"e them the necessary information and ad"ice to settle in, find their way around and incorporate them into their school or section. 0t is important that new staff are not hampered in their work by lack of information and are put in touch with other collea!ues who are able to support and encoura!e them. 0nduction is carried out as follows$ 1. +entral induction sessions .ne day sessions are or!anised by &taff De"elopment to introduce new staff to )irkbeck and its senior administrati"e staff and to e,plain its history and how it operates. &essions are held in the utumn and &prin! terms and all new members of staff are re*uired to attend a session. Details are circulated by &taff De"elopment and publicised on the &taff De"elopment website.

2. 0nduction to the &chool or &ection %his is the role of the mentor. +hecklists for 1eneral 1uidance and &afety are attached to ensure essential areas are co"ered at the appropriate time.

&uccessful 2entorin! Remember how it felt when you first arri"ed at )irkbeck and what information and actions helped you to settle in and what problems you encountered. &hare your ac*uired knowled!e and e,perience in a friendly way with the new appointee. (e!otiate and a!ree how best to work to!ether 3 when and how often to meet 3 how and where to make contact. ct as an access point to other people and help the new member of staff to build up their own network of contacts. /ou aren#t e,pected to know all the answers.

1ood 2entors are pproachable +onfidential and discreet Reliable

Staff Induction C#ec$!ist

New "ember of Staff (ame$ 4ob %itle$ &tart Date$ &chool$ Induction "entor 4ob %itle$ First Da% &e!come 0ntroduction to collea!ues %our of &chool or department$ +loakroom'toilet facilities %ea and coffee facilities' !eneral caterin! facilities 1o throu!h first pa!e of Welcome to )irkbeck document (sent to all new staff with contract) +onfirm hours of work (start and finish times) +onfirm annual lea"e (5ntitlement, bookin! procedure and completion of the annual lea"e card) &how entry and e,it points to buildin! ettin' Started 0ssue and e,plain internal telephone directory 0ssue and e,plain school handbook 1i"e email address and telephone number 5,plain team dri"es, shared and personal folders 1i"e any rele"ant computin! information 1i"e or!anisational charts'lists Pa% Arran'ements +onfirm pay dates %ell location of -ayroll &ection -67 sent to -ayroll First &ee$ (ob Re)uirements *e+p!ained b% !ine mana'er, Role and responsibilities -erformance standards &uper"ision'probation e,plained Persona! and Professiona! De-e!opment *e+p!ained b% !ine mana'er, )irkbeck &taff De"elopment &trate!y "isce!!aneous 8sin! the colle!e#s 9ibrary facilities 8sin! ++&#s computin! facilities 0D card (see -hoto 8nit) Recei"ed in"itation to the 0ntroduction to )irkbeck day "eetin's wit# Senior Staff 2eetin! with the Dean'Director 2eetin! with Head of &chool'Deputy Director Staff Safet% Induction First Da% +heck +olle!e &afety -olicy recei"ed (sent to all new staff with contract) 0ntroduction to &chool'&ection &afety .fficer


0ssue &chool'Departmental &afety -olicy 5,plain 5mer!ency rran!ements$ :ire alarms Raisin! the alarm'diallin! 777 5"acuation procedures 5,its 5,plain ccident'0ncident reportin! procedures :irst id +ontact +onduct Risk ssessment rele"ant to role 5,plain any rele"ant safety'hy!iene precautions 5,plain any rele"ant super"isory safety responsibilities First &ee$ 0dentify any safety trainin! needs and arran!e trainin! +heck understandin! of safety policies and risk assessment First "ont# rran!e attendance at )irkbeck &afety 0nduction &ession +ontact$ %om 2c+artney (&afety .fficer) %elephone$ ;21< 5mail$ Webpa!e$ http$'''so' Date attended$

Induction Checklist Completed New Member of Staff Signature: Safety Officer Signature: Induction Mentor Signature: Date:



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