Advertising Plan: Olper's Milk

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Advertising Plan

Olpers Milk

Situation Analysis

Industry Overview

Company Information


Markets Served
The milk se tor shows a market that has homogeneous preferen es that is the onsumers have similar preferen es. They want milk to !e white" arefully pro essed" and good for health and !ones. The markets" even ur!ani#ed" still have a strong preferen e towards the $doodhwala who in their minds is the sour e of purest and most fresh milk. Also" pri e differential !etween pa kaged milk and un%pro essed milk is also a strong influen e on their de ision

Market Share and Sales &istory

Methods of 'istri!ution

Impli ations of any market resear h

(efore the in eption of the !rand Olpers" AC. )eilson arried out a marketing resear h for *ngro +oods to determine the via!ility of the !rand name $Olpers and the market readiness through surveys" interviews and fo us groups. ,-.. names were reviewed and analy#ed !efore Olpers was de ided

Target Market
S.No BEHAVIOURAL BENEFITS 1 Healthy, nutritious, all purpose PSYCHOGRAPHIC PERSONALITY ariety TRAITS see!in" e$perien%ers 2 Hi"h nutrition, lo) *at +oal *o%use' # DEMOGRAPHIC INCOME CLASS &pper an' upper# (i''le an' upper#

oriente',%areer &pper (i''le

Marketing O!/e tives

Marketing Mi0

Pri e


Media mi0 for Olpers milk in ludes T1" print" outdoor" radio a tivities.

Advertising O!/e tives

Primary 1s. Sele tive 'emand

&ow Olpers is doing it4

Olpers tries to get tremendous e0posure where the ustomers are most likely to look for milk2 shelf position" !ill!oards" T1Cs et . Olpers 3SP2 $all purpose milk and for Olwell $low fat%high al ium diet milk is refle ted and reminded in all ampaigns to stand out.

'ire t vs. Indire t A tion

Olpers advertising o!/e tive is to stimulate !oth dire t and indire t a tion. Through their promotional ampaigns like the ones during 5am#an and otherwise" they try to get a dire t response from people to motivate them to !uy. Indire t a tion is mostly the ase where they are trying to reate favora!le attitudes towards the !rand Olpers.

The Advertising Pyramid

In 6 years" to ommuni ate the !enefits of pure and all purpose milk and to -76rds of 8.9 of people still using unpa kaged milk. Awareness %In - years" ommuni ate the !enefits of low%fat%high% al ium milk to ,76rd of pa kaged milk users. Awareness %Try to ommuni ate Olpers value proposition" image and try to position itself as a pure and all purpose milk. Comprehension %To ommuni ate Olwells value proposition" image and position itself as a high lass" diet milk. Comprehension %To onvin e the informed group that Olwell is the pure" all purpose and healthy for !ones drinking milk2 something !etter in the same pri e for pa kaged milk. Conviction %To onvin e the informed group a!out the high al ium and low fat in Olwell" something that will help you live a su essful and healthy life. Conviction %Stimulate desire among people through effe tive ampaign. Desire %Motivate the desired group to try the milk eg. through free sampling with !read :Olpers did this when they entered the market;.

Advertising Strategy

Produ t Con ept


<im%=ord Pur hase 'e ision Position Matri0

Target Market

Media rea hing the target audien e

S ope of Media Plan

Copy *lements

Art *lements


Olper's Milk ensures that you enjoy every Sehr & Iftar with your family throu hout this !lesse" month# $et optimism & the spirit of cele!ration !rin you even closer to ether as you et rea"y to share this !lesse" %i" with your love" ones#

Art *lements


$ive lar er than life with Olwell &i h Calcium $ow 'at Milk( %nriche" with hi h Calcium )itamin % an" less than *+ fat( Olwell Milk ives you the stren th of ), cal so you-re unstoppa!le#


The Advertising (udget

The marketing situation

The marketing situation

Method of Allo ation

O!/e tive7task method (efore Olpers entered the market" the e0isting !rands were following a rather su!tle advertising. Olpers was laun hed with one of the !iggest advertising ampaigns that the nation has ever seen and then in self defense &alee! and Milkpak re%thought their advertisement !udgets. Olpers sets its o!/e tives spe ifi ally and onsiders marketing as a tool to generate sales. It determines its strategy a ording to the o!/e tives set and then estimates the ost whi h !e omes the !asis of advertising !udget.

5e ommendations

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